Incheon Munhak Gymnasium.

Tens of thousands of spectators came to the scene.

how to say……

Tickets for the finals are usually sold in advance. At that time, Korean viewers most likely would not have imagined that all three LCK teams would be wiped out, and none of them would be able to advance to the finals.

Since the tickets cannot be refunded, except for a small number of tickets sold as scalpers to domestic audiences, the rest of the audience basically chose to come to watch the game.

It is worth mentioning that domestic audiences saw that this was a civil war in the LPL!

Enthusiasm for watching the game was high. Many people had no idea of ​​going abroad to watch the game. For this finals, they couldn't help but spend money to buy air tickets to go abroad and then buy high-priced scalper tickets!

There were many spectators from China at the scene, and it was not a hassle to come to Korea, and it was still quite close.

This can be seen when Li Feifan and others took a bus to the competition venue. A considerable number of spectators squatted outside the venue to guard their bus.

As soon as the team members got off the car, fans poured in from all directions. Good guys... the people around here were filled with people. If it weren't for the security personnel here to maintain order, it would have been very difficult for Li Feifei and the others to enter the competition venue. .

" is awesome! Come on!!"

"Brother Feifan will definitely have no problem winning the game today! You will definitely not lose to IG!"

"Xiangxiang must fight to the death to take on Q Dirty Dancing today. After returning to China, you can fly however you want, but you must be steady in the finals!"

"Brother Ka! Catch more of the middle! Catch more of the middle! Catch more of the middle. Say important things three times!!"

Everyone at came to the venue under the escort of security personnel!

"Oh my god...there are more people than expected today." Lin Weixiang smiled, "After all, it is the global finals!!"

He couldn't help but sigh too much. When the team members came to the backstage, they were pulled to put on makeup as soon as possible. At the makeup artist's side, they happened to see today's performing guests in all their glamour. The four of them were still looking glamorous.

Li Feifan also recognized his girlfriend’s favorite member at a glance, Kim Ji Soo!

The four beautiful people are wearing cosplay costumes. Riot Games designed a virtual idol, the KDA girl group, and brought in the four heroes Kai'Sa, Widow, Ali and Akali, and also specially designed a set of skins.

Fen Mo also happens to be four people, perfectly corresponding to the roles of the four female heroes!

After putting on makeup, Li Feifan immediately took the translator over to strike up a conversation, "Hello, would you like to take a photo together? My girlfriend is a fan of yours."

In order to facilitate the request for autographs, Li Feifan also purchased several copies of their latest albums.

Fen Mo naturally did not refuse. The four of them surrounded Li Feifan in the middle, raised their mobile phones to take a group photo, and then signed the album.

Li Feifan then walked up to Jin Jixiu and said, "Um, can we take a photo together alone? My girlfriend said she likes you the most."

Jin Zhixiu was quite surprised.

Li Feifan had a general understanding of Fen Mo, a group like Rose, Lisa, and Jane. They all had their own styles and different audiences.

Only Kim Ji-soo has no particularly outstanding characteristics, and her singing and dancing skills seem to be average. She is a semi-transparent in the team. She was indeed a little surprised when she heard that Li Feifan's girlfriend liked her very much.

He immediately showed a friendly smile and nodded, "Okay."

Li Fan took a few more photos with her alone, and then asked for her autograph again before leaving.

He sent these photos as if he wanted to take credit, and then put his phone back in his pocket.

The audience is already open to the scene, and Li Feifan and others are waiting patiently backstage. The opening ceremony of Korean Boxing is a big event, and they will have to go to the stage through promotion and relegation later.

In fact, when the performance was on the stage in front, Li Feifan and others couldn't see it at all, because they couldn't see the situation in front of them from the backstage passage.

After a while, everyone from IG also came over.

"Hey, Lao Li! I'll wait for my buddy to punish you later." Prince Ning started chatting with him from afar.

Li Feifan just smiled and said, "Just wait, you come and fuck me. See if Brother Ka squats back and you'll be done with it."

Li Feifan has great trust in Casa's rhythm!

That is to say, the relationship between the two parties is good enough, despite the fact that fans of both parties were very angry online before the game and scolded each other.

