Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 776 The ota mocha soil contamination problem seems to have been deactivated by sour marvels.

Day 148 After noon Elf Forest

Dress armor doesn't seem to have a problem either, and I'm on a patrol dispersed by a different behavior with the ladies. For some reason, I feel like I'm in danger and I'm on the run! Some kind of weakness, you say your hips are light or you say you don't have strength in your lower body?

I look around to the range of the high elves close to the center, but Elder doesn't come out, and Elder Trent doesn't. The High Elves seem busy playing with Mr. Rafflesia, but they seem to have gotten very favorable, upright immobilized and saluting?

After all, the central part is stable, the magic is thick, but the magic vegetables are thin and the demons are few, but the defensive mechanism full of traps and sorcery is alive. Dawn Mi's magic formation is being rewritten and created in vain. He's starting to twitch and resurrect even to the junction he blew up with a buster launcher... and that's the technology that should have been used to seal it, which means Dawn Mi wasn't trying to crush the labyrinth? Well, it's an intense theory to say that it was unbroken and sealed, but history has been erased and we don't even have any information.

(Poyo poyo)

The pinball of Mr. Slime in the woods is inevitable, with cute viscosity jumping and crushing the spider demons as they wield their loveliness? And to be chopped and carved, an infinite arsenal that has no idea how many swords it can have and can be freely produced, it is pointless and extreme to have spider threads constantly completely armed by Mr. Mucus, burned and chopped to eat.

Pleasantly puffy and trembling, he plays a series of giant spider leg spears with countless swords, cutting and jumping as he rotates.

Weak, the demons are inferior in number and quality compared to the outer edges to the extent that they are occasionally strong enough to mix with flowing demons but not reach the middle level labyrinth kings. Perhaps we could leave this in the middle of nowhere?

"Shall we move? It's kind of a lack of practice, you know, a lack of appearance, a lack of demons, but a lot of demons with legs all over them, right? Well, bugs?

(Pom pom)

The trouble with trying the labyrinth every time is that I don't know how much I can fight, I end up trying it in the labyrinth without knowing, and the adjustments go crazy with drops and LV-ups. And if you crush the labyrinth while you're crazy, your body breaks and you're in a state where you don't know why. Repeat, if you don't get strong, you die, but if you get strong, you break or you go crazy.

I'd like to balance that... but why are the Rafflesians being offered with a string of strings?!? I just recently planted a tree, but I'm already a god tree? It still seems very popular among high elves, don't be afraid of the attributes of the elves!

You weaken the Tartare, you switch it to a knife, you put a flame in front of your face with your hands, and you fill it with continuous shrinkage, you don't have to burn it, it's hot, right? Don't spray fire even though it's close!

The silver slash lines pull the thread by stepping forward, backward, left, and right on successive landing fireballs and slipping through the barrage in the steps of the magnificent DDR - slashing, sliding the blade of the knife. If you weaken the demon entanglement to match your opponent, you can control it, you don't know the limits, and if you get stronger, it starts out uncontrollable and fussy, but the demon is weak and doesn't keep it that far!

"Have you ever met Mr. Flair Dawg? Sort of looks familiar... well, there are so many kinds of burning dogs, and if you're Mr. Hot Dock, you still don't think Mr. Flair Dock is in demand, do you? Well, are you afraid Mr. Hotdock will attack you?

Weak ─ ─ overwhelmingly losing at speed with stats and the physical ability of the beast, yet slow, only skill and reflex speed go up fast, slashing and scattering into strokes with malaise.

The effect of Int 'l up increases the speed of thinking and makes the world of slow motion so dull, heavy, and loose that all three beats are annoying. Yeah, I'm not practicing... the speed range doesn't fit.

If you're on the border, you have plenty of labyrinths, excessive demons, and you don't have trouble adjusting with your opponent, that's just trouble taking demons from the labyrinth emperor, but that's what you'll be practicing with. And even during the Great Labyrinth of the Patriarchate, he challenged while making adjustments in the old Cathedral, this time fighting in an enemy land that remained completely ill-coordinated. It's a foolish trick. I never thought this would be such a shitty maneuver, did I? Yeah, the ring was important, so the others were with us, right?

Calmed my anger, fry and fry my coffee beans, coffee break Coffee Break, good to say I'm here for this! I am very happy that the taste varies from tree to tree again, take each tree home and plant the tree, the dark magic and magic of the border will take root because it is good for growing plants.

