Climbing to Xiandao, the starlight of Hongluan spreads all over the island.

In an instant, many spirit beasts and monsters on the island felt a sense of this, and it seemed that it was the "spring season".

Such a vast scene naturally also alarmed the aunts and uncles in the mountain gate.

But when he saw that he was on the immortal island, he immediately understood the reason, and there were jokes and laughter everywhere.

"What a spectacular star shower, um, I think it's Sister Yunhua's close friend [Fairy Hongluan], is she so generous? Inciting the blessing of star power, it is already a great gift, this star shower falls Come, Master Tao's marriage will be happy, no disasters, no disasters, this is a great favor."

"Junior brother is thinking wrong. Fairy Hongluan can cast a spell to induce the blessing of star power, but the amount of star power is determined by the fate of the 'recipient'."

"That's right, and it doesn't have to be purely atmospheric luck. It has to be a person with a temperament and a romantic creature, so that this Red Luan Star Shower may be attracted... This is reasonable. This senior nephew of our family, Su Known as Taozi Daozi, although a star shower is rare, it is also reasonable."

"Well, it does make sense."

If Tao Qian heard this, he would be surprised and ashamed.

He thought that the nickname "Peach Blossom Daozi" was well hidden, but it was only the two masters who were shouting, but he was deceiving himself.

Lingbao Wanxian, all of them look like Xianyun Yehe.

In fact, they are all very gossip, otherwise the milk woman and bird family will not be able to get along with the current fame.

The Penglai Sea is usually not very lively, but the most eye-catching person in recent years is Tao Dazhen, which naturally attracts all attention.

After talking a lot, and having eaten Tao's peaches, I naturally liked it a lot.

In the previous incident, if True Monarch Duobao hadn't stopped him, Wanxian, who kept Lingbao, would have gone out to help him fight together.

Tao Qian didn't know what was happening next to him, and Zhi couldn't do anything.

After the ceremony with "Aunt Hongluan", he saw "Aunt Huashen", "Aunt Jade Rabbit", "Aunt Que Xian" and others one after another.

Without waiting for more greetings, he was caught by his aunts into the Lingji Cave Mansion to get busy.

All of these foreign aunts were entrusted by Aunt Yunhua. They each had their own tasks, and the wedding date was approaching, so there was no time to waste.

Aunt Wuluo, who has the most hearty temperament, even shouted:

"Sisters, although it's Senior Taizhen, we can't lose."

"Cleanse your body, wash your soul, tailor your clothes, bless the stars, teach magic tricks... You have to do everything well, so as not to be looked down upon by Yuhuan Mountain. By the way, there are also Mei Niang and Bao Bao, the two of you too. It is a wonderful thing to teach some secret methods, to give some treasures, to send children and pregnant women, and to be full of blessings."

With these shouts, Tao Qian became a tool man.

Not to mention the fact that he took his ancestral daoist friends to drink, and for the next dozens of hours, there was no free time of his own.

One moment it was this aunt playing with it, and another moment it was pulled by the next aunt.

At the beginning, there was still some fun, and then there was only fatigue.

Fortunately, on Yun Rong's side, the situation was similar.

Grandma Taizhen's face is big after all, one person is enough to stand up to Immortal Yunhua plus Daoist Duobao, and invited a lot of relatives and friends to help.

Tao Qian had to deal with the aunts, and Yun Rong had to deal with all the senior female fairies.

So in the past two days, whether it is Yuhuan Mountain or Xiandao, it is very lively.

These two couples can play again.

First of all, "hearts and minds are connected", and then he learned the wonderful method of Taizhen, and then he was taught by Fairy Jinghuan the Tao of the Supreme Cloud and Rain.

The immortal couple were immediately interested.

Even if they are separated by thousands of miles, they also use various means to compete.

The two of them played with flowers before, and they played every pose over and over.

But most of the time Tao Dazhen was at a disadvantage, but he couldn't. His body was tyrannical, but he couldn't help such things.

This time, it's different.

After getting the professor of Fairy Jinghuan, his combat power skyrocketed, and he was even more proficient at all kinds of new tricks and tricks, and finally defeated the cat.

The husband was very excited, and he was very happy.

Just in the midst of this immortal couple's busyness, two days passed quickly.

On this day, mortals and monks with a little bit of knowledge in the world all knew that a grand and happy event was about to begin.

Zeng Wantianqing's first arrogant Taoist is about to marry Fairy Yunrong, a female fairy in the secret realm of Yuhuan Mountain.

Seriously, this must be the most lively wedding in the cultivation world for thousands of years.

Gein's background of the groom and the bride is very great.

In particular, Tao Dazhen, the groom's official son, has turned the seventy-two provinces upside down in just a few years. It is no exaggeration to say that the world has changed.

Although in order to prevent him from re-entering the WTO, many geniuses and major forces have engaged in some conspiracies behind the scenes.

But this day was his big day after all, so he had to give some face, some wars and fights could be avoided, but it made this world of longevity usher in the most quiet and peaceful day.

The extraordinary people who received the invitations all set off early and rushed to the Penglai Sea.

The bride and groom are big, and so are the guests.

Starting from the twelve sects of Taoism, Buddhism and Demon Taoism, as well as the side door and left Taoism, or some detached Taoism... It is very complete and amazing.

However, among them, there are also many ordinary people.

At this moment, a pair of curious and excited families were in the palace of a building boat dragged by a cloud whale and beast sailing on the sky.

There are dozens of people in the two families, and they are relatives of Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang.

Including the two of them, they all felt like they were still dreaming.

