Lonely Attack on the Different World

It seems that the old man's saliva melts and stinks with poison.

Day 115 Night Church Royal Castle

When you wake up, it's neat... no, leave that one, dull and loose, but your body moves, more of a dull and unnatural move when you control and move. Gradually grasp the senses of the body and grasp the control of each area while mastering and perceiving the overall motion. It moves unconsciously, but it is too dangerous to move easily. It begins to twitch and optimize while paying attention to the general reaction.

It is an incredible treatment that does not seem like a person's body at all, requiring fine control over the yarn manipulation of the "spring" set communication doll. It's dangerous if you make it work unconsciously, you can't react fast, you're getting punched in the face with your own hands when you realize not to muzzle your nose! Besides, he said it was too fast to crush his face and hands... the fear of instantaneous reactions when his body was over working at the same time he was conscious! I don't think self-inflicted behavior, "Self Boko," is usually a more mental "mental" problem, like avoiding traffic accident problems in a grand way?

Originally, there is a time difference "time lag" in a person's neurotransmission, the fastest of people is the speed of thought without limits, and only real-time perception is the fastest under a person's consciousness, and the reaction is unexpectedly slow. So whether it's sports, martial arts or body remembering, we train "programming" to move with conditional reflexes at the same time as thinking.

So normally thoughts catch up because of slow reactions, but a body that moves instantly at the same rate as thoughts is just a murder weapon. When I think about it, I finish the reaction and the motion is over, which is why it's so fast. Thoughts can't keep up with the instantaneous motions that occur at the same rate as thoughts, and they remain completely out of control of reactions that are too fast. So wear the physical control "Limiter", turn it into control by imposing restrictions.

Rationally, I can, because I was doing something close. Just change the acceleration to deceleration, until now I have been forced to move the slow neurotransmission with a "wooden puppet" and force it to produce the same speed as the super-reaction, but there is no way I can control the super-high speed instantaneous reaction beyond the super-reaction, so I suppress it. But if this reaction and physical velocity were the basic performance "specs" required by "magic", then it's natural that they were hidden, not a substitute that can be handled by such people.

(from Poyo Poyo Poyo)

"No, it's not funny, is it? I thought," Ah, it's a bug, "and the moment you said," Ah, "you were crashing through the walls of the royal castle, right? The moment I thought," My head itches, "it was super fast, my hand came smashing my head, and the moment I thought," Wow, "my head avoided it super fast, and I had too much momentum and crashed from the back of my head to the floor! It's life-threatening, 'cause I've always been wary of my own hands in a time delay" slow motion "state, deluded by light-hearted kung fu!

(Pom pom)

Consolated!? Slowly relaxing radio gymnastics prolonged at super slow pace, taming and integrating thoughts, perceptions and reactions. Was there someone who came to the other world to try radio gymnastics so hard every day? No, it's tea extinction rational, radio gymnastics! Yeah, if you come to another world, you'll know how to thank me.

Let's just think it's okay to move, last night I was desperate to fight to the end and was ravaged by an indomitable boy high school student who tried so hard to reward me to the end but couldn't move, making me physically incapable of going to my son-in-law.

And I can't even allow myself to escape. I've been squeezed, sucked out, and forced to serve with a tremendous amount of thorough fait accompli evidence property... I feel my likeness's probability of existence has been sharpened by the three concubines, geometrically classical (kikaki yuki yuki yuki) in proportion to the number of concubines! Looks like it's time to get on the Endangered Species (Red List)!?

Instead, the in-room surgery restored the interior and exterior of the body in one go, it's just better that the missing MP can be replenished and moved, but then I wanted to move even one finger within last night! It was a night of convicted tragedy for an innocent boy who didn't touch a finger, saying that even though he was forbidden to touch, he was lukewarm and lukewarm when only the boy's high school desires were overmet and exhausted, even though he was extensively chopped and full of cravings in a situation where he was left untouched with a nice, fleshy whole body, and the frustration became a booming "Minagi" wake-up (power) for the boy's high school students, and he was blamed for cumming and erupting in a blast, and he stacked a fait accompli!

