LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 98 If I can’t push you away, then I’ll kill you!

Before the game started, in order to stir up the atmosphere, previously recorded pre-game trash talk was also played on the big screen.

957: "Flando better restrain himself and hope that he can develop peacefully on the road. Otherwise, he will know that I have a good brother named Kandi."

Brother Shengqiang: "I feel like I won't lose today. Why? I accidentally saw a calendar on the table last night. It belonged to Brother Hao. There is already a schedule for S6 on it."

Kandi: "Capturing the dragon is not an easy task, but I still want to try it today."

Zzr: "Before Snake hits Baron, WE should have been beaten to Ace."

Xiye: "We defeated Snake easily in the playoffs. The same ending happened when we replaced The King. His injury has not healed yet. I suggest that he better recover from his injury before fighting, otherwise, he will bully an injured veteran. This Winning is not a glorious thing for me."

TheKing: "I like to compete with young players. In addition to feeling the energy and momentum, I can also teach them some lessons. This is also an obligation for LPL veterans."

In the studio, the Haier brothers and Colonel Guan were all laughing.

"The two teams refused to give in to each other, and the smell of gunpowder was quite strong."

"It's normal. After all, this round of BO5 is about the World Championship quota."

Colonel Guan smiled and said: "Actually, I'm quite curious whether what Brother Shengqiang said just now is true. Has The King really planned the S6 itinerary?"

"Don't take it seriously. If you say that, the factory director will have a lot to say."

Wawa smiled and imitated: "I have been watching the finals of other regions recently to study Msi's opponents."


At the EDG base, the Jarhead young man who was watching the live broadcast tilted his mouth and watched the three bitches in the commentary box messing around.

It’s so shameful for me, right?

Your number is gone!

"Okay, the players from both sides have already appeared. The King has confirmed the starting lineup and will play directly in the first game."

"The King's injury hasn't healed yet. He really worked hard in today's start!"

"WE has the priority to choose the side, and they chose the blue side in the first game."

"The equipment has been debugged and the first BO5 match between the two sides has officially begun!"

WE took down the card, Lissandra and the captain.

Sanke takes down the Apocalypse, the Vampire and the Wheel Mother.

"WE picked Rock Bird instantly on the first floor. The selection rate of this hero throughout the summer split was 7.8%. However, it has been relatively hot during this period. He often gets in position, and his recent winning rate has reached 57%."

After Wawa finished speaking, Colonel Guan on the side responded: "I took a look and found that Xiye also used Rock Bird in Rank recently to increase points. The winning rate is quite high. I am very confident about picking this hero. Combined with WE's instant pick, , that must be a tactic prepared in advance.”

"That makes sense."

Miller echoed: "The ability of Yanque to push the lane is very strong, and it can play a fast pace through support. In the current version, almost only Dragon King Thor can match it. However, everyone knows that Dragon King has been removed by default due to a BUG. I am afraid that it will not be until It won’t be released until the World Championships.”

"We also have to look forward to seeing what heroes The King will use to line up."

In the LCS Summer Split, during the match between TSM and CLG, Bjergsen played against Huhi, the Dragon King sphere appeared at the end of the field of view, and the Dragon King has been banned from use since then.

Moreover, this is not the first time that Dragon King has a bug.

On the first and second floors of Snake, Ikega Excavator was selected.

On the second and third floors of WE, lock Nargatam.

Although Tam was robbed, Snake still chose Ice on the fourth floor.

On the third floor, Bron was selected.

WE didn't have to hesitate at all, and directly took down the powerful Armor-Piercing Master, giving the lineup a stronger rhythmic ability.

In the last move, WE’s jungle hero was determined to be Spider.

On the fifth floor of Snake, a profile picture appeared.

There was a slight commotion at the scene.

"Male swordsman?"

"The King wants to take a man's knife again?!"

"His attack on IM's male swordsman in the last round left a deep impression on us. Athena's Tsar was beaten very badly."

The camera went to Snake's fifth floor. Jiezou himself couldn't hold back his laughter. It was obvious that he was playing a prank.

"Brother Hao, what are you getting?"

Jiezou asked while changing his avatar. Chris wanted to take Victor, but he didn't make his idea his first choice.

With Li Hao's current position in the team, no matter what hero he wants, as long as it's not too weird, everyone will agree.

Li Hao looked at the lineup. The current Yanque has not changed significantly, and the strength of the mid laner is fully met.

This is mainly due to the Q skill of the rock bird. Before the revision, each rock of the rock bird Q will cause damage in a small area, and only 40% of the subsequent damage will be caused to the same target. After the revision, the subsequent 40% damage became 50%, but Q's small area damage became a single-target skill.

Therefore, the current rock bird with fast lane clearing is suitable for the middle lane, and the rock bird behind with higher single target damage and its own passive are more suitable for the jungle.

Li Hao had a plan in mind.

If I can't push you away, I'll kill you!

"Oh~! Zed!"

"Locked, this is really no joke!"

A burst of cheers immediately sounded at the scene.

Miller analyzed: "The Lord of Shadow Stream has no problem fighting Rock Bird online, but this hero currently has a ban rate of 0% throughout the summer, has only appeared 5 times, and has a win rate of 40%. Except for EDG's Scout, Besides, the remaining victory was also done by The King!"

"Everyone must still remember the peak battle between The King's Zed and Emperor Yasuo."

The baby said with a smile on his face: "Xiye, you have to be careful this time. Although TheKing is still injured, he is the real solo kill king in the summer competition!"


The heroes switch positions, and the lineups of both sides are locked:

WE vs Snake:

Upper unit: Gnar vs. Ekko

Jungle Position: Spider vs Excavator

Medium unit: Rockbird vs Zed

ADC position: Jhin vs Ice

Support position: Tamu vs. Braum

The coaches on both sides shook hands and the game officially began!