In my mind, the scene of the previous two days also appeared from time to time.

To be precise, it's a fairyland.

Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang, when Tao Qian was still opening Nachengyou Bookstore in Xunxian County, they opened a strange stone store and a pharmacy on the left and right respectively.

He and Tao Qian are both very good friends, and his quick integration into the world after his rebirth also has the merit of both of them.

Later, Xunxian County was plagued by demons, and the two moved to the Nanyue provincial capital [Wuyang City] together. They also found a street, bought two adjacent shops, and became neighbors.

Although over the years, demons have been chaotic, evil cultivators have been rampant, and natural disasters have never been cut off, there is almost no real peaceful place to be found in the seventy-two provinces.

This is true even in the magic capital and the imperial capital, not to mention the southern Guangdong provincial capital.

After the two families moved, the provincial capital suffered many disasters.

However, it is also good luck. Li and Jia are always lucky. They never really lost their population. Instead, they added a few mouthfuls.

In the old world, it is extremely rare for the two families to have such an encounter.

Just when the two families thought that life would go on like this, another accident happened on this day.

As the provincial capital of southern Guangdong, Wuyang City is naturally a place where dragons and snakes are mixed.

There are a large number of monks and gods, and there is also the Yingzong, the first cultivation force in Nanyue, guarding it.

But on this day, a ship from the Immortal Palace was dragged by several alien beast cloud whales and stopped above the provincial capital sky.

Even now that the two worlds have merged, ordinary commoners are completely accustomed to the existence of extraordinary things, and they are still shocked.

But soon, including the monk Yingzong, the practitioners all over the city went to welcome the messenger in the boat of the Immortal Palace.

All the citizens of the city knew of a great joy. It turned out that Tao Zhenren, who had promoted Yang Sui's first righteousness and recast the forbidden law, was going to get married soon.

The person who came was the welcome messenger sent by the Lingbao Sect.

The building ship Immortal Palace, which is unusual in style, looks like a heavenly object, but it is nothing more than an utensil to welcome guests.

Knowing this, the cultivators in the city all envy the Infant Sect cultivators.

All of them subconsciously believed that, in terms of status, in Nanyue, there was almost only the Yingzong family who might be invited by Tao Zhenren to a banquet.

In terms of close relationship, it is still an infant.

As Tao Qian became famous all over the world, some of his past was also excavated.

There are not only serious achievements, but also some interesting gossip.

Among them, the most widely spread and the most talked about is the so-called "love secret" between Tao Zhenren and Infant Sect Xiaorenren.

The root cause is the Meiling incident that has been spread for some reason.

At that time, Tao Qian, with his weak cultivation base, used clever tricks and tricks to help Xiao Zhenren break through the ten unique formations of the Xuanhen Tianmen.

The process was known by some good people and novelists, and it was in line with the public's preferences. They were compiled into some ups and downs booklets, and some splendid plots were added to them to increase sales.

There are also some good people with extraordinary means, who took down the [Chengyou Bookstore] in Caishi Street, Xunxian County.

Not surprisingly, the most popular are some **** books.

Just in Wuyang City, millions of city residents thought that the immortal palace building ship was here to pick up Xiao Zhenren to Penglai Wonderland.

The Infant Sect cultivator in the city came out to refute the rumor, saying that Xiao Zhenren had already gone to Lingbao Sect first.

Afterwards, the Lingbao Immortal Envoy, accompanied by the Yingzong cultivator, descended to an extremely ordinary civilian area in the city.

And found two unremarkable shops on a street.

A stone shop!

A pharmacy!

Then I saw the immortal envoy, after confirming the identities of the two shop owners.

Respectfully, he gave the invitation to Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang.

This scene shocked the jaws of many people in the city.

Then, millions of city residents listened to a secret story that originally only existed in some books and books.

Immortal Fate!

The Li family and the Jia family collided with a rare fate in a thousand years.

No one in the world today knows that Tao Zhenren, who can kill all the alchemists and emperors, and who can lead the recasting of forbidden laws, will surely gain the Tao in the future, and can be seen for a long can become a true immortal .

And the Li family and the Jia family have a lot of friendship with such immortals. Isn't it a big luck?

At this time, I was originally wondering why these two families always turn misfortune into good fortune when they encounter disasters, and they consciously know the reason.

"So it turns out that Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang have an old relationship with Tao Zhenren, who has not yet made a fortune, and they are touched by the good fortune of Zhenren, even if it is just a trace, it is enough to make the two families free from illness and disaster. ."

"Envy, to have such an opportunity, I'm afraid I'll have to go to the sky in one step from now on."

"If I had been in Caishi Street in Xunxian County before, I would be lucky if I met Tao Zhenren."

"It all depends on fate, so what if you're there? There are a lot of shops on the street, and the only people who can have friendship with Tao Zhenren are Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang."

"Not really, I heard my second uncle's third aunt say that there were quite a few people in Caishi Street who bought forbidden books and pictorial books in Tao Zhenren's Chengyou Bookstore, and they also indirectly had a relationship. I heard that Since then, none of these people have ever encountered a major disaster, and they have all saved their lives in the original world."

"It turns out that Tao Zhenren is also a man of temperament. So, the books such as "The Secret Biography of Peach Blossom", "The History of Tao Zhenren", "The Biography of the True Lord Fu Nie and the Demon Girl" are all true?"

"Rumors, don't believe them, don't spread them."

During these discussions, dozens of people from the Li family and Jia family boarded the ship of the Immortal Palace and went to the Penglai Sea of ​​Lingbaozong to attend the banquet under the envious eyes of the city residents.

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