"Ugh, my body is unusually flexible, it's often contrary, it's contrary everywhere. This is a level of flexibility to learn new gymnastics for a new manipulative daughter, but I'm sure there's no demand for a new gymnastics scene for boys high school students, so let's stop. Wow, my back can scratch from anywhere! No need for grandchildren's hands!

(Poyo poyo)

Yeah, you don't know because it's viscous Slime, do you? It's changed to the range of motion, which is why I can't grasp the sense of exercise, and I just got a slight momentum and I leaned back, and I hit my head on the floor standing up, okay? Yeah, normally you can't expect that, can you? It seems to be up to a sense of balance, but instead of not falling, I'm able to fall and hit my head, can I call that growth?

I just have to get used to it, because suddenly I have become a body I don't know about, so I have to follow the process of learning and adjusting my body control as my child grows. And I also need the physical control skills of a boy high school student who can't be taught "Decency"!

"Mr. Ichigo, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Guha!"


It's better to think it's something else, though it hasn't changed its appearance, because I don't know why, so I'll start by exploring the limit of movement in the stretch, stretching slowly and slowly to defy it. And it's also important to slow it back down, if you let it go off guard and unconsciously, your body will be thrown away with a super acceleration of momentum when you put it back! I'm stunned!

Last time, I couldn't grasp my senses, so I adjusted with my mould-oriented husband (Kung Fu) and regained the minimum way to fight. I was able to adjust my physical senses in the shadow of it... this time it was worse.

Not only does it not move as I thought it would, but the unexpected movement is at stake! In fact, the Royal Castle room is going to end up so pissed off when it's found full of holes, and I'm telling you to stay away from it except for Mr. Armored Committee Chairman and Mr. Slime and your dancing daughter, my sleeping daughter, who dropped down to LV1 in the service, is also asking me to stay away from it in case there can be physical abilities.

Well, it doesn't seem like it, does it? I'm about to be fooled by a looking deep-window maid, but she was a deep labyrinth royal, clear, but miserable foam. She served (service) extremely well and was a sex woman wearing the skin of a Virgin with a skinny, fraudulent body (Great Buddy)! Yeah, that was awesome!

And the most fearful of all was the divine skill of the chairman of the armored committee, who has already made the extremes of sexual skill and the sexual woman's preference completely his own, to the point of further combined evolution and to the point of further heights! Yeah, Mr. Armored Committee Chairman, what the hell is he up to!

Well, for revenge, it's first physical control, even magic has been compounded into the body, but magic control is no longer possible. It all starts with the body, the breathing, and if you control it, you can handle it.

Wu-line Fist - I probably avoided "Sa" that I couldn't handle it in a different way, but I feel that's where the "magic" is going to be, I'd like to ask Mr. Tsukiji why he is required to do radio gymnastics in a world of swords and magic, but I'm sure the sword and magic (fantasy) elements went far when he was beating me with something like a bar... but that bar is made of sage stone, right? It's an iron plate fantasy, isn't it?

But it is a martial art that embodies a complex idea, yet its fruit is less moulded and simple "Simple." Five moulds and half a step forward with only a basic walking method can make the minimum mould, now even that is a challenge, but only five moulds are repeated foolishly, later thrown round to Mr. Wisdom as an example.

The problem is the five-line idea itself, so I avoided it, but this one will have to be thrown round to Mr. Wisdom as well. I've been caught up ever since I had the "wooden magic" that seemed troublesome and avoided when I was involved for a long time but somehow nobody could take it, it's usually four magics with "groundwater fire winds" and eight magics with "black and white thunder ice". Yet wood magic, something different from Mr. Elf's plant magic! Yes, that was also convenient for furniture making -! That's good now!

