Lord God Investigator

Vol 4 Chapter 21: Win-win model

Luo Feng's words hit the point, and Sarutobi Richan's heart sank suddenly.

There are five great ninja countries, five great ninja villages, and many small countries and small ninja villages in the ninja world, not just Konoha and one village.

In addition to the many ninja countries in the Ninja Village, there are also many miscellaneous forces in the Ninja world, but there is only one investor who can come up with ten trillion gold. Now it is not Ninja Village who is choosing investors, but investors are choosing partners.

The Dragon Chamber of Commerce can come to Konoha to negotiate alone. Invisibly, Konoha Village has taken a lot of advantage. If the other party talks about a few more, everyone will come up with the conditions and put it on the table for comparison. There will definitely be the Only Dragon Chamber of Commerce. , A partner who is willing to accept all conditions, Konoha will not be able to ask for investment at that time.

Even if Shinobu Ninomaru had the same concerns, fearing that the Dragon Chamber of Commerce would squeeze the economic lifeline and weaken the power in a disguised form, and all of them would reject the Dragon Chamber of Commerce in a unified way.

There are still many "viable" social organizations in the Ninja community. These social organizations turn around. They are not vested interests and do not represent the ruling class. They can get ten trillion yuan of investment and help them build from scratch, even if they obey orders. Yulong's Chamber of Commerce was also willing.

The mysterious organization of the Kingdom of Rain, Sarutobi Rizen has undercovered secret reports. The intelligence transmitted from the country of rain over the years shows that this organization is not small, and the development goals of the organization seem to be ended as Bredlow said. Wars have created a new world in which peace and stability and people live and work in peace and contentment.

It's just that the specific methods of implementation are puzzling. Sarutobi Rizen knows that they are currently trying to raise funds. If the Dragon Chamber of Commerce invests ten trillion taels, it can be said to be very desirable.

"In the age of the samurai, the people were heavily oppressed, and the social class was strong. The remnants of feudalism from the previous era are still poisonous, such as making apologizing, or the boring etiquette of the name.

In the era of ninjas, ninjas are closer to the people and provide employment services for the people. Many ninjas of civilian origin are becoming more and more active. In the era of samurai, samurai only knows to collect taxes and care for the lives and lives of the people. No matter how hard they work, civilians cannot become hereditary samurai. The situation is quite different. "

Luo Feng hit the iron while it was hot, and said in a solemn voice:

"Don't you see the law of the progress of the times? The times are constantly changing, and the identity of the waver also changes. The protagonist of the previous era was the samurai, the protagonist of this era is the ninja, and the next era should be the era of the people Up.

No era will last forever. Those who refuse to change and follow the old fashioned way will sooner or later be eliminated by history. They will make great efforts to maintain the old order, but they are just dancing on the corpse and singing an elegy.

Without the investment of the Dragon Chamber of Commerce, the ninjutsu world will sooner or later advance to a new era where everyone can use ninjutsu. Ninjutsu is no longer just a killing skill mastered by a few people, and will enter the folk with the development of scientific ninjutsu. , Serving life and production.

Our investment is only to speed up this process and reduce the repetition and harm to the people in the progress of the times. "


He sighed deeply, Sarutobi Hizen knew that it was not the time to struggle, no matter what, he should get the investment first, otherwise he would miss this opportunity and there would be no chance in the future.

If the Dragon Chamber of Commerce transfers to another village, or even invests in the mysterious organization of the Rain Country, Konoha Village will suffer.

Furthermore, President Bradlow's last remarks were a bit touched by Sarutobi Hitoshi. He felt that he should at least give it a try, and give up this opportunity without even trying. In the future, no matter what, he will regret it.

The meaning of the will of fire, in addition to the sacrifice of the older generation and burning oneself, there is also the growth and rise of the new generation, just like a fire in the Konoha forest burns down the forest, and buds will still grow on the scorched land. The young shoots will eventually grow into towering trees again.

Even if you burn yourself, be deceived by Bradro, bear heavy responsibilities, and lead the infamy of making mistakes, you must fight for precious opportunities for Konoha's new generation!

"Okay!" Sarutobi nodded heavily: "I am willing to shoulder the heavy responsibility of Konoha's education reform, and accept the consequences of failure and accept your terms."

Luo Feng smiled, but Sarutobi Rizen's face changed, his beard and hair were wide, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring to say in a cold voice: "But if the Dragon Chamber of Commerce's investment is just a cover, the real purpose is to cause harm to Konoha Village. Even if the Dragon Kingdom is the world's largest country, I will sacrifice my life and chase you to the end of the world!"

The killing intent released by the old Hokage actually made Luo Feng a little goose bumps, showing the other side of this battlefield veteran who has experienced all the battles of the Ninja World, and his determination to give everything.

Luo Feng also said solemnly: "Hokage-sama, please rest assured, I guarantee with my life that the Dragon Chamber of Commerce sincerely wants to revitalize the world of Ninja and has no other intentions."

The two parties have finalized their intention to invest and accept investment, but the negotiations have just begun, and a detailed division of the investment content, how to invest, and the rights and obligations of both parties, etc. are needed.

"Master Naruto, it must be your first time to accept investment. I don't have any experience in this area, so let me talk about it first."

However, Luo Feng considered the troubled Konoha ninjas and spoke first: "We have been investing overseas for many years in the Kingdom of Dragons. We have invested in the southern continent of the Kingdom of Eagles and the Black Continent. It is a region with woodland in poor countries. We have rich investment experience and established a sound win-win investment model."

"Especially the Black Continent, which is very similar to the status quo in the Ninja World. There are many warlords, endless wars, and the people's livelihood is withered, and the people's livelihood is dying. It can be said that they are poor and white. almost.

