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Tao pondered the question in his heart, and Suo knew it.

Grandma Taizhen sighed when she saw Yin Xuan Mu, who was clearly in her true state, and then closed her eyes slightly, as if she had received some spiritual response.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"If I knew this earlier, why should it be in the first place."

"His old man has never set too many strict palace rules. Back then, you betrayed the palace and stole treasures, but it was nothing, but you were so cruel that you hurt many sisters, but this violated his old man's taboo, yes In this life, you will never be allowed to return to Asgard, but..."

Having said this, grandma paused and gave Mother Yinxuan hope.

The next moment, he said again:

"Although you can't go back to the palace, you are allowed to return the dozens of immortal treasures that were stolen from the treasury that year, and you are allowed to leave a legacy."

"As for whether the true soul survives or not? Can it be reincarnated and rebuilt? Let's see if you are lucky."

As soon as Grandma Taizhen finished speaking, she immediately saw the cat's head, which had an indifferent expression, and burst into tears in an instant.

There was even a gurgling sound like spring water, the **** hole at the neck "squeaked", dozens of **** intestines and tentacles hung down, the lunar moon essence wheel trembled and sprinkled Qinghui, and in a flash, the cat's head was human. The fairy's body changed again.

Looking excited, he respectfully saluted a certain direction in Yuanhai, and shouted at the same time: "The mother goddess is merciful, Xuan Mao's sins in this life are unforgivable, and it is impossible to return. I only hope to return to the mother god's knees in the next life."

After thanking her, Mother Yinxuan finally showed a bright smile on her originally indifferent cat face.

But many years have not laughed, and now laughing again, the expression is quite awkward.

A pair of cat pupils soon fell on the little liu slave in Taizhen's grandmother's arms, unable to hide the joy, and praised again and again:

"Yin and yang are born, and there is no shortage of wonderful bodies. Although they are not conceived by gods and demons, they are born with the seeds of demons and gods."

"I don't expect you to be able to major in my "Taiyin Lingsuyuema Sutra" in the future. I just hope that I can help you halfway through the way I want to achieve enlightenment in my life."

No one, including Tao Qian and Grandma Taizhen, would have thought that Mother Yinxuan would have such a low attitude in front of her darling.

Although Yinxuanmu was in a very embarrassed position when she was defeated by the Moon God, she was destroyed by his **** with a hoe.

But at any rate, this is also a strongman in the Taoist realm, a existence like [Suichaozi].

Why are you so nice to Tao Qian's daughter?

The gift of a lifetime inheritance never mentions the word "master and apprentice", which sounds like a free gift?

But on second thought, for Mother Yinxuan, Tao Qian's daughter was really her only way to survive.

If Little Li Nu rejects her, even if she can leave a trace of her true soul, it will be useless. The soul that has been ravaged by the Dao calamity is too incomplete, and its origin will be lost. Unable to realize the previous life, from then on completely indulged in samsara, leaving no trace.

It's just that there are such good things in this world?

Tao Qian's mind revived the iron law again, and subconsciously he had to think about the cost of it?

Seemingly guessing what Tao Qian was thinking, Mother Yinxuan immediately turned her head to look at him after her admiration, and immediately said frankly:

"Tao Zhenjun's name is prudent and intelligent, I also know a little bit."

"Whether this matter can be accomplished is entirely up to the true monarch. My mother Yin Xuan, who is still dying, how dare to conceal it at all?"

"The reason why I donated all my wealth and inheritance to the noble girl, without mentioning the word master and apprentice, is precisely to eliminate the causal price."

"I wandered in Dayuan and naturally offended a lot of strong people. The most difficult one is the [Three Corpse Demon Lord]. If I have the status of master and apprentice with the noble girl, the ugly guy will have an excuse to make things difficult. Without this connection, he would not dare to act, otherwise Lingbao Tianzun would have an excuse to destroy his Three Corpse Demon Realm."

