LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 487 Intelligence Gap

After pinching his nose and eating all the souls, Tam's fat catfish face looked calm at first, but in the next second it instantly transformed into a mask of pain.

"Have you read his memory?" Levi asked impatiently.

"Wait a minute." Tam was so disgusted that he held up a tree and retched: "This guy's whole soul smells like shit. I need to take a breath first..."

Jie and Shen: "..."

Witnessing the evil-ridden Golden Demon finally being annihilated physically and mentally in Tam's bloody mouth, both Jie and Shen fell into a brief daze because of this sudden turn of events.

"President Levi, what is going on?" They all looked over quickly.

"It's a long story..." Levi considered explaining the truth to the two of them.

Because of the existence of the Underworld Chapter of the Wind Leader, he and Janna actually had the information that Mordekaiser was about to counterattack the mortal world.

But those undead leaders who are just the lowest wandering souls in the underworld cannot and do not dare to risk exposure and come into contact with the core of Mordekaiser's rule, so the information they can send back is relatively limited.

The only news that Levi knows so far is that Mordekaiser summoned his army of tens of millions of undead three months ago, and selected newly deceased people from the undead who are familiar with the current situation in Runeterra.

As for whether Mordekaiser chose these newly deceased people to learn about the world from them, or for some other purpose.

Who exactly are these selectees? Where they went and what they did. When, where and how will Mordekaiser prepare to invade the mortal world...

Neither Levi nor Janna knew this important information.

They can only gather strength secretly and be ready to fight at any time.

Then wait for the enemy to make a move, or... reveal a flaw.

"Maybe it's this flaw." Levi told the truth.

"..." Jie and Shen were shocked, but quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

Mordekaiser is back, and he's plotting something in the dark. The most important thing for the leader now is intelligence.

"Mr. Tam?" Everyone looked at Tam.

Tam endured his nausea and savored the "artistic" soul, and finally gave the answer: "This guy is indeed a subordinate of Mordekaiser."

"They plan to use the 'gods' who sneaked into the mortal world, that is, some of the undead sent back to the mortal world from the underworld by Mordekaiser, to organize a group of traitorous armed forces to lead the way."

"Then create multiple terrorist attacks at the same time throughout Runeterra, causing as many deaths as possible in a short period of time."

"They will use this to activate Mordekaiser's undead magic and open multiple plane passages between the mortal world and the underworld around the world."

"At that time, Mordekaiser's tens of millions of undead armies will pour into various places in Runeterra along these plane passages. They will kill all Janna believers in the mortal world and completely occupy the material realm."

Upon hearing the enemy's plan, the expressions of the three Li Wei became more solemn.

This is a full-scale invasion of the underworld into the mortal world. The war will be fought fiercely in every dimensional passage that is opened and in every land.

Leaders around the world will face unprecedented challenges. And even if they ultimately win, this massive war covering the world will still cause irreparable casualties to people around the world.

"Can we prevent this in advance?" Shen asked concernedly.

He didn't want those undead spirits to appear in Ionia. Their existence in the mortal world is a threat to the balance.

A single round of bullets turned the land within a few meters into a hopeless situation without any vegetation. If an army of tens of millions of undead were to flood into the mortal world and set foot on the land of birth... the consequences would be simply unimaginable.

Therefore, Shen Geng hopes to stop the enemy before the attack occurs, so that the undead will not be able to walk in the mortal world from the beginning.

"This... I'm afraid it can't be done." Tam shook his head: "Even if we knew the time and location in advance, we might not be able to stop the enemy."

He digested all the memories and explained: "After all, all the enemy needs is death."

"You can prevent them from launching attacks, but can you also prevent them from killing their own people, or even committing suicide?"

"This..." Shen and Jie were slightly startled.

They quickly thought of the original decisive battle of Baru'e.

yes. It is easy to kill, but difficult to save. And the master of those people was Mordekaiser, so they were not afraid of committing suicide.

If the enemies sacrifice their own people like Vladimir did before, or simply commit collective suicide like Zui just now... then how can they stop the enemy?

"But..." Jie quickly realized something was wrong: "If the enemies only rely on killing each other to cause death, it is enough to open the plane passage, then why do they waste time and effort to plan these attacks?"

"Because the more lives are sacrificed, the more stable and wider the dimensional passage will be opened." Tam explained based on his best memory.

The undead army that Mordekaiser spent thousands of years amassing may number in the tens of millions, making it endless.

This is truly a vast ocean.

Therefore, it is not the "water quantity" that affects the enemy's combat effectiveness, but the "flow".

The more passages are opened between the underworld and the mortal world, and the wider the "outlets" are, the faster Mordekaiser's undead army can pour into Runeterra like a tide in the shortest time.

And if there are too few sacrifices, the opening is not big enough, and the attack of the undead army is not strong enough...

Then maybe the leader could send a powerful force to block the attack, and be able to firmly block this small "leak point", or even block the "spring water" to kill the undead.

In short, the more souls the enemy sacrifices, the more powerful the undead army's offensive becomes and the less able it is to stop it.

"I see..." Shen and Jie both felt heavy.

According to this, it is almost impossible for them to completely prevent this war.

And once the war starts, there will be a price. This is inevitable.

"Then..." Levi used his firm voice to break the increasingly heavy atmosphere: "We will find a way to minimize the cost of this war!"

Since war is unavoidable, we must win this war as beautifully as possible.

After that, he asked: "Mr. Tam, what targets have the enemies selected?"

"When do they specifically plan to attack, where do they plan to attack, and where do they plan to open the dimensional passage?"

If you can know in advance the time and place where the enemy will launch an attack, you can make targeted preparations as early as possible to minimize the harm that the attack may cause.

