Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 677 Everyone seems happy to have a reason for the festival.

Day 135 Before noon Church

A silent climb up a small tall hill that was never there before, and a long stone staircase. Walking head down the edge, this is the place, the sanctuary Sanctuary where those in our never forgiven Church should repent - this is the temple of Omui, the periphery dedicated to the Spirit of the periphery.

It is the land that the Church protected and defined as the Holy Land, once as the spokesperson of the Canadian God and as the guide of teaching, that is the border. We walk in the temple of the periphery where it is too late for us to even apologize for not being allowed to raise our heads, the fruit of the evil church that has been devalued and abused, because we tried to protect the periphery together with our teachings.

From the stone staircase to the cobblestone, only the countless footsteps of blaming oneself speak in honor of the serenity of what may be a "oh wow". That makes no sense to apologize, and without the art of rewarding many lives lost, it can't even be hypocrisy. We are not even allowed to beg for forgiveness, we cannot even have the value of making an apology, I thought I understood it, until I went to the periphery and hung out with the people of the periphery... I was reminded of the dignity of what our church had trampled on, and I learned that it was warm, such as shameful.

The people on the border were kind - because they knew more about pain and sorrow than anyone else.

The people on the border were warm - because they had survived a cruel and ruthless world.

The people on the border were kind, because if we don't help each other here, we're next door to death.

People on the border were laughing - because they knew more about life and happiness than anyone else.

For it was the culprit who pushed it all to the periphery, the one who, instead of delivering salvation to the land of disaster, suffered and disparaged and betrayed it, who made an oath to God to save the periphery and was Canadian.

Go to the church and speak to the people on the border as representatives of the church. It is an irreplaceable apology for the eternal crossing of the border and the restoration of the role of the Church as mediator of the covenant between the far lost and the border and the continent. Unforgivable sins and promises of too late natural deeds… even though we are not to be applauded and praised, we are a symbol to be scorned and scolded. Just bow your head deeply to the people of Omui, descendants of the heroes who fought and escorted to the end in the abandoned end of our church and continent, where the cheers of boiling joy and the voices of gratitude determine your breasts.

The Knights of Instruction, who first went to the land, weep and see the people of the border, think of the gravity of the great sins that our Church continued to commit as they gripped their fists.

I am sure that the Church knights and instructional knights of the ancient Shame will weep and wrath the sins of our Church for the kindness of the true heroes who guarded it out, abandoning the land that they both guarded. It is the duty of all priests and sisters to convey this remorse and pity, and all those in the Church who said so look wet in their faces - and this is the border.

Hands together, joy, grin and slap hands...... it is naturally a right that goes too far, even though it is all those who live on the continent who should bow their heads. We kept doing things until we thought the worst situation for this kind of people was normal, which is why my heart hurts so badly about the gratitude I can be directed at.

Far back, in the legendary era when the continent was said to have been one, even the remnants of the time when it was inherited that the continent had been raised and fought against the labyrinth were lost already, a messy and countless divisions of state and aspirations, abandoned by the tyranny of the Church - the Endless Land (Worlds End). Finally, only three flags line the flag of the border uncle, and everyone on the side of the border will weep for just four flags... Please don't thank us, we are the blame.

Instructional knights who can receive a heartfelt welcome from people and throw words of gratitude will be gutted by a heartfelt welcome to which they are not even allowed to cry and apologize, to which the words of gratitude will turn into blades and chop their hearts. The laughing face eats away his distorted teeth in ferocity, flaunts his body trembling in anger without realizing it bleeds out of his gripping fists, and responds with a miserable smile...... the captain's face is supposed to be pretty scary, that's kinda bad.

The Knights of Instruction - founded to teach and guide the Knights of the Church throughout the continent fighting on the border, and the Knights of Instruction of the Church were the knights who trained knights fighting the Endless Demons. That's why I eat my teeth off with such remorse that I can't stop laughing and hold my fist to such pity that my tears can't stop... because I am a Knights who should be protected but should finally visit the natural land, where they should not be welcomed and appreciated, etc.

