LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 42 Mom beats up Zai'er (please vote!)

Li Hao was stunned for a moment. What mission was this triggered?

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be related to the last "Shock" series of missions.

The victim of this mission is none other than the prostitute teacher.

Although Li Hao and Mr. Piao were verbally good friends, and doing so seemed a bit like backstabbing, when he thought about the meal where Mr. Piao evaded the fare, Li Hao smiled freely without any sense of guilt.

LOL Old God System:

[Before revealing the identity of ‘Master’s Contempt’, you must make PDD sufficiently impressed by this ID. In this game, the system will collect the impression of PDD and give a reward of 0-50 points. ]

Li Hao's eyes lit up.

Good guy, before you get shocked, make sure you have enough presence. This is it.

Points are not easy to earn, but 50 points is quite coveted.

The system will arrange such a task, which means that the prostitute teacher is on the opposite side of the game.

Li Hao smiled evilly, "I'm sorry if you're a bitch."

Only extreme torture can leave a deep impression.

LOL Old God System (x).

Veteran torture system (√).

As long as you don't play with snakes, pigs will usually take the road.

In this game, he filled in and happened to be the top laner.

Li Hao was on the red side, and the game hadn't started yet. When the players' IDs were displayed on the public screen, someone immediately recognized him.

[My Contempt] This ID is not as famous as TheKing for the time being, but it is still somewhat famous.

Currently, Li Hao's national server ranking has reached third place.

The next two are Dopa and Xiaoma.

Not only that, because [Ye's Contempt] has a frighteningly high winning rate, and everyone who matches him says he is awesome, and he has been marked as a high-ranking player in the national server.

In addition, the ID is so recognizable, it is not strange for people to remember it.

Some teams also privately inquired about Ye's contempt and actively sought each other's contact information, but Li Hao and his teammates who knew his ID had already greeted him, so no one disclosed it.

As a result, [ye's contempt] has an additional layer of mystery.

Although there are rumors that he is a retired veteran, judging from the game performance and data, many people do not believe it.

On the public screen:

[Just Tm your name is Charlotte]: “ @’s contempt, is this contempt for me?”

[Scammed out of 8,000 yuan in online dating]: "Brother contempt!? Is this score so high? I only have 540 points."

[Youtiao]: "What a coincidence, Brother Contempt, you just took my share yesterday!"

This Youtiao is also an anchor of Dousha TV. He is very diligent in live broadcasting. Like Biscuit, he is often online during the day, so he is called the breakfast duo.

This guy is good at defeating everyone in the low-level segment with weird playstyles. He can also play in high-level segments. He is still young and can still handle it.

This person is different from Brother Ba who wants to surrender. He advocates tormenting his teammates in a disadvantageous situation and never surrendering.

If he and BUG were lined up together, it would probably be one point of 'yes' and one point of 'no'.

Just last night, Youtiao Rank happened to be on the line with 'Master's Contempt', and was taught a lesson by the opponent using Enchantress. After the game, I checked the results and realized that this was the boss.

Therefore, youtiao has a deep memory of this ID.

So he typed quickly again.

[Youtiao]: "Brother Contempt, you must score points no matter what."

Seeing that everyone was interacting, one of the remaining teammates was confused.

[Enlarged Electric Eel]: "What's going on? Who is Brother Contempt?"

[Scammed out of 8,000 yuan in online dating]: "Just knowing who the boss is is enough. The winning rate is more than 90%. Now I am third in the national server."

[Enlarged electric eel]: ".!!!"

In front of the screen, Li Hao typed on the keyboard and said hello politely.

[My contempt]: "This is nothing, everyone here is better than me."

[Youtiao]: "You're being modest, do you want to hit the mark? Your Enchantress last time was very powerful, I can hit it."

[My Contempt]: "Here I go, jungler, look at me more, thank you."


In the time it took to type and communicate, the heroes on both sides had already finished fighting.

Although Li Hao was on the first floor, his teammates offered him a counter seat.

Many of those labeled as kings are sub-slaves, and you can tell who is the bigger one at a glance.

If this person is lined up on the opposite side, there is a high probability that he will take their points.

Fortunately, this one is a teammate.

The top lane of the blue side is determined on the fourth floor, and it is the top laner Crocodile.

[Scammed out of 8,000 yuan in online dating]: "Brother Contempt, what do you want?"

Li Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. Not only did he want to win this game, but he also wanted to impress Sao Zhu.

So it's always a good idea to engage in some classic torture techniques.

Teacher whoring, I'm sorry!

"——Justice, spread your wings and soar!"

When a bird girl fights a crocodile, normally speaking, it’s like Mommy fights a baby.

Although the top laner Li Hao wants is not common nowadays, he still despises him, so he must be confident in choosing him.

They can also see that Li Hao is fighting for the first place in the national server, and he definitely doesn’t want to lose.

The other one is Sao Zhu’s live broadcast room.

After the blue party identified Quinn, Sao Zhu immediately touched his forehead.

"Ya'er, it's so rare for the opponent to pick a Quinn and walk on the road."

"The key thing is that it's very difficult for me, the big crocodile, to beat this birdman. His hand is specially designed to counter me."

"This guy who plays Quinn, he feels like he can defeat me."

He turned around and said: "Brothers, you should know that it is very risky for him to choose this way, and the error tolerance is actually lower. If I am not completely suppressed in the front, they will not be able to pick up the team in the mid-term, and then they will keep losing resources. .”

"However, this person has declared war on me, and I have no reason to give up."

"Here, just bring a hand and light it up. Look for an opportunity to kill this guy online."

"If our jungler is smart enough, he will catch him without thinking. If Quinn collapses, he will definitely gain points."

Just when Sao Zhu was pointing at the country in front of the screen, the game entered the loading screen.

At this time, Saozhu saw that the information on the barrage suddenly scrolled crazily.

"You've suffered a lot, Mr. Whore, this birdie is contemptuous of you!"

"Damn it, Brother Contempt!"

"Report!! I just got some information from youtiao. It's been determined that he is contemptuous of me. The other party named me to target the naughty pig."

"Explore again, report again!"

"Brother Contempt on the line, oh, don't watch it, the anchor will perform a reverse smoking."

"I know this guy. I mentioned him last time when I watched Dopa's live broadcast. Maybe Dopa feels that his first place is a little unstable, and he has been working hard to increase his points these days."


Sao Zhu quickly put out the cigarette in his hand and looked at the screen intently.

——Wings of Demacia.

——[My contempt].

"It's cracked, why is it this person again!"

The naughty pig stopped pretending and shouted: "It's closed, brothers."

"I've played against this guy before. He's a tough guy with steel. He even lied to me last time about how he wanted to stay healthy. In fact, he's the ultimate liver king."

"I paid attention to his record. He is now ranked third in the national server, and his winning rate is still terrible."

"This person is definitely at a professional level."

"Sazi, why do you always get matched with this pussy!"

"He also matched his opponent with me and directly faced me, which finally sealed the deal."

In the barrage:

"Everyone understands, right? The key point is the last sentence. Why do we need to match the opposite party?"

"Don't ask, there's something wrong with the matching mechanism."

"The face is too dark, and the fried dough sticks next door are already doing a seaweed dance."

"Now everyone please watch the memoirs of Sao Pig: "The Days When Me and the Defense Tower Depend on Each Other"."


As soon as the game was entered, Saozhuhouhouzhu smiled and immediately tapped the keyboard.

Shen Mengangzhi: "Prince, catch him!"

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