Lord of Deception

Chapter 456: Dark-hearted, old man (6k)

When another fragment, not much smaller, appeared from the sky, carrying thunder and fire, and whizzing down, the ancient god's mentality changed slightly.

One step back, one step back.

Now she can only take advantage of the geographical location of the deep sea, the inherent chaotic power here, and the weirdness to continue to catch the falling debris.

No choice.

If she had the ability, she could not wait for this fragment to fall into the territory of the Daqian Dynasty.

Unfortunately, by now, this huge fragment will inevitably fall into the deep sea, and it will be useless for anyone to come.

The exact same path as before, started over again.

But this time, there was something different from when the first largest piece of debris fell.

Because there are still a large number of tiny fragments as huge as mountains, falling together with the second large fragment.

These fragments all followed the first huge fragment. At this moment, they were like meteorites burning with fire, turning into a rain of fire and roaring into the deep sea.

No one has the energy to take care of these meteors anymore. Forget it, just let these meteors fall into the deep sea. Anyway, it won't be worse.

The only thing the ancient god could do was to prevent the falling debris from penetrating the deep sea.

And she can only continue to let order continue to emerge in the deep sea, and let the first huge fragment be completely transformed into order, completely transformed into the sea bed and the bottom of the sea, the kind that can no longer regret it.

With this thing as the backbone and the deep sea itself, it should be able to withstand it completely.

The ancient god rarely returned his consciousness to the present, and his gaze seemed to cross the sky and look into the void.

But she already knew what happened recently, knew that Lao Qianhuang was planning to destroy the world, and even more understood why Lao Qianhuang did what he did.

However, at this moment, she always had the feeling that this was a conspiracy specifically targeting her.

The always special Lao Qianhuang, the invincible tiger, the real dragon that appears out of nowhere, and the even more inexplicable Yu Ziqing who is even weirder than weird.

Four guys who couldn't be tampered with joined forces in the void to make this game.

First, on the pretext of destroying the present world, he would directly demolish the house. With Lao Qianhuang's temperament, even at this moment, the ancient god believed that Lao Qianhuang really dared to do this.

Lao Qianhuang dared to go on a killing spree and come directly to destroy the world and let countless people die, but the ancient god was unwilling to be buried with countless people.

If he didn't agree, he would demolish the house directly, and the foundation would be demolished. Then he would have to cooperate, open a door, and cooperate to strengthen the dilapidated and crumbling house, and then rebuild the foundation. Reinforce it.

The two parties who are hostile to each other internally, and the ancient gods who are hostile externally, have several parties working together to do one thing. This is indeed an unprecedented thing.

It's normal to have done something that was never possible before.

But because of this, the Ancient God always felt that this was a deliberate move by those four guys, relying on their inability to be tampered with.

But she really didn't dare to bet, because if she bet, it was stud. There was no need to risk everything.

Moreover, after Lao Qianhuang completely lost control, she felt that this guy was a bit difficult to figure out.

Nowadays, no matter what you think or what the facts are, it will not affect the current result. The ancient god is silent, using the power of the character she carries, mobilizing the deep sea and those strange things to catch the fragments full of destructive power. .

When the second huge piece of debris fell and was not completely stable, the third, slightly smaller piece had already appeared, and there was nothing surprising for the ancient god.

Go ahead and take it.

In the void, Lao Qianhuang, Yu Ziqing and his party were far apart, looking at each other in the air. Together they quietly watched the pieces of debris lining up to fall into the real world.

Looking at the huge fragment, it directly tore apart the space and appeared in the real world.

In the void, the intense power fluctuations were hundreds of times more intense than in the real world.

The fluctuations were like waves, spreading into the endless void.

On the cliff of the void, the Cliff God King looked back at the cliff, peering into the entire world.

He could see fragments as huge as the territory of the Divine Dynasty, falling into the deep sea with strength.

He saw the huge fragment falling right into the center of the vast deep sea, where flames and thunderstorms could be seen.

Then, he saw again that after the fragment sank into the deep sea, the huge whirlpool in the center of the deep sea began to slowly shrink in scope.

Even, it started to fade away slowly...

The big hole was beginning to be filled.

The Cliff God King stopped, his strength fluctuated violently, and he said nothing in the end.

Obviously, this situation could only happen with the help of the ancient gods.

However, in this situation, the ancient god had no choice.

This kind of mistake made the Cliff God King involuntarily think of a few dead people, which was too similar to their previous methods.

But then, he shook his head, it was impossible, those dead people would not have calculated to this extent when they were alive.

The most important thing is that they will not be so proactive, so fierce, and risk everyone's lives.

