Looking back at the scene, after naming the lamb, Mr. Huang suddenly smiled slightly, how this smile looks like “bad intentions” ~

“Teacher Huang, you laugh so evil~”

Su Ye also noticed this, and immediately said jokingly.

“Because, I thought of something.”

Teacher Huang’s smile did not dissipate because of Su Ye’s ridicule, but said even more.

What the!

Hearing Teacher Huang say this, everyone looked at him in unison, and said in unison: “What happened?” ”

“Xiao Budian has just been born, I dare to assure you that this meat is absolutely tender, and it is most suitable for hot pot~”

Teacher Huang’s words made everyone burst into laughter.

“Tianba, you remember what Teacher Huang said, he said that he was going to eat a little bit ah~”

Su Ye looked lively and not afraid of big things, and said to Tianba.

Tianba and Xiao Budian naturally didn’t understand what Su Ye and Teacher Huang were talking about, and immediately looked at them with a confused expression.

“Don’t forget that I will communicate with animals, Tianba just said that I am not finished with Teacher Huang~”

At this time, Su Ye smiled slightly again and said.


I believe you are a ghost!

Let’s not mention that communicating with animals is very unsophisticated, big brother, just now Tianba didn’t call a word! It’s too much!

“Su Ye, Tianba didn’t speak just now~”

Nana also had a smile on her face and said with a smile.

“You don’t understand, just now Tianba said abdominal language~”

I have to say that when it comes to the mushroom house, who is the most capable of serious nonsense, it is Su Ye without a doubt! This is nonsense, you just look at it from the surface, it really is the same thing.

Of course, the guests at the scene, at this time, naturally did not forget to roll their eyes at Su Ye!

This white eye seems to say: You continue to talk nonsense, we don’t believe it~


After the joke, Su Ye and Gu Xiaona and Xiao Budian played for a while longer, and then reluctantly walked out of the sheep pen.

“Eh, I found one thing~”

At this time, Nana suddenly looked at Su Ye and Gu Xiaona and said.


Being looked at like this, Su Ye and Gu Xiaona naturally reacted, Nana said this, it must be related to them.

“I found that when you and Xiao Budian stayed together just now, it felt like a father and mother!”

The audience friends never expected that what Nana said next was what they had just said on the barrage!

Inside the mushroom house, except for the little two, the rest of the guests, for Nana’s words, that is a hundred agree!

“Yes, I think so too!”

Peng Xiaochang nodded and said.

“It must be that now Brother Su Ye and Sister Xiao Na are now expectant fathers and mothers-to-be, and when they see the newborn life, their love will flood up.”

Sister Zhang Xiaofeng smiled and said.

In this regard, Su Ye and Gu Xiaona looked at each other and smiled, and the rest of the guests didn’t say, they really hadn’t found it.

After they said this, they remembered the mood just now, saw the newborn little Budian, their hearts ah, they were extremely excited, happy, and full of warmth.

It seems that ah, my sister doesn’t say anything, as a father-to-be and mother-to-be, they are a little overflowing…

“I am so pampered by Xiao Bu, when your child is born, then I will have it~”

Nana, who is already your mother, then said with a smile.

These words made the audience in the live broadcast room discuss one after another

“No problem!!! Look at the current appearance of Su Ye and Cortana, they will still be really born by then! That’s not spoiling!!! ”

“I even suspect that if Su Ye and Cortana’s children want stars in the sky, Su Ye will do everything they can!!!

“Hahaha!!! It’s not too much at all!!! ”


Above the barrage, there were all mocking voices.

Look back at the scene of the mushroom house.

Facing Nana’s words, Su Ye and Gu Xiaona both smiled lightly.

“Our children, there is no reason not to spoil~”

Among them, Su Ye smiled slightly and said.

At this moment, Gu Xiaona, who was standing next to Su Ye, gave Su Ye a proposition!

“Husband, when the time comes, you will love me more, or love children more~”

I saw that she smiled playfully, asked Su Ye, and said.

As soon as this question came out, all the guests of the program group at the scene, all the audience friends in the live broadcast room, all looked at Su Ye in unison, and all the people put on the same expression, that is: Look at the excitement is not afraid of big things!

They wanted to see how Su Ye would answer in the face of such a sending proposition!

In this regard, Su Ye said that it is all a piece of cake!

I saw that he was slightly positive, turned his head to look at Gu Xiaona seriously, and said: “Now, the person I love the most is my wife you, and when our child is born, the person I love the most may have two~”

When the words fell, he gently hugged Gu Xiaona in his arms.


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