Very relaxed, Zhao Fengnian very naturally into the realm his father once said.

In the world that only consciousness can perceive, he felt that there were countless bright white dots in the air around him, sometimes motionless, sometimes floating around with the breeze

Gradually, Zhao Fengnian tried again and again to communicate and arouse the aura between heaven and earth, so that they could feel themselves, so as to achieve what his father said, be recognized by the aura of heaven and earth, and then take the initiative to enter the body and become a warrior in the realm of spiritual power.

Although Zhao Fengnian can easily feel the aura between heaven and earth, it is not so easy to let them feel themselves and admit themselves!

In fact, it is very difficult for most people to feel the existence of aura!

Those with good talent can feel the flow of aura in the air vaguely, and those with poor talent may not even have a vague feeling!

Zhao Fengnian could clearly feel the flow and appearance of spiritual power around him when he tried to perceive for the first time. This talent is also rare in the whole continent.

None of them is the focus of the major forces and families.

However, no matter how good the talent is, it will take several years to feel and recognize the aura of heaven and earth. At the same time, physical training is needed to better receive the baptism of Reiki.

In Zhao Fengnian's perception, he has been able to make the aura around him feel his own existence. As long as he feels a certain aura light spot with consciousness, the aura light spot will pause for a while, and then float in a small range, as if he is looking for something.

If it comes out, it will definitely shake the chin of countless people.

It's only a week or so since then. It's amazing that aura can feel its own consciousness!

Zhao Fengnian is also very strange about this. It is indeed the first time that he has been exposed to Reiki. How can it be different from what his father taught him? It is so easy for him to feel his own existence.

Zhao Fengnian has no other explanation for this, but can only be attributed to the effect of his physical strength.

It's only two steps to let the aura perceive its existence. The most important step is to let the aura admit itself and enter itself to wash the tendons and marrow. After that, the aura will continue to enter the warrior's body passively and continuously enhance the warrior's physique.

However, this step is also the most difficult step. Many people are stuck here, and Zhao Fengnian is not in a hurry. He just closes his eyes when he has time. Anyway, he can't go anywhere.

The winter here seems to be much colder than the winter of Zhao Fengnian's last life. He feels that there are more than 30 degrees below zero outside now. Winter has just begun, and it has not reached the coldest time.

Although a charcoal burning brazier in the room brings a little heat to the cold room, it can only play a limited role, and sometimes it is dangerous. It must be placed in a ventilated place to avoid poisoning.

Although he missed the heating and air conditioning of the previous life, he couldn't make it. However, he used some things like earthworm and hot Kang in his grandmother's house, which is only limited to the inconvenience of activities now. He will try again after he recovers.

As time goes by, there are no special events in the territory. There seems to be a lot less adventurers than in the past few days. They may be preparing to find a comfortable place to spend the new year, and then venture into the vast mountains after the new year.

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