Lonely Attack on the Different World

I rushed here for the 745th part pom pom. That kindness hurt.

Day 144 Evening Castle Fortress near Merchant Country

Maybe the other world can't do it anymore. Once again, there's a serious old man increase problem going on, only the old men came over here wondering why, even though the old man and his beautiful sister are in equal numbers properly and structurally!

"Well, I didn't have to investigate. I knew it was you, but the elves were stunned."

"No, usually he said he'd be stunned if he suddenly had a fortified city! So do you mean on behalf of the elves on the outer edge, my village said they joined us too, and I came to see how it went... why is everyone licking the knife up to our village!? Just now my grandma said," Hi-ha-ha! You said!? "

They also had a village of sword old men and spear old men in the rendezvous village, no they are all clothed villagers equipped and can't tell... for some reason they even have me!!

"Yeah, it's like it's gonna get infected, right? And your old man sucks because the strongest grandmother on the border is on the merchant side and they formed an old people's association? The village chief's grandfather here was a source of infection, and the aging problem was so dangerous, right? And if you're about to be attacked, it's common sense to walls, so we should let Mr. Elves learn some more public common sense issues, right?

"Don't learn anything at all. You're the killer of it all every time! The murderer is the one who says the walls, the perimeter pension plan, the village chief's hartmanization all like other HRs, right?!? Mostly even the forest elves would have been scared of having a castle city all of a sudden, and this robust intimidation, but you think it was the insanity that suddenly did it that scared them? It's not a matter of common sense, it's always a matter of common sense!!"

The chairman of the committee screamed. In a long series, a large number of cumulative works have been polished by Jito.

The walls are basic. I mean, the question of the elderly is young, because elderly people from different worlds are around 50 years old, and they have grandchildren in their 30s, and grandparents. Different worlds are understaffed in a world where youthfulness and life expectancy grow with LV, people don't suddenly increase with more food, only old people gush infinitely, but they don't have enough working population, do they? Yeah, work grandma!

Dawn Mi's Akemi's and Elf's...... Kikikirkirkirekiyo's with me but I don't like this pinched (reverse) feeling, being pinched by an old man! If it was Othello, it would be a critical situation!!

"'Cause even the elves don't escape in the woods? We can stop here for a while, and in the meantime, it'll be a refuge out of the river? Even though it was a good idea to sell souvenirs at that time, only mushroom-shaped pennants are still gorgeously sold!? Yeah, the wood-carved bear was sold out!!"

Yes, "Throw it on a wooden carved bear demon and you'll get rid of it (disposable)" was the only mushroom-shaped pennant left to sell even though it was a blast sale hit... even the set sale couldn't sell that much! There are still plenty of them.

"So what are you going to do, Elf King?"

"I don't like it, an old man named King! Besides, I still think the merchant country will come this way for the last evil, because I don't want to take him because he stays with some kind of troublesome old man or grandfather, so what kind of old man would be in Central America if he blew up and sank with his clothes peeled off? The fish smell of age!?"

The army hasn't even reached devastation, and in the end the dark haven't moved... Sleeping Daughter says that some kind of assassin or a spy has arrived, but it hasn't moved because no one has seen it? Yeah, I promised you I'd let you invade the army and leave you in the dark from the back, but you met your sleeping daughter who was bored and you're not moving anymore, are you?

Besides, the top priority now is to inspect the woods, because it's troublesome to go in there, make it to the walls, record vegetation and placement with high milestones. It's fast to go where we're mapping and analyzing. Premature and herbivorous boys get hurt when they say "fast," but when you say "ill," it's hard to get an old wound three years ago. You can't help it because you seem to be in a second offense at your age, right? So when was the first offense?!?