The Cliff God King secretly sighed. This was caused by the Ancient God himself. He single-handedly forced the old Emperor Ganhuang into what he is today, turning that guy into an unprecedented and desperate lunatic.

Fortunately, he has sped up and is coming at a faster pace.

Moreover, the progress of the way of refining the gods has been stuck, preventing people from advancing to the tenth level.

The loss is not big, the flesh is cut off bit by bit, and with this effect, he can actually accept it.

If he had not been doing this all the time, if Lao Qianhuang had advanced to the tenth level long ago, he would not dare to think about what would happen now.

In the past two eras, the most intense fluctuations have emerged in the void. Where the dead world collides with the living world, the most intense power actually blooms into the void.

The fluctuation spreads in all directions without distinction. Without any hindrance, it will spread far and wide.

When most of the fragments fell into the real world, in a corner of the deep void, the sleeping Seven Yin King was awakened by such violent fluctuations.

In his lair, he glanced in the direction of the current world, quietly feeling the sweeping aftermath, and cautiously swallowing all the aftermath that passed over his lair into his lair.

His nest blocked the aftermath. If a small part of it was reflected back, someone might find something here.

The aftershocks that came from the void and continued to decay, impacted the parts of his lair, and continued to impact and destroy his lair, as if there was a ninth-level man running wild here.

After sensing carefully for a long time, the Seven Yin King became more and more silent.

Even though they were so far away, they still had such power when they came to him. This kind of thing was beyond his control, and he didn't want to.

He knew that decades ago, he sensed something eating away at his path bit by bit. It was a conspiracy!

As long as he didn't hold back and went back, he would definitely not be able to escape what happened this time.

He may not be able to escape such a ferocious change.

If he were to die, wouldn't all the gods in the past be considered completely wiped out?

In the past hundred years, Chaiwang died, Jiu Nian died, these immortal gods are still dead after all. If he died, why wouldn't he die?

Qi Yin looked at the dilapidated lair, and continued to incorporate all the aftermath that touched his lair into the lair. He just watched quietly.

When the aftermath of this wave dissipated, he continued to take his lair and move forward in a deeper direction.

No one can force him to go back!

The extremely chaotic deep sea became more and more orderly as fragments of dead worlds fell.

Even if fragments continued to fall from the edge along the way, more than 95% of the entire dead world still successfully fell into the living world.

Such huge fragments must have been surpassed long ago by just turning into the seabed.

The bottom of the sea appeared in the deep sea, and then undulating undersea mountains began to appear within it. After constantly piling up, some huge fragments finally began to turn into giant peaks and rushed out of the sea.

In the endless deep sea, islands began to appear sporadically.

The most central place is where the accumulation is the most serious. After the island that appears here rises, it will be smashed down by the next piece of debris. It cannot climb too high, so it can only expand horizontally.

Initially it was an island no more than a few dozen miles away, and then it expanded to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of miles away...

A new land appeared in the center of the deep sea.

This piece of land is like a sea-fixing needle, suppressing the center of the deep sea and maintaining the existing order.

Even though most of the deep sea is as chaotic as ever, it has stabilized here.

Most of a dead world fell here. At this moment, the ancient god was unable to change anything.

In the void, there is only the last smallest fragment left, which has not yet fallen into the real world.

The dust will soon be completely settled.

However, at this moment, the last huge piece of debris kept rolling, and suddenly the landslide began to crack.

A large number of cracks appeared quickly, cracking from the inside out.

Within a few breaths, the last piece of debris was seen directly shattering into several pieces and separated from each other.

Yu Ziqing turned to look at Lao Qianhuang in the distance, still floating steadily in the void, as if he had not seen this scene.

The old sheep's face was as dark as water, holding a glorious compass in one hand and making calculations quickly.

The tiger moved the fastest and immediately turned into a ray of light and chased after him.

He caught up with the largest piece after it collapsed, and struck it, causing it to shatter into hundreds of pieces again.

As the halo floated, it carried a large number of fragments and threw them toward the deep sea.

But other slightly smaller fragments have begun to touch the edges of the real world.

On the other side, Lao Yang recalculated the trajectory within three breaths.

At this point, it is no longer possible to stop the fragment, and it will inevitably fall into the real world.

Even if the smallest piece breaks into smaller pieces again, it is destined to be intercepted only in this world.

The old sheep had a sullen face and spoke quickly.

"The remaining fragments, the three largest ones, will fall to the east of the Great Zhen, to the west of the Great Li, and to the west of the Great Dui."

Yu Ziqing understood instantly and glanced at Lao Ganhuang in the distance.

He still guessed right, Lao Qianhuang really had some private goods.

Now, all that is left is the dead world, the last big fragment that has shattered into pieces that have not yet fallen into the deep sea.

