Longevity begins with Orion

Chapter 180 178 Things in the world are often burdened by foolish people, and the dragon hides and t

Chapter 180 178. The world is always full of burdens and fools are drunk, and the dragon hides and the tiger lies back in the sacred tree (big chapter - please subscribe)

The horse jolted across the autumn field.

The woman in white, her skirts and long hair flying, passed over the strong man behind her and was pulled by the wind, gently tickling him.

And her figure was naturally half-sent in the arms of the man behind her.

If this man was also a handsome man dressed in white, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, then anyone who saw him would have to praise him for his talent and appearance.

It's a pity that the two people are very different in body shape and appearance. They have the feeling of an orangutan and a beauty.

More importantly, the two people are far apart in their hearts, separated by layers of lies.

What's more important is that these two are not love brains and will not fall in love with each other just because they are riding the same horse.

After going through many vicissitudes of life, you will lose your madness, and there is no other way but to act.

But is this kind of sober madness not true madness?

Those who have not experienced the world know that there are tigers in the mountains, but they go to the Tiger Mountain; those who have experienced the world know clearly that there are tigers in the mountains, but they go to the Tiger Mountain. Everyone has his own madness, and everyone has his own fun. Who is better and who is worse, how can he praise the other?

Li Yuan looked at the White Lotus Demon Girl in front of him and felt the leisurely riding of the horse. He suddenly thought about whether the immortal who had experienced thousands of identities in the world in a certain TV show he had watched before time travel was also the same person. Has he ever had such a state of mind at this time?

The desire becomes stronger, but when it reaches a certain level, you will be eager to experience all kinds of things in the world, see all kinds of sentient beings, and even transform into sentient beings; or even hold black in your left hand and white in your right hand, use the rivers and lakes, and the world as a chessboard. Being both the biggest villain and the biggest righteous, you can have fun by playing this game.

Li Yuan closed his eyes and gently sniffed the fragrance of the White Lotus Demon Girl's hair. It was like appreciating the fragrance of a blooming flower. This experience made him feel novel and interesting.

Bai Lingshui felt his breathing and silently wrote down the floral dew used today.

This is Fanxinggui, a small osmanthus with a lighter floral fragrance, but also more surprising.

This flower is insulated from glamor and makes people feel peaceful.

The two of them were silent.

The horse entered a small town and then went to a certain restaurant.

Bai Lingshui took the horse to the waiter in the restaurant, threw away the copper plate, and asked him to feed him some hay, and then led Li Yuan into the side room.

Naturally, a seductress will not miss the opportunity to have sex, especially if she has a ready excuse.

"Brother Dian, my family is short of money, so we can only get one room." She said softly.

Li Yuan said "Oh", and then laughed and said: "Don't worry, sister, I brought money with me when I came out."

As he spoke, he put his hand into his waistband and touched his thighs back and forth.

With the movement of his palm, his pants moved to the left and to the right.

He had seen this detail on a certain person, and he copied it to enhance his "personality".

At this scene, everyone in the restaurant hurriedly looked sideways and refused to look at anyone who was being disrespectful.

Some even made disdainful sounds.

"Such a rude person, seemingly uneducated, rude, extremely rude!"

"Isn't this a savage from the mountains?"

After these sounds had only been heard for a few times, the White Lotus Demon Girl turned her head and angrily shouted: "Brother Dian has a pure heart, how can you know it!?"

The people laughed.

"Hey, why is such a beautiful little lady following a savage? Do you want to come to my brother's place? Brother is better than a savage anyway, right?"

"The little lady is angry. It seems that she is not as good as this savage on weekdays. It's a pity. It's a pity that a flower is stuck in cow dung."

The person who spoke became more and more unscrupulous, his words were lewd and filthy, and he showed no restraint.

The white lotus demon girl's eyes were red.

Li Yuan took out a piece of silver from his crotch, slapped it on the table, then stepped forward, grabbed those who had just insulted him and the demon girl, and threw them out one after another.

As he threw it, he shouted uncomfortably: "You bully people! You bully people! Why do you bully people?!"

Whoosh whoosh! !