"I knew it would be assassination," "No, invading and occupying this place would destroy the merchant nation," "So, the army?" "Even though it's the biggest danger zone in the world with all the labyrinth royalty," "That bow daughter sucks, too!?" "I saw it, that's the same sign as some Avenger believer..." "Is bow daughter Cheritti? He's a better bow than that elf... because he's been shooting at me since I was little. Nah, laughing extensively..." "" I knew he was a dangerous daughter!? "" No, because he's on my side, right? I know exactly what you mean when you look at it, sniping is dangerous. The Knights of the Elves are one of the leading archers in the Elves, because no one can do such high-speed, long-range sniping or multi-bow mobile shooting! "" "Good... I didn't feel like I could attack that girl if she had ten," "No, because that bow is against the rules," "And there's a demon spear shooter over here that's not for ten Mr. Cheritti," "" I'm sure even Mr. Rudell's reputation is going to get angry, right?

That's rude. I don't want you to be with that bow girl at all, because that's a bow fetish pervert, right? 'Cause I don't cheek or lick gay Borg, do I? Yeah, I feel something dangerous and rotten about the name Gay Borg... because there's a lot of talk about stabbing me in the butt in the inheritance?

"Tail Gone Daughter, no updates? If the inside of the country of business and adult sisters could wear thin clothes. Hmm. Buying nice and welcoming evening store information is expensive... So, no, because we're talking about strategy, gathering information is important. If you're an adult store, you won't quit standing up among enemies isolated from enemy visits because you want to quit iron ball sanctions, right?

"No big move, but I think I noticed the castle fortress, I thought you were getting ready for something? The dark ones are pretty moving, so they're watching here, too, and I think they're gathering information. Ha-ha-ha. Sister hasn't reported, but from the table, she says," Hi-ha-ha! Uh-huh! "I hear you," but can't you do that? Something licking the knife seemed like a lot of crap to Grandpa and Grandma?

According to what I just heard, the grandmothers go to the river to destroy their prey, and the grandfathers go hunting by preying on the scene, Yama. The other world seems to have no more vicious and dreamy "fantasy" elements than the world of stories. Yeah, I danced with the chairman of the armored committee and my daughter instructed "Hartman" and the tea extinction LV was up too... the old man is going to be like no other!?

"It's a poor village, that's why the old man tries to die for the young and the children as normal when food is scarce, deliberately go into the dangerous woods and look for food... so try to stand on the arrow... so vicious..."

I tried to be a dead soldier so I wouldn't be a foot wrapper, so I wouldn't have any choice but to be taught heartfull by former Sergeant Hartman. Yeah, Mr. Armored Committee Chairmen are heartfull inside, aren't they?

"Uh, the grandfathers and women were training themselves to protect and shield young people from dangerous eyes, but because they weren't shields and were Kukli knives, they licked them without protection, and they were in the woods in Hyah, in the cold water of an old man willing to hunt for his prey, and because of this, they were also training in view of cold water and underwater warfare. Yeah, maybe the young don't have any prey left, huh? You know, old people's club grandmothers are really fucked."

"" "What the hell are you doing to an old man and teaching him!!" "

It was more pictorially scary than I had imagined to say that Grandma and Grandma jumped out of the surface of the Venetian-style canal Miyabi inside with a Kukuri knife, and would freak out whether it was an elf or a merchant country or a demon. Yeah, along with the water column, the grandmothers said, "Hi-ha-ha! ♪ You're gonna jump out and attack me! You're scaring the other world!!

And the biggest worry was that physically powerless children were learning bows from the old men on the walls, and when I thought, bow daughters started teaching with doya faces and the kids were laughing and licking bows... maybe not this village anymore?

Although it was a long story, in the end, the elves are wrapping up the outer edge around the king, but the elves close to the sanctuary in the heart of the ancient species Elder have a strong ancient species Elder faith and the elves themselves are not wrapped up at all. I mean, even the outer edges are not able to unify their intentions because they are scattered in village-by-village administrations, and the sharing of information was stopped by the ancient species Elder before the unification of their intentions, and they only continue to discuss it in pieces... Is it the perpetuity of the sorority line that the extension doesn't end? That's going to be doomed by the end of the story, right?

"Why don't you go see the sanctuary?" "No, it's an inviolable land." "Not in that case?" "Yes, I'm telling you..." "No, even to Mr. Kiriquil." "But isn't that too bad?" "None of the information is good," "I'm sorry..." "" No, it's not about Mr. Kiriquil!

