Lonely Attack on the Different World

On a boulder by the road. Iron chain restraint play would be too advanced for boys high school stude

Day 109 After noon Church Country Meadows

It's convenient for anyone close to practicality, and its name is "Gloves of Robbery" ~ (Papaka Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa ")

And no matter how much you touch, you can't dance and take away your daughter's gear, you can just have fun touching and touching it, no matter how much you try it on. And angry, experimentation is an affliction.

However, from a large number of old men with many corpses, they could be stripped off by simply touching the equipment and items with cash. I didn't even want to touch it for a while, but it was useful for stripping (hey calves). Yeah, I don't like being able to take it off, do I, old man? Will dying or losing consciousness make it easier to rob equipment?

However, I touched thousands of old men... so I thought I could touch them all together with my gloves on, and then when I thought they were robberies, I could take them all at once! And the bodies of half-naked old men stacked on one side...... yeah, let's bury them! This is more dangerous than an infection caused by necrophilia or germs or something. You can say it's a mental attack already, not if you're saying it's a waste of MP or something!

"Well, a lot of money? The black sword was also a hit, but the shoulder shield (funnel) needs to be repaired... the amount of misrills in stock sucks. Sister, did you overserve your clothes? No, that's all this porn is worth, not at all! Like?"

Was it Zito? Yeah, I miss Mr. Slime's Po Po at times like this, but I rely on Mr. Slime when it's really a war and dangerous. It's impossible to protect or push back from an enormous number of enemies, even Mr. Armored Committee Chairman, a number is a massive army that can't stop momentum even if it can kill horrible... but I feel like Mr. Slime would do something about it? Because it's the ultimate life form that preys on, digests, and mixes huge skills, and it's adorable! I mean, cute is justice, so evil (old man) should perish! So Mr. Slime got it from the other side, in fact, the most powerful guardian of the Labyrinth (Guardian) when it comes to defense?

I've had a lot of views of the city, but it doesn't look like there's any soldiers left, there's like guards, but they're looking this way with the city people, so it's not on the church side, is it? I picked up what I'd pick up, and those who bury it buried it, shall we move on? Yes, I have a reconnaissance journey ahead of me, and this city's reconnaissance will be enough. "No enemies" here either.

What kind of reconnaissance do you have on every city and you don't need a report? Hey, ladies, don't you seem to understand the importance of reconnaissance?

Then he sneaks up on the city again to infiltrate and go for the capital as he bumps and picks up.

I've hooked up to a few interrogations, but I'm supposed to be able to pass by without a thing because of the disguise, and I've been complaining about it, so I bumped from one end to the other, the blind soldiers I don't see complaining about my perfect disguise at all. If you have the eye of a pit that won't hook you up to such a perfect disguise, you should crush it, the whole other world is full of useless examinations.

And then you get back on your mind and you say you're walking at a high speed in a perfect disguise, "you suspicious bastard," or something. How many times do I tell you it's a perfect disguise, bumping an abandoned patrol soldier from one end to the other! What's going on with your eyes, nothing suspicious because it's a perfect disguise! What do you think you're wearing such a perfect disguise for, that's why you wake up to God (jitter) Faith (fetish) or something! Those are the ones in total trouble, and I find it lamentable that not a single one of us can understand that we're not suspicious.

"Not at all. You're a punk, aren't you? Again, this garrison is" No Enemy, "because it's a reconnaissance, but so far it's all" No Enemy, "and I wonder what you don't need to report? But there's a concentration of troops out here, and they're going to come out with shitty magic gear and skill weapons, so it's sneaky, sneaky. Like?"

I want you to either snort or jito, but you seem to be communicating with me. I think it's a good thing you didn't have to ask because you said something, but you won't.

The city begins to see a fortified city ahead of a landscape that stretches with wheat fields, towns and bogs. I guess all the cities lined up to encircle the capital and the arrays lined up with towers as high as they compete are churches... can we make an elevator first with magic props?

The other world continues through the Middle Ages, which is a repetition of civilization retreating in demonic invasion and retreating again in war. And the worst part is the monopoly on knowledge of demonic props, so it doesn't develop. Exclusive sales that have eliminated competition and competition, research is not done because it can be sold without doing anything, and knowledge is degraded and fundamental basic technologies that create new magic tools are lost just to take over. So if you don't destroy the border, you can't even compete, that's why you're nominating a god enemy for me. The Church now only has the technology to make it according to procedure, and instead of development, it can't even be improved… After all, building and commerce are never compatible even if they can coexist.

Because of that, we're in this other world, and for that reason, how many stairs have we been ascended in such a different world! It was all the fault of the church, it's an unforgivable evil deed, if you don't have an elevator, don't build more than five floors! Especially the labyrinth (dungeon), it's hard to get off! I can't tell you because I'm usually scared of the Chairman of the Armoured Committee, because the 100 floors underground of the Great Labyrinth where the Chairman of the Armoured Committee was was was so high and the stairs were so long... the true horror of the Great Labyrinth was the stairs!

More carriages on the road, more carriages running around, more traffic jams, huh? It's a narrow road, isn't it?

"Yikes! Help! Somebody!"

Yeah, it's a temple. But this temple is a rare temple not seen on the border. 'Cause the border is a bandit from somewhere else who gets bogged down by a kid and ravaged by his wife with a stick? "Shh, help me," the bandit's crying, what's that city?