An individual was thrown out and traced a trajectory in mid-air.

Suddenly there was a scream in the distance.

There are many people here who have good skills, but as long as Li Yuan throws him away like this, no matter what skills he has, his skills will be temporarily gone.

Li Yuan could see the data. He controlled his strength very well and could make the opponent's whole body fall apart, then fall in mid-air, and then stay in bed for a day or two.

"You bully people!"


While he was speaking aggrievedly, he used his chain of hands to catch people like a chicken and throw them out of the window.

The rest of the people in the restaurant were stunned by this scene and did not dare to say anything.

Even the White Lotus Demon Girl was stunned.


She has seen crushing and bullying, but she has never seen someone bullying others while shouting "You bully others".

Soon, no one was left who had just made noise.

However, the bald man still said uncomfortably: "They bully people, why are they like this?"

The White Lotus Witch pulled him and sighed softly: "Brother Dian may not see you much, but this is actually how the world is."

She saw that although this strong man was powerful, his heart was as white as a piece of paper.

She wanted to try to write on this piece of paper the idea that "I hate the world, so I want to create a new world", and then she could get him to join the church.

Li Yuan shouted: "Where is Qinghan City? I want to find him!"

The White Lotus Demon Girl hurriedly took his monkey hand, returned to the room in a hurry, and then sat on either side of the couch with him. Then she spoke and said softly: "Brother Dian, you are very powerful, and Qinghan City is also very powerful. Your fight will definitely spread far and wide, and even involve many innocent people and lose their lives.

Therefore, the younger sister suggested writing a letter, setting a location, and inviting Qinghan City to fight. "

She didn't want this big guy to get stuck in the Divine Wood Temple.

"Thirty miles outside the Shenmu Temple is a Feiyan Terrace.

The place is steep and deep in the mountains. Brother Dian and Qinghancheng are fighting there, so they can definitely let go and do whatever they want. "

Li Yuan was happy.

He knew that the Lotus Sect was going to use their resources to help him fight in Qinghan City.

Originally, he was still worried about what to do about this matter. After all, he didn't want to go to Sanzhongmen to find Qinghan City.

His fourth mother once told him that even if the entire perimeter of the Shenmu Temple was breached, and even if many of the experts in the Shenmu Temple fell, they would be able to protect themselves as long as they stayed within the three gates of the Shenmu Temple.

What does this mean?

This shows that there is a big secret in the three doors of Shenmu Temple.

Maybe it's some kind of defensive thing that Li Yuan doesn't know about, or maybe it's a regional destructive force.

"Thank you, big sister."

Li Yuan put his hands on the demon girl's shoulders and said with a grateful face, "You are such a kind person, I want to thank you very much."

With that said, he stepped forward, sat behind the enchantress, and began to brush her hair.

He had to quietly pull off a few more hairs so that the "white wooden box" could work as well as possible. After all, theoretically, the more hair there was, the longer the "white wooden box" could answer questions.

The witch felt the hairy hands moving around in her hair, and it would hurt suddenly every now and then, leaving her speechless.

She twitched the corner of her mouth, turned around, grabbed the big man's hand, and gently placed it on the side of her cheek, letting her small side face close to the big palm. At the same time, she said softly: "As long as Brother Dian is happy, then My little sister is also happy

Leave the fight to the younger sister, and Brother Dian only needs to concentrate on preparing for the fight.

Qinghan City's strength is extremely extraordinary, Brother Dian must not underestimate the enemy. "

What she said was sincere.

Li Yuanhanhaner touched his head and giggled.

Seeing him like this, Bai Lingshui also laughed.

Laughter is contagious.

Soon, the room was filled with clear joy.

Li Yuan temporarily settled in the town.

After eating steamed buns in the morning, he played with the birds that landed in front of the window in the house, but when the birds left again, they had turned into his eyes.

The birds fluttered their wings one by one, observing the surrounding scene.

Bai Lingshui began to use his connections.

She wrote a letter and sent it through the triple gate.

Started building momentum again.

