Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 477 There doesn't seem to be an end to a woman's permanently unstoppable circle.

Day 107 Night Church National Street

I'm crying and simmering potatoes and eating teriyaki chicken in river fish tenderloin and miso soup, I can't resist my instinct to replace my stomach while simmering potatoes and feeling sad about my stomach, and now I'm reopening and even eating pork juice. We're all in the egg club now, but how far are we going to grow?

"Painful, delicious, nostalgic, stomachache"

"I didn't really like Japanese food... why is it so good? Why did you replace me when it was painful?!?"

"The taste of your mother... it's better than that? Tastes better than nostalgia? Seriously, it's delicious!

"I can't even cook at most kiosks anymore, if your mother's food was better than this, you'd be pulled out of your mother's first-rate kiosk, right?

"" "" I was going to skip dinner! It's Yao's fault already, take your place!! ""

Still going in!? My stomach looks physically close to its limit, but is it carrying over with corrective power beyond the LV100? I should have eaten too many sandwiches in the morning for the delicious taste of miso dashi with sauce and soy sauce, but I finished the meal with an alternative day and night while I was in the pocket. No way, Tanuki is infected (pandemic)!?

The girls were starting to prepare themselves for the sword moves, burning up the pocky (calories) with hot blood pocky (calories) consumption before squeezing it in the bath, so let's add more saunas because it's sure to be a hot tide (calories) that won't burn down.

Some Mr. Sister and the monks went home like they were from this city, but are you glad you got home with a knife lick? Yeah, they say Velo is in danger if he falls on his way home!?

"It's a bath, or I made it on my own, but a bath is more important than a place to celebrate God, right?


But I can't waste my MP, it seems like one night is enough to fill my MP, but I don't easily save magic batteries for item bags that boast a huge tolerance of Capacity. Saving money and trying to spend the day didn't accumulate half the magic battery capacity. Yeah, did you put too much demon stone in it?

"I guess the total amount of magic batteries can't be tens of thousands MP because item bags are a pile of fancy demon stones in them, but if you suck, maybe even hundreds of thousands can't? Yeah, the Great Wall of the Beast Nation was long - and how much MP did that take? Long time, huh?"

Normally, even an individual can't have a house, but that's a big problem with the knowledge part because he doesn't know prefabrication methods or 2X (by) 4 methods. It's hard work, difficulty, and MP consumption to build individually and assemble from semi-complete state in bulk, standardized procedures and configurations at once. Still, the overwhelming difference is between the input (input) of the item bag called the magic battery and the output (output) of the controlled simultaneous work performed by wisdom. 'Cause what does Mr. Ji-hui care about the efficiency cook Mendokusa Riya?

Wisdom, if that's all it is, becomes a waste that only serves to brag about it. And wisdom is a typo. "Wisdom" has the profound meaning of the power to discern wisdom and the power to discern the true appearance of each and every Buddhist language. Yeah, Jitsu isn't a blessing, is he?

Because it is a combination of Luo Jin-Eye that is easy to analyze in its wisdom, internal cheats are made, in fact, the person may just have item bags and skills.

So I listen around for the missing knowledge. Ask the librarians about the general world, and Ota knows about the insanity or special knowledge that is unlikely in the true world.

So gather information and think, reassemble it neatly so that it can pass through the maze of lost thought. Effect (skill) Disabling is an effect (skill) that can disable defense skills, what remains is physics. Strengthen the cloth with effects (skills) everywhere, but if it is disabled, it is just a cloth. We can't even make Kevlar fiber by first-generation para-aramide fibers. The current, different world versions coated with demonic stone powder. What a way to make Kevlar fiber, the reinforcement by cloth is closer to the limit than trying and calculating all the knitting methods that seem to be infinite. The only way to get heavier but contain more misthrilled iron wire is to get stiffer, which also leads to less movement due to the pull and eliminates a nice stretch that sticks perfectly to the limb.

A shift in ideas is required? I don't know what deactivation is, if I know that, I can deactivate it, I don't know, but I've done it with Nori, and I tried it and I could do it. Then I guess I can, and if I can, I should be able to make it... it's completely too deep for an internal job to be boundless.

"I don't know whether to neutralize or destroy, but you're interfering with the effect (skill) - then the effect (skill) of rejecting the interference is also nullified, right?

(Poyo poyo?)

Magic! If you can only deactivate the effect (skill) but it has an effect on physics, then the magic in the substance, so the edge weapon is strong. It seems like you can make a brand on the edge of Madein or 100%, so if you include a lot of magic, the equipment effect (skill) will be stronger? If the magic crystal is a magic stone, it can be solved if it can be equipped with 100% high-purity magic stone. In fact, the composite magic stone powder coating layer on the surface of the armor is a recrystallization of the high-purity magic stone... put that on clothing.

If it succeeds, it will be groundbreaking, performance will dramatically increase and there will be performance differences between old and new in the position of being a major internal job in rebuilding all products. But the hardness varies considerably according to the strength, something that can be made of hard fiber...... bra? Just protect it. What are you gonna do? No, it's important, isn't it? Yeah, it's important.

Dress Armor has always had suggestions, of course from Ota. I wish I'd asked you right. - 'Cause it was a pain in the ass? Doya, you got a face?

