Lord God Investigator

Vol 5 Chapter 59: Jingnian Shinshu

It is replaced by some monks with unhealthy minds who can marry wives with the master's permission. They may have their eyes curled up, their eyebrows raised, and a look of sorrowful expression on the face of little stone.

He asked distressedly, "Master, is this really okay? The disciple has also practiced with Master Bodhidharma for more than a hundred years, but has never heard that a monk can marry a wife. Is the Dongying Pure Land Zhenzong an authentic Buddhism?"

Patriarch Bodhidharma passed away at the age of 150, and Little Stone has been a Buddhist bead for him for more than a hundred years. Only in the process of listening to the Dharma for a hundred years, he opened up his spiritual wisdom and possessed Buddha nature.

Luo Feng said in a serious way: "Why isn't it authentic? The monks in Dongying obtained the Buddhist orthodox teachings brought by Master Jianzhen in the Tang Dynasty. The Pure Land Shinshu is still the Mahayana Buddhism sect, but they worship Amitabha."

The little monk still didn’t understand, he tilted his head and said, “It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that we monks who become Buddhas can be greatly liberated, and our karma is free... When you marry a girl, you must talk about love, not just with sentient beings. Is it the same? How is it possible to become a Buddha?"

"Stupid boy, of course you become a Buddha, of course you have free karma, but how many calamities and lifetimes do you have to practice to become a Buddha? It is enough to have progress in this life, why do you want to become a Buddha? Haste is not enough!"

Luo Feng explained patiently: "Just stare at the karma and enjoy the fruit of emptiness, without experiencing the cause of the reincarnation of sentient beings, how can you realize the ultimate truth of emptiness and extinguishment? The Buddha did not experience the troubles of the world, and did not see the cause of all beings. Suffering, how can he enlighten the Dao under the Bodhi tree? What can he use to enlighten it? Is Wukong with the emptiness? Even if it is the battle of the dharma name Wukong to defeat the Buddha, hasn't he experienced the absurd years of treating the precepts as nothingness?"

The little monk nodded if he realized.

"Any bodhisattva who has not yet become a Buddha, sages born in the world, such as predestined consciousness, sound and hearing, are still in sentient beings because of the unbroken karma."

Luo Feng said frankly: “If you don’t reach the realm of a true Buddha, don’t hold back your emotions. From a psychological point of view, this is called psychological depression. Repression will inevitably lead to psychological compensation. The more you suppress it, the greater your desire for compensation. Instead it became desire."

"Is the master also affectionate?" the little monk asked curiously.

"Of course there is. Being a teacher is not a Buddha. Even a Bodhisattva is passionate. How can being a teacher be ruthless?"

Luo Feng smiled and said: "He hasn't become a Buddha, and he's deliberately ruthless. It's a robot. The guy who brags about being too unforgiving is either pretending to be B or deceiving. If you don't believe that you sleep with his wife, watch him get annoyed. A true loveless saint, even if you pee on his face, he won't care, but the great power of the immortal world is not always shouting: Don't insult the gods, and don't insult the saints. Revenge like a villain is not overnight."

"Oh..." The little monk nodded again, and said: "Master, we Jingnian Zhenzong monks marry wives and have children, aren't we the same as mortals, how should mortals treat us? I am afraid that we will lose awe and think that we are insulting. Buddhism..."

"Stupid boy, I don't know that worldly prejudices and humble opinions are all difficulties that temper the mood! Only love that violates common sense of the world, love that has gone through hardships, is precious and can teach people's hearts! Yang Guohe Little Dragon Girl, Romeo and Juliet, Rose and Jack, Cangyang Gyatso's Tathagata and Qing, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, Sorrowful Wind and Animals...every story has made the world unforgettable for a long time, and felt love. The true meaning of it."

Luo Feng went on to bewitched: "Besides, how come the monks who are affectionate and righteous are not admired? If the monks are ruthless and unrighteous, then what kind of compassion is there? The cause is here, and a girl likes you, but you are right. She is ruthless and indifferent, where is compassion?"

The little monk seemed to have realized something again. He nodded and asked: "Master, if a girl likes me, what should I do?"