She was not overbearing, but regarded herself as a friend of Dian Wei, saying that he was a descendant of the world, hiding in the mountains, ignorant of world affairs, obsessed with martial arts, and had defeated a fifth-grade strong man. She heard that the master of the Shenmu Palace was very powerful, so she hoped to meet him. To fight, if you agree, come to Feiyan Terrace thirty miles outside the Shenmu Hall on the moonlit night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

She didn't know the relationship between Qinghan City and the top level of the Lotus Sect, so she set up a small "heart-breaking plot" here.

Although she was not sure whether the big guy could win, she hoped to use the big guy as much as possible to break Qinghancheng's heart so that Qinghancheng would have inner demons.

For a strong man like Qinghancheng to fight against others, it would be fine if the opponent was also a master with the same reputation as him, but this kind of rough guy who appeared from nowhere in the mountains was obviously not one of them.

Even if Qinghan City just draws, or if he fails to win the big guy for a while, he will have inner demons.

In this world, many top-level beings know that Qinghan City has been stuck at the fourth level for about two hundred years.

Such a little inner demon might be enough to destroy him.

Therefore, Bai Lingshui specifically emphasized that he came out of the mountains and that his origins were unknown.

As for whether it is useful, it depends on whether Qinghan City is sensitive enough.

Bai Lingshui is quite smart. Although she is building momentum, she is not building momentum in the name of the Lotus Sect.

She knew that although building momentum in the name of the Lotus Sect seemed to be able to forcibly bind this big man to the Lotus Sect's chariot, it would actually cause many problems.

For example, this big guy doesn’t do it at all.

For example, if the challenge from a martial arts idiot becomes a challenge from a master of the Lotus Sect, the scene will become bigger. The Five Elements forces and even Buddhism and Taoism will have more masters, and the Lotus Sect will have to have more masters. By then, the big man will be unable to get off the tiger. She might die on the spot in the melee, which was not in line with her expectations.

Today's Lotus Sect has its own other strategic plans, and there is no need to lay them out here.

If this situation is used to attract the masters of the Lotus Sect, it will destroy the original layout and be self-defeating.

To the Lotus Cult, the big guy is a master and a treasure that may hold secrets.

But for her, being big is the only adventure in her life.

Yes. The only one.

She, Bai Lingshui, is good at charm and various techniques.

But the ultimate goal of the charm technique is not to "make a group of powerful people fall under the pomegranate's skirt", but to "charm a peerless strong man and make him fall under the pomegranate's skirt alone".

A group of heroes?

What kind of tycoon is this?

Just a bunch of rabble with a false reputation.

There is always only one strong person, how could the word "group" be added to it?

Although the big man looked like a hairy monkey, Bai Lingshui was used to seeing men's hypocrisy, so he thought that such a hairy monkey was not bad at all.

Therefore, she sent out this invitation letter carefully and appropriately, while at the same time building momentum in the world.

She forced Qinghancheng to fight, but not in a way that made people uncomfortable, but in a natural way.

She left Li Yuan an escape route of defeat, because this was just a challenge from a mountain martial artist to a strong man.

Li Yuan's bird silently watched and listened in this small town and its surroundings.

He could also guess what the White Lotus Witch was doing from the corners.

This made him take another look at the witch, thinking that she might become a "long-term partner."

As a result, his heart slowly relaxed.

Everything is developing as he expected.

He began to think about his impression of Qinghan City, and tried to fight with him in his mind.

Time passes day by day.

There are only five days left until the Mid-Autumn Festival full moon night.

This letter was finally delivered to Qinghan City, which had been in seclusion for a long time.

White bamboo hangs on the bell tower.

Qinghan City believes in independence.

This man in green with deep eyebrows was smiling.

The difference from before was that the righteousness in the corner of his eyes was much blurred, and the aura of Chuchen in his body was also much hazy.

He clasped his hands behind his back and raised his head proudly. The elegant white plums embroidered on his long sleeves had turned into ink color at some point.

Whether to wear white plum blossoms or dark plum blossoms is his freedom, no one will think too much about it.

However, this actually means a huge change.

Qinghancheng has succeeded, or in other words, he is only half a step away from real success.

