In front of the stele of Uncle Wanmo, who is brutal and tyrannical, and who is very good at killing, Tao Qian thinks about it.

Although I solved my doubts by observing the life of this terrifying uncle, but a lot of questions arose from this.

For example, what does the high-grade tempering method look like?

Even if it is refined, what's so strange? Will the road be smoother?

Can the other two Dharmas not be able to obtain the Dao?

How do you decide which method is best for you?

Tao Qian thought about this, and at the same time continued to follow the inspiration to the next spiritual monument.

Occasionally glanced behind her, Fairy Baiyin was still sleeping in the fragrant scent of the cloud and mist, as if she didn't care whether Tao Qian would become alienated and degenerate, and just thought he didn't exist.

Not long after, Tao Qian stood in front of a dark monument again.

Jue Xian Ling flashed, and the light and shadow text appeared again.

What appeared this time was actually a boy, in the appearance of a human race, wearing a rounded Taoist hat, a navy blue rounded hat, and blue round-toed shoes on his feet. The most striking thing was the five-baht suit he was wearing. , It is like smoke and fog, and the treasure is light and light. It is really extraordinary and vulgar, like a fairy child beside the Taoist Tianzun.

Although appearing on this spiritual monument, it means that he has a high probability of being alienated and degenerate, and finally died in a desperate struggle.

But this image alone has made people feel no resentment no matter what.

"Shen Yuanbao, the elder of Lingbaozong, the boy named Wuzhu, cultivated in the Profound Realm."

"Originally from a human race, his talents and talents are all first-class, but he was born with the seeds of cultivation. When he was young, he had the ancient and exotic treasure [Wuzhu Immortal Money] to invest, and then he worshipped a second-generation patriarch of Lingbao Sect. With his guidance, with the five baht immortal money as the source, he built a special Dao foundation, when he became a mortal, he realized a variety of supernatural powers, and obtained a very special talent and treasure-gathering Dao body."

"The body of the Tao has the ability to gather treasures, and the road has become extremely smooth, and it has been cultivated to the profound cave without disaster or difficulty."

"There is a higher possibility, but Cheng also gathers treasures, and death also gathers treasures."

"One day, the boy was wandering in the sky, and was invaded by a foreign treasure, alienated and degraded, and the road is hopeless."

Sure enough, the word Daoji also appeared in the new spirit tablet master.

Although there is not much textual information, it is enough for Tao Qian to make the most basic judgment:

"This Uncle Wuzhu seems to be using the low-grade tempering method [Building a Foundation with Foreign Objects]."

"But it sounds very powerful."

In his thoughts, Tao Qian reached out his palm and pressed the spiritual tablet.

With the first case of Uncle Wanmo, the following process is not unfamiliar.

The light and shadow of the Wuzhu boy came, and Zhishu burst out with many scenes at the same time, Tao Qian shivered while watching.

After being exempted again, Tao Qian began to speed up.

Another few hours passed, and he saw the secret information he wanted to know.

Compared with Uncle Wanmo's ups and downs, Uncle Wuzhu was much happier.

"Uncle Wuzhu is extremely talented. Before he cultivated Taoism, there were ancient and exotic treasures who came to seek refuge. In addition, he worshipped a second-generation ancestor. He is an absolute winner in life."

"When others were still studying, this uncle had already built the foundation, and he still used a piece of immortal treasure to build it. It's really a person who is more popular than a dead person. What's even more annoying is that after he built the foundation, he got the Treasure Gathering Dao Body."

"The magic of this body is that, no matter when and where, he may pick up treasures, or some treasures come out of nowhere, just to throw him."

"The cultivator next to him wanted to fight to death for some precious treasures, but he didn't need it at all. He picked up all the supplies he needed to cultivate to the Cave Profound Realm."

"Until one time, without a guardian, he went out of the realm to wander, and as usual, he attracted treasures, but most of the treasures outside the realm were highly poisonous, and they ended up killing this uncle."

When Tao Qian finished his sigh, his mind was blurry, and a guess came up inexplicably.

