Longevity: After Six Thousand Years, The Diary Was Exposed

Chapter 148 Fisherman, Jade Slip, Void Passage!

Flower Hongyi followed Ye Xi's gaze and also saw the black-clad youth who was fishing.

"Who is he?"

Flower Hongyi's gaze flickered, and she became wary as well.

At this moment...

The black-clad youth turned his head and revealed an ordinary face, grinning.

Ling Xiao casually said, "Are you all ready to eat? I'll contribute a fish, can you count me in?"

Ye Xi felt puzzled, unsure whether he was friend or foe.

But the person in front of him gave him a strong sense of oppression, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

There was even a moment when he was ready to call for help!

You may be strong, but my master is not to be trifled with.

However, for now, it seemed that the newcomer had no ill intentions, so it would be better to observe first.

Ye Xi generously said, "Of course!"

After saying that, he nodded with a smile and ignored the other person, taking out the utensils for the hot pot from his storage ring.

Flower Hongyi helped to arrange and set them up on the ground.

"This person..."

Flower Hongyi frowned, about to say something.

Ye Xi shook his head at her and smiled, "Since this Fellow Daoist from the immortal mansion is interested, it's livelier with more people."

Flower Hongyi didn't say anything more since Ye Xi had said so.

Naturally, she had her own considerations.

Besides, she couldn't be of much help in this level of confrontation.

After Flower Hongyi boiled the soup, she skillfully poured in several ingredients.

In no time, the soup boiled again, filling the air with fragrance.

On the other side...

Ling Xiao sat on a small stone, fishing with a serious expression, completely engrossed.

Far below was a pool of water.

A normal fishing rod naturally couldn't reach such a distance, but his fishing rod was a Dao-level treasure.

Ling Xiao had put in a great deal of effort to refine it.

However, his luck seemed to be bad today, as he hadn't caught anything despite fishing for so long.

Ling Xiao thought to himself, "Could it be that the Heavenly Emperor is against me? Even if I get closer to his disciple, things won't go well?"

He couldn't find Lin Feng's exact location, so today he could only settle for finding Ye Xi.

Although it wouldn't be very effective.

But time was running out for the Nine Provinces and the various immortal mansions, so he had to give it a try.

Although Ling Xiao was extremely unwilling to cooperate with the Heavenly Emperor, there was no better solution at this point.

He looked into the distance, sighed, and thought to himself, "If I can find all the Great Emperors hiding in the dark and join forces, there might still be a glimmer of hope."

Gurgle gurgle...

The ingredients in the pot were ready, and the steam rose.

Ye Xi looked at the hot pot and then at the wildflowers blooming in the distance, suddenly thinking of a graceful figure.

Qiao Xi.

The two of them had parted ways on Cangwu Mountain and hadn't seen each other since.

Ye Xi still remembered, but he had promised to meet her this spring, and it was about time.

It's just that he had been busy with affairs recently and couldn't find the time.

Ye Xi shook his head, hesitated for a moment, and decided not to call Ling Xiao. It would be impolite to disturb someone who was fishing.

"Let's eat!"

Ye Xi didn't wait for him, picked up a piece of meat, and started eating, saying, "Eat quickly, hot pot is best enjoyed while it's hot!"

Flower Hongyi giggled and started eating as well.

Time passed bit by bit.

The two of them ate the hot pot while Ling Xiao fished on the other side, not disturbing each other.

Suddenly, Ling Xiao's eyes flickered, and he quickly pulled up the fishing rod, revealing a plump and delicious big fish.

He threw the big fish directly towards Ye Xi.

Ye Xi looked up, swung his sleeve, and caught it steadily, handing it over to Flower Hongyi to clean.

Ling Xiao smiled and walked over, sitting cross-legged opposite Ye Xi.

He glanced at the food in the pot and felt his appetite stir.

"Fellow Daoist, how should I address you?"

Ye Xi handed over a bowl and chopsticks while asking.

Since the other party had found him, he probably knew his identity.

Ling Xiao smiled and replied, "Call me whatever you want, Fishing Enthusiast is fine."


Ye Xi laughed and didn't ask further, just inviting the other person to eat more.

Soon, Flower Hongyi also finished preparing the big fish, slicing it and brushing it in the pot.

But the more he ate, the more puzzled Ye Xi became.