With the secret help of the Black Lotus Sect, he severely damaged the "righteous Qinghan City", then took the opportunity to fuse with him and began to annex his own power.

Only those who have reached the peak of the fourth level will know that two different personalities represent two different thoughts and two different powers.

"Shadow Blood" is driven by "Ancestral Ruins".

Different thoughts drive the shadow blood with different powers. This is normal.

Qinghancheng doesn't know how to reach the third level.

But anyone with normal logic will deduce: annexing the other party and turning two "I" into one "I" will naturally be "returning to the true self".

Qinghancheng has normal logic, and he is doing what he thinks is right.

The great road leads to the sky, but how narrow is its road?

Only one person can survive.

Now, he is the one who can survive after all.

He was very happy, even a little proud.

As for the letter.

He crushed it casually, and then said in the surprised eyes of the deputy palace master Jing Baikou who came to deliver the message: "If word is spread, I am still in retreat. I will not accept this invitation to fight."

Jing Baikou said: "Palace Master, Na Dianwei is in the limelight right now and has defeated many fifth-grade experts.

He came with great momentum, and there was a lot of commotion outside. Even the other four factions of the Five Elements were aware of it and were waiting and watching.

Under such circumstances, if we reject this invitation to fight, I am afraid it will not really affect the prestige of our Shenmu Temple. At this time, the war between the North and the South is the time to calm down.

If we give in, the power will be taken away by the south, and the Lotus Sect will not miss the opportunity to spread the word about our Divine Wood Temple."

What he said was what any normal person would think, and it was also the effect Bai Lingshui expected to achieve.

Because neither Jing Baikou nor Bai Lingshui could think of a reason for Qinghancheng's refusal.

However, Qinghancheng refused.

Before Jing Baikou finished speaking, Qinghancheng had already smiled.

He raised his head and said proudly: "Strength is everything. I am in retreat. It is not long before the breakthrough. I don't want to cause any complications."

He refused the invitation to fight, indeed because he was still digesting the "righteous Qinghan City", but at the same time he also helped the Lotus Sect to destroy the reputation of the Shenmu Temple and weaken the power of the Five Elements forces.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not?

And when he truly digests the "righteous Qinghan City", how many people in this world will be his opponents?


It's just something ordinary people care about.

Is Qinghancheng looking down on him by wanting to kidnap him?

Jing Baikou said: "But in the past few days, many people have known that you have left seclusion."

Qing Hancheng smiled and said: "Can't I go into seclusion again after I leave seclusion? Just take a breath."

Jing Baikou:

He looked at the smile on the man's face.

The smile seemed bright, but it hid a deep darkness, making him feel inexplicably shuddering and familiar.

It was like the palace master who told him to destroy Master Zhu many years ago.

Jing Baikoo's Adam's apple rolled a few times. His brain was spinning rapidly. He suddenly guessed something. He took a few deep breaths, then put on a smile, prostrated to the ground, and said: "Congratulations to the palace master, congratulations to the palace master! Bai Kou will always be there." He belongs to the palace master!"

Qing Hancheng looked at him with a smile, then raised his head and laughed.

Jing Baikou also laughed.

In the night, the birds dispersed in fright.

Mosquitoes buzz in the meat fields

The shadows of the trees are bright, like ghosts dancing wildly on the street in the dark black.

In a small town far outside the Shenmu Temple, Bai Lingshui was returning from abroad. She was carrying an oil paper bag in her hand. In the bag was half a catty of beef. This was for the big brother Dian.

Suddenly, she felt someone staring at her from the alley next to her.

With a thought in her mind, she moved slightly closer, and the man inadvertently passed her by, and at the same time thrust a note into her.

Bai Lingshui walked away and spread out the note. Her pupils narrowed slightly.

There are all kinds of weird, even messy stripes on this piece of paper.

But this stripe is actually the secret text used by the highest level of Bailian to issue the "top secret order" to the elders.

The content of the secret text is very simple, just one line: Qinghan City is one of our own.

Bai Lingshui frowned and crushed the note into pieces.

Time passes quickly.

Jing Baikou did not spread the word of "rejection".

