When Bwipo saw the knife girl appearing behind him, his eyes darkened and he almost ordered a song "Liangliang" for himself.

How to fight this?

He can still handle two people with confidence, but if there are three people, he can be killed by force-feeding them with injuries.


Jingdong's side is very particular about the order of countering towers. Thain kicked the minion with E first and hit Victor to attract the hatred of the defensive tower. Then the sword girl came over and directly used the double-winged blades to block Victor's movement. In fact, it was to Force flash!

Victor must flash, because after being slowed down by Thain, it is no longer possible for him to avoid the sword girl's double blades by moving.

"Wow! Jingdong's tower-crossing coordination is perfect." Liang Xiaoshan saw the clues at a glance, "They chose to let Dao Mei use E to force the flash, instead of letting Yanque use W to force the flash, because... Yanque If you want to quickly hit the damage of the E skill in the future, you must cooperate with the W to release it simultaneously. It can be said that... JD.com has achieved the most perfect cooperation!"

After all, Liang Xiaoshan was a former professional player, so he was better at capturing this information than these commentators.

After Viktor handed over the flash, the slowdown effect on his body had not disappeared. Yanque immediately used the W Rock Burst and released the E skill to spread the stone array at the same time to lift him back. Thain charged up the Q skill in advance and did not fully charge it. , after all, Thain is fighting the tower, and his blood volume does not support it, just to make up for some damage.

Sword Girl also directly Q to Victor's face to level A output, and then used the damage K of W skill to kill the head.

First Blood!

First blood obtained!

"Beautiful! The head has been given to the mortal who needs development the most! Jingdong's early rhythm is still so perfect!" Miller couldn't help but praise loudly!

The commentators thought that was the end of it, but found out...

Dao Mei and Yanque came to the triangular grass on the upper road and stopped again, and then killed a carbine.

In the spring on the red side, Victor, who was only level 2, quickly resurrected and immediately handed over the teleportation experience in order to quickly return to the defense tower to eat the minions.

Bwipo is quite puzzled as to why Thain, who is still under the tower with his remaining health, is still lingering under the tower.

But when the time of his teleportation and chanting passed the point where it could be cancelled, he realized it, because Yanque and Dao Mei fought back! !

The teleportation chant is fixed at 4.5 seconds. At this time, the brick tribute card is ready to stand under the defense tower and start charging the Q skill, which is exactly the moment when the card is ready for Victor to land.

The giant ax in his hand fell down, knocking Victor directly into the air and causing huge damage.

Not only is the Q skill charged in advance, Sion's W also needs a buffer time before it explodes. Building Block Gong takes even this into consideration, which is equivalent to saying...

Victor took damage from Thane's fully charged Q skill as well as W and E skills as soon as he teleported to the ground.

After finishing a set of skills, Thain, who was still in health, immediately walked outside the tower to get rid of the hatred...

Yanque once again used its W and E skills in a second wave to make up for the subsequent damage. This time, there are the opponent's minions under the tower, and the sword girl can even kill a few minions with residual health with a swish of Q, which will passively stack. After reaching the limit, La Biyi Double Blade connected with the Q skill, and the EQE combo rushed into Victor's face, killing him again! !

The head still belongs to Dao Mei! !

"Oh my God!" Miller exclaimed loudly again, "Jingdong, is this going a little too far? Hahaha, if you are squatting like this in the pub game, I guess the top laner on the other side will start to interact with everyone."

【Fuck your father? ? 】

[Okay, okay, this is how you play the game, right? So you don’t give face to your European brothers, right? That’s it! Give me a hard slap on the other side of the gauze! 】

[Let me just say... How could JD.com not know this about Victor? Isn’t this clearly a targeted approach? All I can say is that I want to slap these barrage-savvy guys in the face. 】

[Hehe, what about those people who said Victor wanted tulle? How can Victor be so thin after starting 0-2? 】

[Brother Ben knows that there is no Victor in this round. 】

Victor struggled with the development rhythm. He was jumped over the tower twice in a row, and the teleport was not available. He lost at least nearly 4 waves of troops. The economy and experience of these 4 waves of troops were just gone.

There is more than one level of experience, and as for the economy, it is worth more than two people. How can Victor play with this? ?

As for JD.com?

There was no cost at all. At most, it was just a loss of some soldiers in the middle.

