Longevity Species

Chapter 751 A few venerables, too few! (first update)

The Immortal Origin Bead, how do you know?

The tomb of the undead is the greatest secret of our undead race. You, a human master, how do you know?

Could it be that you covet the undead origin beads of our undead race?

Hearing the master of the sword's words, the faces of the seven masters of the undead race changed drastically, and even their voices trembled. Because the master of the sword has already mentioned the biggest secret of their undead, which is also the root of the undead, the tomb of the undead!

In fact, the reason why the undead are called undead has a lot to do with the undead tomb.

No one knows the origin of the undead and how it was born, but in fact, the undead is a life gradually born from a tomb.

This tomb is called the tomb of the undead!

This is the root of the undead!

There is even an undead origin orb in it. The original master of the undead clan was able to be promoted to the master, even the top master, because he took the original orb from the undead tomb.

However, with the passage of time, the undead have gradually declined after experiencing glory. Especially in the battle with the enemy, the original pearl of immortality is gradually lost.

Without the Undead Origin Orb, the master of the undead race simply cannot be promoted to the great master.

Therefore, the undead original pearl is the holy object most desired by the undead.

As far as the undead people know, there is only one remaining in the undead tomb. Unfortunately, the undead tomb can only be entered by those below the master.

Those who are above the master cannot enter the undead tomb at all.

As for the great venerables, venerables, true gods, and even mortals below the ruler, the undead have been in a steady stream, and I don't know how many waves have been sent out. But it is a pity that no one can bring out the undead original pearl from the undead tomb.

This news was top secret. They couldn't figure out how the Sword Lord got the news, and it was so detailed.

The master of the sword sneered and said: You guys underestimate us human beings too much. After dealing with you undead people for so many years, how can you know nothing about your undead people? Three promises, human beings will do what they say!

The faces of the undead masters were ugly, and the seven masters all looked at each other. They doubted: You humans are really sure that you can enter the undead tomb and bring out the undead original pearl?

I'm not sure, the ancestral land of your undead races, even your undead races are not sure, let alone us humans? However, I, the first human being, naturally have some means, at least much more sure than your undead races How? I only want the undead grass! Well, if Venerable Lei brings out the Immortal Origin Orb from the undead tomb, everything else will be obtained by Lei Venerable except for the Origin Orb.

The words of the master of the sword caused many masters of the undead to fall into silence.

It seems to be weighing the condition of the master of the sword. The condition of the master of the sword is the undead grass. As for the things brought out from the undead tomb, except for the undead original pearl, the rest of the things are not considered by the undead.

After a long time, the undead master seemed to have made a decision.

Okay, we promise you. As long as you human venerables can bring out the immortal pearl from the undead tomb, we will give you an immortal grass!

Finally, the seven masters of the undead made a decision, and they agreed.

However, the master of the sword put his hands behind his back and said lightly: One plant is not enough, I need two plants of immortal grass!

What? Two plants of immortal grass?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! What do you think the undead grass is, it is everywhere? It is the sacred object of our undead race, the real holy object!

One undying grass is equivalent to one more life, master of the sword, don't be dissatisfied. Apart from the undying grass, there are only a handful of treasures in the entire Ming Realm that can give you an extra life!

Master of the sword, one undead grass is enough, don't go too far!

Hearing that the master of the sword actually asked for two plants of undead grass, the seven masters of the undead race were very angry. Undead grass is the sacred object of the undead race, even if they have so many years of undead stock, it is actually only a handful.

Giving the master of the sword one undead grass is already the limit of the undead, do you want two more? Totally impossible!

Therefore, the seven masters of the undead resolutely refused.

But the master of the sword didn't seem to be discouraged, but said lightly: One plant is not enough. I have only one chance to break through, which is too little. I humans are different from you undead. You have a complete cultivation system, but we humans No. If I want to break through to the Supreme Master, I have too few chances to try once, at least twice. Therefore, I have decided on these two plants of immortal grass! If you give it, it’s fine, if you don’t give it, you have to give it!”

At this moment, the master of the sword exuded infinite arrogance.

Even the four divine swords beside the Lord of Swords were shining with light at this moment, which made people feel extremely dazzling, as if they were about to cut through the void.


The seven masters immediately became angry, and the two sides were at war with each other.

Lei Dao was motionless, and there was no movement at all. He naturally has confidence in his heart, not because he is not afraid of the seven masters, but because he feels that if he travels through space, Lei Dao may not be able to escape.

The last time Lei Dao was able to be shaken out of the space, it was because Lei Dao was too weak, but this time, after all, he had a little gain, and he would not be shaken out of the space channel so easily.

What's more, there is also the master of the sword!

