Lord God Investigator

Vol 4 Chapter 57: New Class Seven

The introduction meeting was over soon. Mr. Iruka introduced the three-person group system training system to Shinnin, read the group list, and told the children in the group which classroom to go to and instruct Shinnin to meet.

When she heard that she and Naruto had been put in a group, Sakura looked disgusted, and she was very excited when she heard that Sasuke had been put in this group.

Naruto was calm, and didn't show much emotion.

The famous words of the Dragon Kingdom that washed into his mind said very well, "Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with oneself", "Worry before the world is worried, and happy after the world is happy", Naruto deeply agrees.

I had a lot of reports on the living conditions of the people in the Ninja world in my mind. I saw the tragic images of the smugglers who died on the border of the country of fire captured by satellites. Naruto’s heart was deeply shaken, and I knew how happy life is. It was hard-won, and the people in the Ninja world outside Konoha lived so hard, but it was young and old.

"Xing, the people are suffering; death, the people are suffering" "Poorness will help the world alone, and Dao will help the world!" The famous words of the Dragon Kingdom echo in his mind, and Ming talents will not worry about these little things in life.

Sasuke couldn't help but look sideways, and his gaze skipped the courteous Sakura beside him, and stopped on Naruto.

Sasuke has experienced the disaster of annihilation. The collapse of the family has left him a serious trauma, and this has become "seemingly profound". The reason why it seems to be profound is that he does not read books and has countless intense emotions and feelings in his heart, but he cannot understand and express them accurately.

The scholarly temperament that Naruto exudes, and the maturity and stability that far surpasses his peers, can't help but attract him.

It’s nothing different from the graduation exam in the original plot. Naruto, who was brainwashed, also got a first place, that is, the Ninja School's cultural class written exam scores, and all courses have full scores, which means that his scores do not represent his knowledge. Only worth one hundred points, but only one hundred points on the roll!

Sasuke has always believed that it is meaningless for ninjas to learn culture courses. Their strengths are manifested in physical skills, ninjutsu and illusion. However, he also admits that it is not easy for Naruto to get full marks in culture courses.

Sakura looked to Sasuke as a dragging teammate, but he did not immediately give Naruto a conclusion. He treated him as a fool like the original plot, and decided to observe and make a judgment.

Smart, knowledgeable teammates can also play an important role in the ninja team.

If Naruto were just a nerd, Sasuke would classify him and Sakura as the pig teammates that drag him down, but if he can apply his knowledge to the task of the team, he will be a good teammate.

After the introduction meeting, the three children came to an empty classroom, where they guided Nin Kakashi teacher to meet them.

At the appointed time, Teacher Kakashi did not show up, and the three of them had to wait patiently in the classroom.

Naruto and Sasuke sat quietly, neither of them said a word. Only Sakura tried to talk to Sasuke, but received no response.

"Naruto Uzumaki?"

Ignoring Sakura at all, Sasuke suddenly talks to Naruto.

"Hi, Sasuke-kun, we have never spoken in the past few years at the Ninja School. I thought you didn't know my name."

"The guy with the first place in the cultural course exam and full score in the whole subject, I will naturally pay attention."

"The person who was ranked first in the overall rating is a little ashamed to say that."

Sasuke stared at Naruto with a warm smile, and felt that this kid was unusual!

Konoha graduated in 60 years with three firsts in this class, Sasuke the first in ninjutsu and illusion, Nara Shikamaru the first in physique, and Naruto Uzumaki in the cultural class.

Sasuke's physical skills are also very outstanding, but he lost to Nara Shikamaru in the assessment. The latter murmured "Hey, it's really troublesome!" before playing, and defeated Sasuke in three moves!

Sasuke's ninjutsu illusion is the first, and the second is the physical skill. The cultural class score is very average, and the comprehensive evaluation is the first.

The amazingly powerful Nara Shikamaru and Uzumaki Naruto, who has a perfect score in the culture course, left a deep impression on him. Even Sasuke is very proud and knows that he is inferior to them. He regards them as opponents. (Or teammate) people.

"In the future, we will be teammates. I hope you can show the strength of the first place in the culture class and cooperate with me in team tasks!"

"Don't worry, Sasuke-kun, I will continue to study hard, and one day I will surpass you!" Naruto smiled confidently and extended his hand to Sasuke generously.

The corner of Sasuke's mouth was raised slightly, and he stretched out his hands. The two shook hands solemnly: "It's very interesting, but the culture class is of little use to ninjas. You can't surpass me. I will always be Konoha's comprehensive strength. One!"

Both of them burst into fighting spirit, they looked at each other right, and they didn't look away for a long time.

Kozakura was stunned, not knowing what the two of them were cherishing, but felt that she was left out and rejected.

She was originally a nerdy Naruto who looked down upon, but at this moment she felt that Naruto is a little handsome now, and she can't help but recall the picture of Naruto saying: "Reading for the rise of Konoha" a year ago.

Seeing this, Sasuke seemed to recognize Naruto's strength in a certain aspect. The two competed with each other, and both showed maturity far beyond their peers, full of enterprising spirit and fighting spirit.