"It turns out there's a survival competition in the plant world that says plants grow better when the Devil's Forest is gone, but the forest trees were in charge of the magic converter, right? It's a tree that absorbs the magic vegetables in this forest, breaks them down, turns them into magic and releases them, right?


Maybe for sure, that's a magic ceremony based on that kind of theory, and if it was expanded while circulating and stabilizing the forest, the cause and countermeasure are trees. Because the trees collect magic vegetables, it gets thicker, but it converts, so I guess the by-product is mushrooms.

I don't even know if the source is a labyrinth or underground, or if it's something else... but this forest was marked with the meaning of the trees, at least Dawn knew. The doom of the world - it may have begun a long time ago, with the floods of wars and abandoned labyrinths, people diminishing, nations perishing, cultures and civilizations declining. Heritage is broken, and academics are going through a history of decline the opposite of obsolete development, that is, the old one is more civilized and the present one is more savage.

There is a possibility that Dawn Mi and the Great Sage of the Church are special examples, but the old days are smarter. It is a form of annihilation in decline, where demons are losing their power to destroy demons rather than destroy them. Oh, shit?

"If you're purely depopulated or short of food, shouldn't you be transferring a group of agricultural high schools across the country across the world? It's too much to take one class of general education on a continental basis, 'cause that's one city's capacity limit, isn't it?


The range of people's perceptions was said to vary by as much as a hundred individuals, and the sphere of influence was up to someone they knew, that is, 30 people, up to 3,000 people, and their maximum sphere of influence was 300,000? If you say 300,000 people, it might seem like a full national level in the Middle Ages... they definitely dabble, huh?

Yeah, more or less we all know who I know, there can't be a situation where one person at a time can all get to know each other with a hundred separate people, in fact it can only affect them to a very narrow extent.

If it made sense to move across worlds, considering that only the periphery was probably within range of the total number, and even all of the class... a situation where it might not even be possible to have all of the periphery already. Yeah, it's me, and I'm sneaking around, right?

(Poyo poyo)

There is certainly an increase, there are many mentions that have it as a force of war but also strong political power. The talent to get along with anyone and be one of them...... maybe that female power is the most powerful force, I feel that that female power is something wrong, but I'm banging from princess to princess, that talent can be the center of the world. Except the cost of food is huge, and the economy seems very inefficient? Yeah, we're gonna be influential until the bulimia, and we're all gonna eat a lot on the way to proliferation and expansion, right?

Eh... the enemy! Switching thoughts, breathing deeply, rewrapping the demonic entanglement, and moving into a state of all-out combat - yes, the resentful enemy Ota Moga has emerged!

"Conquest Shoulder Shield" Funnel "! Wear Ota, slash Mocha, rip her apart!

"" "" "" Don't shoot! Don't wear it! Don't chop it up!! I'm starving - I smelled delicious, but I had a bad feeling I couldn't get close, rice! Don't say or shoot!? "" ""

There is a wide variety of demons in different worlds, but Ota Mocha is the hardest to kill, without endless 3D manoeuvre saturation attacks. You're an annoying demon who doesn't read air at all, right?

"Totally Mocha, if you avoid it, why don't you hit it?

"" "I'm desperate to avoid hitting you! I feel death closest to you in the other world right now!! Or don't put a net on it! Don't even sprinkle the mines!!" "

It's a real pain in the ass if you let it go into the woods, wild Mocha running up trees and flying around between trees using shields and obstacles as scaffolding looks very healthy Mocha!!

"Totally nerdy, you can't kill me if I tie the line, can you? Read the air?"

"" "If you read the air that kills you, it's a death flag! I can't do that in the morning. I'll get away with that!

Ota was Ota. Is this the answer… Tank of the junction, defended by absolute defense but it is streamlined moving forward. And then he twitches as he endures and destroys it at close range with the blade of the junction... oh, did he hang it in the pit? Yeah, it's still sweet, isn't it?

"Wow, don't bury it!" "Give me the lid, too. Uh, dark, scary. Okay, narrow!" "I don't know what to put in it. I'm afraid of your face?" "What's the ferocious bottle in that hand!? That's absolutely sucks, isn't it?!!"

And Mogadishu was intercepted by Mr. Slime's throw with a whipping aerial 3D manoeuvre to bury him with the Otas. Yeah, the forest has regained its silence, but the soil contamination looks serious?

"" "" I said it was bad, so get it out! I'm hungry! And this bottle... whoa, get it out! Sour, Die Sour!! Gu Ha Ahhh, Sour!

The woods were about to die sour! I was sealing every hole because of so much destructive power, but I broke it and crawled out... ugh, it hurts sour! Seriously, it hurts sour!! My eyes - my eyes - my nose hurts too!!