"The location of the attack..." Tam carefully digested the memory: "He doesn't know that either."

"The enemy has established an anti-Wind Leader organization throughout Runeterra, and this guy is just a low-level member of the organization."

"The person who absorbed him into the organization was an undead general named Urgot - and judging from his memory, this Urgot was just a pawn deployed by Mordekaiser in the Ionia region. That’s all.”

"So, Jin just received the mission to attack Weili from his superior."

"As for what other targets the enemy intends to attack outside the Weili area, in the entire Ionia, and even in Rune Land, this guy has no idea."

"This..." Levi frowned.

In his memory, the only thing he could remember was the attack plan in the Weili area he was responsible for.

What should we do outside Weili?

Do they have to wait until enemies are everywhere to launch attacks all over the world, and then passively accept them?

"Mr. Tam, can you help me find Urgot?" Levi asked hopefully.

As a top line, Urgot may provide more detailed information. He thought so.

Tam just shook his head helplessly: "I'm afraid this won't work either."

"After receiving the mission to attack Weili, he left Urgot and went their separate ways. So he doesn't know where Urgot is now."

"And the most important thing is..." Tam said in a serious tone: "We don't have time now, so we can follow the clues in our memory and slowly find Urgot."

"Time?" Levi's heart sank.

Yes... Although he may not know all the attack locations, he must know the time when the attack started.

"What time is this?"

"Tomorrow morning." Tam said the bad news: "Tonight, Noxian time."

"What?" Everyone present looked ugly: "Then we only have less than one day left now?"

"Yes..." There was silence.

Levi frowned, thinking about everything.

Of course, he couldn't be allowed to collect information slowly in less than a day.

And even if they find Urgot, they may not be able to obtain the enemy's detailed attack plan throughout Runeterra from this "regional agent" who is only responsible for Ionia affairs.

Time is tight, and the information provided is not comprehensive enough.

At this moment, there seems to be only one path in front of the leader. That is to prepare for war as much as possible. After the enemy launches an attack, the floods have already occurred in various places, and then let the leaders in various places rush to stop it.

As for whether the leaders can arrive at the scene in time, whether they can stop the torrent of undead everywhere, whether they can block the dam at the execution embankment, and how much losses and casualties they will pay in the process...that is not Levi could predict it in advance.

He had no choice but to wait...

"Wait." Levi thought of something.

You don't know the enemy's overall plan. Urgot probably didn't know it either, and would have to spend a lot of time looking for it.

If the leader does not want to be passively beaten, he must find someone with a high enough level in the enemy's organization who may know the overall plan in less than a day...

Is there such a person?

Levi wasn't sure either. He could only try to ask Tam: "Mr. Tam, you said that the enemy has established a large-scale organization in the mortal world, and it is only the lower level of this organization, right?"

"Yeah." Tam nodded.

The Wind Leader has many enemies in the mortal world. These reactionaries who have done many evil things and are afraid of liquidation have already been frightened by the increasingly invincible leaders and forced into a desperate situation.

Therefore, Mordekaiser just sent a group of "god envoys" who still had connections in the mortal world. Within a few months, he easily recruited countless people in the material realm who were sick and sought medical treatment, and formed an organization. A large anti-Janna organization.

This kind of hastily formed big tent alliance will certainly not have strong combat effectiveness and cohesion.

But they don't need this - after all, their mission is to organize attacks that don't need to be very successful and then die.

Under this development model that does not need to guarantee anything but only needs to bring in as many people as possible to die, this organization naturally and rapidly grew into a global behemoth.

"I understand." Li Wei nodded secretly: "Since it is an organization, then there must be an upper-level core responsible for coordinating the upper and lower levels and planning the overall situation."

"So, Mr. Tam..."

"Does Jin have any information about the upper echelon of the organization in his memory? Does he know where the headquarters of this organization is?"

Tam thought for a moment and quickly answered: "Noxus."

"The top leaders of this organization should be in Noxus."

The fully developed Urgot came from Noxus.

He also brought many private soldiers of Noxian nobles to serve as their thugs in establishing their cause in Ionia, as well as a reserve of sacrifices to be sacrificed to Mordekaiser.

"When Urgot used the communication spell to contact the higher-ups of the organization, the other party also spoke the language of Noxus." Tam carefully read out a passage from his memory: "Judging from the accent and habitual vocabulary, The opponent should be a high-ranking nobleman from Noxus."

"Noxus..." A glimmer of hope flashed in Levi's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Both Jie and Shen looked concerned.

"I seem to have found a breakthrough to the problem." Li Wei quickly made a decision: "Jie, Shen, you go back to Weili first."

"I have asked Riven branch president to secretly prepare for war at any time. The Ionian Wind Leader Legion and the Progressive Sect Alliance led by Master Karma are already in a secret state of preparation for war."

"The situation is still unclear. If there are any instructions and arrangements in the future, the branch superiors will inform you in time."

"Yes." The two accepted the arrangement.

But they still asked with great concern: "President Levi, you said that 'the situation is not clear yet'... Could it be that there are still variables in this matter?"

"Yes." Levi nodded, confirming this.

If the top of the enemy organization is in Noxus, then he may still have a chance to find out the core figures of the organization and learn the enemy's overall plan in less than a day.

Because Noxus had already discovered the signs that the nobles were secretly colluding and conspiring against Canada.

However, the Wind Leader has not been able to reveal the relationship between this secret alliance of imperial nobles and Mordekaiser.

but now...

There is no need to wait for any real action.

Time is running out, let’s hit it with a hammer first.

"Janna, tell Swain -" Levi said impatiently: "Let him meet us at the Immortal Fortress."

"We don't have time to wait and see anymore, we are going to close the net today!"

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