LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 477 The Underworld Leading Party

The Underworld, Mitna Rachen.

Mordekaiser sat high on the throne, admiring the ever-present whispers of pain. The throne absorbed the most souls in his fortress, and its wails were as sweet as music to his ears.

He raised his head and looked across the magnificent hall. The generals who were eligible to be killed by him during his lifetime were now on standby. No one flinched or moved without his orders.

His kingdom is ready for growth.

However, Mordekaiser is not in a hurry to return to the world of the living just yet.

He is the everlasting King. Time is always on his side.

The terrifying invasion from the underworld thousands of years ago has deeply imprinted the existence of Mitna Rachen into the minds of every Valoran.

People continue to die, and continue to follow their beliefs in the afterlife to come to this world that belongs to Mordekaiser.

His power has been growing continuously from thousands of years ago until now.

One day, Mordekaiser will dominate the physical realm as an invincible figure. Not even the reclusive demigods of the Freljord, the remaining darkspawn of Shurima, could stop his coming.

And now, he is only one step away from his own ambition. All he needs is a little patience and a few final years.

"This year's sacrifice has arrived, Your Majesty." An undead knight slowly walked into the hall and reminded him in a cold tone.

Like other undead warriors who had been enslaved for thousands of years, his appearance, temperament, and even his words and deeds were completely lifeless.

They are like cold machines, they can only be loyal to their masters.

"Yeah." Mordekaiser happily admired the numb expression of his subordinates who couldn't even express the pain before finally lifting his Nightfall Hammer and slowly leaving the throne.

He stepped out of the main hall, walked through the corridor, stepped onto the high fortress wall, and overlooked the vast and empty wasteland below him.

This wasteland is usually lifeless. But now, the land under the city wall is full of people.

These figures are crowded outside the immortal fortress, and the sight is endless,

They are all weak souls who are not even qualified to enter the Immortal Fortress and can only wander disorderly in the wasteland.

They were all the "lucky ones" who met Mordekaiser's undead knight soon after arriving in the underworld. It is the magic of the undead knights that gives them a second life, allowing them to maintain their immortality in this underworld wasteland.

But souls will soon discover that such eternal life is not a gift, but a shackles from which they can never break free.

They can only wander in the empty wasteland forever, enduring the enslavement of Mordekaiser's soul and the never-ending, bone-piercing wind of the underworld.

There is only one way to escape, and that is to voluntarily become a sacrifice to Mordekaiser.

Therefore, every time Mordekaiser is "digested" and needs to "eat" again, the undead will spontaneously gather outside the Immortal Fortress, scrambling to wait for the tyrant's "reward".

Today is not much different from countless todays in the past thousand years.

But Mordekaiser was still vaguely aware of the subtle changes: "Have there been fewer people coming to offer sacrifices to me?"

He looked down at the city. The wandering souls waiting for sacrifice outside the city still seem endless. But compared to the past, there seem to be fewer souls coming here to seek relief.

why is that?

Is it a normal fluctuation caused by him eating too much in the past few years?

The intensity of the war in Runeterra has decreased, and fewer people have died.

Or has the work efficiency of the undead knights declined over the years, and they have captured fewer souls in the wasteland?

Or... these wandering souls suddenly found some hope of recovery, and they no longer need relief?

"Ha..." Mordekaiser came up with several possibilities in succession, but only the last one was the most ridiculous.

This is Mitner Rachen, his world. It is impossible for these wandering souls to turn around, ever.

"Let's begin." Mordekaiser did not intend to delve into this subtle change.

He raised Ye Yun high and looked down at the poor wandering souls begging for relief with his cold eyes burning with will-o'-the-wisps: "Hand over your souls, slaves!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" Mordekaiser's Nightfall Hammer was already emitting deadly magic waves, but the wandering souls were shouting for praise and rushing forward.

Mordekaiser admired all this with a sneer.

At the same time, a magical storm filled with terrifying undead power was slowly covering the sky.

"The desperate situation of reincarnation!" Shrouded in gray mist, this wasteland instantly turned into an absolute realm of the dead.

The cold wind of death violently impacts everything, and even the soul cannot survive here.

"Ahhhhh--" The wandering souls who were caught up in this death storm suddenly let out heart-rending wails.

