Laflessia-san, the assassination has turned into a more serious case, and even though several slave heroes have been committed, the victim is alone... yes, the culprit is always alone!

"" Um, what kind of a brave person is being thrown at me! "" "No... it was the old man, wasn't it?" "" "Why can't we get a normal response from the assassin! How come you're assassinating so hard, you're in such a miserable scene!!"

Yes, only the beautiful slave hero was politely and thoroughly imprisoned and left incapacitated... was he imprisoned for the reason that he was an old man?

"No, because I was busy." The labyrinth? "

The vicious assassination set up for the moment surrounded by the monsters in the labyrinth developed into a tragic situation with the monster [Lafresia] set up in the labyrinth... has Haruka been playing with the monster all along?

"" "That's why I want to ask why you're bullying the monster in the labyrinth, but I really don't want to hear it!" "" "No, because" Sonic Tarantula Hawk Lv33 "is a spiderish hawk... it's a bee. (Shhh!) (Hornet Nace!!) (Poyopoyo)" "That's why! Why is that, while bullying the monster, the assassin is twitching with a useless face, and the old man is alone!?" "" "The name of the world's largest bee that lays eggs on the Tarantula is Tarantula Hawk." "Yeah, the world's largest bee that also targets the Goliath Bird Eater, which is said to be the world's largest spider... where did the elements of the eagle come from?" Even though it's also known as the Poison Spider Hunting Bee, Tarantula Hawk is only a spider and an eagle, and only the bee with the name in mind!! "(Hawk Lianes?) (Jah!?) (Pull?

I froze the big bee that was rushing in a state of ultra acceleration, smashed it down with the frozen bee again, and said, "What's the matter with the bee?"... The slave hero who was twitching behind it was already backing away with a pretty bad feeling... yeah, what should we do?

"" "Unlock Mr. Rafflesia first!" "" "No, it's true that Sugina Laflessia, who is a little too hard-working, is a sloppy, sloppy little girl... right?" "" "So, what is it!?" "

Yes, anyway, the biggest concern was the assassin problem and the slave hero problem. Assassination and forced slavery seem to be solved, but the hero with a lethal face twitching... The killer fled into the labyrinth to the lower level in response to a sign of preaching. Yeah, what do you say?

I got angry when the cedar tentacle net [Safety Net] worked properly. Yes, even though the assassin captured and neutralized it, and then restrained it over and over again, and secured it without any injuries (except for his old man), it seemed that the sermon concentration was quite high! Yeah, because they all had Morningstar in their hands!!

"Why is it that a high school boy with clear eyes who cleared all the conditions for being caught without being injured by a subordinate collar would be guilty if he was caught alert by an assassin?" Is it a labyrinth trap? "(Earrings, frivolous, boon, boon, - (No), Yang Yang, Pull...)

Even though the strongest man I've ever seen in the Empire was a pig, he was stronger than that. And unlike Sugi-kun, he was able to master his abilities.

"The only way to capture and neutralize it without hurting it is with the cedar tentacle net [Safety Net], right?" "(Earrings, frivolity, boom, boom, no, yang, poo...)

Yeah, that would've killed us all in the blink of an eye if we'd met the princesses' daughters before the LV.

"Yeah, I could do something about that if I was good, but I could see quite a sense of maturity in my body, but I was younger because I felt like it... Luring high school girls and junior high school girls into the basement and assaulting [Boko] was an absolutely invincible incident word, and my liking level was a dangerous crisis situation!"

Yes, the Otherworld Labyrinth was full of traps. Yeah, because when I met a high school girl or junior high school girl, it felt like an underground [underground] case!

"First of all, unlock the collar." "No, in order to unlock the subordinate collar, I temporarily completely enslaved the superior compatible obedience necklace... in other words, capturing a high school girl or junior high school girl who has been lured underground and forcibly submitting her to an irresistible state, which is a dangerous task for tea-killers who are forced to put her under control!!"

Yes, even if you dig down to prenatal miles, you have the power to destroy a meteorite like [Armageddon]!

"Don't worry, I'll go back. How do you like it... and give up?" "Hey, if you give up there, the game will be over before it starts and you're not growing at all, but you're completely out of action." Sensei, you're a dead body ", that's dead!!"

Yeah, can you undead me?

"" "How far are you running! Even as a shield, the Labyrinth King [Necromancer] is dead!!" "" Hey, I was consulting with you about your undead affection, but what's dead!? "" Ah, isn't that impossible? "Yeah, you haven't confirmed your survival, have you?" "(Unh, Kukukuku, Humuhum, Umum, - (Kukukuku), Humuhum, Poyopoyo, Gaaa, Guguo, Goguo, Gear Gear, Hin Hin Hin Hin?)

Yeah, I thought the pom-poms were long, so they were all there? I mean, no, I'm taking it off... but I can't believe we all got together for a pom-pom!? You're forcing me!!

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