Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 764 Whether it's an elf or not, the old man generally talks a long time, but he's not

Day 147 Elf Forest Royal Castle

It is also a disgrace to call, and I am not in a position to prestigiously go and see him as king. So I went to see her in plain clothes, but, uh, everything didn't seem to make any sense.

It was nothing majestic or anything to the poor king, who just goes to ask for his arrogantly thick-faced, shamelessly witchcrafted wishes, but he was thoroughly reminded before he met him. What I saw in this eye was a giant fortified city covered by a great wall stretching from the elf forest to the merchant country to the beast kingdom. It could no longer be called the territory of an elf. It was overwhelmingly intimidating and powerful, and above all the forest of an elf protected its fortified city.

That's already a nation. And I met him, and I was supposed to rub my head against the ground and stick it on my leg, but I was about to ask him. It is a desire to entrust the future of our unending and compatriots (elves) … but it was not heard at all, not even heard.

The story went into havoc on its own without even being able to name it, and the uncontrollable meeting was decided without meaning. Without even allowing me to wish before I begged you to be king, I was only able to fulfill my wish on my own, and I made up my mind after easily obeying all those hard-working inner chiefs... I was kicked out.

In the end, in a futile meeting, the despicable desire to seal the worst hell on those who had no time to discuss or beg for anything, without anyone being able to say anything, etc., wanted to be considered a decision before begging. And what we demanded without even having something to redeem for that immense danger was one ring that was squishy, and only the result of too unscrupulous convenience without being able to say anything.

That's just one word, "I'll take the labyrinth, right? Yeah, the pennies are pinch!" It was decided in one word… no one deserved to wish, no right to beg, disrespectful outrageous and despicable requests were decided before they were spoken. It was all about an unspeakable boy who risked his life to go to a nightmare more brutal than death.

Shivering with pity, remorse and impudence, the meeting ended without even being allowed to bow his head… without even begging for a shameless and cowardly wish to sacrifice our elves' sins. They laughed and said, "I'll have it," and the end of the world got it.

However, an elf conference can be convened with the consent of the leaders. I don't know how Elder will get out, but if we vote, we can send troops to the Holy Land. I decided to inspect, find out the truth, and aim to open up the Holy Land... Finally, the helpless unreachable words that the incompetent king was crying out alone were, "Hi-ha-ha!" It was briefly acknowledged.

"Offta, Gatek. I've gone a long way, I didn't know I'd done anything to make 100 precious days beyond excellence. I was about to admonish him for his faith in the past, which is no different from the ancient breed (Elder), such as the inherited black-haired, black-eyed Gentiles... but he was easily devastated by some kind of ring and subjected to the Great Labyrinth step!?"

"King, you shouldn't take that seriously, because no matter how many more times you try to name it, it's useless and you won't remember it at all. We're still old spears and old swords."

I heard you wouldn't lay flat on a king, but I didn't think of anything like a king at all because of a problem before that... the occupation is king. Exactly, great or nothing at work, do a good job or not.

And I was the one who should lay low wishing, I went to meet him to push and plead reckless wishes that could not have been fulfilled... despicable wishes and cowardly begging, to say that the despicable king had gone to lay low on the earth to lay low. Gently say, "Then ring!" So, it was over.

"That Yaoi-kun should be treated with reason rather than money, honor or courtesy, both the Omui bureau and King Diorail, who were recognized by Yaoi-kun, weighed their reason differently. That boy sure doesn't care about any other powers, rewards or honors. And then... the treatment of the Omui border uncle was more cluttered."

The Elf Promise, the Elf Royal Tribute of sheltering and assisting the villages of people outside the woods. Instead, it was a promise that those chosen by the people would negotiate with the outside world, but I guess it won't come true anymore.

"Offta, I thank you as king, the tenure of the guardian of the elf for a long time. Gatek took care of you, too, we elves no longer have the power to assist you out in the woods. And there's no point in serving us if the merchant nation that was the subject of the suspension had a new city in a state of devastation. From here on out, it's our responsibility to risk our lives for the elves. Thank you for saving me forever."

It's not like it's supposed to be good entrusted to an unrelated boy. But there is no other technique than relying on labyrinth killing. Then it is our minimal duty to get those Yakuza safely to the labyrinth, and it is our minimal duty to challenge the labyrinth in complete condition without any wear and tear due to such ugly and wasteful things as trouble with Elder.

"Uh, I knew you didn't understand... that's only what I saw, but, well, seeing it is incomprehensible, isn't it? It's not like that, they're killing labyrinths."

There is no joke in Gatek's eyes. I'm just trying to be sure of something and convey something I have no doubt about. That's the same with the off-the-shelf eyes.

"O king - there are things that only those who have seen the miracles of that neighborhood know, things that cannot be conveyed in words. Give it up, whether you are already a king, its determination to die, its desperate wishes, its prayers with all the spirits in your body are all in vain. From here, disaster begins, and all that's left is ruin and happiness... give up!

It's not the face of witch mountain games or jokes, those eyes are serious.