The reason is very simple. "Rejection" means "the palace master has seen it."

And "do not agree or reject" means "the palace master has not seen it". In this way, the loss of prestige to the Shenmu Temple can be reduced a lot.

If you want to talk about it again, there are words like "the master of the palace is in seclusion", "the letter of war was suppressed by the outer disciples", "how can a mere mountain man challenge the master of the palace" and so on.

Bai Lingshui didn't change anything.

Qinghancheng is just a member of the Lotus Sect.

But the big guy was hers.

What if the big guy fights Qinghancheng?

Qinghan City is so strong, is it possible that he will be beaten to death by a big guy?

With such a relationship, she could still stop it at the critical moment. After all, Qinghan City was one of her own.

If you don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, you won't kill the big guy.

The full moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival illuminates the Feiyan Terrace.

Li Yuan sat cross-legged and waited on the stage all night.

There were many strong men watching the battle nearby, and they also waited all night.

But when the light of dawn broke through the next day, Qinghan City did not appear.

Just ask.

Only then did I know that I was in retreat.

Ask again

He also said that the letter of war was delayed by the people below.

Bai Lingshui also didn't expect Qinghan City to refuse to fight.

Li Yuan suddenly felt something strange.

He had to go and take a look, after all, he still had many relatives in the city.

So, when Bai Lingshui ran in and anxiously explained to him, "She really didn't expect that Qinghan City wouldn't fight, she really did her best to make arrangements."

Li Yuan knew what she was telling the truth, but he still got up angrily, overturned the table with a crash, slapped the window, shouted "You lied to me, you lied to me" and so on, and then flew out like a shooting star. And left, in the blink of an eye, it was far away, and in the blink of an eye, there was no trace.

Bai Lingshui rushed to the window, her beautiful eyes were red, and she shouted anxiously: "Brother Dian! Brother Dian!!"

However, her words did not bring back Li Yuan.

The Holy Lady of the White Lotus Sect stood there blankly, clenching her fists gently, then slowly loosening them, and then left quickly.

She knew the anger in the big man's heart.

However, the whereabouts of the big guy should be easy to find out.

She quickly mobilized people to investigate.

Afterwards, she would go to the big guy to admit her mistake and then comfort him.

Several days passed.

Bai Lingshui was confused.

She retracted her eyeliners one by one, but the big guy was nowhere to be found.

The subordinates speculated that the big man might have accidentally run into some ghost land, or perhaps he had accidentally entered some deep mountain.

Where can I find such a place?

Bai Lingshui felt a strong sense of frustration. For a moment, the saint aunt didn't want to do her job well.

And Li Yuan, who left here, settled in a certain place after entering the uninhabited mountains, and then changed places again and again.

After thoroughly confirming that no one was following him, he took out the "white wooden box", thought for a moment, and put Bai Lingshui's hair into the "white wooden box".

The pale wooden box gained hair, as if it had some strange reaction.

The box became extremely strong and difficult to open, and the color of the coffin surface was mixed with white bones.

Li Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a moment, and began to ask: "How much do you know about Qinghan City? Tell me everything you know."

However, Wooden Box didn't respond.

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, then asked in a different way: "Why doesn't Qinghan City fight?"

Bai Lingshui's voice came from the wooden box: "I don't know."

Li Yuan understood that he had to ask a certain question, not a broad enough question.

At this moment, he felt a little shuddered as he listened to the voice in the wooden box. Fortunately, it was his mother-in-law who gave birth to it.

He continued to ask: "What is your status in the Lotus Sect?"

"White Lotus Sect, Saint Aunt."

"What is a holy aunt?"

"Elder, the elders of the White Lotus Sect are called holy aunts or princesses."

Li Yuan was worried that there were not many questions to ask, so after thinking for a while, he asked a bold question: "Besides being the master of the Shenmu Palace, Qinghan City, what other identity does it have?"

"Nei Ying, he is the Nei Ying of the Lotus Sect."

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, his pupils tightened, and his eyes were horrified. This answer really surprised him.

Immediately, he calmed down again and asked: "As the master of the Shenmu Palace, Qinghancheng, why did he agree to serve as an internal agent for the Lotus Sect?"