Five lines. Five lines of thought, and five lines of yin and yang thought. The natural philosophical idea of the idea that everything that emits its edge to ancient China, unlike the four main elements of the West, consists of five elements: wood, fire, earth, gold and water. The underlying idea is that "the five elements affect each other, and their survival and prosperity alter and circulate all things in heaven and earth". Yeah, there's a tree, right?

"Er, the idea that the five lines were created through the Tai Chi from chaos, the" symbiosis "of Yang's relationship that creates the opponent in turn and goes, and the" symbiosis "of the shady relationship that smashes the opponent down and goes, and the" symbiosis "and the" symbiosis "of the inverse symbiosis that is in the opposite relationship that is in the opposite relationship of" symbiosis (hiwa) "that if the same feeling overlaps, it becomes stronger. Well, the point is, if you have a symbiosis, and you're not close to each other, and you're not careful about strength and weakness, you fight, which is the idea of a natural philosophy where nature is tired of interpersonal relationships and you're going to get sick, right?

(Poyo poyo)

"There is a symbiosis among them. For example, the soil is prevented from spilling by the roots of the trees, the water is suppressed by the soil to keep the rivers and valleys in shape, the gold is melted by fire into a metal product such as a knife, the tree is cut by a blade, so it can be processed into woodworking products, and the fire is extinguished by water, so it doesn't burn everything down. theory that barrel stores are going to make money? Like?"

(Pom pom)

"Conversely, if there is a match in the symbiosis, and the tree keeps burning, the fire will fade one day, and if the water keeps overflowing, the tree will rot, and if the water is too cohesive in the gold, it will rust, and if you harvest too much ore from the soil, the soil will diminish for that matter, and it's hard to bury it in the soil when the ashes that come out when things burn, even the idea of an abandoner makes you feel sad? Targeted?"


"Is that funny? I'm happy with something, but nothing. Five lines of fist itself is just a matter of learning the order of combination, not to mention the five lines theory, and going as far as the Yin and Yang Five lines theory is permanent, right?

(Poyo poyo)

"There are two sides between the five qis, the symbols of Mori Luo Wang, and for the first time it becomes a gentle circle, and the five lines of circulation guarantee the eternity of the universe." Well, the point is, that's the way you see nature, and that's how you applied it to qigong and martial arts, right?


You seem convinced, Mr. Slime wants to know everything for you? Well, it's good because it's cute, but it's the fist that hits the wooden line of a five-line fist that combines all body exercises and instantaneous force at the same time and wears the shortest distance.

The Kung fu of the idea of incorporating the natural stream of mind by matching the five basic shapes, just in different worlds the meaning changes completely, the whole thing changes and pulls back and forth with a completely different meaning.

Anyway, in mysterious Ota theory, Five Row Fists is the ultimate technique and physical technique that combines magic and qigong? And there was no magic over there, but there was magic in this world, so the Five Fists could simply wipe out magic with companionship and reinforce magic with symbiosis (because of that)... did Ota and the others believe? Instead, I was willing and ready to go to different worlds, but I was willing and willing to learn martial arts, get cheats, study only the use of cheat skills, and I was fully prepared... if I could use that effort over there, I would have solved it, abuse or something?

And the other is cheating, the possibility of being able to remove the four magical laws based on the four main elements of the West, sort of like putting out a fourth hand (a joker) with a grandpa. Whatever you think, it's separate from my knowledge, but it's also a sad fact that Tong Back Fist was right about Ota Theory. Yeah, I don't know that kind of back fist!

However, the orientation of Yin and Yang combines to the Yin and Yang Five-Line Idea according to Yin and Yang Ideas, and you have ten or twelve orientations that start with gossip and go from the Four Gods to the Four Pillars of Thrust Life to the Feng Shui, but you can't fight the boulder by thinking of the orientation and the terrain? And what about aerial warfare?!? Well, that's what Mr. Wisdom thinks, I don't!

The basics of Shapeyi Fist are found in Five Rows Fist, but Shapeyi Fist also has a "Twelve Shapes Fist" as an application, Ning Ro that is the practical edition. But Nah... Because I'm a chicken from my head, Mr. Coca, and I'm a lizard with a chicken fist and a snake from all over my body, Mr. Hyde, and a lizard, Mr. Basi, and I wonder if it's a boulder to do a dragon fist or something? Yeah, worldly?