Their souls are being torn apart inch by inch, and are shattered bit by bit by the storm. Finally, with the constricting magic whirlpool, they are continuously flowing into Mordekaiser's iron armor.

Mordekaiser's eyes sparkled with willow fire, and his power increased again.

He just like a whale swallowing a cow, devouring these poor souls without restraint, stealing their power,

When the wandering souls saw this horrifying scene, instead of running away, they rushed out of the deadly death storm with a look of happiness on their faces that they were finally free.

What ordinary people see as the "desperate situation of reincarnation" seems to them to be the paradise they have finally arrived at.

However, at this moment...

"Wait! Wait!" An exception appeared.

"Your Majesty Mordekaiser! Don't kill me! I have important information to bring you!

"A wandering spirit shouted to him from outside the city, fearfully avoiding the ever-expanding death storm.

"Oh?" Mordekaiser was really curious.

So he waved his hand to disperse the death storm, and then steadied the special wandering soul from afar, pulling it to him.

Only then did Mordekaiser see this guy clearly.

This is a woman.

Her soul still retains the image of her last moments:

He was dressed in the uniform of a Noxian general, but his hands and feet were heavily shackled.

"General of Noxus." Mordekaiser was somewhat dissatisfied.

He doesn't like Noxus. Those ignorant traitors picked up his legacy and began to claim immortality and greatness.

However...putting aside her background, this female general has her own merits:

She is not a wandering soul captured and preserved by the undead knight, but a free soul who relies on her own will to retain her body in this wasteland.

This shows the strength of her soul.

But she is far from strong enough. Her soul has become shaky under the long-term destruction of the wind of the underworld, and it seems that it may dissipate and perish at any time.

"Are you here to seek refuge from me?" Mordekaiser saw her purpose at a glance.

This woman's soul is almost gone. Without his protection, she would die soon.

In the past thousand years, there have occasionally been strong men like this from the mortal world - they are unwilling to accept the end of extinction, and are unable to survive in the underworld for a long time by their own strength, so they simply offer their freedom and loyalty to him in exchange for The power of eternal life.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The woman said piously and respectfully: "I don't want to die. I hope to become your loyal slave and serve you forever."

"I can fulfill your wish." Mordekaiser was quite happy to have another powerful slave.

But the woman then said: "I still have important information to bring you, His Majesty Mordekaiser."

"In the world of the living, a powerful force against you is rising rapidly. You must return to the material realm as soon as possible to defeat them..."

"Heh." Mordekaiser once again saw through the woman's thoughts.

He could see from the woman's almost undisguised expression of resentment: "Those people you mentioned are your enemies? Do you want to lead the way for me and let me take revenge on them for you?"

"Yes!" The woman didn't hide it either: "It was those damn leaders who killed me."

"Windleader?" Mordekaiser had never heard of this name.

He also rarely pays high-frequency attention to current changes in the material realm.

To him, two years was just a short period of time that he could spend in seclusion studying a magic and taking a nap.

He didn't know, nor could he imagine, what earth-shattering changes could happen to Runeterra in such a short period of time.

In the past thousand years, the news that Mordekaiser has received from the mortal world is nothing more than "the rise of Noxus" and "the establishment of Demacia".

These news are earth-shaking events for mortals, but they are insignificant to him.

After all, no matter how much trouble these human kingdoms take, they are nothing more than a group of mortals playing house.

"Your Majesty, those leaders are different." Mordekaiser showed little interest, but the woman persisted and said: "They are believers of the goddess Janna, and they have the support of real gods behind them!"

"And, at least when I died, the Wind Leader had secretly controlled the country of Noxus."

"Your enemy LeBlanc back then, as well as the Fire Demon and Shadow Demon she controlled, as well as the Secret Demon and the Demon of Desire, are now under the control of the Wind Leader!"

"This..." Mordekaiser's eyes flashed with ghostly fire.

Janna, LeBlanc, Demon of Fire, Demon of Shadow, Demon of Secret, Demon of Desire...

This series of names finally made him pay attention to the news about the woman in front of him.

A demigod, a lich, and four demons, this new force called the Wind Leader is indeed not weak.

"But..." Mordekaiser still remembered that Janna was only a demigod believed by some residents in the coastal areas of Zaun and Shurima, and her inheritance has gradually been cut off.

How could such a benevolent god who had lived in peace with the world for thousands of years get mixed up with LeBlanc and the four demons?