The other party didn't show any intention to speak first. He didn't believe that the other party came to find him without any other purpose.

It wasn't until they finished their meal that Ling Xiao wiped his mouth and said, "Having a meal with you is my way of expressing gratitude."

As he spoke, he casually threw an object to Ye Xi.

Ye Xi reached out and took it, and upon closer inspection, it was a jade slip that looked quite extraordinary.

His eyes narrowed, and he looked in the direction where Ling Xiao had been, but it was already empty.

The other party had already left.

"He came just to give me this?"

Ye Xi frowned, looking down at the jade slip in his hand, feeling a strange sensation in his heart.

When he made contact with it, he could sense that the other party had hostile intentions.

But the other party's actions didn't seem to match.

"It's strange!"

Ye Xi couldn't figure it out for a while, muttered to himself, and then with a movement of his divine sense, he probed into the jade slip.

Soon, the jade slip recorded a lot of information.

After thoroughly understanding the contents recorded in the jade slip, Ye Xi's expression became extremely grim.

He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Ye Xi's eyes flickered as he continued to ponder something, and finally he sighed heavily.

Hua Hongyi solemnly asked, "What's wrong? Did the jade slip record something?"

Ling Xiao gave them a mysterious feeling.

He must have come from an immortal mansion.

This jade slip had caused such a big reaction from Ye Xi, so it must have brought some important information.

Ye Xi nodded and said, "If what the jade slip says is true, then the catastrophe of the unification of the Three Realms this time is almost unsolvable!"

"Whether it's the Nine Provinces or the various immortal mansions, it's a super disaster!"

Hua Hongyi's expression became serious. "Is it that serious?"

She didn't ask about the content. If she needed to know, Ye Xi would naturally tell her.

Ye Xi's eyes flickered as he looked into the distance and said in a deep voice, "The unification of the Three Realms, the revival of the Great Dao, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the eyes of those who exploit the common people."

"It's when the leeks grow most perfectly!"

Ye Xi paused and continued, "At this time, when they raise their sickles, the leeks have no ability to fight back."

Hua Hongyi fell silent upon hearing this.

Ye Xi thought for a moment and said, "Once the cultivators of the world Transcend Tribulation, whether it's ascending to the immortal realm or entering an immortal mansion, it's a trap."

"It's basically unsolvable!"

Hua Hongyi took a deep breath and comforted, "Is there nothing we can do now?"

"It's useless!"

Ye Xi shook his head, fell silent for a moment, and then said, "Unless there is an immortal mansion that is more complete and not controlled!"

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "I'm going to the Extreme Ice Immortal Palace!"

Hua Hongyi nodded and watched him leave.


Blue Star Immortal Mansion.

At this moment, with Lin Feng repairing the heaven and earth avenue here, this place became incredibly mysterious.

Everything became unimaginable.

The sky was filled with countless rays of light, and golden lotuses surged from the mountaintops.

Everything in the world was rejoicing, and the revival of the Great Dao nourished everything.

Even the wind seemed unusually gentle.

All the creatures in this heaven and earth could clearly feel this change, and the spiritual energy became even more abundant.

Although Yuan Ruoyu, Ye Qingge, and the others were not in a state of closed-door cultivation at the moment.

But at this moment, they were influenced by the revival of the Great Dao.

They still felt that their comprehension of the Great Dao was constantly deepening.

This state was very strange.

Even though their cultivation had reached the late stage of Transcending Tribulation, and they couldn't increase it in a short period of time, the improvement in their cultivation allowed their combat power to undergo a qualitative leap.

Immortal mansion cultivators could easily defeat cultivators from the Nine Provinces at the same level, relying on the suppression of their cultivation.

And Qing Dai, at this moment, had a serious expression on her face.

She could feel that the long-lost feeling had returned.

The chaotic bloodline in her body was gradually awakening...

Qing Dai swallowed her saliva and couldn't help but look down, muttering to herself, "I hope it doesn't increase too dramatically!"

Suddenly, several people felt something.

Yuan Ruoyu, Ye Qingge, and the others looked up at the void, their faces filled with shock.

They saw the turbulence in the void, and in the depths of it, it seemed that a passage was being opened.

"What is that?"

The women glanced at each other and involuntarily looked towards Lin Feng.

But at this moment, Lin Feng still had his eyes closed, seemingly completely unaware of everything.

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