LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 15 The canyon scholars are unstoppable!

Miss's words also aroused discussion among the Haier brothers.

For the three commentators, today's round of competition was really full of surprises, and the audience was also excited to watch.

First, two losing teams tried to get out of the quagmire, and then the dark horses faded. Snake unexpectedly lost to SAT for the first time. The reason was that Tank was attacked by beef noodles!

Snake fell into a huge crisis, and veteran The King was ordered to take over.

I thought it would be a struggling contest, but I didn't expect it to turn around again. From the moment he came on the scene to now, in just a few minutes, the veteran of the Snakes team has performed amazingly. He defeated the electric baton in the line and almost handed in a perfect score!

There are so many topics and so much freshness. There are three people playing one role and the beeping is non-stop. There is no need to worry about running out of things to say.

Backstage at the Snake Team, Zuo Wu and Chris looked at each other with inexplicable expressions.

The audience was very excited and the discussion was lively.

The Snakes fans who had been huddled in the corner could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

This veteran can do it, there is still some oil in the tank.

For the vast majority of people, they are still mostly curious and do not think that this kind of performance can be maintained forever.

However, the situation on the field showed no intention of easing down.

Capt was stunned in this wave, and he didn't expect that the electric baton would be counter-killed by someone who upgraded to 6.

Without EQ, he, the prince, could only retreat.

Syndra was unreasonable, and during the retreat, the prince was consumed by the Dark Sphere (Q).

Li Hao quickly pushed his troops into the tower and pressed B to return to the city just in front of the opponent's tower.

Capt doesn't dare to show off at all. Syndra's damage is terrifying. He only has half of his health now, has no defensive equipment, and is afraid of being killed.

The electric baton does not transmit, and the wire cannot be eaten.

The middle road was completely blown up!

His clockwork in this game, unless it is delayed until the later stages, there is a high probability that he will go to jail for the entire game.

"Zhanran, let me know when you get off the road across the river."


Jiezou marked the grass in the river and said, "There are eyes here. Mom made the fan just now."

Zzr circled around, dug a tunnel directly into the SAT wild area, and inserted his eyes near the triangle grass.

A glance at Lucian's position revealed that he was unaware of it.

Li Hao counted seconds to return to the city and immediately bought equipment. Mejia's soul-stealing scroll appeared on the grid, and he instantly became a canyon scholar.

"Syndra is TP!"

"Snake caught the rhythm so accurately. The prince was holding the line in the middle just now and it was too late."

"Styz noticed it, it's already too late!"


Xiao Huangmao suddenly moved aggressively. With Ding Huang's character, Styz would be a ghost if he didn't notice anything unusual.

But, as the commentary said.


"Nami threw water bubbles, sealing the positions of Lucian and Karma. Styz just handed over his E skill, which was beautiful. With the help of the fan mother, he accelerated and moved in the opposite direction to avoid the Prison of Blue Waves (Q)."

"It's a pity that the position is awkward. EZ's QW basic attacks hit one after another. Martin is holding the E skill, and Lucian can't replace it at all."

"The excavator comes forward and lifts!"

"Lucian dodges and dodges, it's very extreme!"

"No, Syndra came over, Lucian was forced into the grass, and Nami immediately eyed him!"

"The excavator was passively accelerated by Nami, and her backhand stuck to the fan mother."

"Sindra has taken action. This is Syndra who has a murder note!"


The commentary is fast and on the big screen.

Syndra's EQ took action, pushed Lucian accurately, grabbed the ball and then smashed it. In conjunction with the Thunder, the half-health Styz directly watched the black and white TV.

Karma was dealt damage by four people, and his blood volume plummeted.

x1u made a desperate move and ducked towards his own defense tower. Ding Huang's secret shot was moved to avoid it. Li Hao's Q skill improved and he got a thrilling K-head.


The system's female voice prompts, Syndra is unstoppable!

Quickly push the line of troops into the tower, and the jungler cooperates with the duo to win the first dragon.

The middle line was pushed under the tower by the clockwork, and the electric baton developed a wave.

However, compared to Syndra's two kills in a row, his little development was actually a drop in the bucket.

After a wave of deaths in the bottom lane, the advantage is no longer as great as before.

In addition, Nami has extended her vision, and it is already very difficult for the prince to find trouble in the bottom lane.

As for the middle lane, Capt is a little afraid to go there now. Syndra's equipment is enough to kill him instantly.

At 8 minutes and 03 seconds, the prince cooperated with the troops and played a small fishman flash on the top lane.

This thing is so flexible that it's very difficult to catch him to death when he has E and dodge.

If Flando hadn't moved aggressively just now, they wouldn't even be able to flash.

Capt was just about to eat river crab when he heard a scream in the middle.

Syndra's ultimate move turned around, QE hit the clockwork from the extreme distance, WA followed by R, and a set of combos killed the full-blooded electric baton instantly, without even a chance to resist.

The electric baton hit him on the chair, and he was already numb. This Sindra was so injured that he couldn't understand it at all!

At 11 minutes and 13 seconds, a tower was pushed in the SAT, and Sindra immediately turned up. The excavator roared and opened up to drill the hole from the bottom to the top.

Cooperating with Flandre's little murloc, the three of them teamed up to jump over the tower and kill the horse!

This time the kill resulted in quite an explosive scene.

In order to escape, Brother A used his ultimate move at the last critical moment and rushed towards his second tower.

However, Syndra's ultimate move has been locked on the troops.

Five magic balls flew out, smashing the adults to death before they could land!

At this moment, Li Hao has obtained the seventh head, and all the heads on Snake's side are concentrated on him alone.

The audience watching the game was getting more and more shocked.

At 20 minutes and 13 seconds of the game, the Snakes team, which had a huge advantage, relied on their vision advantage to directly turn to Baron.

SAT is fighting to the death. If Syndra is killed first, there is a chance for a team fight.

In the river outside Dalongkeng, SAT began to "ideally cooperate".

The prince dribbled the ball and EQ hit Syndra directly.

Li Hao shot the weak to retreat, interrupting EQ again.

On the player stand, Capt already had a psychological shadow. From the beginning of the game to now, whenever he used EQ against Syndra, he would be interrupted without exception.

Jiezou's Nami flashed forward and controlled the stunned prince with water bubbles. At the same time, he used his ultimate move to divide the battlefield. The prince was directly killed by several people following Snake.

In the chaos of the battle, Li Hao flashed and threw his ultimate move to his opponent Lucian. He was basically SAT's only output point.

But at this time, Syndra's hat, magic shoes, murder book, and ghost book were all over the place, and the damage was beyond the sky.

After a small skill, follow up with the big move to kill Styz directly!

Except for the men and horses who fled, everyone else was killed.

Snake took down the baron and then destroyed the opponent's high ground in the middle.

The game went on for another 3 minutes. The gap between the two sides was too big. The electric baton's spring development was too poor. SAT couldn't even handle the baron line. After being broken again and losing the high ground in the bottom lane, SAT, who was unwilling to give up, could only He was able to defend the Incisor Tower, but Snake didn't delay at all, fighting Sat in front of the Incisor Tower and destroying his group.

After breaking the old crystal, Snake finally won a long-lost victory!

For every Snake member, their emotions are fluctuating after such a game.

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