Lord God Investigator

Vol 5 Chapter 40: Lectures

When Ling'er was making a wish, Luo Feng was sitting on the lectern in front of the Maha Shrine of Maha Temple, and the audience was full of believers in Kaifeng and monks from all over the world.

On this day, it was the day when Maha Temple held the Jialan Dharma meeting and opened the altar to give lectures.

Luo Feng studied the scriptures in Maha Temple for a year, and he was considered to be familiar with the scriptures and memorized them backwards.

The process of studying the Buddhist scriptures with great concentration has been completed, and he has to go from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, so he went to the lectern, as if he took the posture of a great monk to open the altar.

To say how sincere he is in cultivating Buddhism, it’s actually the same. The road to cultivating immortality cannot be followed by the road of cultivating Buddhism. If it still fails, I am afraid that he will fall into the devil’s way decisively. If he sounds better, he is an opportunist. , To say that the ugly point is an evil animal.

Someone might ask, how can Luo Feng be so shameless and shameless to want to cultivate that Arahant status. Can this be accomplished?

Luo Feng has always been self-aware, and he has enough B in his heart. How can he do that stupid thing about seeking fish? He has his own reason for doing so.

The seventh volume of the "Great Prana Nirvana" states: "The Buddha told Kassapa: '700 years after I entered Prana Nirvana, the Demon King Bo Xun will gradually destroy my Dharma, just like a hunter wearing the clothes of a wizard. The Demon King Bo Xun is also In this way, pretending to be a monk, bhikshuni, Upasai, Upayi can also be transformed into a Sudhakan body, until it becomes an Arahant body and a Buddha body. The demon king uses this leaky appearance to pretend to be perfect. My body is bad and I am Fa-rectification.'"

It is now 1103 A.D. The Buddha's Nirvana was between 480 and 390 B.C., which means that after 310 A.D. at the latest, the disciples and grandchildren of Bo Xun can mix into the Buddhism and pretend to be impervious in a leaky appearance. Even turned into an Arahant.

Therefore, Luo Feng was brave enough to practice in Maha Temple, in an attempt to become a Buddhist senior title.

Mahayana Buddhism does not talk about the end of the Dharma era, Luo Feng dare not expect to become a bodhisattva status, evildoers turned into Buddha's body karma is too great, maybe it will attract the true Buddha to the world report, the people of Xiaoleiyin Temple on Xitian Road The demon is a lesson from the past.

The so-called contentment is always happy, and there is also a way to die, and if he is an Arahant, he still has so much confidence.

All the people in the audience are believers, and there are the high monks who come from other monasteries. Luo Feng's first appearance of the high monks is very important. If you don't gain a reputation, you will not be able to stand the moral high ground when you walk the rivers and lakes in the future.

Luo Feng's Buddhist scriptures can be considered proficient, but this is another concept of spreading the Dharma and chanting the scriptures. It is necessary to explain the Buddhist scriptures thoroughly, whether it is an eminent monk who specializes in Buddhist scriptures or a believer with a low cultural level can understand and feel convinced. Just work.

Counting on Luo Feng to understand the Buddhist scriptures by himself, and then to teach the believers, it would be a bit difficult for him. Even if Luo Feng opened up the Alaya Consciousness and his wisdom is not low, but he only studied the Buddhist scriptures for less than a year, his beliefs are not pure, how could it be possible? Make a brilliant statement.

Of course, Luo Feng also has his own way, which is to plagiarize shamelessly.

The current era is the third year of Yuan Fu in the Northern Song Dynasty, that is, 1103 AD. Since then, there have been records of eminent monks speaking and sayings in the Southern Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and even modern times. Luo Feng's investigator communicator data Curry can read it at any time, pick out the appropriate ones and use them for retelling.

Anyway, what was plagiarized was the French-speaking records of later generations of high monks. Those high monks were not born in this era. Naturally, the monks and believers in the audience could not tell that Luo Feng copied it.