"As for the rest of the debts, I also have some arrangements. Before I die, there will be a break, and I will keep it without any future troubles."

"Just ask True Monarch, allow me a convenience."

Mother Yinxuan spoke earnestly and did not hide her predicament, nor did she take into account the majesty of her Taoist realm powerhouse.

When Tao Qian heard the words, he fell into deep thought.

Ordinarily, with his temperament, how could he miss the opportunity to prostitute for free?

However, this incident involved his baby girl who was just born, and the one who took the initiative to send it to the door was a strongman who tried to fight with the "Taiyin Moon God", who (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter five hundred and fifty-fifth wishful life, blood suppression

Do you know if there are traps in there?

Although Mother Yinxuan has explained all the reasons and causes, and there are also Lingbao Tianzun and Doumu Yuanjun, two super bosses, Lingying endorsements.

It seems that there is no risk?

The balance in Tao Qian's heart gradually tilted, but he did not make a decision for a while.

Mother Yinxuan looked at this scene, her mood was quite complicated.

The "Tao Zhenjun" in front of him has a loud name and a skill that is sky-high, it goes without saying.

But after all, it is not really a Taoist realm, and it may have a very high status in the longevity world.

If she hadn't made a mistake, she would still be the direct descendant of Doumu, and her status would actually be above him.

When we met, I had to call her grandma.

Now, his life and life, whether he can live a second life, are all up to him.

Thoughts flickered here, even if Mother Yin Xuan was determined, she couldn't help but sigh.

Suddenly, at this moment, a childish cat meow came.

But it was the little raccoon slave in Taizhen's grandmother's arms, who suddenly stuck out an ignorant little head, those eyes that seemed to have the spirit of heaven and earth, looked at her curiously, and the lunar moon essence wheel hanging behind her head. .

Xiaoli Nu's shout, the milky voice, and the cute look, suddenly interrupted Tao Qian's thoughts.

At this time, the old father just wanted to hold the strange girl over, and he was willing to think about whoring for nothing.

Unexpectedly, the rest of the players in the field reacted even more than him.

Needless to say, Yun Rong would have brought back the little milk cat if it wasn't for the inconvenience of moving.

Taizhen's grandma used to suffer from nightmares. She hugged the little raccoon tighter, each "good girl", wishing to rub into her broad chest.

And what is surprising is the mysterious mother.

Hearing that "milk cat meowing", this indifferent female fairy with a cat's head and a human body came alive.

The whole body even began to overflow with a warm and soft radiance that seemed to contain motherhood.

Those golden cat eyes stared at Little Li Nu.

Without the slightest hesitation, he was about to pluck the supernatural treasure [Taiyin Moon Essence Wheel] from the back of his head and bring it to the little li slave to play with.

Fortunately, she still knew how to measure up, so she didn't come over in person.

Instead, he waved his hand and made a call.

In an instant, the sky changed, and an endless pair of cat eyes appeared.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of thousands of black cats with dark bodies and golden eyes jumped out, and each black cat held a different thing in its mouth.

Most of them are all kinds of bizarre foods, and some are secret books, fairy utensils, and so on.

The cats are surrounded by the Yinxuan mother's skirt!

This scene is quite strange.

Gein's every black cat exudes a strong demonic aura, and in his golden eyes, there is also a cold killing intent.

Tao Qian knew at a glance: these black cats are all powerful monsters, and they are the kind that have experienced wars and slaughter all the year round. Under that seemingly mysterious and beautiful appearance, I am afraid that many resentful souls are entangled... any one throws In the realm of longevity, troubles can be caused, and disasters like "Cat Demon Troubled World" and "Cat Disaster" can be caused.

Sure enough, the next moment I heard Mother Yinxuan introduce:

"These children are the only Taiyin raccoon slaves under my command."

"Back then, I stole dozens of immortal treasures from the Doumu Treasure Palace, one of which was called the [Wishful Life Treasure Bottle], and inside it was pregnant with a bottle full of my daughter's spring water. , I drank as much as I could after a single thought, and within a few days this family was born."