The five-line fist is a combination of five pieces: fist splitting (hekings) (gold bank), fist splitting (mr.) (water line), fist crushing (honking) (wood line), fist gunning (honking) (fire line), horizontal fist (oonking) (earth line), and the twelve-form fist is divided into a dragon-shaped fist, a tiger-shaped fist, a monkey-shaped fist, a horse-shaped fist, a honk-shaped fist, a chicken-shaped fist, a swallow-shaped fist, a snake-shaped fist, a bird-trapezoidal fist, an eagle fist, and a bear-shaped fist. Fortunately, I still don't hear stories of child raccoon fists being created, and bitch-shaped fists don't seem to be in the world. Yeah, it's a different genre because they flirt, I'm sure?

So there are only five things to do, chop, chop, chop, chop, cannon, and cross fist shapes. Golden Row shakes up and punches down Golden "Buck" Split fist strikes with palms, Water Row pokes up with fists with fists with water erupting all at once, Wood Row pokes the opponent's body with fists with collapsed fists with trees stretching left and right, Fire Row is in the form of attack simultaneous fists with fire burning up all at once, Soil Row is five shapes of fists with semicircular shapes with lateral fists where soil collects everything. Fit that just repeatedly to your body, because this is all you can do now. However, these five operations lead to all martial arts and manipulate all weapons, which is the shortest distance.

"Yeah, I thought you were coming, but all of a sudden, when you can remember, you're struggling because you're pathetic for a hard-working high school boy, right?

The sharp armored chairman's collapsed fist wears the sky, the dancing boy's gorgeous lateral fist rips the universe, Mr. Slime's cute fist pounds and poyos, and the splitting fist that raises the roar of your sleeping daughter known as the Blessed Virgin makes a roar...... yeah, even at the end of the century when magic added to the strength, he turned it into a demon fist that seemed like a champion and a rigid fist! Who the hell named you Clarity, Beauty, Healing! That character setting looks absolutely deceiving! Yeah, I was fooled, too. It's not even a Holy Night at all. It was a very enjoyable and powerful night feast, and even the boys in high school were terribly awesome and wary today!

"Sleeping girl, you can't still do this, until you get used to it. It's Mr. Ghost's iron plate story that spiritual souls pop up, right? Yeah, that one pops up naked, so watch out for boys in high school because they're plagued by a very dangerous eyeball bliss and an incapable of fighting foreboding phenomenon, okay? Chill?"

"Fly, get out, don't! Fusion. Yes, I did."

I've been watching the cancer, but the spirit body "Soup Pong" doesn't come out, but the Virgin is the only one, and from her sexy Sister clothes and slits, she's doing it today. The black gata net tights of the white thighs look great on her, and she's a wonderful husband who moves. "Erotic Buddy"!

Beat, punch, poke, shoot, pay, just repeatedly remind your body of that behavior, and let Mr. Wisdom repeatedly search for the optimal value for that information for control. So all I have to do is repeat it foolishly, if my fist strikes and my sword swings, that's fine.

Aerial warfare was fun, and when I was driven to dance, it was touching, but that was the past, not pursuing what I couldn't and only piling up what I could do now. There are still lots of labyrinths on the periphery, and new labyrinths continue to be created, returning them to a state where they can fight by the time they return, at least acquiring the moves to fight with a body that is no longer even able to manipulate magic to the extent that it can protect itself to the level that the chairmen of the armored committee are not in a foothold. Yeah, we definitely need more than just the power to defeat the monster Okotsuki.

And try, if you give it 30%, you die, even if it's 20% out of control, but if it's less than 10%, you can do it with just a five-line fist. And then I'll build up and sharpen one minute.

"That's why I'm an old man who can't adjust and is dangerous, so I don't have to make mistakes, and I'm here to do exams, right? Yeah, I don't feel like an accident at all, so don't worry, I can make a mistake, okay? Nice choice while I'm at it? Like?