In the morning, Luo Feng sat on the stage, reciting the French record of the later generations of monks on the light screen of the communicator in a loud voice. This plagiarism highlights the level. It can be described as thousands of classics and omniscience. Generally not, a few verses casually are thought-provoking, and a few poems are full of Zen.

Originally, the monks in Maha Temple were quite a bit reluctant about the sudden addition of a lustful little uncle, and they were dissatisfied. Now I see that the little uncle who has been practicing for only a year is so thorough in the Buddhist principles, speaking like a river, with a bright tongue, and a witty remark. Renju, the level of lectures is several stories high.

The monks couldn't help being ashamed, and the secret path was that Zen Master Qianye had a unique eye, and he could see the extraordinaryness of the lustful uncle. As expected, their realm was far away, and they didn't know the real Bodhi!

Zen Master Qianye is even more convinced that Luo Feng must be the reincarnation of the great virtue of Su Hui, otherwise, no matter how smart a person is, it is impossible for a wise person to read the Buddhist scriptures for a year to say so many brilliant judgments, even if he is so proficient. The eminent monks in the classics are very enlightened.

In the morning, the lectures were all serious. In the afternoon, Luo Feng started to be serious. After all, those who participated in the Fa conference were not only invited monks from the major monasteries, but also the people of Kaifeng Prefecture. They only lectured on scriptures, preached doctrines, and monks. We listened well, but the people might not understand it.

Luo Feng wants to build prestige in the professional field, but also to take into account the prestige among the people.

When the altar opened in the afternoon, Luo Feng smiled and said to the people watching the ceremony: "Everyone, I think everyone is boring to hear the lectures in the morning. In the afternoon, I will talk about Buddhist scriptures that are usually not allowed in the temple."

The monks who also expected Luo Feng to say more about the exquisite Buddhist principles in the afternoon were taken aback when they heard this. On the contrary, the people in the audience were intrigued, and the brave all became clamorous, arguing for Luo Feng to talk about the "Don't Tell" Buddhist scriptures. , Some people even guessed randomly, saying that this lecherous Zen master wanted to talk about how to participate in "Happy Zen"?

All at once attracted the attention of the people.

Even if Luo Feng really understands Huanxi Zen, he would not talk nonsense at the Fa conference. He picked up the mallet and knocked the wooden fish hard, and said loudly: "The law-abiding regime is sad, and the strong beamer sings joyfully every night. It hurts others and selfishly rides mules. Hungry. Repairing bridges to make up roads is blind, killing people and setting fires a lot. I went to the West to ask me the Buddha, and the Buddha said: I have nothing wrong!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the monks in the audience were in an uproar. If Luo Feng's teaching level was not high in the morning, it is estimated that someone would rush to the stage to drive him down.

Quite different from the reactions of the monks, the people laughed, but the laughter gradually died down on the field. These few limericks actually contained a little bit of perversion, which caused people to start thinking after laughing.

"People say that the eminent monk has the magical powers that day, and can look at five hundred years."

Luo Feng said with accent and tone: "The poor monk used that day's vision today, and talked about an extraordinary monk who will only appear in the next 100 years. He said that there was an old Li family in Shanyongning Village backstage in that century. This son is named Li Xiuyuan..." (Jigong was born in 1148)

How can the mediocre people remember Luo Feng’s name just by lecturing, so he talked about the storytelling "Jigong Biography", which was the stand-up comedy version of the Na Deyun Society, with some Song Dynasty people added to it. Understandable jokes, after a performance, the people in the audience were utterly intoxicated, deeply attracted by the story of the Jigong Living Buddha who seemed crazy but helped the poor and relieved the violence.

To say whether the storytelling "Jigong Biography" is considered to be a lecture, it can actually be counted. There are also some eminent monks who will tell the world about karma and effect stories such as "causal records".

Lectures do not need to be formalized, as long as they can spread the Dharma to the believers, it is a merit.

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