The emblem of the Order of the Order of the Teaching Knights, the highest peak of the Order of the Church, describes the covenant that it will not be a sword to destroy the demons. It is distracting and absurd to raise your hands and respond to cheers in the face of regret and embarrassment. … In the land you have finally visited, your eyes are set on it to clear its humiliation… No, Captain, suppress it because you are afraid of your face!?

Look around the faces of those in the lookout church. If anyone does not suffer from embarrassment and remorse, I have brought everyone here to return them to their country immediately, a smile desperately made with a distorted and crushed face in this gesture. Everyone must have understood and carved into their hearts the weight of the unforgivable sins of our Church.

The Beastman warriors are all sinking faces, too. You think of eternity until the Ancestors of the Beasts reach the Protected Land, and you end your life in this land and give thought to many of your ancestors… Even that is because of the Church, the evil deeds of our Church, which God has defined as discriminating, hunting and enslaving our compatriots and the Beasts, are never forgiven for eternity, and are never forgiven sinners.

And as archbishop, as princess, I bear two great sins.

I've come to make a covenant to fight in the most endless lands even if this body is torn apart and eaten by demons, but I'm not willing to accept meaningless death or anything for redemption anymore, as I did before. I knew the senselessness and ugliness of such self-sacrificing self-gratification, that I had returned to this land to slaughter demons and kill the labyrinth.

Because I was taught, because I embodied God's teachings and showed them to people... that the only good demons are demons that have become demonic stones, and that if you kill them all, happiness comes, and if you kill them, whether they are tragedies, calamities, or dooms, you die. I saw it with this eye, the overflowing smile of the periphery led me to teach you the many joyful faces that caused the scourge of that happiness.

You just have to tell the demon what you think makes sense, such as words, if you get stuck, you'll see.

If you believe your status is worth it, you can be prestigious to the demon opponent, and it will be clean if you are slaughtered.

Anything proud of power should be challenged to the labyrinth with a sword, you will know the pointlessness of power.

If you want power, you can go see the Labyrinth King, and praise him if you can get to the bottom of the Labyrinth.

I don't need anything more than this will, it's going to frustrate me to say that only my will is the power to fight demons, the will to challenge the labyrinth, the "corn," the will to kill unhappiness, etc...... or not.

An easy-going hindsight as if you were going to play, the patience to just kill out the disturbing labyrinth, killing and saving was annoying in one word. Vicious, outrageous kindness, a willing arrogance to kill without regard for your own self or your life, but without any shards of motivation to die. He's a gentler liar than anyone else, just a boy more vicious than anyone else. Because I can't be like that... but believe me, I can do it if I want to go after him.

So, even though we all sadly consolidated our resolve... edge date? What, a festival?

So that I can show you what to protect, full of laughter and laughter. When this is happiness and this is what you protect, you take this smile away, so if you get annoyed, they kill you all... children laugh and run around, adults who look happy to see it. A happy world that is too dazzling for a corrupt church without being able to do all this, God shows this land the happiness of trying to do so.

Fight the demons and protect happiness. That's all the doctrine that starts with turns into disaster, turns everyone into a crime department, and ends up zeroing into something that takes away a smile. I can't forgive everything anymore, I can't redeem sin anymore, but I still won't give up until the future. We want to protect the smile we have here now, we want to be who we can be! That will alone is good, forgiveness and so on, let us fight in this land as sinners: the Church, let us take out the demons as blamemen who will never be forgiven.

No... uh, right now... I'm just inspiring and uplifting my heart to say something? Whoops, fluffy and delicious!? eh...... this is who our church is, who should be drooling his head in this temple...... eh! Are we all buying it!? That, no one... we're just eating ourselves -!!

"" "" We can't do that because we're all caught by the people on the border. Okay? Look, Mr. Arianna's over here, too!

A place where everyone laughs happily, pulled out of hand and taken out into happiness. I'm sure that's where the border "here" is, and that's why we have to laugh too...... Ugh, because it looks delicious!! Dark-haired heads are hidden in the center of the crowd...... I knew Master Yao was starting a stall! Oh, is it an exclusive, hey, we need to line up!!

─ ─ Quietly and majestically just rings the bell. To the deceased, ringing to tell everything on the periphery, at the end of eternity, he said, "Though" has returned here again... like?

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