Although this tempered the three methods of foundation building, the upper, middle and lower grades were clearly distinguished.

But it seems that there is not much difference.

No matter which one is used, the foundation can be successfully established, and it does not seem to affect the path. After all, it will appear on this spiritual monument, and to some extent, it is considered dead.

"Uncle Wanmo took the Chinese method, tempered the Dao foundation with the vision of the heavenly omens [the death of the star coming into the world], and advanced to the metamorphosis. Finally, he cultivated to the great consummation of Dongxuan."

"Uncle Wuzhu used his tricks to temper the Dao foundation with the ancient and exotic treasure [Wuzhu Xianqian], and he also successfully entered the metamorphosis. If it wasn't for an accident, maybe it wouldn't be a difficult task even for the Bliss."

"Perhaps, which method is not important, and the one that suits you is the best?"

While Tao Qian guessed, he moved his footsteps again.

When he stood in front of the third spiritual monument, the omen of inspiration in his mind also reached the strongest point.

Tao Qian is vaguely enlightened, because of the human spirit, the supreme spiritual treasure, the innate sense of intelligence, etc., his occasional whim actually prompted him to encounter some good opportunities, not necessarily the book treasure or the like, but also some Experiences related to the road, cultivation base, etc.

Now it seems that the third monument is very important?

In his thoughts, Tao Qian took out the Immortal Token and shook it again.

In the flickering light, new light and shadow text also jumped out.

Tao Qian was still habitually looking at the image, but unexpectedly, the figure that emerged this time was unusually agile.

This is a middle-aged Taoist man in a black Taoist robe, with black hair and black beard. He stands with his hands behind his back, and his eyes seem to be able to see through anyone's mind, giving Tao Qian the feeling that it is somehow similar to "Hundred Animals". From Tao Qian's point of view, this teacher was obviously more terrifying than Bai Qinzi.

Obviously this is a shadow, not the real person.

But when Tao Qian looked at him, there was still a sense of looking at him.

On the side, there are many more inscriptions jumping out than before:

"Qin Jiao, the elder of Lingbaozong, the real person with the name Wuxiang, the realm of bliss."

"I used to be a member of the Qin clan for thousands of years. Because of their talent, looks, etc., they were all ordinary. In addition to some other reasons, I was bullied in the Qin family. I was not even allowed to practice the secret method of the Qin family. He cultivated the Lingbao Basic Law and broke into the Foundation Establishment Realm when he was 30 years old."

"It was supposed to go to the Lingbao Mountain Gate, but it was blocked by the clan, and it took ten years to waste."

"In the past ten years, he has suffered many disasters and small disasters, and he has repeatedly wandered between life and death, but he has made the Daoji more perfect."

"Until one day, a second-generation patriarch went to Qin's house as a guest, saw his details, and taught the method secretly."

"Just in time for the great chaos in the world, and the rise of heroes, Qin Jiao also joined the world, and assisted a Qianlong from the end of the world. From this, he officially entered the metamorphosis. Controllable luck…”

"At this time, Qin Jiao also officially joined the Lingbao sect, and was praised by the Lingbao sect master. This son is the number one in the contemporary true inheritance, and he may set foot in the fairyland in the future."

Unprepared, Tao Qian saw the four characters of Lingbao Sect Master again.

If I remember correctly, Uncle Wanmo was also breastfed once by Sect Master Lingbao, and his words were similar.

Judging from the existing inscriptions, this uncle Qin Jiao is obviously a arrogant man with a forbearance and perseverance and proficient in calculation.

It is said that this kind of powerhouse who has been dormant for many years before becoming famous will not fall so easily.

In particular, the supernatural powers he acquired after his mortal transformation allowed him to spy on people's hearts and manipulate his luck.

What these eight characters mean, anyone knows.

It is difficult for such a strong man to die.

But now that the monument is engraved, there are obviously many variables behind it.