Xin Zhao originally wanted to go to the bottom lane to cause trouble to stop the loss, but JD’s bottom lane duo already knew that their teammates were going to attack the top lane, so they chose to control the lane from the beginning. The position of the lane was perfect. When the hero cannot provide first-hand control, Xin Zhao can only return to his jungle area to continue farming.

On the contrary, the development of Li Feifan, the knife girl, is incredible.

When you go home for the first time, you can take out [Yaoguang] directly! !

"Guigui, Syndra is going to have a headache." Liang Xiaoxian once again asserted, "After the sword girl shines, she can directly Q kill the full-blooded ranged soldiers. If Syndra makes a mistake in her position, she may be killed by the sword." Kill me alone!"

Being able to kill ranged soldiers with Q directly means that you can suddenly get close without interrupting Q. There is no more comfortable situation for a sword girl than this!


As soon as Li Feifan returned to the line, Caps was shocked.

In fact, it is not a chance, because Li Feifan has been away from the middle lane for too long, and Syndra pushed a wave of lanes over. Now the middle lane is Syndra's push back lane.

This line will be very comfortable for Syndra, because he can put the line a little in front of his own defense tower.


It was under such a military line that Li Feifan showed off his skills.

He first killed two remaining health soldiers with Q, stacked two passive layers, and then pretended to retreat to create distance to lower the caps' vigilance. Then he suddenly killed them back with another Q skill. This time, he didn't just kill the soldiers with Q. Simple.

Instead, he used the E skill [Wing-Blade] simultaneously, a light-speed E, which held Syndra in place, and then Q directly hit Syndra's face.

At this time, 4 layers of passives have been stacked up, the attack speed is maxed out, and the A level output begins continuously.

The moment Syndra resumed action, Syndra immediately QE the second company to knock the sword girl who rushed into the tower unconscious under the tower and try to kill her! !

However, Li Feifan was well prepared. He immediately used Q to draw out the hatred of the soldiers outside the tower while also avoiding being stunned. Then without saying a word, he Q Qed Syndra's face again.

This time Caps reacted very quickly and flashed out to distance himself. His blood volume could no longer withstand the tossing. If he was hit twice by Sword Girl A again, he would die under the tower!

"Wow, it's a pity..." Miller sighed, "It was almost there. It would be great if there was a big move. The main sword girl has cut off her Q and can't continue to pursue. She can also replace Syndra by flashing and following up. But that would be such a loss.”

"It's already very good." Liang Xiaoxian's vision is even more far-sighted. "Syndra, who has not flashed, will only be able to hang up under the defense tower in the middle. As long as she dares to step out of the defense tower, the sword girl will find opportunities to pursue it. A chance for a solo kill.”

"But I think with Mortal's character, there is a high probability that he will try it on the wing?"

Syndra, who was still under the tower, was reluctant to leave because the middle lane was his pushback line. If he went home at this time, he would have to lose at least one wave of troops.

Caps can only force Xin Zhao to the middle to protect his line of troops under the tower.

But Xin Zhao's whereabouts were exposed, which meant that Fnatic's two side lanes had no one to help, and Casa immediately came to the top lane.

Victor, who was suppressed by Thain by more than one level, could not stop Thain from forcing the line. He could only watch helplessly as Thain sent the line of troops into the tower. Bwipo silently prayed in his heart that the rock bird would not come, but unfortunately it backfired. .

The rock bird had appeared in front of him.

Thain still used E to slow him down first. Yanque immediately connected with W and E skills and then Q skill, forcing a set of attacks.

The good news is…

Thain used the Q skill in conjunction with the W skill to clear troops. Now these two skills are still on CD. The damage of Yanque alone is not enough to kill him.

The bad news is...

Victor's health line was once again suppressed to less than half health.

Yanque and Thain looked at each other with eager eyes, making it clear that if you dare to covet this wave of soldiers from the tower, I will kill you!

Bwipo was feeling extremely tormented. He had already lost nearly 4 waves of troops after being killed twice by jumping over the tower. Now he was about to lose another wave of troops, which was a total of 5 waves of troops.

How long has it been since the game started?

Are you still letting people play games?

The reason why Jingdong Ueno dared to be so confident was not because Xin Zhao exposed his whereabouts in the middle in order to protect Syndra from taking the line.

So Jingdong Ueno doesn’t need to consider that Xin Zhao will cause any interference to him?

They just realized that the jungler would not be able to hit the road in a short time, so they could bully him alone with two people.

What else can be done?

