Lord God Investigator

Vol 2 Chapter 97: The Iron Army strikes!

The Americans in front of the TV and mobile phone screens were already nervous and trembling. They saw the fighter plane crashed, the American soldiers armed to the teeth were ravaged by aliens, the main battle tank was blown to pieces, and the aliens gushing out of the wormhole There are more and more people.

"Should nuclear bombs be used?"

"But there are our soldiers on the battlefield. They will also be killed if they use a nuclear bomb..."

"Without the use of nuclear bombs, the army has been defeated, and the aliens will soon arrive in the nearby city."


Worried people are beginning to want to escape from the big city again, but they don’t know how long they can continue to escape even if they escape the city. The alien envoy in the live broadcast said that this invading the earth is destroying many civilized planets. Thanos, the overlord of the universe, will the earth that has risen to resist but failed will also be destroyed?

People only feel that the future is gloomy, and the atmosphere of the end is engulfing the world. Everyone hugs their loved ones and tells them with tears the warm and heart-to-heart words that they usually refuse to say because of face.

The council members of the Security Council came to Luo Feng and said very solemnly: "Commander, you have misjudged the strength of aliens. The battlefield situation is very severe. It is too late to gather the army again. The alien offensive must be curbed. , We have just discussed and decided to ask you to immediately order the launch of a nuclear bomb at the alien landing site!"

"Not to the point of being irretrievable." Luo Feng shook his head and said, "Besides, our soldiers are still at war with the enemy. They will also be affected by the nuclear bomb explosion. I refuse to execute this order."

Several members of the Security Council looked at each other, and after making eye contact, the Chinese director stood up.

"General Luo." Ms. Hua Xia said solemnly: "I can understand your ethics. In the past, you have refused to execute orders because you refused to give up soldiers. But the situation is different now. If you persist in disobedience, we will jointly launch Impeachment will remove you on the spot."

Luo Feng remained unmoved.

"Director Luo, then I regret to inform you that you have been dismissed."

The North American director, the middle-aged white man stepped forward and said coldly.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered the Feitian aircraft carrier pilot: "Director Luo Feng has been dismissed, and now all the aircraft carrier crews are following my orders and launching an emergency plan, code-named K9501."

After the director's order was issued, he didn't get any response. He repeated it again, but no one answered.

Luo Feng had long known that the Security Council had also planted undercover agents in SHIELD. Once the director was out of control, they could seize power at any time. When investigating the undercover Hydra, Luo Feng also screened out the undercover of the Security Council by the way, and arranged for the disciples of the Aegis Gate to mark people. Once they found an abnormality, they would catch them on the spot.

What he said is a person who knows the original plot. How can he carry a rocket launcher to blow up a plane carrying a nuclear bomb like Nick Fury, and he is not afraid of destroying the nuclear bomb. The nuclear charge leaks and contaminates the aircraft carrier and radiates the crew.

"It's a pity, directors, it seems that my subordinates are very supportive of me."

Luo Feng patted the shocked director on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Since this aircraft carrier is still under my control, let me continue to command the battle."

The subordinates can't support Luo Feng, even if there is an undercover that is hidden deep and not dug out, Elizabeth's psychic powers will stop him from moving.

"Tell me the order." Luo Feng picked up the walkie-talkie, opened all channels, and said loudly: "Execute plan B, the Iron Army will attack, and the Avengers will be dispatched!"

Director Luo gave an order, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents immediately took action. The Iron Man armored pilots trained urgently rushed into the cabin, and the Avengers girls were also ready to go.

The lift platform of the aircraft carrier's hangar was opened, and hundreds of Iron Man armors lined up in neat rows and flew into the wormhole.

The Iron Men formed a flying formation in the air. The first Iron Man armor was the classic red and yellow genuine Iron Man Tony Stark. He was temporarily appointed as the commander of the Iron Army.

His armor has been improved many times, and the black technology content has far exceeded that of the flying box deformed armor during the New York War in the original plot.

The most notable feature of this new Iron Man armor MK9 is that in addition to the new element reactor installed on the chest, the limbs are equipped with reactors, and the output power and energy reserve are five times that of the original.

The copycat version of the Iron Man armor corps is also different from the original version. First, it is painted. The copycat armor is dominated by S.H.I.E.L.D.-style blue and black tones, and the eagle shield emblem is printed on the chest.

The copycat armor is not empty-handed like the original armor, but is holding a weapon, a weird rifle with a long barrel.

This rifle is a Gauss rifle developed by Huaxia, which is the Huaxia electromagnetic rifle of "Radiation World". Luo Feng called Dr. Zhang to restore a design drawing of the Radiation Gauss rifle, and asked him to take it and go back to research and develop it. An extremely penetrating energy weapon.

The energy of the Gauss rifle is maintained by the palladium element reaction furnace of the Iron Man armor, and the projectile is a 2MM high-strength magnetic alloy, without the need to add a nuclear fusion battery, so the magazine has a very high volume of ammunition and the rate of fire is much faster than the original version. As the main battle rifle of the Iron Man soldier is very suitable.

Among the many Iron Man armors of the Iron Legion, there are several unique armors.

One armor is equipped with high-tech wings on its back. Its owner is Falcon Sam, and this armor is the Falcon Iron Man armor. The high-tech wings of Falcon Iron Man can give the armor higher mobility and make more flexible maneuvers. In addition, the palm part is equipped with Edman alloy eagle claws with high voltage electricity.

A technical backpack is carried on the back of an armor, which is filled with all kinds of darts. This armor is an eagle-eye armor. In addition to the backpack with hidden weapons, there is also a dart delivery device on the arm of the armor, which can be directly put in the backpack. The stored darts are delivered to Hawkeye Button by category.

One armor is stronger than other armors, especially the two palms are extremely thick. This one is Blackhead Iron Man armor. The driver is Nick Fury. The palm of this armor is equipped with a high-frequency oscillation generator. After shooting the enemy, turn on the high-frequency shock wave, which can shatter the enemy's solid armor.

An armor is completely black, with a green jar on its back. The biochemical agent logo is printed on the jar. The most different feature of this armor is the chest, which has two protrusions. This is the Black Widow Iron Man armor, equipped with a strong toxin spray gun and a poison needle launcher, and it is Natasha's special armor.


The logistics support members of the Avengers were all incorporated into the Iron Legion by Luo Feng. He spent a lot of money to refit everyone with a personal Iron Man armor so that they could exert stronger combat power.

The Iron Army rushed towards the enemy group, and the war was about to break out.

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