Lonely Attack on the Different World

Part 235 Buns I'm scared of. Can I sell a bun where I don't even understand pretending?

Day 61 Morning City of Narogi

Let's get rid of the abandoned city for two, me and the princess.

I know they're watching me from over there, but I'm going along knowledgeably, because the maid daughter is diving into the shadow of the princess, and Mr. Slime is miniaturized and riding on my head and hiding in the hood, so there's actually four of us and two of us looking. The chairman of the armor committee is in use.

Because you look like you're going out alone with a girl, but when you get close to the princess, the maid puts a sword through the shadows, right? It's not fun, it's a porn dress because of it, but it's not fun. Well, since you're equipped with armor over your porn dress, the exposure is suppressing, but even if you set it up, you can't hide the slits on your feet, your back and your umbilical cord. Nice design! I'm so focused on porn that I don't even know if it's the enemy or the allies or the bandits or the peepers or just the horny ones! But isn't it against the rules to hide it with a shield?

"Are you sure you want to follow me? From now on, all around us are enemies, I may not be taken to life, but Master Yao has no guarantee, right? Why do you need to do something so dangerous?

"Do you mind if I say so? There was an order here? I'm gonna have to make some money, but I'm gonna have trouble getting my shopping in, too, okay? Why do you watch porn dresses? I want to see it! Like? Well, like I'm here to see?

According to the information of the Tail Gone Daughters clan, the noble army body is still far away, but the small armies of the nearby aristocrats are beginning to gather, and mercenaries are also gathering. Mercenaries don't seem to be the same as bandits.

Besides, the main unit has something to do with the first prince! And it seems that something and something about it is something! What is it?

I heard the explanation, but it was a prince, a prince is basically a man from a common sense point of view in the world, right? Besides, he's a pretty good old prince, I'm not interested in talking about something like that, so I listened to him, so I don't know what something was that flowed away one way or the other. But brothers and sisters, killing each other directly is a bad hobby.

Plus, there have been many attacks on border-supported merchants who are cooperating with the smuggling, and at first I wondered if the smuggling had been found out, but apparently the deterioration in security and the poor quality of mercenaries and small nobles are starting to be bad. If it's bad in the kingdom, it's awkward for the smuggling route to be crushed, the rice shortage sounds like my table! Rice resentment is heavy! About seven fatalities per grain of rice? No, that's because there are seven gods. If you're a bandit, steal one, you can kill them all on a 70,000 basis. Yeah, let's do that!

"Assassins are definitely coming, they're good at killing people, not being strong. Even if Yao has enough power to kill demons and labyrinth kings, those are experts in killing interpersonal fighters, those held by royalty and old nobles who have only the skills to kill cotton and men, what's about to happen isn't even a legitimate battle, is it?

"Ah - Beauty Assassin is scary ~! I shout out loud, but Beauty Assassin is scary ~! I'm listening! I'm a super beauty assassin. No, no, no, no, super scary ~? Targeted ~ ♪ Well, you're the enemy, aren't you?

I tried api! I'm sure there's gonna be flags all over the kingdom and a bunch of beautiful assassins coming together to raid! The battle for true boys' high school begins at last, isn't it beautiful, Mr. Noichi? Beautiful woman, isn't she Mr. Assassin? But the important thing is honey traps! That's a sweet, trout trap like honey. I'm sure it is, honey trap. Let's put the scary api down! It's important, so should I api about 2,000 times? Let's make some placards too, honey traps matter!

"Why are you yelling around during covert operations! I'm sneaking! I'm sneaking around! Please don't sing aloud and no api, don't sing any more carelessly! That's full of anticipation and you're not scared at all, are you? When I heard that, I said," Weaknesses! I'd be stunned if I had an agent! It's really dangerous, isn't it? There is no reason why Yao could put his life at risk... how could it be all the sins to be borne by the kingdom and royalty... "

Oh, no! Apparently, the other world is scared of buns. You don't even understand pretending, can you sell labyrinth buns like this? This is why completely different worlds are different worlds. It's completely unusable. It's different worlds, even though it's delicious.

I'm already going through a slum-like area of deserted debris in an abandoned city, into an alley with no crowds or popularity, and I'm going to throw you in a bunch of Kobo and bitches when the old man gets out this far! That's a scarier nightmare than hell! Kobo was scared, too.

Looks like a bunch of guys from behind are starting to disperse and surround us, bandits for money? A princess, a noble dog for a daughter? Are those the horny people looking for porn dresses? We're going to get along with the last of them! Seems like horny people who have a good hobby to see the beauty of this porn dress, they're going to be attacked regardless of their hobby because they're sooo horny, right? Yeah, I'm in the position to say how I'm going to walk away in this.

"Two of them there. Stop there!"

Surrounded, that's good, I knew it? Seventeen, seventeen old men! These guys broke the important flag I kept putting up! All right, let's break it. Let's break it over there or gradually pompous, because this is the enemy of Mr. Flag, who's been broken! I'm gonna flag Bakibaki already!