Good luck and sealed the bottle with a long-range tentacle. Yeah, that's dangerous! I mean, it's better to think that the finest sour vinegar than that is a weapons-of-destruction class beyond scientific weapons!! That brewer is the one who's going to destroy the other world if we don't do something about it!?

Well, if demons don't send you to practice, why don't you bob Ota Mocha? Yeah, there's a lot of stuff I'd like to try, but it's too dangerous to seem like I can do it unless it's a coitus?

"Well, if I didn't die without running away because I'm lightly bumpy, I'd be bummed by the fact that Mr. Hamburg and Mr. Deep-fried meat are set meals in a BBQ bowl?

"Huh, you don't mind if I knock you down. Oh, oh, oh! Yeah, yeah, scared! Seriously now, yeah!" "Wow! Move and move differently again!" "I can't, I can't, I can't, I don't have enough boundaries! He's slashed, he's slashed, he's fucked! Quickly connect!!"

Remove the restraint control of the rampant body and lift the demon entanglement to full opening with extra control. Beyond the control frame, he leaves it to himself and slashes it as he sees it without removing further restraint and controlling it. Doing this with a World Tree wand is dangerous - to the point where both me and my opponent could vanish. So even the chairmen of the armoured committee can't, they can't risk hundreds of millions of dollars less than one danger, and they can stop it as soon as they realize it.

"Connections, I don't need thickness, so numbers and angles!" "Ma, you can't make it! The magic team is manoeuvring too!" "Hey, I can't cover you, stop it, Oda! Stop it. Uh, cover. Follow me." "Huh! You're too far away, you've got to get there before you read the criticism... you far-fetched bastard!" "Scary... that's awesome. Uh, 'cause this is all crazy, huh?

In fact, nine men are the best to kill me, hold me back in Mogadishu with my wild mind and physical abilities to block my movements, and scatter my absolute defenses into disposable pieces to the junction (...) If the geeks can step in and get away with it, I can stop moving. And when I stop moving, it's easy for me to kill -- if I stop without being killed, these guys win, and if I try to kill them, they don't die inside, do they?

"Stuff it! It won't kill you, Giri, you'll die except there!" "Hey, the starboard junction is thin, what are you doing!" "From any worse! What are you talking about? The world is numbered, brother!" "I mean, teasing is a distance, take it off!

Have you noticed... I know how to contact you without thinking about it? A world where thousands of disturbing visual information are unified in unison and everything is visible, close range combat at that zero distance pokes the target's blind spot without a blind spot, concealing moves with the body and poking confusion and voidness, poking bumps with sticks! I just don't consider this an escape from Moga. It's a sickening and awesome thing.

"Damn, the BBQ bowl is strong! I'll surround you, don't get too close." "Something sucks, that distance." "It's the moment in and out... definitely take that off."

Both Tai Chi and Tai Chi fists are within close range of the Five Lines Fist to the Gossip Palm, then zero distance is the time for battle.

That's a nice distance for a killable, killable kill, if that's what "magic" wants, then the meaning is Ye Hidden - "Death and Finding". It doesn't matter if you think it's samurai psychology, but I don't know the sincerity of Ye Hidden, but the mood to abandon oneself and truly seek the best action is the mood to abandon oneself and the mood of the dead.

"Getting killed? Don't use too strong a word. You can't kill him, can you? Yeah, I'm just gonna kill you a little lightly. 'Cause you don't, do you? Like?"

"" "" "Feel free to kill me a little!! They won't kill me, they won't kill me - it's a BBQ bowl ah" ""

Death on two paths: the possibility of safe life and the possibility of dangerous death are the right answers, and if we kill each other in a dead place, it is the difference between heaven and earth that we are stepped into. The world you see with the minds of the dead at the dead end determines the match of death - - Mr. Chairman of the Armor Committee repels this distance as a danger zone where you don't know what's going to happen, which means it's not weird what's going on here (...), only here (...) is the stunning world of the murderer wins that spills infinite possibilities "Wonderland"!

"Push it out in the junction and distance it! If they push you in, they'll kill you before they stop you." "Become, I can't chase you with my eyes, lay a detective junction!" "Because if you expand it, they'll slash you! We have no choice but to sense it in a broken bond."