"Everyone is a good boy, although each has magical powers, but because of his blood, he will never hurt any raccoon slave in the world."

"True monarch can rest assured to let them pass. These utensils are food and gadgets that have no causal contamination, and they are regarded as meeting gifts for my expelled elders."

After she finished speaking, she let the group of elegant black cats come to Tao Qian first.

It also surrounded him, each of which was extremely well-behaved, and was fondled by Tao Qian's probing hands.

This change is exactly what Tao Qian intended.

There is a hidden decision in his heart, and the last doubt may be solved by these Taiyin raccoon slaves.

While thinking about it, Tao Qian was already reaching for a black cat in front of him. (This chapter is not over!)

Chapter five hundred and fifty-fifth wishful life, blood suppression

What he was holding in his mouth was not the Lunar Moon Essence Wheel, but a fat fish that had been made into dried fish, but still had the size of a grinding disc. The whole body was colorful, with a bulging belly and protruding eyes. Tao Qian.

Touching the moment, I first got the annotation of this fatty dried fish:

[Salmon, a living creature in the secret "mountain and sea world" of the Great Abyss, its meat is delicious, eating it can increase longevity, and it can make its appearance perfect. The Taiyin raccoon slaves accidentally discovered the existence of this tribe, and they are very addicted to its meat, and regard it as a delicacy. It has been hunted and killed all the year round to make dried fish. If Taiyin raccoon can give this dried fish, it means that it has won the highest recognition of this clan. 】

"Okay, dried fish."

Tao Qian raised his eyes and looked at the thousands of black cats in front of him, at least 500 of them had the dried fish in their mouths.

After skipping Yugan Zhishu, Tao Qian looked down again.

Sure enough, after all, these raccoon slaves drank the direct family members born from her daughter's spring water, and more secrets related to them emerged immediately after touching them.

[Record title: Taiyin raccoon slave. 】

[Category: Family. 】

[Records: This clan is a new race, born by the mother of Yinxuan taking her daughter Spring Water, all are female, each has supernatural powers, good at conquest, good at killing... Because of the special bloodline, once Yinxuan is born Mother Xuan's body dies and the Dao disappears, and under the feedback of evil This clan may also have the bloodline to collapse, and the death and injury are almost gone. One of the reasons why Yinxuan mother wants to find the successor of the Dao vein is precisely to protect this The lives of all raccoon slaves in the clan. 】

[Note 1: Although Mother Yinxuan has also practiced the Three Corpse Secret Technique halfway through, her original Daoist method is still in the Doumu lineage, and her perfect successor must also be in the Doumu lineage, and it must be a direct descendant. 】

[Note 2: Mother Yinxuan, Grandma Taizhen and hundreds of immortals under Doum's command were originally "a drop of innate quintessence".

[Note 3: The little raccoon slave was conceived as a spiritual treasure, Miao Xi and Xiantian Yin Xi. Not only was he born with a wonderful body, but he also had a certain degree of blood affinity and suppression for all the creatures in the world born from Xiantian Yin Xi. It is also the reason why Mother Yinxuan chose her as the only inheritor. 】


Looking at these, Tao Qian's last doubts dissipated.

After seeing her daughter's milk cry before, the doubts about the strange reaction between Grandma Taizhen and Mother Yinxuan also dissipated.

"My good luck seems to be better than her father's."

"As expected of my daughter."

When Tao Qian murmured in his heart, Ming Mian also waved his hand to let go.

Immediately, he saw thousands of Taiyin raccoon slaves, holding a lot of dried fish and all kinds of immortal treasures, shouting excitedly, and rushing towards the little raccoon slaves in unison.

Seeing how excited they looked, even if there was no order from the old mother Yinxuanmu, they would still behave like this.

ps: I know it's a little short, but this is a small achievement of live codewords, come on.

To be continued

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Chapter five hundred and fifty-fifth wishful life, blood suppression


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