"Who are you, if you want to stop people, why don't you name them after me?

The princess and daughter are octopus, they're hot because the old men surrounding them say "horny" and "horny" and look at the cancer! No, but it's porn, right? Yeah, it's horny.

"Definitely, Princess Charicelles. Capture him."

"" "Ooh, a sudden big win, a sudden big buck, don't let them get away with it.

Looks like a mercenary bandit old man with an old man in a noble dog, sort of an old man.

"Come on!"

In an instant, the princess pulls out her sword, sets up a shield, opens her legs, and stands low and discreet. It's a good structure, so that you can move quickly in enclosed situations, and then lower your center of gravity to accommodate the offense, while keeping your feet wide apart. I mean, the slit on the dress opens wide and flickers to your inner leg instead of your leg. That's already a very good setup! This is good stuff!

"No, Master Yao? Why are you turning your back on your enemies and kneeling and looking at my legs with cancer? Can I slash it?

Well these guys are bad guys, if you fight, you can defeat one princess and daughter, and it's easy to escape. But the princess and daughter are interpersonal villains, just like she said, so it doesn't make sense to set up a sword, they can't even fight and get caught. See?

"Damn! You cowardly, despicable hand... Why is Yao still kneeling and willing to get tangled and caught! Where are you stuck in my face?

It's a netting, it was caught in a mesh until it was chained and entangled, so it couldn't even be slashed. I mean, this intimacy is force majeure, I'm not bad! Where's the thigh? Yeah, it seemed worth the crouching and waiting for, this is a good thigh!

But a maid from the shadow of a princess and a daughter are after me with a sword! Besides, jitsu eye maids are jitsu with porn maid clothing specifications! Well, if they stabbed me, I'd give up my thighs, they were short happy but good thighs! Because he was an absolute realm raw thigh!

"It's good to have no armor at all, right? Well, still, Mr. Flag's enemies had to be fought, and the remnants were spare, but delicious, so thank you. Like?"

"I don't want that kid, you can kill him. Don't let the princess get hurt.

The Sickle of Death hunting the soul of a man, with a black sickle dangling and swirling over his head. Plus now he comes with two more, at a nice, pricey price, so of course, I wind up all my money! 'Cause it's the condolence of poor Mr. Flag, who I raised so diligently and lovingly and carelessly, but was broken unharmed, I'll definitely take it!

The nets caught me tangled with my princess, my daughter, and the big sickle rumbling as it snuggled and rubbed, hunting around like a trained munchkin dynamite buddy and a roundabout (Rondo), dancing like a waltz, tearing it apart, and kicking it (Tango)! I kick both old men around and step on them.

I overdid it because it feels good to be a munchkin, and this feeling of cuckoo is one of the best in the other world, if I see a cuckoo association anywhere, I'll recommend it to you.

And then the net got tangled up in the cucumber, and the shoulder of the dress was opened and exposed to the chest, and the skirt slipped up and peeled out her legs, tangled up and crimped tightly and glued. I kind of just felt a little gentle with the old guys, so I'll just forgive you for burning your head, tangled exposed munchkin dynamite buddy, but good! I'll thank you, too, thank you.

"Damn, you......" (Boku!) "This Kid......" (Baki) "Teresa......" (Dosu) "Oh......" (Gusha) "...... (Boki)"...

I strip away my crisp, purse and gold eye objects and store them in an item bag, unfortunately, the lovely netting lady involved in the has been taken care of by the maid's daughter, right? Well, let's get some netting, this was good stuff.

"Why are you stripping me from the bandits? And no mercy from weapons to items! I'm even taking the net!

"No, you're not, are you? If I strip you from normal people, you're a bandit, so it's normal people stripping you from bandits. What? Maybe?"

Sounds like I'm doing something wrong, doesn't it? I'm a good person, naturally, because I did something wrong over there? Yeah, definitely, the logical irreversible theory is the interpretation of the relative relationship on the reverse walk. I mean, 360 degrees, no matter what direction you scrutinize from, I'm not bad, am I? Because that's the bad guy over there?

"From whom should bandits be stripped by ordinary people? Nobody's going to be a bandit anymore, is that it? Because if it does, it will peel off after me.

It's supposed to be a good deed to be recommended because bandits are gone, wjito? Twinjito because you're a shadow warrior? For some reason, everyone always sees me right through the muscle canal, and logically speaking, what am I, a normal person? If I thought there was something wrong with translating different world languages, I'd even jito my classmates, wouldn't I? As lamentable as it is that I cannot understand my logic (logic), which is why the chairman of the committee has been praised for saying, "Your explanation is a noisy one." Oh, is that disgusting?

Come on. Let's go fishing for the next one, it was pretty profitable. If you'd attacked about fifty more pairs, your best man wouldn't be dreaming either! All right, let's get attacked! Of course, the beautiful assassin is hoping, recommending and recommending, are you waiting?

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