But after our years of investment, many black continent countries have gradually moved from divided tribes to alliances into modern society. High-speed mine cars have been introduced in the country, factories, schools, stadiums, hospitals have been built, and the quality of the people has gradually improved, and the economy has grown rapidly. , The future is full of hope. "

"Oh!" Sarutobi Rizen immediately listened carefully and asked: "A country with nothing, you are willing to invest, are you not afraid of losing money?"

"This is the superiority of our Dragonland investment model. The investment contract we signed neither interferes in the internal affairs of other countries nor sets political conditions. It also fully takes into account the poverty status of the investing country. It is by no means economic plunder, but An act of mutual benefit and mutual development."

Luo Feng said with a smile: "For those poor countries that are poor and white, we take low-interest loans, first mortgage the country's natural resources such as mines, land, etc., and loan a huge sum of money to the country.

The country uses this loan to purchase China’s construction assistance services and uses loans to carry out construction. After the completion of factories and mines, Chinese technicians will temporarily guide the production of the country’s workers. The output will be temporarily owned by China to repay the loan for a certain period of time. Later, when the skills of the workers are mature and the talents are trained, they are returned to the country, and the country will slowly repay the loan with the proceeds of the factories and mines.

When the loan is paid off, the country also has modern factories, facilities and technical talents, as well as hens for laying eggs. By accepting employment, the local people earn salary and share the investment dividend, which increases their income. At the same time, we will also freely assist in the construction of infrastructure, schools, and hospitals to improve the quality of the country’s citizens, so as to revitalize a backward country in all respects. "

Sarutobi thought for a while, and nodded repeatedly and said: "It turns out that... But, your country has invested so much and done so many things just to earn a small amount of loan interest, it is not worth the loss?"

"Loan interest income is only to ensure that the principal will not be lost due to inflation and changes in international financial exchange rates."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "Our Dragon Kingdom is known as the world's factory and has extremely developed productivity. On the one hand, there is a large demand for resources, and on the other hand, we need to open up new overseas markets to sell products.

With the current status of the Ninja world, even if our products are dumped at a low price, the people have no purchasing power. Boosting the Ninja economy, our products can also earn appropriate profits. There are also some special products in Ninja, which can be turned into mature products to be sold back to the country after our development.

For example, the unique ninjutsu seal scroll technology in the Ninja world. If developed properly, a storage capsule can be developed to seal houses, vehicles, goods, etc. in the capsule-sized miniature scroll, which greatly facilitates carrying and can change the logistics industry. The pattern of opening up a new era of the Internet of Things is very promising for investment. "

Speaking of this, Luo Feng paused and emphasized: "This is the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, which is greatly beneficial to both the Dragon Kingdom and the Ninja World."

"So that's why the people of Longzhiguo are really smart in business, and they came up with such a method!"

Although Sarutobi Rizen did not fully understand Luo Feng's words, he still understood six or seven out of ten. The more he listened, the more he felt that it made sense. This win-win investment model was full of wisdom, and it was astounding, and he couldn't help but nod and say yes. .

"I will ask the secretary and Konoha Civilian Ninja to draft the specific investment contract terms together. When the draft is drawn up, we will discuss it slowly. I won't go into details now."

Luo Feng turned around and suddenly said, "Master Hokage, I still have a gratuitous request. This item is not listed in the contract. Please give your consent."

"President Bradrow, please be frank, since we have decided to cooperate, of course we must openly raise any requirements."

"I heard that the fire country daimyo has a ninja unit directly under it, called the Twelve Guardians of Ninja, and your son Sarutobi Asma is one of them."

"That's true, President Bradrow is really well-known."

Luo Feng squinted and smiled like a big bad wolf: "I don't know how much financial assistance the Fire Nation provides to Konoha every year, but I conclude that the financial assistance provided by the Dragon Nation must be countless times that of the Fire Nation. Can I also get the same treatment as the fire country daimyo, with a direct ninja force to protect my safety?"


Sarutobi Hisaki once again pondered that the twelve guardian ninja guards of the country of fire are composed of elite upper ninjas. Today, the number of elite ninjas in Konoha Village is very small, and talents are in short supply. Twelve elite upper ninjas are allocated to Brad Rodan. The bodyguard was a little bit too embarrassed and couldn't choose the right person.

Seeing him hesitate, Luo Feng went on to say: "This is also to prevent me from walking on the streets of Konoha and being kicked off inexplicably. After all, the people in the Ninja world are sturdy and still in the midst of war. My personal safety is in trouble, and I am sure to invest. If something goes wrong, it will even cause trouble for Konoha, which is very important."

"Okay!" Sarutobi gritting his teeth: "I tried my best to select twelve ninjas to form a ‘Twelve Guardian Ninjas’ to protect your safety!"

"You don't have to choose the twelve Shangren. I usually live in Konoha Village. I don't run around the village and there is not much security pressure."

Luo Feng waved his hand and smiled: "I can understand the current tensions and difficulties in the village of Konoha, so I won't burden you any more. Just select twelve students from the Ninja School. Time to guide those children to learn cultural and scientific knowledge, and personally practice whether Konoha's education reform can produce results."

After thinking about it, Sarutobi Hitoshi couldn't think of any harm. The twelve Ninja School students are better than the twelve elites, and they will not weaken the village's war strength.

If President Bredro does not leave the village, the children will be his bodyguards while receiving tutoring in the village. In terms of ability and degree of danger, they are also competent.

"This... alright."

Sarutobi Hizumi weighed it up, and nodded in agreement. With such a casual remark, he packaged and sent the twelve best ninjas from Konoha Village to Luo Feng for discipline.

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