Luo Feng said in a serious manner: "Ask your true heart, ask yourself if you have a long-term marriage with her, and can you give her everything and even your life. If you can, as long as you are sentimental and not indulgent, you can treat emotions purely. Really, not letting down the beautiful woman, this is not creating karma but accumulating virtue. Even if you can't save sentient beings, you will sacrifice your life to a girl who loves you, and you will be better than building a seventh-level Buddha."

"The disciple understands! Thank you, Master, for answering your doubts! The disciple is no longer afraid, and no longer confused!"

The little monk turned the clouds and saw the sun, the doubts in his eyes disappeared, as if he had found a smooth way to Xitian bliss, and looked at Luo Feng with a look of worship.

"Very good! It is worthy of being a descendant of the poor monk's fancy, and the comprehension is high! From now on, the responsibility of Jingnian to promote the true religious righteousness can be entrusted to you!"

Luo Feng also gave him a thumbs up and praised without hesitation.

The two masters and apprentices had a cordial conversation. The little monk left the meditation room contentedly with the water basin and returned to his room to digest Master’s teachings, while Luo Feng lay on the bed contentedly, feeling immensely that he could have such a good apprentice. pride.

In addition to serving as a thug for Cihang Jingzhai, Jingnian Temple also has an important function, which is to put green hats on the Dragon Aotians of the Immortal Sword World and **** their wives.

The goal of cultivating monks at Jingnian Temple is to be handsome and unrestrained, secondly to be versatile, thirdly to be gentle and considerate, fourthly to be kind and sincere, and fifthly to be emotionally focused. In short, according to "a good man is me "Strict training is carried out based on the jade-faced little flying dragon standard, and it must be shaped into the dream of thousands of girls, both physically and mentally.

From now on, the Jingnian Zen flower monks headed by Xiaoshitou will find the most outstanding woman in the world with sentimental enlightenment and the walking hormone, overcome all difficulties and obstacles, experience ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, and truly love them. Marry them back to the temple as nuns.

This is because the daughters of destiny are not necessarily all fairies, but there are also human girls such as Lin Yueru and Shen Qishuang. Ci Hang Jing Zhai may not be able to include the beauty of the world in the door. Once there is a fish that slips through the net, you need to pure mind Zen. The handsome monk went to collect the net.

In short, regardless of men and women, as long as they are the ones favored by fate, they can't escape the love network laid by Luo Feng.

It’s a pity that there are too few good-natured jade like a small stone, and most of the men in the fairy sword world are the big trotter like Li Xiaoyao or the waste scum like Liu Jinyuan. This category is not bad. What's more sad is that the straight men of the Shushan Sword School treat girls like demons.

As everyone knows, if it weren't for the occasional rebels in Shushan who violated the rules and loved the girls vigorously, this breaking sect had long been wiped out by the catastrophe, where is the opportunity to rise?

They just don't know how to be grateful, and they stubbornly believe that this is their contribution to the devil and defense.

Just like the contemporary Shushan leader Dugu Yuyun, if it hadn’t had a relationship with Zhao Ling’er’s mother Lin Qing’er and had a little blessing from the daughter of destiny, otherwise he would not be blessed by heaven at all, and there would be no progress in practice. Circumstances, sooner or later, he will end up like a personal hatred and stinky shit. He still doesn't know it. He thinks that he has realized the unfeeling way to achieve great achievements. It is simply unreasonable and sad.

It was precisely because of such misunderstandings and obsessions that he later took part in the stupidity of dismantling Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er and imprisoning Zhao Ling'er in the lock demon tower. As a result, the report came so quickly in the world. The lock demon tower collapsed within two days. Escape, the fairy sword world ushered in the evil of monsters for more than ten years.

His arbitrariness has caused the world to be implicated and guilty. This evil is not an ordinary one.

Even if he wakes up in time to make up for the dead sheep, and immediately wakes up after the demon lock tower collapses, but it will not help. It is estimated that after death, he is entangled in karmic debts, and entering the six reincarnations will take thousands of years to atone for sins.

Luo Feng lay on the bed happily, calculating how much plot distortion the Immortal Sword World would have in the future after he left, and suddenly heard the sound of the wooden door of the Buddhist temple beating.

Just as surprised, the wooden door was opened, and the little fox thief slipped in along the crack of the door, jumped on the couch lightly, and fell into Luo Feng's arms.

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