"I have no idea."

Li Yuan asked one question after another.

But maybe it was because he had a lot of hair, so the box actually answered his long-standing questions. At the end of the day, he couldn't think of anything to ask, so he actually started asking questions about who Bai Lingshui was and what his past was. .

As he kept asking, he came up with something.

This holy lady from the White Lotus Sect didn't lie to him before.

She was really sold by her family when she was a child.

As for the brother coming over with ashes, that also exists.

It's just that the brother is not Bai Douqi, but someone else, and he is already dead.

But at this moment, the white wooden box seemed to have reached the end of its use, and suddenly shattered, turning into ashes along with the hair that had been burned to ashes inside, and disappeared in mid-air when blown by the wind.

Li Yuan stood up and murmured: "We can't stay in the Shenmu Temple any longer. I have to take Ping An back. As for the follow-up training, let's figure out a way."

After saying this, the flesh and blood all over his body began to move with a "shushing" sound.

Slowly, he became an ordinary "passerby" who couldn't be more ordinary.

Later, he contacted the owner of Qingyi Building, Wang Heran.

Tsing Yi Lou often goes out to do errands, and he goes out at a fixed time every day.

Li Yuan’s contact process is not complicated.

Immediately, Wang Heran arranged an identity for Li Yuan, and brought his master into the first door of the Shenmu Palace as a "man of the building".

Since Li Yuan wrote to Yao Jue, Yao Jue would come to Yi Zhongmen every once in a while, saying it was to drink tea, but actually she was looking forward to news about Li Yuan.

This former long-legged maid has become a popular figure in the Shenmu Temple. She is responsible for the Eastern City Defense of the Triple Gate and controls the secret soldiers of the Eastern City Defense.

In late autumn, she still has long legs. She is wearing white trousers and her hips are slightly lifted.

And the delicate body is wrapped in a brocade dress,

With her hair tied up in a bun on her head, she looked like a beautiful woman as she walked around in a hurry, instead of just like a palace maid.

On this day, she came to a restaurant affiliated with Qingyi Tower to drink tea. Suddenly someone came up and quietly slipped a note to her.

Guyaojue took a look and saw that there was no wave in the ancient well in her beautiful eyes.

Pretending to be calm, she stood up quietly and came to the depths of the secret room of Qingyi Tower.

The candlelight flickered, revealing the appearance of the man on the big chair deep inside.

Gu Yaojue could hardly believe her eyes.

The gray hair is gone.

The wrinkles are gone.

The old man has returned to the way he was when he first married the young lady.


The ripples in the ancient well in Guyaojue's eyes completely disappeared and turned into ripples on the water of Peach Blossom Pond. She threw herself into Li Yuan's arms.

Wang Heran left knowingly.

Guyaojue used the goblin's clinging skills, which made Li Yuan itchy.

She is just a man like Li Yuan, and she is not as aloof from the world as Concubine Yin, who only uses beauty as a weapon, but her true heart is devoted to Taoism.

She missed her master very much, and she didn't know how many times they met in her dreams in the dead of night.

Li Yuan saw the thoughts of the beautiful woman in front of him.

He untied the restraints on both sides, hung his clothes and pants aside, and then hugged the beautiful lady.

The smooth beige boots were still hung on the ends of the lotus-like long legs. When picked up, they swayed like branches hanging with peaches.

She was lying face down.

Li Yuan approaches

The longing for reunion after a long absence is burning here.

After a long time, Guyaojue looked lazy and started combing her hair in front of the mirror with a charming posture.

When it was over, he sat back next to Li Yuan and said with a wandering eye: "Master is back. Something big happened, right?"

Li Yuandao: "You know it's a big deal, why are you still like this?"

Gu Yaojue said seriously: "Every big event requires calmness."

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment because he heard that the girl had a colorful accent.

Her word "Jing" is not pronounced in the fourth tone, but in the first tone.

Li Yuan was speechless.

Guyaojue laughed and said: "I only show off in front of the master. The master is my only man. If I don't show this side to the master, who else can I show it to?"