Li Hao brought ignition and flash, and went out with a long sword and a reusable potion.

As you can see from the mini-map, both sides are stationed along the river.

Li Hao also saw Yanque in the middle. Xiye brought flash and weakness, plus Tahm's weakness. The double-weakness lineup was obviously going to lock Zed into the field.

In the upper half of the river, all the upper and lower fields on both sides are exposed.

At 0 minutes and 44 seconds, Gangzi's Han Bing was at the bottom river and saw Tam who had just walked into the grass in the river, and Jhin who was leaning against the wall of the Xiaolong Pit.

At this time, Jiezou's Bronn was squatting in the grass in the middle of the lower river.

Li Hao immediately controlled Jie to take a step forward, and he and Xiye feinted back and forth. The two heroes, both of whom had learned the Q skill, seemed to want to consume the other.

The range of Yanque's Q is 1000 yards, and the range of Duojie is 100 yards. Li Hao's positioning is very good, Xiye's control of distance is also very good, and the Q skill has never been used.

"Jiezou, you can give me vision now."

"OK, I understand."

Of course, Li Hao was not in vain. Xiye's position was deceived a little further. Coupled with knowing the position of everyone in WE, Bron successfully touched the opponent's red zone and inserted the jewelry eye on his body at 0 minutes and 53 seconds. WE's stone monster location.

Success, WE didn’t notice!

Gangzi immediately leaned towards the river. With Braum at level one, he could definitely cause trouble.

Under normal circumstances, both Jhin and Tahm Kench are level one and have two stone monsters online.

At 1 minute and 33 seconds, the Snake duo crouched in the grass behind the WE red buff.


Li Hao sent out a signal as soon as Toad and Jin showed up.

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, the brother-in-law and Zero decisively attacked the little stone monster.

Zero licked the small stone monster with his tongue as usual in training, then immediately W swallowed the big monster next to him, and then spit it out to the small monster. Jhin hit A again, and the small monster was crippled.

Just when the brother-in-law was about to take the last hit as usual, Thousands of Ice Arrows fired out a rain of ice-blue arrows.

This time he not only snatched away the stone monster, but also slowed down Jhin!

Bronn, who was carrying the security door, threw the ice cube hidden inside the security door at the lame man. The 70% attenuation deceleration and a layer of concussive slam effect made the fortune teller unable to walk in an instant.

"Look at the fortune teller! A him! A him!"

Gangzi and Jiezou were both shouting, and the assistants on both sides immediately used the weak trap on the opponent's AD.

The ice ashes, the brother-in-law does not dare to fight back, the ice aces again, Bronn walks to the face and ashes again, passively triggered, the fortune teller is stunned for 1.25 seconds, plus the consumption of wild monsters, the health volume is reduced by half.

Tam stretched out his long tongue, turned into a licking dog, and licked Han Bing wildly.

Bronn and Han Bing ignored Tam and chased the A-player, forcing the brother-in-law to show up.

However, Tam also licked the ice red.

When Taste of Cultivating reaches level 3, the 14-second CD of Big Eat will improve, and Tahm Kench's W can cause at least 20% percentage damage.

Jiezou turned around and used his passive A on Tam. Zero didn't care at all and swallowed the ice in one gulp.

Jhin, whose blood volume had recovered after taking the drug, turned around. After Han Bing was spit out by Tam, he turned back and flicked Q from Braum to Han Bing's head, and then launched a basic attack with A.

The brother-in-law is alive and well. Now Broon can't touch him. He and Han Bing are not afraid of A at all. He still has the fourth shot of Whisper Passive.

Han Bing couldn't leave Tam alone, so he could only turn around and face Tam, who was close to Braum A. Zero had just been hammered by the stone monster, and the two of them beat him to a pulp in an instant.

The brother-in-law received a mouthful of treatment, and Brother Crystal also handed over the treatment. Zero flashed and fled to the second tower on the lower road.

Under Jhin's force, Ice also flashed through the wall of stone monsters. Except for Braum's flash, all other summoner skills were surrendered.

Although Gangzi has a chance to replace Tahm and get first blood, his head will definitely be taken away by the fortune teller. If his brother-in-law can go to the lane to take the lane, it will be a big loss.

At 2 minutes and 22 seconds, by the time the duo on both sides came online, the second wave of minions had already arrived online.

On the panel of the four people, except for the Dolan Sword, there is only the Holy Shield, and all the medicines have been consumed.

A wave of passionate PK in the bottom lane had just ended, and the OB director immediately focused the camera on the middle lane.

Yanque pushed the line, and Li Hao's calamity could not stop it.

However, the jungle choices of both sides are obviously different.

Kandi starts with the blue buff, then F4, the red buff, and then he can quickly reach level 3 to support the bottom lane.

The excavator has no requirement for blue buff, Zzr opens red, then F4, three wolves, they also reach level 3, and the distance is shorter.

After that, you can see on the big screen that the excavator did not brush when it was in the wild. The three wolves made a corner and went straight to the middle.

The middle line of troops is close to Li Hao's defense tower. Because of the stone penetration (Q) mechanism of Yanque, three quarries have been left on the ground.

At 2 minutes and 49 seconds, Xiye pressed the fourth Q skill. The location of this quarry allowed the rock bird to lean against the wall on the grass side of the red square lower river.

Once this wave of lanes is pushed forward, Xiye can swim away and cooperate with Spider to gank in the bottom lane.

Because the ice pushes the lane, the timing of the bottom lane is very good.

Zed's health also dropped by a quarter, and The King would be locked to death by the wave of troops entering the tower later.

Xiye smiled secretly in his heart, as he already had the initial rhythm in his hand.


"The excavator is coming!"

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