Since the master of the sword dared to come, there must be some reliance. Lei Dao didn't believe that the master of the sword really came to die, that was impossible. As long as the master of the sword is still there, there is no need to be afraid of Lei Dao.

Two plants of immortal grass! You can't miss one! If you don't give it, you can try it and see how many masters of you can be beheaded by me alone?

The ruler of the sword is no nonsense, if you don't give it, you will cut it!

Perhaps, in the eyes of the undead master, he was very angry, but wouldn't it be aggrieved if he succumbed? But the master of the sword is the top master, infinitely close to the great master, they dare not act rashly.

Even if they have seven masters at this moment, they dare not do it lightly.

Immortal Bead, let's change it to Undying Grass. Alright, Lord of Swords, we'll give you two Undying Grass! However, if you human beings can't bring back the Undying Bead, even if you fight to the death, you will never get a single Undying Grass!

Finally, the undead master gritted his teeth and agreed.

That's natural, if you can't bring back the undead beads, I don't have the face to ask for undead grass!

A smile finally appeared on the master of the sword's face.

Is he going to break into the undead tomb?

The eyes of the seven rulers all focused on Lei Dao.

That's right, Venerable Lei is my number one human being. It's perfect for him to break into the tomb of the undead.

However, the Seven Masters hesitated a bit.

Let's talk about it first. There is danger in the tomb of the undead. Anyone below the master can enter. But no matter whether it is a great venerable, a venerable or a true god, if you enter it, some will be injured, but they can come back alive, and some will never come back. Don’t you human beings have any top venerables to send? If a venerable goes in, it is very likely that he will never come back.”

The undead master said with a sneer.

It's not that he cares about Lei Dao's life and death, but Lei Dao's life and death, which involves whether the undead can get the original pearl of immortality. The undead cared about the original pearl, not the life and death of Lei Dao.

Now that the master of the sword has agreed to give up the two plants of undead grass, the undead also naturally want to get the original pearl of immortality. After all, compared to the undead grass, what the undead need most is the undead original pearl.

We let Venerable Lei enter the tomb of the undead. Naturally, we have our considerations. Venerable Lei is the most suitable person. Even if he is a top-notch grand lord, he is not as good as Venerable Lei in some aspects.

The Lord of Swords spoke slowly.

But these undead masters are obviously still a little worried, so the undead master said: Can we let the top venerable of the undead race compete with Lord Lei? It's good for us to have a bottom line in our hearts and feel a little relieved. Some.


The master of the sword glanced at Lei Dao. After all, Lei Dao had to agree to this matter.

Lei Dao said with a smile: It's okay, Lei has no objection to the competition. However, since it is a competition, how can there be no prizes? You undead should also have life-extending treasures, right? The top life-prolonging treasures are the prizes. If Lei If you win one of your venerables, you will get a top-notch life-extending treasure. It’s the same if Lei loses, how about it?”

no problem.

It's a mere lottery, of course the undead don't care.

Lei Dao was overjoyed, he was very poor now, he was really poor, he didn't even have a life-extending treasure, and even his contribution points were exhausted.

Venerable human beings, if you want to obtain cultivation resources, you have to fight for them by yourself and rely on your own efforts.

Therefore, Lei Dao tried every means, thinking about how to obtain resources all the time. Now the opportunity has come, and of course he is happy to be able to search for a little bit from the undead.

As for losing?

Lei Dao didn't think about it.

He is able to travel through space, and he is invincible no matter what, and he will never lose at all.

At most, it is a tie, and no one can do anything to anyone.

Therefore, Lei Dao will not lose in any case.

The master of the sword obviously also knew Lei Dao's plan, so he didn't speak, but let Lei Dao make the decision.

So, the undead people thought about it, and did not let Lei Dao and others enter the undead world. After all, the undead world is their ancestral land, and they did not fully recognize Lei Dao's strength. ground.

Soon, the undead tribe summoned several undead venerables, all of whom were the top venerables among the undead people.

However, Lei Dao frowned and said: Not enough, far from enough, just a few venerables, too few. Your undead family has a great career, so you can't even gather dozens of venerables?

Lei Dao was going to do a big job, and finally came across this opportunity, if he missed it, he would have no chance. If you just defeat a venerable, you will get very limited life-extending treasures.

The agreement between Lei Dao and the undead is that one treasure can be obtained by defeating one venerable. Therefore, the number of venerables is very important.

Lei Dao didn't want to show his strength, but the undead were no match, so wouldn't he be at a big loss? Therefore, either don't do it, or do it big, Lei Dao has to deal with dozens of top venerables of the undead at the same time!

ps: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a family reunion!

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