But in fact... the players were chatting and laughing in private, and there was no deep hatred at all.

It can only be said that some fans are really crazy, thinking too much about the conflicts between players, and not thinking about it... Although it was not honorable for Li Fanfan to leave IG, he had conflicts with Su Xiaoluo, not with his teammates. contradiction.

Compared with the grand opening ceremony of the Bird's Nest last year, the performance of the opening ceremony of the S8 Global Finals was still a little inferior.

However, the Korean girl group’s singing and dancing skills are quite good.

After the performance is over.

The Roaring Emperor appears on the stage!

"How are you, League of Legends Summoners around the world!!" He was still so energetic and his voice was very loud, "After a month of brutal competition, the 2018 League of Legends Global Finals has finally arrived at the most critical moment. At this moment, two teams defeated many strong opponents and successfully advanced to the finals, and today! They will compete for the championship in the final battle!!"

"First of all! Let's invite the No. 1 seed JD gaming team from LPL!!"

"Top laner Gimgoon, jungler Karsa, mid laner Mortal, bottom laner lwx assist Crisp, substitute Tian, ​​coach homme!!"

A burst of gorgeous fireworks flashed at the edge of the stage, and with bursts of cheers from the audience, promotion and relegation began. Under everyone's gaze, all members of slowly appeared in the center of the stage through promotion and relegation.

The five of them were wearing red team uniforms, with Li Feifan standing in the absolute C position. Everyone was smiling and waving to the front!

"The other team participating in the finals is last year's S7 championship winner, the IG team!!"

"Top laner theshy, jungler Ning, mid laner Rookie, bottom laner JackeyLove, support Baolan, substitute Duke, and coach Golden Pig!"

All IG members also slowly appeared on the stage after being promoted and demoted! !

IG also received a lot of applause and cheers.

For LPL viewers, the palms and backs of their hands are all meat.

For LCK viewers.

Hey, there are three Korean players in the IG team, thehsy, Song Yijin and Duke, which are more numerous than JD. They naturally support teams with more Koreans.

In addition, all members of did not give any face when being interviewed. Naturally, the LCK hated even more. To be precise, they hated Li Feifan even more!

After all, the rise of LPL is due to the emergence of Li Fan! !

However, an unexpected combination of circumstances allowed IG to enjoy a wave of home games.

As the two parties completed their appearances, Roaring Emperor continued, "A year of hard work will come to an end today! Will's new king be crowned, or will IG complete the feat of re-election? The answer is about to be revealed! Let us applaud again To both sides who will bring us a wonderful game!!"

"I declare! The 2018 League of Legends Global Finals is now! It's time to begin...!!!"

The players then came to the player stand. Just like last year's Bird's Nest, because it was in such a large stadium, there were too many spectators on site, and an additional soundproof room had to be built before they could wake up.

All the team members entered the soundproof room and put on the soundproof headphones on their heads. The noisy ambient sound in their ears turned into white noise in the headphones.

The director also switched the camera to the LPL commentary box.

Sitting in the commentary box are the Haier brothers and Wang Yihui! !

"This day has finally come!!" Miller looked very happy, with a smile on his face. "Seeing this scene even feels a bit unreal! The finals has really become our LPL civil war!"

"Hahahaha, isn't this a replica of our LPL Summer Finals?" Wawa even laughed, "We finally have such a day!!"

The two of them were really emotional!

They have experienced the darkest two years in S5 and S6, and they really have no hope of defeating the Korean team.


Everything has taken a turn for the worse since the beginning of the S7 season!

In the LPL, IG successfully defended its local glory in the Bird's Nest, breaking history and helping the LPL region win its first S championship!

Then a year later!

That is at this moment.

IG and performed solidly in the World Championship again, turning the finals into a civil war in the LPL! !

Let the suspense of the championship end early!

The S championship will once again belong to the LPL division. How could the audience and commentators not be excited about this?

"Who do the two teachers think more highly of?" Wang remembers bringing the topic back to the competition.

"All I can say is... I'll give it a 50-50 shot." Miller said haha, the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh. Naturally, this way, neither side would be offended, so that no matter who wins the championship, they can immediately take advantage of the popularity. .

