LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 75: Scheming with a hot man!

"Widow! Good fellow, the factory director just used this unique skill to press the bottom of the box!"

"The fighting spirit is very strong, both sides want to win the first game!"

"Let's see how the blue side takes the last two hands."

At the Snake player's seat, Chris frowned slightly: "Wheel Mom Gabobby, do you want to take it like this?"

Brother Holy Spear said: "Bobby is okay, but it's hard to play Gnar online. I definitely don't have lane rights."

Jiezou continued: "Although the mobility is high, the hands are still a little short."

"The factory director takes the widow, which puts pressure on the field of vision."

Li Hao looked at the lineup and said, "Why don't you get Rambo for Xuan Jun? This hero is definitely easier to beat Gnar than Poppy. In team battles, Deft will be locked up."

"I just chose Ice. It serves as a more direct starting point and can also provide vision support."


"I'm OK."

Chris also nodded. Rambo was indeed a good choice, but the lineup was a bit spent.

In the end, Snake locked on Ice Garambo on the fourth and fifth floors.

EDG's last move was to select Victor.

In version 6.15, Victor's ultimate move has been changed to some extent. There is a movement speed bonus when it is pulled back, making it more flexible than before.

"The younger brother is also very cautious here and directly brought a hand for purification."

"Caution is a must. The King is now the king of solo kills. Although Ice Girl is not the kind of hero who easily kills, Scout must be careful when cooperating with Zzr's men."

Chris and Abramovich shook hands on stage and the lineups were locked.

Snake lineup: Rambo, Centaur, Ice Girl, Ice, and Braum.

EDG lineup: Gnar, Widow, Viktor, Jhin, Thresh.

The game entered a brief loading interface.

Li Hao stared at the widow on the screen and felt a little emotional.

Evelynn is a hero that other professional players don’t play very much, because this is a hero that requires talking about basic jungle skills first and then operations.

Breaking down the widow’s data:

harm? Not outstanding.

control? There is no hard control, only the big move comes with slowdown.

Frankness? The body obviously cannot stiffen up.

However, she has a big advantage, that is, her vision is ahead of many jungle heroes.

The factory director himself is a jungler who doesn't like playing C very much, but his vision, anti-crouching and gank ideas are always exciting.

Diamond Master players may not be good enough in terms of vision control, jungle control, and gank and anti-gank, let alone the remaining 99% of players.

Li Hao knew very well that the factory director was an expert in this field.

However, this also means that the factory director needs teammates who are stronger in the line.

If the lane is strong, the wild area can be liberated, and the field of view or the number of invasions that the factory director can do will increase.

This is the main reason why Li Hao advocated taking Rambo in BP.

This season, after EDG's strong winning streak, all LPL teams know that when playing against EDG, they must target the factory director. In fact, there is a very clear idea, that is, winning against EDG online will gain the right to push lanes and maximize EDG's jungle vision. .

Li Hao remembers very clearly that during the intercontinental competition in the life simulator, Audi's Sword Girl was pushed under the tower by Prince Level 1. The opposite side directly went to the director of the stone man to make a ward, which caused the director to brush the stone man and prepare for a gank. With a panoramic view, the opponent's jungler came over and squatted back.

However, with everyone in EDG currently in great shape, there are not many people who can implement this tactic in the LPL and fit the team's style.

However, with him in charge, Snake can do just that.

Judging from the lineup of this round, as long as there are no major problems on Snake's line, this one has already taken the chance of winning and taking the lead. Deft's Jhin is very difficult to play, and the only one left is the junior.

EDG also reacted in time, and the factory director took a wrong turn and decisively took out Evelyn to prepare for the vision battle.

As long as they block Snake's early rhythm, EDG can reverse the situation after Victor's equipment is formed.

Li Hao was making various calculations in his mind. He obviously didn't want to give EDG that chance.

When the hero appeared on Summoner's Rift, the venue was filled with excitement.

"EDG, come on!"

"EDG, come on!"

"Snake, come on!"

"Snake, come on!"

Fans on both sides were cheering and cheering, which was the envy of other teams.

Among the cheers for the two teams on the field, the voices of the young ladies were the loudest.

The camera passed by the Summoner's Rift, and the marks in the dragon pit showed that the first one was the fire dragon.

At 0 minutes and 59 seconds, Centaur and Rambo wanted to invade the upper half of each other's wild area. Mouse used the ward arranged by the factory director in the river to directly control Gnar to come out of the grass behind the red buff. A dart persuaded Snake and the two to retreat. .

Both sides did not choose to change lanes, and the duo went online after clearing a group of wild monsters.

After Gangzi goes online to level 2, he directly learns an E skill.

"Gangzi, give me the view here."

According to the position marked by Li Hao, Falcon Spirit flew over.

Factory director, working on F4.

Li Hao controlled Lissandra A in the middle to kill a melee minion. When Gangzi released his skills, he cut the screen and saw that there was no red buff under the widow's feet, indicating that the factory director passed the red and directly used F4 after defeating the stone monster.

Because this version of the Widow clearing field is more difficult, the factory director will definitely go home after finishing the three wolves and blue buffs.

By taking red in this way, you can ensure that the red buff stays on you for a long time, making you in better condition and more efficient in catching people.

The Widow can indeed make herself in better condition by pulling, but it will delay the jungle time longer.

This wave of return to the city can supply another jungler with small items, thereby increasing the experience gained from wild monsters.