At this point, the dust has settled.

This world will definitely not be destroyed.

And this last big fragment was tampered with by Lao Qianhuang, and at the last moment, it broke into four pieces.

He was sure that the tiger would definitely take action, so he made one of the four pieces obviously larger.

If the tiger blocks the largest piece, it will definitely not be able to block the other three separate pieces.

And the places where the three pieces fell happened to be the Great Earthquake, the Great Li, and the Great Dui.

These three pieces cannot destroy the present world, but it is still very possible to severely damage the vitality of the three gods.

Lao Qianhuang is already paving the way for what follows.

Yu Ziqing looked at Lao Yang with a serious face.

Lao Yang said with his face sinking like water.

"There is no chance to stop it in the void."

"I'm going back."

"Go back, he can't do anything to me."

Yu Ziqing took one last look at Lao Qianhuang in the distance. The Holy Bridge of Bones appeared under his feet. He directly opened the Bridge of Fairyland and returned to the living world.

A strange light flashed in Lao Qianhuang's eyes. He knew that if Duihuang could catch up, then the fragment that fell towards Dadui would definitely be useless.

Duihuang has the means to find out.

But that may not be the case for major earthquakes and great separations.

Lao Qianhuang looked calm and his eyes were indifferent. He didn't care at all how many people died.

The original path is no longer feasible. He needs to return to the present world to make a breakthrough. With the current situation, he will definitely be the enemy of the whole world.

When he breaks through, countless people will surely stop him.

He is not afraid, but if he can avoid risks, it is best to avoid them in advance so that his breakthrough can go smoothly.

By the way, it also lays the foundation for what will be done later.

He glanced at Lao Yang and pondered for a moment whether he was sure that he would keep the real dragon as well.

But as soon as the thought came up, he saw Lao Yang put away the halo compass in his palm and disappeared in an instant, so he stopped the thought.

He has no chance.

But he was the strongest tiger, he never cared about it from the beginning to the end.

He specifically went to that dead world to absorb the remaining charm of the ancient gods there, step by step, and calculated clearly.

He just knew clearly that if he followed the path of the ancient gods there, he would no longer have to worry about dying at the hands of a tiger.

With the guarantee, the Tiger has already taken action personally this time. So, no matter how powerful the Tiger is next time, it won't have much effect on him.

After arriving in this world, the restrictions on tigers become even greater.

Because the tiger dare not show the power he exerted in the void in this world, just look at the dead world.

The tiger is the one who has the power to destroy the world.

If the evolution of the present world is completed, if you want to destroy the present world and completely kill the ancient gods, only the Tiger King can do it.

When Lao Qianhuang first learned about Tiger Tiger, he was still a little envious. What a powerful force it was, and how people could be so strong.

Later, he learned more and more, and he became stronger and stronger.

The existence of the tiger made him understand another thing.

People have limits.

Throughout the ages, the most powerful people still have their limits.

It's the tiger, so powerful that he can't even control it all.

There were so many sages in the past, but none of them could reach the level of Tiger in terms of pure strength. They all took another path.

What Lao Qianhuang chose was the way of the ancient gods.

Yu Ziqing walked out of the small bridge and looked up. Light began to appear in the sky.

Not only in the sky of Dadui, but also in the northwest, lights can be seen emerging.

Yu Ziqing's face was solemn, he took one step forward and disappeared.

He can't control the affairs of Dali and Dazhen, he can only control the affairs of Dadai.

He was not going to use the Great Sealing Technique. Since this thing was banned, he was not going to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Above Jinlan Mountain, a dark crack appeared. Lao Yang walked out of it and shouted at Jinlan Mountain.

"Old guy, come out to work."

An afterimage below, carrying the sound of explosions, rushed straight up.

Li Chang appeared next to Lao Yang, and the two of them raised their heads together, looking up at the light that was gradually brightening above the sky.

"Come on, old man, give the young people a little shock and teach them a lesson."

The chief looked up, laughed, and patted Lao Yang on the shoulder with one hand.

In an instant, the old sheep took a step forward and disappeared. Li Chang followed suit, using his magical power to follow within one step of the old sheep at any time.

The two old guys rushed to the Gangfeng layer, ignoring the strong wind blowing around them, and watched the falling fragments violently collide with the Gangfeng layer, and the thunder and fire Gangfeng continued to emerge.

A huge piece of debris stretching thousands of miles is tumbling down.

"Old guy, can I break it into pieces with one blow?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." The director thought for a moment and shook his head honestly.

"Okay, wait."

The old sheep swayed and transformed into the body of a black dragon. He roared and charged straight up. His body turned into a divine light and rushed directly into the place where power exploded and chaos occurred.