It is made from demonic stone yarn into fiber and braided into fabric... but it is gobbly. It would only be usable on the surface, but on the contrary it would not break shape, that's why the ballroom dress was unusually high performance! I used a lot of core material to prevent the mold from breaking down, but that was a coincidence that the demon stone purity was high. I thought it was reasonably armor-like effect (skill) strength. I was losing so much demon stone.

Get out of the bath while working out a new design plan. Dance exercises had begun there, for goodness sake, my stomach was already tickled! You seem to have burned up all that excess nutrient (puffiness), you decided it would be okay to get out of your stomach because you're dressed for a bikini type of seperate leotard. Don't be afraid of me! Beautiful knight with a tight face seems to be in a bad fight for the first time... but why the bloomer?

Okay, let's go to the room because watching all the time sucks with the public and the likes and the boys high school kids. You're building a room for everyone, right? Built more? Sneaky?

They're going to have a strategy meeting at the girls' party, and it's still going to take because Aerobics was starting. He said he could alternate between that aerobic movement and the anaerobic exercise for a few hours... sounds like he could go to war all day? But we're weak on the doomsday food attack, so let's have plenty of them!

The composition, "Sets," because at the end of the day, you went into the sauna and bought a bunch of ice cream, right? Yeah, there doesn't seem to be an end to the eternal circle.

Strategies... This church has a thin magic vegetable, so maybe it's a sanctuary... but it's not good enough. The overwhelmingly otherworldly strong are at a disadvantage, and a large number are advantageous. If you can't replenish your magic in time, you'll have to fight your skills down more than you can't move satisfactorily with MP depletion...... basic health -?

"I knew the girls should have left it and brought it in with the Mogadishu, or you don't mind if they just punch around and have the skills or not. I mean, it's Moga, so it doesn't have to be moody or unconscious because of MP depletion. I'm fighting intuition and unconsciousness. It's a conditional reflex creature, so it was perfect, huh? Well, if they were Otas, they wouldn't have helped at all. They're super specialists in skill takers who fight with only completely skill-dependent skills... Otas are ultimately useless if they don't have an MP."

(Pom pom)

It's not fun with all the designs and prototypes when you have MP restrictions on your internal job. It's flashy to think about it and go, but it's stressful if you can't actually make a prototype. But once in a while, restructuring while scrutinizing and associating the accumulated information will find a number of new ideas and possibilities that I missed, which can also be described as the disadvantage of ultra-fast trial and error test prototypes (tries and errors) from one end to the other, so I also need to do the occasional arithmetic... Oh well, I have biscuits - even if I can calculate the structure, I won't obstruct the movement of the stiff fabric - But if I give him a bondage dress or something, he's going to be the chairman of the committee! I know it's a reward in some ways, but in other worlds, it's definitely killing, but it sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

And dancing with the slightly cherry armored chairman of the bath, your daughter came home in yukata. Damn, I've suffered a series of defeats and I'm restricted to MP, but the thin yukata glides the curved beauty of my flesh to the point where it seems moist and permeable to my skin... this is a trap! It's an absolute trap to wear a thin inn yukata over slightly wet skin without underwear. If this wasn't a trap, what would you say about this charming messenger and the seductive limb beauty!?

Avoid the charming attack of the ponytail armored chairman and the thinly stretched noodles of your dancing daughter, who made it up with a nightclub roll, this time the valley peeks firmly into the shallow eyelid clearance of the yukata, and the charming attack pushes up as she stretches out the fabric with thin violent rounds as if to push and widen its matching eyes. Exactly violence, this is violence, violence to the point of viciousness where it is lifted with tension that just bursts out and pushes back and forth while being crushed with a thin fabric!

Negotiations left me unilaterally distressed to disarm MP to save money, and the magic is limited to internal circulation only. Flesh tricked me into entering into a contract, but fair terms are against the rule of two to one terms together from the start!

Besides, that wasn't the only trap, I was fooled by a damp, sticky, transparent yukata, but even that was a trick! It's Mr. Wet Body Lotion, showing you're damp in the bath, I can't catch you slipping. Besides, when the yukata is opened, the skin is very radiant, and the hem is disturbed, it involves lukewarm and wet legs. It is a despicable and extreme trap, but it is good to make. It is the wonder of self-admiration. I'm sure boys' dreams and hopes lie at the bottom of the labyrinth of the other world! If you summon a large number of boys high school students from boys school, the labyrinths around the other world are going to perish instantly!?

Containing a lukewarm sensation of charming flesh, finally suppressing the chairman of the armor committee face to face, if closely followed, the dancing daughter who is pressed from behind can only attack Munyu. With the power of the "Sex King" beyond the walls of the LV25, he invades unjustly and furiously, endlessly blaming the storm of a series of high school boys until he has completely white eyes (down), and then poking a flash of turning himself in when he makes it look like he's going to shoulder stiffen his dancing daughter, who is about to wind her wings from behind (back). While the Buddha stopped moving and stood back, he blamed the fall of the Swallow Return (Tsubame) on the fire, like a woodpecker!

Along the way, she was brought to your car (Seguruma), and there was a struggle, but the lion dance after she held her in her arms (Shit) decided that the female would destroy her white eyes (Mega Down). And you'll be challenged by the white nakedness that wakes you up! Even the Flesh Bullet Battle can be fought, Mr. Wisdom, analyzing Gracie Jujitsu WITH48's Special Attacks, and his Sleeping Skills! Well, we'll be remembered soon, so we'll have plenty of 48 Special Attacks this evening, it's been a long night!

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