Tao Qian did not delay, and looked down again:

"After Qin Jiao entered the sect, he did not practice in the mountain gate, but re-entered the WTO, and wanted to put the hidden dragon on the throne."

"It took a total of thirteen years for Qin Jiao to do it successfully, and in the thirteen years, Qin Jiao's cultivation level went straight to the cave realm."

"The founding new emperor wanted to make Qin Jiao the national teacher. At this time, Qin Jiao's teacher ordered him to refuse and return to the mountain gate to practice."

"There have been many incidents in the middle. I only know that Qin Jiao not only did not return, but reconciled with the Qin clan after serving as the national teacher... In the following fifty years, Qin Jiao cultivated with the luck of the dynasty and successfully entered the realm of bliss... Until the new emperor On the day of his death, there was a sudden change, and Qin Jiao turned back to the mountain gate with a body on the verge of death."

"Because he repeatedly refused the orders of the second-generation ancestors, the sect master did not rescue him, and only allowed him to participate in the final battle of the Ten Thousand Immortals."

The text stops here abruptly.

To know more details, Tao Qian had to reach out and touch the spiritual tablet.

At this time, because of the line of inscriptions, Tao Qian's mind was already churning with many thoughts, as well as some unfounded but very strong guesses.

Obviously, the tempering method taken by this uncle Qin Jiao is of the highest grade, and he succeeded.

The benefits are indeed extraordinary.

He even cultivated from an ordinary person to the blissful realm in a hundred years.

Even in a place like Lingbaozong, such a speed is definitely the arrogance of heaven.

Maybe this is the secret of the top-grade tempering method?

"Uncle Qin Jiao had a complete Taoist foundation, a high cultivation base, and finally died, obviously because of an accident."

"His surname is Qin...He assisted a founding emperor...the real person named Wuxiang...When I was in Nanyue, the little white-faced saint called Qin Wuxiang who almost killed me, wouldn't he be the blood descendant of my uncle?"

"And the mysterious organization that sent out many holy children, could it be related?"

These speculations by Tao Qian have no evidence.

But to verify it is also simple, just reach out.

It's just that Fairy Baiyin solemnly reminded before that, above the Dongxuan realm, don't touch it.

But Uncle Qin Jiao is the realm of bliss.

Although Tao Qian faintly felt his strange soul, he might be exempted, at least he should be able to avoid most of the pollution.

But after all, it involves an almighty cultivator, and there are still many secrets.

The remaining pollution may be enough to kill Tao Qian.

Standing in front of the spiritual monument, Tao Qian couldn't help but hesitate, weighing the risks and gains in his mind.

Perhaps it was because he stood for too long, his face was troubled, and his anger was tangled.

I don't know when, the sweetly sleeping Fairy Bai Yin suddenly woke up.

Just listening to her faint sigh, a cold voice penetrated into Tao Qian's ears:

"Do you want to see the life of Junior Brother Qin Jiao?"

"He is a very boring and has nothing to do with you, and you can't learn from his practice."

"If you really want to see it, I can help you, but you have to promise one thing."

Halfway through Bai Yin's words, his voice changed, and he actually initiated a transaction.

Tao Qian looked back, and just as doubts appeared on his face, Immortal Bai Yin, who was still lying lazily on the dead tree, said directly:

"I like to sleep in the secret realm, but it's just a little boring every now and then."

"This time may be a few years, it may be decades, hundreds of years, I don't know."

"If you promise to come to accompany me voluntarily when I call you in the future, I will help you."

Tao Qian obviously did not expect that Fairy Bai Yin would suddenly make such a request.

Sounds like no harm.

However, after thinking about it, Tao Qian asked cautiously, "How many times to accompany you? How long does it take to accompany each time?"

This question made Xiangu stunned, it seemed strange that Tao Qian would ask such a question.

Afterwards, he replied seriously: "Just once, usually I only get bored for twelve hours, and then I go to sleep again."

After I finished speaking, I felt that it was not enough, and added: "If you agree, I will compensate you for other benefits, such as helping you fight and so on."

ps: There is still at night.

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