LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 10 From now on The King! ! (Please collect and recommend!)

Snake backstage.

Zuo Wu's face was full of gloom: "Tank, what's going on!"

In 5 minutes, Tank's Czar had no remaining blood to return to the city. Victor, who had a steady stick, flashed an E and jumped over the tower for a solo kill!

The audience was dumbfounded by such a magical scene.

In the barrage, there was crazy swiping:

"Steadiness means arrogance, jumping over the tower means restraint!"

"Steadiness means arrogance, jumping over the tower means restraint!"


The formation is quite neat.

"Kkoma: Stick, the team is in danger, return quickly!"

"King Jiji jumps over the tower to kill, this tank is too tight!"

Some people noticed the clues. Under the camera, Tank's face looked ugly. There were even beads of sweat on his face, and he looked like he was struggling.

He was playing more and more urgently and was losing his standard.

At 9 minutes and 45 seconds, the jungler Capt's excavator dug a tunnel through the grass in the middle lane. He hit the Tsar with a flash top and used the electric baton damage to kill the Tank. The Leopard Girl who came to support was also maimed, and a large area of ​​​​the wild area was lost. The situation was Exploded instantly.

At 11 minutes and 23 seconds, the sprinting Victor came to the bottom lane and cooperated with his teammates to kill Karma and Lucian, but the damage still exploded.

Although the electric baton was later terminated by Snake, Snake paid a heavier price. The game lasted 31 minutes and 23 seconds, and SAT's financial lead was 8,000 yuan, creating their largest lead in the summer split.

Brother A's big tree has already taken shape and cannot be moved at all.

With just over 34 points, SAT took down the baron and ended the game in one wave.

The ending was unexpected, as SAT took the lead and won the first game!

Then, Tank returned to the backstage and suddenly vomited into the trash can.

Seeing this, Zuo Wu could only sigh, thinking about Shi Ye's fate.

"Eat spoiled beef noodles?!"

During the intermission, in the commentary box, the three commentators who had just received the news from backstage couldn't help but smile.

"I really don't like eating this stuff."

"I just saw something wrong with Tank's expression. I didn't expect that he was ganked by Beef Noodles."

Miller laughed heartlessly and said: "Haha, this wave can be considered a tribute to Nami."

In the barrage:

"666666, Nami calls her an expert."

"Hahaha, brothers, Bengbu is here!"

"Although Tank is sluggish, he is still the starting mid laner. U is not here, and Snake has no one available. Congratulations to SAT."

"The electric baton is awesome. I can jump over the tower and kill the Korean mid laner alone. I can carry everyone in the game. I can brag about it for the rest of my life."

"Otto: Sorry, it's too big. I want to kill Faker alone."

"Otto: Take it away and invite the next talented mid laner."

Passers-by felt happy, and Snakes fans were heartbroken.

They were still looking forward to this summer, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

Against the same group, he would probably be at the bottom.

If they lose to IG in the next round, they will lose five games in a row. Don't fantasize about S-games, for fear that they will have to fight for relegation.

Snakes fans, pretty desperate.

However, they could not see Snake's background at this time.


The sudden sound of collision echoed throughout the background.

The blue bucket of the water dispenser next to Li Hao suddenly hit the ground and rolled some distance away.

The entire Snake Team's backstage crowd focused their attention.

Everyone saw Li Hao, who had been sitting on the edge of the bench managing the water dispenser, with an expressionless face as he kicked the water dispenser over!


LOL Old God System: "The trigger mechanism has been completed! You will get the chance to play!"

(The legend of the old god begins with kicking over the water dispenser!)

(Take the first step to becoming an old god!)

Although everyone's eyes were focused on him, Li Hao remained calm and not nervous at all. His mentality was no longer what it used to be.

Moreover, the calm and steady temperament he exuded unintentionally made everyone in the backstage ignore the impolite behavior of kicking the water dispenser just now.

Li Hao looked at everyone: "Everyone, please wake up. SAT is not such a strong opponent. If we fail in one game, we can definitely make it back in the next two games!"

"If we all have doubts about ourselves when facing the SAT, then do we even have the right to talk about e-sports dreams?!"

"Even I can see that Snake is more powerful and can completely defeat SAT! Moreover, everyone must regain their confidence and rediscover what they have lost this summer."

"We want to achieve greater goals!"

"There will be more setbacks in the future. A small regular season is not worth stopping."

Zuo Wu said nothing. After seeing the reactions of the team members, he felt that the chicken soup was enough.

As expected of a veteran, worthy of S2 aged wine!


"Brother Hao is right, go with them!"

"It's just an SAT. If you lose again, you won't be able to see anyone!"


Zuo Wu said at the right time: "Everyone, relax and put down all the burdens. You have to believe that as long as we perform normally, we can win the game."

Chris directly named him and said: "Li Hao, Tank can't fight in the next game. You go up first and give it a try."

"When facing an electric baton, all you need to do is hold steady."

"Play as usual and be patient. They actually have a lot of flaws."

"Jiezou, you have to pay attention to your vision. There was a real eye on you just now, and I think you forgot to insert it."

Hearing this, Jiezou touched his head and smiled bitterly: "Coach, I was fooled just now."


There was some laughter around, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

"Cuihua, you're in the next show."

Hearing this, Zzr felt warm in his heart. He had been out of favor for a long time.

"Dong dong dong~!"

There was a knock on the door, and the staff reminded that the second game was about to start.

The players who came on stage left first. Zuo Wu followed Chris and asked in a low voice: "Is it okay for Li Hao to come on stage? I was just going to call another substitute."

"You know, this game is important."

Chris responded: "Don't worry, I don't expect him to perform well, as long as he is stable in the middle."

"Otto's laning ability is not strong. Li Hao knows how to measure his position. He stays in the middle and does not rush forward. There are no surprises. Once the team fights in the later stages, we will definitely be stronger."

Zuo Wu nodded and suggested: "It's best to get a line tyrant, so that the online fault tolerance rate is higher."


"Viewers, welcome back, the second game between Snake and SAT is about to begin."

Wawa reminded: "Tank really can't play, Snake made emergency substitutions and came up with a new lineup."

On the big screen, Snake's lineup screen was adjusted, and Sofm's name changed to Zzr.

This was not unfamiliar to the audience. Then, a brand new ID appeared in Snake's mid lane position.

——The King!

"Let me introduce to you, this is a player recruited by Snake in the summer window. He was a substitute for RNG before and is a veteran who has played from the S2 season to the present."

The audience suddenly realized that from the S2 season until now, he still has no reputation. It is conceivable that he may not have any chance to play.

Some people were curious, some watched the show, and most people felt that Snake was out of his depth.

As for the Snakes fans, some were helpless, some sighed, and some were angry.

However, nothing outside could affect Li Hao.

From the moment he sat on Snake's gaming chair, he began to enjoy the process.

If you include the life simulator, this position of being able to participate in official competitions is a place he has longed for for ten years.

at this time.

Nothing could be seen on Li Hao's surface, it could even be said to be very calm.

But deep inside, there is a burning flame! !

('-'*ゞLittle seedling, give me some water! (rolling all over the floor)

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