"Meh, I don't care if I'm willing to make a mistake! Why don't you at least fix it? We don't have more than half of the Knights of Instruction, and we won't be able to break the Knights if they stay for the sake of urgency, right?

Temporary stuffing for the knights of ferocious old men and old men licking knives. Yeah, it's the wrong "old men" in the Royal Castle's Catholic National Army practice facility.

"If I get hurt, I have proper mushrooms, and if I'm just a little dead, I can resuscitate, and even if I can't, I'm an old man, so if I bury it, I'll grow up, okay?

"It's not growing! What the hell do you think your old man is? If you're motivated by that body, you don't want to be armed?

Damn, if you arm yourself with this body, that's what you're gonna die for! Even though the current situation is uncontrollable and I can't even grasp my physical abilities, if I doubled my physical abilities with my gear, that would definitely collapse. Actually, the problem is, it's always the front gear that's more dangerous than the enemy, right? What I want is basic body information (data). There's no way I can control the equipment that adds the talent value to the cumulative increment without knowing the underlying abilities. And when equipped, the core competencies cannot be numerically "data".

So in action. Can we fight with this body, how far can we fight, how far can we not break? And it's how we fight with Five Row Fists, and we want to know what Five Row Fists say in action when they don't move and strike instantly. So there was a knife in my hand, and the name was... "If you don't want to slay a child, why don't you slay the old man?" Wasn't it "Marui"?

"Oh, boy, you're not gonna die, are you, kid? Nong doesn't have the courage to help his opponent! No, no, no!

My mouth laughs for complaining. More sharpened sword swings, austere swords but streamlined sword streams, easy to match but problem with because you know Skull Lord's swordsmanship.

The five fists are based on a structure with the palms and feet on the same side in front and slightly weighed on the back foot. When stepping forward and issuing the move, they draw the back foot to the heel of the front foot to advance the walk. The walking method "Kompo" is used a lot. It's a move that goes half a step at a time and breaks down in half a step, which means there's no reach, just like Tai Chi. Well, I still can't use complicated walking, I haven't been able to control any movement other than the five lines.

If you don't have legs, you press them with moves, if you can't power them, you press them with velocities, if you even lose that velocity, you see the sword with super reaction and instantaneous velocity, and the sword pushes them through with a knife. It's a slash of push that the one that came forward wins.

"Damn, I'm not even moving my legs satisfied. I can't even suppress a dying kid, I don't want to get old. Ahhh!

I still don't even remember the triangle walk, I stupidly stepped in and erased the time, slashing off my old man's sword strike, poking and pressing the defense, shaking off the sword trident, and stepping half a step in and wagging. Damn it, don't run off to your old man's cunt, okay?

If you're too reckless for someone who's losing with physical abilities but only reacting and reflecting, you're overwhelmed. Even after a super-reaction attempt to get ahead due to the difference in SpE, but the basic performance is lost, so when a time is taken, it is dealt with at a speed.

Without 10% of physical abilities, the actual speed (SpE) is lost, and there is no power (Pow) to just meet, there are only five types of instantaneous speed and super-reaction. Pay the sword trident, play the slash, kill and hunt down the intermission, seal the sword and stick a knife in the shape of a fist! It is really easy to be read the attack because it is less shaped and has no leg movement. So make a change, make a rush, slash it at the speed of the moment just in between... but not die? He's a persistent old man, huh?

"Hey, wait! I would have killed you now! Mistakes, nothing. The fastest, the shortest blow, you're willing to kill, aren't you? Huh... damn it!

"Almost there? I knew you were an old man and you couldn't quite die, could you? Just leave it alone, and there 'll be more? Ugh!"

Stuff with a cannon fist Stuff with a horizontal fist Stuff with a twisted heel and slap your fist in but you won't die, it's hard for the sword muscle to decide just for the honest minute.