"Your Majesty, the situation here is very complicated..." The woman was about to explain in detail.

Mordekaiser impatiently pressed her head with one hand and said, "I'll see for myself."

As soon as she finished speaking, a dead magic power froze her soul.

And all the memories deep in her soul were clearly visible to Mordekaiser.

"Janna, Wind Leader, Janna Thoughts..."

"Levi, Swain, Darius..."

All the major events that happened in the past two years, and the sudden wind of change, were completely known to Mordekaiser.

"Amystan..." Mordekaiser also knew the origin of this woman.

She is Amystan, the warlord of Noxus. Because she was on the wrong side when Swain liquidated the remaining forces of the Black Rose, she was mercilessly guillotined by the Wind Leader in Noxus.

"You..." Mordekaiser sorted out everything Amystan knew.

Then, he instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

This goddess Janna is no longer the demigod he knew back then, whose inheritance is gradually being cut off.

This goddess seized the new trend, found a new track, and was reborn in this new era with a majestic attitude of the wind of change.

Just like Mordekaiser has occupied the realm of the dead and turned all souls into his slaves and food.

Janna is also quickly taking over the world of the living, turning almost everyone into her fans and the source of her power.

"You idiot...coward!" Mordekaiser looked at Amystan coldly.

This woman, and those stupid Noxians, were frightened by the power of the goddess Janna coming to the twin cities.

Mordekaiser could see from her memory that the original goddess Janna only borrowed the power of natural hurricanes and was not that strong at all. It's just that Amystan and others were greedy for life and afraid of death, so they failed to reveal the true face of the leader.

But now, with the development of the leader, everything is hard to say.

"Your Majesty, I deserve death!" Amystan also regretted it.

She was the first imperial general to come into contact with the Wind Leader, and she even had many joint ventures with the Wind Leader under her name.

If she had known that she would eventually be tricked into being on the wrong team by Swain, a traitor with thick eyebrows and big eyes, she should have drawn a clear line with the past and shot before Swain... ahem.

It's too late to say anything now.

She only hated Swain for teaming up with the Leader to fish and enforce the law, which prevented her from becoming the Leader's "old friend".

Since we are not considered friends, then we can only be enemies who will fight to the death... even to the death.

"Your Majesty Mordekaiser." Amys said sincerely: "The Wind Leader has almost ruled the world of the living. Please lead the royal army to counterattack as soon as possible..."

"You don't need to say that, idiot." Mordekaiser interrupted her coldly.

The potential of a believing God is limitless. Of course he knew that he couldn't delay it any longer.

He could no longer sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and slowly continue to accumulate strength. He must return to the world of the living as soon as possible and kill the reborn goddess as soon as possible.

But the barrier between the material realm and the spiritual realm is not so easy to break.

He still has to make final preparations before he can lead his army of hundreds of millions of undead to fully counterattack the mortal world.

"Amystan." After some thought, Mordekaiser looked at her deeply.

"Huh?" Amystan was slightly startled.

Then, in the next second, she felt an astonishingly powerful magical power pouring into her body.

This magical power stabilized her soul instantly, and she no longer feared the wind of the underworld that kept coming.

This is a generous gift. At this moment, she felt as powerful as a god.

"Your Majesty..." Amystan quickly knelt down in front of her new master: "What do you need me to do for you?"

"Yes." Mordekaiser looked calmly at the new slave who had received his gift and put on the yoke of slavery.

He said: "To completely open the door to the plane, someone must cooperate from the material realm."

Back then, he used Ouchen language magic to project his thoughts into the material realm, and bewitched a group of mages who happened to be casting spells to seek forbidden power, and then asked them to help open the plane passage.

But now, Mordekaiser no longer has time to prepare slowly like this.

To completely break down the barrier between the two worlds and open a dimensional passage that can allow the underworld army to fully invade, it is not something that only a few bewitched mages can do.

Good thing. Compared to the time when he could only penetrate across borders with his mind, he now has more powerful means.

"I can send your soul back to the world of the living." Mordekaiser said: "Amystan, this task is left to you."

"I..." Amystan didn't hesitate at all.

Because she was shocked to discover that after she accepted Mordekaiser's power, she had no room to question Mordekaiser's orders.

So she knelt down devoutly: "Yes, my Majesty!"

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