He kept circling around the huge fragment, and the rushing thunder and fire wind began to slowly reduce it.

The space that was already fluctuating violently began to fluctuate more intensely, and the area covered by the black light began to become larger and larger.

Immediately afterwards, the area shrouded in black light was seen, and the corner of the huge fragment began to slowly become smaller.

The scope becomes smaller and rapidly expands towards the entire fragment, until the black light sweeps through it once.

The diameter of the huge fragment, which was thousands of miles long, was reduced by one-fifth.

The black light swept faster and faster, and when it swept again, the diameter of the fragment seemed to have shrunk by one-fifth.

After three times, the huge fragment was only thirty or forty miles in diameter.

This size is completely different from the fluctuation caused by the collision of the Gangfeng layer, which plummets in a straight line.

"Old guy, I tried my best. If you can't do it, forget it."

The old sheep's wild laughter could be heard in the dark light.

The leader's face darkened, he took out a black fruit filled with demonic energy and swallowed it with his mouth open.

In an instant, the blood-red flames burning on Li Chang's body turned into black and red, and the demonic aura was dense and domineering.

He gritted his teeth and grinned ferociously.

"Watch it."

He took a step forward and came directly to the old sheep.

He stepped out and came to the edge of the fragment.

With a roar, he was like a demon god, his whole body burning with black and red flames, and his figure surged several times.

With one punch, a hundred times the magical power of the ten directions exploded, coupled with Jinlan's secret technique, the power of being possessed increased across levels.

The power was too powerful, causing cracks to appear on the surface of Li Chang's body. However, even so, no power leaked out from the cracks. All the power was forcibly controlled, and he punched it out.

Then another punch, and another.

The power after three superpositions turned into the strongest blow.

With one punch, it penetrated the compressed space in front of him, and all the power exploded and was released at this moment.

In an instant, the falling fragments were suddenly struck by such a terrifying explosion.

The force that Li Chang tried his best to explode directly penetrated the entire fragment at an unimaginable speed.

After a brief pause, one could see that the surface of this huge fragment was densely packed with lines like cracked ice, occupying all the corners on the fragment.

From every crack, black and red flames began to spurt out.

With just one breath, the rolling black-red demonic flames covered its surface.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a skull burning with black and red demonic flames, roaring in the sky.

The next moment, it suddenly shattered into countless fragments.

The old sheep transformed into the body of a true dragon and forcibly controlled the compressed space, but was directly shattered by the peak blow of the leader.

Seeing that the compressed space began to return to its original state, the old sheep swayed, his four limbs and dragon claws joined together, and then merged into one, turning into a seal. He uttered the truth and recited the incantation in an inexplicable tone. .

Finally, he opened the dragon's mouth and spit out a breath, turning into a command that shook the world.

"Call the wind."

With a command, one could see the endless violent and bone-scratching wind in the Gangfeng layer, as if it was being guided in the direction.

Visible to the naked eye, the strong wind filled with thick layers of strong wind rolled up and turned into tornadoes.

After the fragments collapsed, the fragments were still as big as small hills. They were swept into them by the strong wind, and were constantly torn and crushed, burned and destroyed.

When Yu Ziqing arrived, he could only watch in shock.

Looking at the strong wind, a long river of dust stretching for thousands of miles was guided by the strong wind, whistling towards the west.

The long river of dust seemed to be flowing through the sky, turning into a waterfall of dust in the wasteland and the West Sea to the west of Dadui, falling continuously.

Falling into the West Sea only caused the waves of the West Sea to roll, not even a decent tsunami.

Yu Ziqing sensed the violent and chaotic Gangfeng in the Gangfeng layer. At this moment, it was like a docile flock of sheep, being guided in one direction.

He felt that he had missed something, and when did Lao Yang have such ability.

The old sheep turned into a dragon body, glanced sideways at Yu Ziqing with one eye, maintained its original posture, and continued to guide the endless wind in the wind layer.

"Don't look at it, you can't learn.

Calling wind and rain is the most basic innate magical power of a true dragon.

If you have time, you'd better go to Dazhen and Dali.

They may not be able to completely catch such small fragments.

If the Dali piece falls completely, it will inevitably include Busch Town and the Abyss Rift Valley.

Our Jinlan Mountain will also be affected. "

Yu Ziqing glanced at the inner leader, who saw waves of demonic flames, domineering and seriously injured all over his body, but still holding a ball of demonic thoughts, like a demon king.

"Don't look at me. A minor injury doesn't count as stretching your muscles. Go ahead and do your business."

Yu Ziqing was about to speak but stopped, not daring to say more. He took a step forward and disappeared.

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