Li Yuan suddenly felt that Guyaojue also had the talent to be the White Lotus Witch.

This girl is quirky, does her job well, and is trustworthy.

He did not misjudge the person, and he did not give the wrong favor before leaving.

Li Yuanlue pondered and said directly: "Qinghan City has secretly formed an alliance with the Lotus Sect. He may trick everyone here to death, or he may eliminate dissidents and let the entire Shenmu Temple join the Lotus Sect."

As soon as these words came out, Guyaojue was so shocked that she could not speak for a long time.

The eloquent little mouth suddenly became mute.

She even said in surprise: "It's impossible."

Then he said again: "It doesn't make sense."

Li Yuandao: "Not only do you not believe it, I don't believe it either.

However, the news is conclusive.

To make a long story short, this time I come and I want to take you away.

You, peace, flower shade, water fragrance.

If possible, I will leave with you a copy of the visualization diagram and exercises of Shenmu Temple so that you can continue your practice. "

Guyaojue slowly calmed down, and she said with a smile: "If the master really wants to take his relatives away, it won't be just the four of us."

Li Yuan's mind was spinning very quickly, and he said directly: "Is that brat asking for my mother-in-law?"

Guyaojue stretched out three fingers.

Li Yuandao: "Three?"

Gu Yaojue nodded and said, "Two children have been born, and one is still pregnant."

Li Yuan said in surprise: "No, aren't you warriors worried that marrying a wife and having children will delay your practice? Why should that brat marry three? And also have children?"

This momentary increase in seniority made him feel inexplicably nervous.

Is he a grandfather?

Moreover, there were suddenly three more daughters-in-law, which made it more difficult to evacuate.

Guyaojue said: "Ping An said that practice is too simple and he wants to make it more difficult for himself.

Therefore, he had to shoulder the burden of marrying a wife and having children, and shoulder everything in order to give himself more challenges. "

Li Yuan:.

Guyaojue said: "Seven years ago, just after you wrote to me for the first time, he broke through to the fifth level.

Seven years have passed, and his fifth level has almost reached perfection, and his source blood has condensed into five levels.

He also told me that if you hadn't suppressed him at the sixth level, he might have been faster.

But although Ping An is arrogant, I am very grateful to you.

He kept saying that he hated his father because all the ways outsiders could kill him were used by his father in advance, which made his life as lonely as snow. "

"Smelly boy"

Li Yuan sighed with emotion.

He immediately looked at the beautiful woman beside him. Guyaojue's data was already at level five, but it was only "1210~1280". Such data was obviously caused by the lack of spiritual weapons.

Therefore, he smiled and said: "You and Hua Yin must have broken through the fifth level, right?"

Gu Yaojue said: "I originally wanted to give you a surprise, but now our family can live together.

There are abundant resources in the Sanzhong Sect. I took advantage of Sister Xuejian, ate a lot of resources, and went out with her to practice many times.

But it's still better than Miss Bu's talent.

The young lady made a breakthrough four years ago and became an elder. Now she has a temperament as cold as frost and is indifferent to everyone. I am afraid that my uncle will not recognize her when he sees her.

In my words, I barely made a breakthrough at the beginning of this year.

However, there are very few weapon masters nowadays, and the few who are still thinking hard about how to forge fourth-grade spiritual weapons to fight against the Lotus Sect.

So... I don't have my spiritual weapon yet. "

Li Yuan smiled and said: "How can I, Li Yuan's woman, not have a handy weapon? If those people don't make it for you, I will make one for you."

Guyaojue stood up, bowed deftly like a pigeon, and said with a smile: "Thank you, sir. Yaojue has nothing to repay. Let's sleep together tonight."

Li Yuan waved his hand and said, "I won't enter the triple gate."

Guyaojue said: "Go and sleep outside the city.

I got the news that I would have to go out for training in two days.

Before his experience, he would often go to my manor to sit for a while before setting off.

The master can follow him when the time comes, and wait until he is far away before father and son can recognize each other.

As for the young lady and Sister Shuixiang, they also started to perform tasks and went out to fight against the Lotus Sect, but they are not in the city now. "

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