There is only life here, dancing in the closest place to death in a world filled with the possibility of zero distance death. See, we can kill each other easily, we die weak in a dead place, and I can kill strong enemies, and zero is the strongest part, superreflection, all one and no blind spots in the polar realm, the only one I can react and move sicker than anybody else - here it hits, here it hits absolutely zero, here it naturally hits me. Then the fast stuff, the killing stuff, the winning stuff, the winning stuff, the moves, the speed, the power, the thought. A place where everything becomes meaningless while everything is required to the limit. Zero distance. This is the dead end!

"Come on, get close! A knife would be better." "But you can't chase me without a long one." "If they make it. Eh... that's scary!?" "I can't stop it, I'll just tow it!" "" "No, stop it!!" "

Mogadishu does everything from medium to zero range fights, but the essence is the inflexible entry and exit from outside to inside between swords, the strongest good at grasping the sense of distance - which is why I know the fear of zero distance between super close ranges.

"Heh heh heh, the heavenly punishment for putting me down and running away is coming. I have a generous kind heart for the ones who abandon my people, and I'm willing to abandon them, but I never forgive the ones who abandon me!

Beyond wild intuition with ultra-reflection, it packs and crushes the absolute defense of the junction to the inside, and collaborative attacks with no gaps also step in and crush, between retreats and slashes, between pushes and slashes, between slashes and slashes.

"" "" For a moment, I thought we were going to be talking about a well-dressed ninja do, it was just a shitty selfish!? "" "Don't read, because that tree stick deforms." "It was dangerous -... if it was a step away, you would die, if it was a half step, you would die so much! Two steps, at worst, one and a half steps off!" "The distance shifts with shrinkage! Damn, there's a BBQ bowl!

Close range "Here" is the best distance to fit into a deceitful trap, whether you're strong or weak, feeling as if you're still in the mood... squid all you want, even if it's just a few moments past, an absolute death place where even the Labyrinth King can't escape the possibility of death. Can't we stop now... you're getting pretty strong?

The chairmen of the armoured committee are angry and worried, so they can't use it much, so they should do it now. This zero distance is the absolute time!

"The One Tail Knife" One Guys "from Gossip Palm Eh, a fight kick from! One Knife, One Guys, One Fight Kick! or Ra, Shining Wizard Doe! So, the one-size-fits-all knife from the shower kick! One-knife! One-knife!! Keek!

"" "Guuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I don't know why. Hey, uh! You're unscrupulous and unreadable, and you're too close to react! Get away from me, seriously. Eh!

(Poyo poyo.)

Damn, Mr. Slime is intrusive because he seemed to have fun and couldn't stand the fact that the war situation was under pressure! He behaved heavily in a brawl in the Great Mixed Battle of the Three Kinds. 'Cause if you fight Mr. Slime zero distance, you're dead, right? Mr. Slime is a round, fast moving death place, where you collect dead places, compress them well to high density, then pinch them, pinch them, soften them, and then round them up cutely, you're Mr. Slime, right? Yeah, the dangerous sphere cute mucus is the nori!!

It was a chaotic 'chaos' that was bumpy but bumpy and, in a way, too ideal for training in absolute fatality! Yeah, you call it a BBQ bowl or a BBQ bucket at the request of Mr. Slime, who's rammed and hungry? Well, Ota Mocha was rarely useful, too, okay?

With skill and experience, the training with the labyrinth royals, Bocco, improves daily, builds up (bocco) and accumulates (bocco). Yeah, I'll definitely avenge you tonight!

"" "" "To that effect. Yeah, eh! Ugh, there it is, change it!" "" "Delicious, Beast Nation doesn't have BBQ sauce, does it?" "" "Don't be luxurious, we're even tough on rice!" "" "" That's hard! But I've always had to stockpile mayonnaise! "" Yao, add fried chicken! "(Poyo, poyo, poyo!

But there's a part of the squid battle that takes the diagonal down the back of each other by moves that are insane, unjustified, and not even evil, that you can't try unless it's a coitus. Even poking a void fools even the insane extreme intention to return it with a void cannot be fought by the chairmen of the armoured committee. Yeah, when you do it, you get angry "boggled," and you get boggled before you do it!

'Cause that's an orthodox guy with unimaginable, changing moves, but that's beyond common sense, not insane. But these guys are crazy about common sense, and they're stupid about mentioning it? Yeah, the Mojas will be the only ones in the other world who can return the Shining Wizard with an overhead kick, and the Otas will be the only ones who make armor in the junction and run around like a robot. And Boko is cheap because he's convinced by the BBQ bowl, right?

"" "" "Far Away!! (Poyo Poyo!!)" "" "

Yeah, they don't complain if you even feed them quantities...... cheap, huh?

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