Wawa also has the same view, "It's hard to say. The two teams have been competing against each other when they were in China. Both teams performed very well in the World Championship. You have to ask me to say who is stronger? I still have to say. I really can’t tell.”

"There is indeed a certain truth, but I am still more optimistic about!" Wang remembers that he is not afraid of offending IG fans and clearly supports Li Feifan. "It's not that who is stronger, it's just my purely personal feeling!"

"I just believe in Mortal's performance at critical moments. After all, he has never let us down!!"

The three people then reported the data of both sides. They were almost the same, so each had their own victory or defeat.

Judging from the offensive data, IG is even slightly ahead, but from the perspective of arranging these data, JD is far ahead.

Perfectly illustrates the styles and characteristics of both teams.

IG is brainless, fights without brains, and attacks without brains!

Jingdong does not resist fighting with you, but Jingdong does not give up operations either.

To be concise and to the point, IG has no brains, but has the brains!

With a crisp sound, the director directly switched the screen to the BP screen of both parties.

"The result of the draw between the two parties was that IG won, but IG took the initiative to choose the red side, and will appear on the blue side." Miller looked very surprised.

Wang Jiji quickly explained, "IG's hero pool is very suitable for the current version, so I probably want a better back-up counter."

Jingdong took the initiative to ban Luo as soon as he came up. Baolan's current situation is that Luo is indeed a world champion, but he is the only hero. His other heroes are more eye-catching...

This is what Hongmi is targeting.

IG sent Akali to the ban position.

Regarding the second ban position, chose to ban Qinggangying, while IG banned Dao Mei.

In the last ban position, took the initiative to ban Tam, while IG sent Yanque to the ban position.

"Oh, will JD just grab Xin Zhao? Xin Zhao is indeed the best jungler choice in the current version from all aspects. As for Sword Demon... although this hero is very strong, JD obviously has a way to deal with it. "

IG then directly grabbed the top auxiliary combination of Sword Demon + Niutou. directly locked in the more classic bottom lane combination of Braum + Lucian in 2 and 3L!

Brontenko is all offensive and hard support, and Lucian can effectively prevent IG from picking Kai'Sa, Xayah, or Wheel Mom... These heroes can't beat Lucian in the lane.

And IG was also very direct and chose Kai'Sa!

"It seems that IG's bottom lane still chooses to resist pressure." Miller took a look at the bottom lane combination and it was clear...

IG began to habitually resist pressure in the bottom lane.

It's impossible for Kai'Sa + Bullhead to beat Lucian + Braum.

Entering the second round of BP.

IG still has no choice in the middle and jungle, while has not yet made a choice in the middle and top. Both sides have begun to carry out their own countermeasures! !

IG chose to target the top lane, banning Crow and Crab, while chose to target the jungle, banning both Blind Sin and Wine Barrel.

Then IG took the initiative to choose Jess.

Jingdong’s subsequent choices did not surprise many people, and they did not come up with any black technology.

One hand is the captain, and then the other hand is the enchantress.

As for IG's final selection, they chose the prince after careful consideration.

Finally, the lineups of both sides were determined. is on the blue side and IG is on the red side.

On the road: Captain VS Jace.

Jungler: Xin Zhao VS Prince.

Middle lane: Enchantress VS Sword Demon.

Bottom lane: Lucian + Braum VS Kai'Sa + Tautou!

"Oh? Did IG put Jess on the top lane? Do you mean to let theshy use his strong personal ability to gain a matchup advantage?" Miller saw IG's tactical design at a glance.

Prince Ning obviously wanted to make crazy things in the early stage when he chose the prince! !

Just attack the top half without thinking.

Otherwise, normally speaking, it should be melee versus melee, and long-range versus long-range.

It's equivalent to IG sacrificing Song Yijin in the middle and forcing the upper lane to have an advantage! !

"It's okay!'s lower half is stronger, while IG's upper half is stronger... It depends on the performance of both sides in the game."

"I think both sides got their favorite heroes with this lineup!"

"Next, all we have to do is just admire it quietly!"

"Who can win the crucial first game and take the lead in the championship battle? Let us wait and see!" (End of Chapter)

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