Sakura just remembered that Naruto was the first student in the cultural class of this year's Ninja School. His written test score was much higher than that of the smartest Shikamaru and the most serious study Hinata!

These two men are outstanding talents among the students in this class, but the ninja students don't value the achievements in cultural courses, and Naruto's excellence is ignored.

The students gave the three children who won the first place a combined name, called the "Three Masters in the First Year of the Reformation", and the teachers also believed that the three of them would surely achieve a great career in the future.

Among the squad, there is the No. 1 in civil and martial arts. Only she herself is ordinary and mediocre in every aspect. She was at a loss just now, and she risked her heart to strike up a conversation with Sasuke. The more ashamed, he lowered his head and stopped talking to Sasuke.

Sakura didn't know, but Sasuke had noticed Naruto a long time ago, and he had a special feeling for Naruto.

Among all the students in Konoha's 60th Ninja School, there are only two orphans, one is Sasuke and the other is Naruto.

Sasuke, who has lost all his relatives, has also been in pain and confusion. He only feels that he is the loneliest child in the world, without a true friend.

Those children who enjoy the warmth of the family are not the same person as him!

There was only one child who suffered the same misfortune as him. That child was even more pitiful than him. He had never experienced the love of his parents since he was born, and he had never seen his parents.

Unlike Sasuke's gloominess, the child was full of sunshine, and played pranks everywhere like a fool. He was not depressed by discrimination or even hostility.

Naruto is like a mirror, reflecting his gloomy face with a cheerful smile.

In the most painful and lonely time, Sasuke will also take a quiet look at Naruto, and the thought of "that fool can live well, why can't I?" appeared in his heart, which invisibly comforted his injured heart.

Sakura also escaped the disaster. Naruto, who was a good student, did not kidnap Sasuke to engage in pranks, and there was no conversation about orphans.

In that conversation, Sakura said that Naruto’s trouble with Sasuke was the lack of tutors. Sasuke said, “Isn’t he an orphan?”

Kozakura continued: "That's why he is stubborn. If I were like him, I would be scolded to death by my parents."

If the topic ends here, the smug Sakura added: "I really envy him, I don't need to listen to his parents' nagging."

Hearing this sentence, Sasuke's eyes were full of cold hatred, and he said, "Lonely, it feels more uncomfortable than being scolded by your parents!"

Immediately afterwards, he said a very heartbreaking sentence to Sakura: "You are very annoying!"

Sakura thought that Naruto would be pleased by saying bad things in front of Sasuke, but the result was counterproductive. How did she know that Sasuke didn't really hate Naruto for trouble, but found it funny, and the loneliness in her heart was diluted.

At this moment, the door of the classroom was opened, and a white-haired masked ninja walked in.

As he walked in, Haaki Kakashi saw Naruto and Sasuke shaking hands and looking at each other, with fighting spirit bursting in their eyes.

Sasuke has a cool expression on his face, the corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and Naruto smiles gently, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

In a daze, Kakashi seemed to see himself and Metropolis many years ago. Even if he didn't like the catch phrase, he couldn't help saying, "This is youth!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Kakashi continued: "I made friends so soon? I have to say, your first impression of me..."

Following Metro's classic moves, Kakashi gave a thumbs up: "Very good!"


Kakashi took the three to the rest area on the second floor of the Ninja School. After introducing himself to each other, like Metro, he also asked about their interests and dreams.

Of course, Sasuke's answer was to revive the Uchiha clan and kill the man.

Naruto helped his glasses and replied: "I want to become the greatest scientist in the world of ninja and change the world with science!"

Sakura’s answer has changed from the original plot. She is not as embarrassed to say that she hates Naruto’s liking for Sasuke. After hesitating for a long time, she said: "I want to be a good female ninja..."

Inexplicably, Sakura has a sense of crisis. Her teammates are the best in civil and military. If she doesn't work hard, she will definitely be left behind.

However, if this kind of unambitious answer were heard by the stern Teacher Metropolis, she would definitely be licking her!

Sakura has a talent for medical ninjas and can learn Tsunade’s S-rank ninjutsu Yin seal and creation and regeneration. If you work hard to practice the Eight Door Dunjia, there is the chakra that is usually sealed on the forehead as an energy reserve, and the state of the dead door opened can be maintained. Longer, at least you can play a few more tricks Yekai!

Bamenkai failed to kick out the finale, but Bamenying was able to kick Liudaoban with three legs!

Kakashi was very pleased. Girls at this age generally think that love is more important than ninjutsu. It is not easy for Sakura to have this kind of dream.

"That's the end of the self-introduction." Kakashi said: "Next, we have to perform a mission together, which is the survival exercise in the wild."

When he said this, Kakashi touched the bell in his pocket, and the corners of his mouth under the veil turned up slightly. He was quite expectant, wondering if Konoha's first combination of Wenwu could pass him. The test.

Kakashi decided that although the three children in the seventh class had just been promoted to Ninja, they still have two first places in this class, so the test of grabbing the bell will never let go!

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