What I remember when I saw that face was what my daughters told me. It was the story of a distant country, a country that was told of a country where all people had dark hair and black eyes - the evil and blessing of destiny befalling the world, a country that had a terrible tradition of shooting away its evil (deliberately) only with soybeans and taking away its blessings. A vicious nation where it is customary for all its citizens to strike and destroy ghosts in unison. That is the great nation in a distant place where all those labyrinth killing groups lived very normally.

The story my daughters told me was a dream story that was too uninterrupted and unrealistic - so we can't even imagine the insanity of the country that the crazy idea of shooting away disaster, even fate, is common sense.

"In our inner message, 'The song of the blessing of the Gentile rare man spins, the dark hair joins the threads of the edges, the trees bless the black eyes and become the forest of protection, the desire for everlasting peace and long-lasting peace and the heart fills the forest with trees…', there is the story of the rare man spinning the guardianship of the forest. And now, in reality, with the hands of the black-haired, black-eyed Gentiles, spreading new life and breathing new life into the forest and elf people... well, it was getting a little awesome, but the forest is starting to regenerate... and next year, more children will perish."

"Oh, the meaning of those who love the woods and the trees (elves) was shaking from the roots... that would have more children!?"

Even the ones that went to hear the rumors were fascinated by the demonization, which was called a curse (N) special preference (T) ethical breakdown (R) habit and opened the door to forbidden, but the ineffective depopulation of the elves was definitely going to stop. We need to increase the self-sufficiency of Ningro food......

"Kiriquil, Archemy, do you have any explanations to understand? It's an uninterrupted story to ask anyone about that boy, it's like a different story, and it just sounds like nobody meshes at all. We're talking about the labyrinth, right?

"Even if you're looking at the same thing, they say that's a different world to be looking at. We are too small to let that boy give up his eyes in an attempt to despair blinded by an overwhelming tragedy impossible to resist. You saw that face that didn't seem to matter when you were gently proclaimed to" get the labyrinth, "and the eyes of those around you. Was despair, fear, or giving up a shard?

Yes, I was laughing. The answer I saw in front of me (...) was everything, and Eve and Tee said everything I was hearing... I don't understand.

It wasn't the laughter of those who gave up, it wasn't the laughter of those who despaired, it wasn't even the laughter until it was invincible. The boy surrounded by laughing companions with a troubled face about not wanting him to knock down the deep labyrinth seemed fine, laughing as if he were half playing...... chasing after me. He was also playing with dazzling menacing moves, just laughing.

"We don't challenge, we fight, we don't fight, we trample. They laughed and marched to the bottom of the earth, trampling the king of the Labyrinth and destroying the Labyrinth."

"So if you think about it, you can't do it," he says, "if you kill me, you can do it" in a country full of brunettes and dark eyes. Well, sure, if you kill him, it doesn't matter, but if he kills you, you can't do anything. Hey, so kill him... I'm teaching you that if you kill him, you can kill him, you can kill him, right, to your kids? You're from a country where it's common sense to say, "There's no such thing as killing and not killing"? You can't compare it to us. "

People break their hearts unconsciously when they see the impossible, giving up and scratching ugly to escape the worst. But at the moment we meet impossible, we hang on to killing without hesitation, if anyone thinks that even if it's impossible, it's possible, they'll think it's a madman. At the thought of it, we can't, not long after thinking about excuses, a country full of people who hang on to killing before thinking about it.

"I've never dreamed of overcoming the impossible and becoming a hero, etc... but I guess I can't be a hero at a time when I'm thinking it's impossible or something. If you can't be a hero unless you're the one who kills and thinks, then maybe it's the result of killing without being willing to be a hero."

"King, if you're called a hero, that's about it. To accomplish greatness is to become a hero Tan because it is over and legendary. That's because greatness ends there. When the feat (it) is perpetually and routinely extended daily as it deserves, the time comes to gradually paralyze and end up looking pathetic with demons that should have been horribly hated - so it's a disaster. Those who have not seen or seen will not understand, but when you get used to it, you will be more obstructed."

"Yeah, well... if you're from the border, you just gave up because they said," I'm not giving up, "right?

A calamity came, give up happiness - it only sounded like a calamity to tell of misfortune, it only sounded like a proclamation that you would no longer be happy.

But the meaning of the "calamity" of the boys, called nightmares and calmed calamities in the peripheral lands, seems to be "give up because they make you happy, whether you run away, cry or resist and defy". I'll never give up until I'm happy. I mean because it's an irresistible disaster... I lived and fought through the worst scourge on that continent, and I even gave up on the border where I would never give in - only that (...) calamity told me to give up.

The more I hear, the worse it sounds like a joke "disaster of happiness". Never give up on what that way of dealing with it, just give up on "disaster"... everyone tells you the same thing with a serious face, I'm not even allowed to give up anymore, they just have to give up on "disaster".

But be pessimistic. If you're just desperate, you'd better believe a bad joke. Because I wanted to fight the scourge of the destruction of the elves, and despicably put my wish on the scourge of happiness. Giving up the scourge of happiness must mean giving up everything else is no longer acceptable.

It makes sense when you think about it. The king can't deserve to give up, because that's what kings are for. When you succeeded to the throne, you couldn't have been forgiven for giving up from the day you decided to take charge of the people's lives and future.

But no one asked me for my name... even though I'm a king... an unfaithful job?

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