"Why won't anyone help - there 'll be plenty of them! Or there... Father...? and Sister......? Help... or who!?"

Is it intense to say that a business-like sister is being attacked by a soldier? I mean, why bother dressing up priests and sisters, but priests and sisters are questionable!

"Ha, I don't know how many times I've explained it to you in one day already - I'm dressed as Father and Sister, so I'm sure it's Father and Sister, no matter where you look from, but what the hell is wrong with the whole priest and Sister? It's the priest and Mr. Sister, as you can see!

The otherworlds were worried it was bad even in their ears because they couldn't get through, but apparently their eyes aren't working either?

"Oh, hey!? What are you guys!

"Suspicious guy, get him!

"Hey, look at that horny sister... ugh, beautiful..."

No, your dancing daughter? You look happy right now. No, no, no. Not if you are, huh? I mean, it's the dozens of times today!? I have to do it every time! And then...

"Hey, what a vicious eyed priest then...... hey, Oobabu! Talking" (Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, Bobby?

"Hey, what are you doing, Kisama! Guha" (Bocco, Bocco, Bocco, Bocco, Bocco. Bogus, bogus, bogus!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calming Soldier (This) No More Moving"

The apostles of the Church, who should teach equality to all, are all kind of discriminating against priests with their eyes! Let's burn our heads and make it an army of vultures. But when you get two canes, you have a good hitting streak, and the heat (heat) makes your head bald and tremble so hard that a 16-beat streak burns. Bald (Hage)? Yeah, I guess this is who they say is super bald (overdrive) with mountain blown colors (sunlight yellow)? You're bald, huh?

"And, Father? Uh, thank you? And Mr. Sister... you're horny, aren't you? Very? Even the priest has a grudge (aura) behind him? Are you sure you're serving God? You definitely don't respect God, do you?

"Or what are you doing? Whatever you think, you're stronger than these vultures, right? You could have defeated" Yippee "by yourself, couldn't you?

"The vultures weren't vultures until just now? Thank you for the danger, I am an unnamed and vulnerable traveler. I don't have a name. I'm only weak..."

It doesn't feel like a getaway or a getaway, but why infiltrate instead? I don't know. The equipment in my travel robe...

"What's that hidden gear... Ota's? Uh, did you puke? Did you mess with me? Did you get annoyed? No way, Hanitra! Yu, I won't forgive you, Ota, I'll make you Ota Ota! Hey, Beastman, I just remembered my errands in the country, so I'm going home. Dance daughter? Yeah, you're gonna be nerdy as soon as you can! It's hard to forgive them to just hook up with Mr. Chemomimi's Hanitra! It's gonna take me, too.

Yeah, the Beast Man's daughter first appeared, or I don't see a rabbit or a rabbit tail, but she's a rabbit's daughter. Strong there, strong gear, Ota's dashi?

"Eh! Eh! Uh-huh!? Oh, hey, why, why the beast man! I don't know why you're talking about Oda... Oh, brunette! Gu, gu, gu, master! I say you're scarier than that ghost, worse than the devil, and you even cry disaster and you run away! Oh, a good guy, but worst of all, and Ano says girls get close to a radius of 5,000 meters, it's gonna be a big deal!

"No, dance, my daughter. Will you let me go for a second? I've got a very serious business to attend to, I thought I'd have to see my Chemomie daughter at all by reason, because I'm so busy with errands that I have to burn Moffmoff cover up the killer, so it's better to destroy the Patriarchate now, isn't it?

Tied up? Are you Prometheus outside? No, the boulder, by the road, the Iron Chain Restraint Play (Prometheus) is way too advanced for boys in high school, and it's way out of the reach of higher education, at least a tent or something... there's a sleeping bag!

"Let's get out of here because it's obvious. This way, sir."

The Otta-made cover-up junction, the one where the Ottahs were willing to run away and hide, but they got stuck? Well, Usa Tail has no choice, and I'm ready to hook up with Hanitra now, too! Hanitra, who's chained and prometheus for now, won't solve it a bit because it's too advanced for you, then it's hard to hook up with Hanitra, right?

"I'm sorry, I... I broke my promise to Oda and the others, I keep such expensive equipment... I'm sorry"

It's a little preaching (flare-burst) when you get home, because the Others keep information about your daughter in secret. The name of this daughter is a swordsman of the Rabbit clan, but she couldn't protect her companions or the village. He met the Others in a desperate escape where he could only escape, and embarked on an adventure on a pirate ship to help his captured companion. And they helped the children and women from the slave ships of the merchant countries and the ports of the merchant countries, but only their twin sisters could be found, so they borrowed equipment from the Otas and promised to infiltrate only the outer edge of the merchant and diocesan countries, but they got information that they had been moved to the patriarchal side and went deep to get here.

"What would you have done if you were a beast man in the diocese?

"Yes, we are good at detecting with sound and vibration, so we've been chasing each other a little bit more with" covert "and" leap "skills in our racial traits, Father...... but not the Master. How the hell?

"No, look. Don't you get it? I snuck all the way here, all the way here as a regular priest and Mr. Sister, didn't I? It's a perfect infiltration, because you overwhelmed it without admitting to disagreement, right?

It's our first meeting, right, why Twin Zitos! Finally, Chemomimi's daughter Jito came to the other world for a reason! Well, it makes sense every night. Is that it?

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