It's no use, it's pointless that we've discussed something that we can't decide on, and we're not willing to ask if we decide what it is over there, we do it all at once when we can do more than not know the temporal respite. It would be harmful if we were delayed in discussing it or a meeting, so we're not even listening, are we? 'Cause an old man named King, why don't you make him queen! This is why it's so hard to have the other world at all...

"Far away, do you have any strategy? Like, a strategy for the one that's not all about killing or deforestation?

"What!? If you remove those two, there's no way!!"

"" "" "What the hell was the operation! Don't tell me, I don't want to hear it!!

There's no point in deciding one thing, whether it's an operation or a strategy, it's a strategy that combines a number of measures to suit diverse assumptions. So if important options are removed, the strategy will not be made up, it is the strategy that prepares a composite instrument for the fulfilment of the objectives, from which the planning itself will not be made up if certain operational plans are eliminated. Then it's better not to do it anymore.

"If we don't assume the worst, it's only gonna be the worst, right? If you're going to exclude the worst from the operation to prevent it, you just have to believe that it's okay to leave it alone. Yeah, like an elf?

"Well, because... I'm sure it's a good way..."

"I don't need an operation if I can do it a good way, what I would do if I couldn't, and the strategy is to deal with what could happen? Yeah, leave me alone?

"It's a bad way to ask, I don't reply like this easily when I do something really bad... how is it best to crush it?

I'm bored. Mr. Slime has gone to play with your horse. The sound of your horse's delightful hissing and wide walking hooves in the distance is sounding like a sticky pony... yeah, looks like the merchant reconnaissance force is doomed?

"The best I can do is go and the elves cooperate and you're so labyrinth? So, if you get in the way without getting optimal, you get rid of it."

"The point is, you don't have to interrupt, and if the measures to get out of that way work, you don't have to annihilate it, it's no use. I mean, getting out of the way, because the labyrinth is a decision."

It's totally simple, so simple. Trouble with maneuvers is to make execution simple, so much so that if you want to complicate it by tying it up, you don't even have an operation. In the end, it's inconvenient to discuss how to make Grandpa convenient... sweetness isn't like kindness, you can't call it kindness even though if you sweeten it to someone, everyone will perish?

"I mean, get rid of the opposition?" "No, it would be faster and easier if I could convince you," "It would be a better deal to be on your side," "It would be tricky and cumbersome, an elf," "I'm sorry," "No, it's not about Mr. Kiriquil!" "" The culprit is the ancient Elder. "" But by the time we get there... ""... will we burn it down? "" "" "That's the same level as far away!" "" Terrible! Mine's a little baked up! But it's always the way to burn down a guerrilla opponent's forest battle, because he's a forest folk, and which way to take the flood Stampede or the elf forest.

That's hard. The ability to implement and prepare the worst means is also a blackmail "bluff" to keep it from sucking, a negotiation technique that threatens to avoid the worst. It's out of the question that I don't prepare it, but using it is a foolishness, and how to show it off and conveniently carry it praises my ability to persuade me to enter a deep labyrinth-class labyrinth. If my opponent is also Mr. Elov, Belomberon and his freedom of argument are freely and freely endless... a spectacular jito if you suddenly think it's quiet! Gigi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi angui shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi shi Iron Ball Morningstar!!

"'Cause let's all stop lending you iron balls! No, it's not inspiring to see the amount of iron balls that have expanded and piled up all over that floor again. Tearful, tearful boy, high school boy is complaining with sad, crushed eyes, huh? Why do we all shake our heads there, when we self-declare that we have sad, crushed eyes without sin!? No, even the theory of cool, clear eyes... why are we all crying out of sight when I'm talking about tears! And what's starting to pom from behind!?"

All, I cried. I'm sure the whole United States (National US Common Certificate Exchange) will be crying too... I believe my kindness and purity must have appeared in my eyes because no one (demons) has touched me lately... so why are you running back to Mr. Slime and pounding! Damn, I should have been a scout too, I knew there was something wrong with Luo Shen Eye?

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