"If I didn't, I'd be dead now! There's no more! Hey, what a velocity, even that worn out body is scary... how dare you!

"Dirty! Old man, dirty! The ambush is dirty, too, but the tongue flies and dirty, but the language and face are dirty! I mean, my old man's great!

At the foot, the lower section is restrained, and the speed of the straight line is vigilant. It does not come into the midline, but is therefore difficult to kill. It connects the five lines quickly, small and precisely. It eliminates the connection of the five lines and increases the speed of collaboration. It scrapes down waste and slashes only the instantaneous speed from the lack of claps!

"Oh, my God, it's not gonna matter! Besides, your face is a big favor. Aah! The only reason I don't like your mouth is because you're the other guy. Oh, this shit. Aah!

Strength gradually disappears from the sword, drawing strong and intense but streamlined and precisely slashed lines. Apparently, in this short period of time, the old man took over Skull Lord's sword, how much have you waved since then? By comparison, it's heaven and earth, and not yet at all... but still this is the sword left by Skull Lord. I don't have an arrow, though?

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-w But I'm getting bummed because I'm an old man, and you won't avoid me?

"Zehrzehr, why are you so depressed by the lack of movement, dammit, if you're an injured person, you can lie like an injured person, so you can struggle. Yeah! Damn, shit!

It won't end, whatever. He's an old man with a health idiot. A blade of instant speed is pushed back forcefully with idiotic power and strength, and the earth comes out and becomes ferocious... and the gap is losing, gradually starting to wrap up and mould as a sword move.

That's how this will be communicated to the Knights, extended drilling, and the sword left by Skull Lord will continue to pass on. Blowing arrows interrupt, though?

"I mean, I knew my old man was descended from Skull Road! The blow arrows were troublesome over there, but it was hard to avoid spit flying over here, wasn't it? Don't blow arrows if you're gonna talk like that anymore, it's gonna be quiet and you're not gonna spit? Doh, poison attack!?"

"You... if you think you're going to make any strange moves, you just spit it out! Oh, you can't just rip off a little bit or something! Even though I can wield my sword at its best, I can't put it on a decent injured person. Awesome. Yeah, that's frustrating. Ooh! And no poison. Hey! Get your old man and his demons together!

"No, it's going to melt my old man's saliva and stuff, and it's absolutely poisonous and it stinks! Yeah, I'll avoid it! It's definitely a worse attack than a sword!

Put all the slightest power left in one sword and step in half and slay it! The best knife and the best sword are crossed and bounced off, couldn't you -... I'm out of strength without revealing it, and the old man won't be able to move anymore. Do you want to hit the arrow now? "Ugh!

"(Pussy!) Whoa, whoa! It's annoying... hey hey hey hey hey hey hey.... you lords are going back to the kingdom now? Thank you for your help, distant ancestors. And let me thank you for Leitesia."

"Huh? Uh, swordsmanship? 'Cause if you're the successor, you have to tell him. It doesn't make sense if I'm done with you, does it? I'm not a swordsman. I'm unemployed, so I don't use swordsmanship? I don't work, but you're an unemployed man with a busy internal job and no time to get a job, okay? Well, what about the rest of the inn you stayed in? Like?"

Only the blow arrows stabbed me, which means I win! I'm exhausted, my body is broken, I can't fight, my old man is down exhausted, I can handle one-on-one close range, but without equipment, I don't have the skill to fill the distance, or overwhelm the majority. Perhaps we can solve the problem by using shrinkage methods if we use extreme surgical logic, but the exploration of surgical logic would be suicidal in the current situation where physical control is not convergent.

It is actually impossible to reach the extreme of Wu Xianju and the art theory, because if that is possible, the world should be full of gods and fist saints. Its extremes are probably "fist gods," so I'm sure it's absolutely impossible! 'Cause that's the same labyrinth royalty level (level) as the "sword gods" the chairmen of the armored committee have, so common sense regular "Mob" boy high school students don't become divine or labyrinth royalty, that's what they call good sense, right? Yeah, I can't.

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