Lord God Investigator

Vol 2 Chapter 93: Make a deal

Personal live broadcasts and small videos posted on YouTube have greatly enhanced the credibility. The Americans just woke up like a dream and finally believed that the aliens had invaded the American homeland, and the president was leading the United Nations army to fight the aliens to the death.

Many panicked Americans packed their luggage and had to leave the city for refuge while driving. In their inherent impression of being influenced by the movie, the first target of alien invasion of the earth was the big city of the United States, and the first one was going to bomb. Those are landmark buildings and skyscrapers.

Slightly more Americans fled for their lives, and the traffic quickly jammed on the highway, causing the biggest traffic jam in the history of the country.

They wanted to escape but were blocked on the road. The Americans were not very good at walking and running, so they could only take out their mobile phones in the car again, watch the battle with fear, and pray to God that the earth must be supported.

The people who had previously abused them also stopped. Your Excellency the President is very reliable this time. Everyone's wealth and lives are staked on him and the Earth Defense Force he established under his leadership.

The Zetarians suffered heavy casualties. The giant steel worms were blown up by a dozen or so in the air. Luo Feng calculated roughly. With this killing efficiency, the number of Zetar Swiss soldiers eliminated has exceeded the number of rushes in the original plot. The total number of Zetaric troops that have passed through the wormhole.

In the original plot, when Tony carried a nuclear bomb on his back to bomb the mothership, there was still a dense army of Zetaru in space. After bombing the aircraft carrier, the Avengers immediately closed the wormhole, and the Zeta Swiss soldiers did not rush into the worm. hole.

Luo Feng's combat goal is not only to repel the Qitarians, even if the wormhole is closed? Can’t the aliens with the space mothership sail across the stars and use the jump technology to spend more time to reach the earth?

Director Luo wants to take this opportunity to seize the initiative on the battlefield and set a trap to eliminate the vitality of the Qitarians as much as possible, weaken their strength, and make them unable to organize an invading army.

The mothership of the Zetarians is also an important trophy that Luo Feng covets. When the Zetar Swiss soldiers are almost wiped out by the entrapment strategy, the Avengers will pass through the wormhole and kill the earth, turning from strategic defense to strategy Attack, go straight to the mothership in space and seize it.


I learned from the public relations consultant that the bad reviews of myself on the Internet have been greatly reduced. Your Excellency was overjoyed, playing with his mobile phone and smiling while reading messages.

Luo Feng stepped forward and whispered: "Your Excellency, maybe we can make a small deal. You are about to usher in the next round of elections. I have a way to make your image in the eyes of the voters upside down. Reverse."

The president was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he whispered: "Mr. Commander, quickly tell me, what is the deal?"

Luo Feng leaned close to the President's ear and whispered, and he murmured for a long time. He listened and nodded.

After listening to Luo Feng’s whisper, His Excellency the President said in surprise: "Commander, can you really do everything you say? There is no danger, right?"

"Don't worry, everything is under control." Luo Feng said in a big way: "I will be by your side. If something goes wrong, I will guarantee your safety."

The president's face was tangled, he hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth and said: "Well, I am a man who dares to fight, and courage is one of my most precious treasures. Just do what you say!"

Luo Feng led him and a camera team off the bridge and onto the deck of the Flying Aircraft Carrier, and they came to the platform on the bow of the aircraft carrier.

"Reduce the frequency of shooting and let in more enemies. The essence of the pocket array is to have a degree of relaxation and can't scare the enemy away."

Luo Feng used the walkie-talkie to give instructions to the troops.

The density of ground air defense firepower has been greatly reduced, and the Zeta Swiss soldiers rushing out of the wormhole can be regarded as a respite, and they are blasted by the volley before exiting the wormhole.

The fire web barrage in the sky left room, and the giant insects and flying carriages of the Qitarians soon filled the blue sky.

Suddenly, several flying carriages flew to the Aegis aircraft carrier, and the control room rushed to Luo Feng, asking whether to send fighter jets to stop them immediately, but Luo Feng ordered the aliens to be released.

The flying carriage flew over the Aegis aircraft carrier and slowly landed. The Zeita Swiss soldiers jumped out of the carriage. A tall Zeita Swiss soldier walked in the forefront. He looked like a commander, and the rest of the soldiers were like The guard walked behind him and treated him with great respect.

"Photography team, take good shots!"

Luo Feng quietly ordered.

The bodyguards took out their pistols and pointed them at the coming Zita Swiss soldier.

The president said boldly: "Get out of the way, they look like messengers of aliens, and I want to hold diplomatic negotiations with them."

The bodyguards were willing to give up. They couldn't understand the president's thoughts. Even if the other party is an alien messenger, the President did not bring an alien translation. How can you negotiate with the aliens?

Suddenly, their expressions stiffened together, and then they stepped aside as if following orders.

His Excellency the President tidied up his suit, straightened out the hair tossed by the wind, and strode towards the tall Zita Swiss soldier.

This scene was filmed by the camera team and broadcast on mobile phones and TV screens across the United States.

The audience could not believe their eyes and was deeply attracted by this scene.

When he came to the tall Zitar warrior, His Excellency the President said sternly: "Invaders, you have already suffered huge losses. I advise you to get out of the earth as soon as possible. I stand here for your evil purpose. It will never be reached."

The Zita Swiss opened his mouth full of sharp teeth and spoke of English with an alien accent: "Are you the king of this planet?"

"I am not a king. I am the leader of the country you are invading. The president of the United States has a broken bed. Remember my name, I am the one who beat you up!"

His Excellency the President raised his head and replied fiercely.

"Ignorant and arrogant earthlings!" Zeta Swiss soldier said arrogantly: "I am here on behalf of the overlord of the universe Thanos. He is the king of kings, the most powerful overlord in the universe. He has destroyed countless civilizations. , Standing in front of his invincible legion, there is only one way to be crushed. Surrender, earthlings, and become slaves to the great universe overlord Thanos. This is the only way for you poor bugs to survive!"

Aliens’ rumors were recorded and broadcast live, and the people watching the video were furious, and the comments on the live broadcast suddenly became abusive.

"Which alien dog Thanos is? These aliens were beaten up just now, so they dare to be so rampant!"

"I really want to kill him with one shot. I'm going to the Mojave Desert with my shotgun and kick these alien dog **** in the ass!"

"Oh my God, the invaders turned out to be the overlords of the universe. They have destroyed many civilizations. Can we win?"


Your Excellency was angry, and his figure seemed to swell a little, and he strode closer to the alien soldier. For some reason, the alien envoy was pushed back by him step by step as if he was afraid of him, until he flew. The edge of the aircraft carrier deck.

Turning to another alien soldier, he said coldly: "Go back and tell Thanos..."

Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly kicked out, raised his leg high, and hit the chest of the tall alien messenger, kicking him off the flying aircraft carrier!

The alien messenger screamed and fell into the clouds.

At the same time, a roar that shook the world resounded through the clouds:



"Sister, look!"

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