Light the misty mountains!

"According to Saintess's instructions, we should be able to walk here, right?"

Under the misty mountains, two little fox girls came.

These two little fox girls were selected by the fox girl Qing Ling.

The two of them witnessed Lin Yan burning First Rank giant bear to death in that rainy night, and they believed in Lin Yan relatively firmly.

"It should be here. If you go further, you will enter the misty mountains."

Another little fox girl said.

"Let’s wait here and pray in turn."

The two little fox girls drank some water and ate something.

Then prayed in turn.

In the pile of firewood that foxkin gave birth, Lin Yan turned on Virtual Divine Spark, and then heard the prayer of a little fox girl.

Virtual Divine Spark is like a belief collector and receiver, in fact it also has the function of searching, filtering and blocking.

Otherwise, there are so many believers in a god, there are countless people praying at all times, and they will not be bored to death if they keep listening.

Through their prayers, Lin Yan successfully opened the channel through the line of faith, and then got in.

Yes, Lin Yan is directly below the misty mountains in this way.

At any rate, he is also a person with Virtual Divine Spark, how could Lin Yan drift over by himself!

"Ah, look, why is there a fire in the sky?"

A little fox girl pointed to the sky.

"Yes, that fire is about to drift into the misty mountains!"

Another little fox woman said.

Lin Yan didn't disturb the two little fox girls. As soon as they appeared, they directly used a gust of wind to drift towards the misty mountains.

In the misty mountains, there is not much water left.

It is called a mountain because the misty mountain is naturally not a continuous mountain, but a mountain.

Among the misty mountains, there are still mountains outside.

Among the mountains, there is a primordial forest that can no longer be primordial. Above the forest, there is a fog that will last for years!

Lin Yan did not land in a hurry, but used the wind to continuously climb up.

Soon, Lin Yan bypassed the first hill and entered the hinterland of the misty mountains.

"There don't seem to be many animals, but poisons are the main ones."

Lin Yan was carefully observing the mountains through the Eye of Investigation.

Here is the restricted area of ​​life not just in name only, but also in reality.

After observing for a while, Lin Yan no longer hesitated and plunged directly into a towering tree.

"Burning trees should have more energy points than burning weeds, right?"

Lin Yan whispered.

There are not many trees in wasteland, almost all of them are weeds.

This is why Lin Yan has gained more than 100,000 energy points from the firewood produced by foxkin in the past two days.

As a result, the whole wasteland was burned, and it was the reason why more than 800,000 energy points were obtained.

Burning the whole verdant wasteland requires a lot of consumption!

However, burning wasteland still helped Lin Yan complete the primordial accumulation of energy points.

Now, let this misty mountain to complete Lin Yan's First Transformation!

As soon as Lin Yan plunged into that towering tree, he activated Furious Burn's skills.

This time, Lin Yan used more energy points!


The flames burst out all at once.

Now Lin Yan, regardless of energy point, under full combustion, there will be a high temperature of nearly two thousand degrees.

This is the high temperature that can melt ordinary steel.

Now, on Lin Yan's Furious Burn skill, the temperature has risen again!

At such a terrifying temperature, the towering tree was ignited with a "boom".

All the green leaves lose their moisture in an instant and turn yellow, and then join the burning army!

Lin Yan no longer cares about these towering trees, and then puts on another big tree.

A few days ago, he needed wind to help the fire to burn the entire wasteland.

He is completely unnecessary now.

The forest of the misty mountains began to be lit by Lin Yan!

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