Victor can only go behind the tower. If the CD of the opponent's skill is changed, he will have no choice but to die.

"Wow...Bwipo is really miserable." Miller felt distressed after seeing it. "Victor, a hero, is too weak in early combat, and he has no countermeasures when it comes to tower jumping. This kind of hero really develops." It’s powerful, but before it develops, it really slows down the team’s rhythm and can even be used as a breakthrough.”

"Xin Zhao actually can't help, how can he help... With Victor's weak combat power, even if it's a 2V2 fight between the upper and jungle, Fnatic has no chance of winning, let alone the middle lane without lane rights. If you pull it a little, Dao Sister We will definitely provide support faster than Syndra!"

There are almost no shots in the bottom lane of both sides. They are just pushing each other to develop their troops.

The director's shots mainly focus on the top half, and Fnatic's confrontation in the top half has been completely at a disadvantage!

As the game time came to 5 minutes and 30 seconds, Li Feifan still found a wave of opportunities to complete a solo kill over the tower!

The process is simple.

Still pushing the line into the tower, he first Qed the minions to accumulate passive layers, and then suddenly attacked, Qing the minions again came in front of Syndra, and used EQE's light speed E skill combo to freeze Syndra in place!

Directly Q to Syndra's face to draw A, draw A, and then receive the ultimate move!

At this time.

Syndra has resumed action, but the sword girl didn't panic at all. She turned on her W and resisted a wave of damage from Syndra and the defense tower. Then she hit Syndra's face with Q again, tied A and then ignited, and then again The Q soldier distances itself from the hatred of the defensive tower.

A set of skills is so smooth that you don’t even need to pay for a flash!

And half a minute later.

There is also news of a solo kill on the road! !

It turned out that after Victor finally reached level 6, he wanted to use his ultimate move to push the lane and then go home to replenish his supplies.


Thain used his E skill to kick a minion and was hit by a slowdown. Thain immediately caught up quickly, activated his W, and then charged up his Q skill.

Victor Qed Thain, accelerated himself to escape, and left a W position in place to interfere with Thain's pursuit.

But Thain decisively canceled the Q skill and dealt a period of damage, and immediately activated the ultimate move, using the superpower of the ultimate move to offset the stun effect of Victor's W position. Since the distance between the two parties was not too far, Victor had no room to move. Sean, who was transformed into a dump truck, flew into the sky!

Then Thain got stuck and continued to pursue.

Victor's equipment was lagging behind and he could only keep running back, but in the end he still couldn't run away. After Thain's second Q skill CD improved, he directly charged up and handed Q. Before Victor moved out of the range of the Q skill, He stopped charging, and the damage he caused was enough to kill Victor, who was still alive!

"Ah?" Miller couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Has even Brother Gongzi started playing solo? There's something wrong with JD.com's style of painting!!"

"It can only be said that the advantage that his teammates established for Thain in the early stage was so great that Thain could kill Victor alone!"

The collapse of the top and middle lanes announced that Fantic's game had completely collapsed.

Fnatic's lineup itself relies on the two heroes of Wheel Mom and Victor in the mid-to-late stage.

The strong midfielder of Xin Zhao + Syndra is used to stabilize the early game.


Because Li Feifan's handling of the troops at the beginning helped his teammates successfully cross the tower on the top lane, completely destroying Victor, and then single-handedly killed Syndra, so that the only hero in Fnatic's lineup who still had some combat effectiveness in the early stage was also disabled.

How can Fnatic still play? ?

The result is that the fight is impossible to win.

In 10 minutes, JD.com teamed up to play Canyon Pioneer, and Fnatic didn't even have the qualifications to come over and take a look.

Afterwards, JD.com once again grouped together to take Xiaolong, but the other party still did not dare to come and pick up the group!

But Jingdong will no longer drag them down so slowly and use Canyon Pioneer to get a tower.

Then Dao Mei started her solo journey on the wing and forced a breakthrough from the wing! !

JD even won the Baron buff at 21 minutes! !

After getting the Baron buff and an economic advantage of more than 1W, Thain directly used his ultimate move to rush to the high ground to start a group fight, while Fantic highlighted one and did no damage.

Thain endured the damage from the defense tower and the concentrated fire from Fnatic, but he didn't die...


The game time is fixed at 24 minutes.

JD.com easily won the first game of the quarterfinals and showed its extraordinary competitive status! (End of chapter)

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