Li Hao noticed the small details of the factory director, so he was able to analyze the factory director's next move.

EDG has the advantage in the bottom lane and can suppress Snake.

After the holy gun brother had the Widow's vision on the top road, he immediately used Rambo's ability to push the line and pushed the troops directly under the Mouse tower, forcing Gnar to replenish the tower knife.

In the middle, there is a relatively peaceful relationship between Li Hao and Scout.

Because EDG currently has no field of vision, Zzr's guarantee tag is now known to everyone, and Victor does not dare to stand forward.

At 3 minutes and 03 seconds, Li Hao noticed that the Centaur had brushed off F4.

The junior student pushed the line of troops under his own tower, while Victor's position was relatively back.

Zzr did not go home and went to brush the road crabs.

At this time, Li Hao quickly calculated the time. According to the normal brushing speed, the Widow should have finished the blue buff by this time.

While replenishing the tower sword, he asked, "Xuanjun, has Nall given vision?"

"Brother Hao, Mouse has not left the line at all."

Hearing this, Li Hao's eyes lit up.

"Xuanjun, are you ready to sell it?"

While Li Hao was dealing with the artillery line in front of his own tower in the middle, he was arranging the Zzr operation.

"Zhanran, stay in the triangle grass with your jewelry eye and go for a walk around the red buff. If the buff doesn't hit you, go around to the grass behind the previous tower."

"If the factory director doesn't fight this new group of stone monsters, he will definitely catch Mr. Xuan!"

"Damn it, Brother Hao, your calculations are so deep!"

"I won't fight you!"

Zzr gave up the river crab decisively as he spoke, invaded the EDG wild area, and implemented Li Hao's tactics!

Cuihua's execution made Li Hao nod secretly.

Backstage at Snake, Chris and Zuo Wu were both surprised, and even more confused by the unclear commentary in the studio.

"This centaur is so weird. He stopped hitting the crab halfway through? Suddenly he warded and went around to the factory director's red zone."

"You're not trying to steal the spotlight, are you? The factory director will be here soon. This wave of Scouts will definitely come to support faster than The King."

"No fight!"

"The men and horses spared it again. He squatted in the grass behind the tower and stared at the stone monster that spawned again."

"Oh my God! The consciousness is a bit scary. I am preparing to arrest the factory director!"

The commentators finally understood what the Centaur meant, but what happened next surprised them even more.

After the factory director finished using the red buff, he glanced at the road up and saw that the yordles were quite arrogant.

"Mouse, get ready!"

An Kai's face was gloomy, and he was about to take Brother Holy Spear to sacrifice the flag.

"You can come at any time!" Aguang also gave a strong response.

As everyone knows, after hearing the exchange between the two in the EDG backstage, Abramovich walked off the bench.

There is a trap! Claire Dirty Dancing, no!

Abramovich shouted in his heart, but EDG's Ueno-Jungle linkage had already been initiated.

At 3 minutes and 51 seconds, Li Hao's line in the middle has been pushed back.

His ice girl pulled back, her eyes always fixed on the road.

At 3 minutes and 56 seconds, Brother Holy Gun's wave of fire breathing ended, and a red exclamation point immediately appeared on Rambo's forehead!

The widow appears!

Gnar jumped up with E and directly slowed him down with his Q skill.

The factory director stepped forward, using the Q skill to shoot out rows of spikes, and activated the E to destroy the strike, causing magic damage that was reduced by Rambo's double resistance.

When the two of them focused their fire, Rambo instantly lost half of his health.

The Widow caught her very suddenly, but as you can see on the big screen, the Centaur started sprinting, and at the same time, the Ice Girl's teleportation also directly selected the ornaments on the triangular grass.

The factory director and Mouse were stunned for the first time when they saw the speeding men and horses suddenly rushing from behind.

They didn't understand at all why the men and horses appeared in this position?

The Widow and Gnar were in an awkward position and had no choice but to give up Rambo and run back.

Li Hao's Ice Girl E skill passed through the wall and reached the battlefield first. The second stage of E came to the position where the ice claws were protruding, directly cutting off EDG's escape route. The Ring of Frost controlled the two of them, and the Holy Spear brother fired with a backhand. W accelerates forward and spits fire output.

After the Zzr troops kicked her over, the widow was severely disabled and was taken over by Li Hao with a Q.

The double buffs were transferred to Li Hao, and Gnar was slowed down by the Ice Girl.

Mouse dodged and fled toward the defense tower. Brother Holy Gun dodged with him. The electronic harpoon hit Gnar's butt, slowing him down by 30%.

Two consecutive harpoons hit him, and the faster-moving men and horses pursued him.

Coupled with the ice girl's basic attack, Gnar was finally killed by a man carrying a tower and his health bar was completely emptied!

EDG died in the jungle, Snake had a dream start!

In the voice of the Snake Team, everyone first shouted "Brother Hao is awesome"!


"Xuanjun, your ass is so beautiful!"

"Cuihua's kick is also good!"

"Indeed, Gangzi's arrow just now was also a stroke of genius."



Everyone's emotions were high, and they directly started the business mutual bragging mode.

('-'*ゞThanks to the book friend [Please call me Brother Xiaosha] for the 1210-point reward! Thanks to [Please call me Tian Ritian] for the 600-point reward! Thanks to [Book friend 20200419132446146] for the 100-point reward Reward! Thank you very much for the votes from the big guys!

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