LoL: As long as the wages are in place, all champions will be crushed to pieces

Chapter 316 Win the championship! See you in the World Championship!

"Let us congratulate for winning the crucial match point game and leading IG with a score of 2-1! They are only one step away from the championship!" Wang Laoer looked very excited, "Both sides are very strong. Strong, but I think has shown a better state of play!"

"Indeed." Miller nodded in agreement, "The main reason is that the broiler in the middle has always made no sound. Otherwise, don't choose the Enchantress. Every time you choose the Enchantress, she is restrained by the crocodile."

If IG loses, it will lose due to the rhythm in the early stage. To be precise, it will lose in the rhythm in the middle.

Li Feifan was able to steadily obtain the line rights, and then cooperated with the jungler to cause trouble on the side lanes, while Song Yijin was always involved in the middle lane.

The IG team has no operational capabilities, so they also attach great importance to the rhythm of the early and mid-term. A team that focuses on the rhythm of the early and mid-term has completely manipulated the rhythm of the early and mid-term. Isn't this obvious? ?

Everyone at Jingdong seemed very happy. Li Feifan took off his headphones, smiled and high-fived Kasa next to him, "Well done, Brother Ka! Your early rhythm was so perfect! This kid Gao Zhenning looks so pure in front of you. A little white flower.”

"Haha, it's not as exaggerated as you said, you have to be really good at Qi Zhong Road." Casa also complimented Li Feifan for launching a business exchange model.

Taking the lead again made the players feel more relaxed.

Being in the lead may not necessarily lead to the last laugh, but the pressure they bear is not at the same level at all. has a fault tolerance rate, but IG has no fault tolerance rate. The pressure on the field faced by both sides is not at the same level at all.

Again, the smile never disappears, it just shifts.

The atmosphere among all members of IG was a bit dull. In the first two rounds, the two sides fought back and forth, but in the third round, they were simply beaten. Jingdong relied on the perfect rhythm in the early stage, and then took advantage of the poke system's long hands, and there was no one in the whole process. Give IG any chance to counterattack.

This is also related to the IG lineup's lack of strong team-opening ability. Strong opening can defeat poke. They have no strong opening ability at all. How can they restrain's poke system?

The most critical wave was in the Canyon Pioneer group. Sapphire's Braum made a huge mistake, which caused Yu Wenbo's Verus to be instantly defeated, which led to the collapse of that wave of team battles.

But Baolan was so powerful, it can only be said that they should not have believed in Baolan at that time.

In the backstage lounge, Jinzhuzhu was silent for a long time, and then said, "I must admit that is a very strong opponent, stronger than any opponent we have encountered before. The responsibility for the last game lies with me. It was my being too conservative when selecting the lineup that led to this situation."

"I know we have no retreat. I hope everyone can put down their burdens and try not to leave any regrets."

Even if they fail to win the summer championship, IG will have a high probability of getting a ticket. After all, once wins the summer championship, they will automatically obtain the number one seed status, and then the second team with the highest league points throughout the year will The seed qualification will be postponed.

The league points in the summer split are particularly high. If EDG cannot get third place, IG can rely on a slight advantage to get the second seed with the highest league points.

Even if they are going to play in the bubble game, IG has nothing to fear at this stage.

They are all defeated by his subordinates, so what is there to be afraid of?

In the fourth game between the two sides, the right to choose sides returned to This time made a change and actively chose the red side, which caught IG off guard.

Different side selection means a change in hero selection ideas. still chose to ban Dao Mei, Akali, and Luo, while IG continued to choose to block Yanque, Niutou, and Crow.

But in the end, IG snatched Jess first, and naturally chose Qinggang Shadow + Sword Demon.

IG learned their lesson this time. They locked on Bomberman and selected Tahm Kench in the first round. It was clear that they would rather lose a little in the middle and jungle, but also grab a suitable hero for Baolan.

It is this small move that has won good strategic initiative for IG! !

With Tahm Kench around, it would be difficult for to target the bottom lane after the game started, which forced to fight IG in the top half!

After a series of position changes on, Qinggangying was swung to the middle to deal with Song Yijin's back hand. Qinggangying's singles in the middle and Clockwork's stupidity has a natural advantage over heroes!

Jingdong once again opened up the situation from the middle! !

Qinggang Shadow's E flash hit Clockwork first, and Wine Barrel followed up with a set of damage and control, helping Qinggang Shadow take the lead in getting first blood. Then Wine Barrel seized the opportunity when Clockwork didn't flash in the middle, and E Flash cooperated first. Qinggangying once again got the head.

Qinggang Shadow can make [Tiamat] early. Although Qinggang Shadow's wave clearing efficiency cannot be compared with Crocodile, after having [Tiamat], coupled with the fact that Clockwork does not flash, the positioning Don't dare to lean too far forward.

Qinggangying once again easily obtained the right to pass in the middle.

Then he cooperated with his teammates and came to the top half to target the shy! !

King Ning was on the road as a bodyguard throughout the whole process, but there were more people who couldn't stand up to Jingdong. The moment when IG selected Clockwork, the original intention was to allow Song Yijin's Clockwork to support the later stages of the team battle.

But Jingdong has taken a different approach and won’t compete with you in the later stages.

I will beat you to death in the early and middle stages! !

The script of the game is exactly the same as the two games JD won in the past. After gaining the advantage in the middle, he continued to roam the side lanes and helped his teammates build an advantage. Then in the team battle of the Canyon Pioneers, JD won the key team battle. , take down the Canyon Pioneer and start the crazy snowball rolling!

The final game time was fixed at 26 minutes.

IG's poke system has no power to fight back against's strong push, and in the end it can only give up the victory! !

As IG's base crystal exploded! !

A burst of gorgeous fireworks suddenly erupted from the live stage, and colorful ribbons fell from the sky.

Wawa immediately shouted loudly in an exciting tone, "Let us congratulate! Defeat the powerful enemy IG with a score of 3-1 and win this game! Finally won the championship of our LPL League Summer Finals, and also locked in Won the number one seed spot in the LPL division to participate in the S competition!!"

【Ji Zazao! I was in trouble before the game, and I thought I was really going to win. 】

[Hehehehe, IG fans are like this. They have a tough talk and refuse to admit that the one who was stronger last year was not IG, but me, Brother Feifan. 】

[Facts have proved that without Brother Feifan, IG would not be able to win a single championship! 】

[I suggest Ji Za lock up with Su Xiaoluo. IG deserves such a good team manager. Lock them all up and stop harming others. 】

【champion! We are the champions! ! 】

Jingdong fans can finally breathe a sigh of relief. When they were defeated by IG in the second game, they couldn't help but sweat for the players on the court.

Looking at it now...

It can only be said that the process of winning the championship was slightly twists and turns, but IG still failed to stop, and became the champion! !

Li Feifan took off his headphones. He was very excited and excited, but his body language seemed a little weak. He just sat on the chair in a daze and didn't get up for a long time.

On the contrary, the teammates on the side were as excited as monkeys. Lin Weixiang didn't know where he got such strength, and he was able to pick up Brother Gongzi and spin him around.

"Hahahaha, Lao Li! We are the fucking champions!"

"Yes." Li Feifan smiled with relief, "We are the champions!"

"Then why are you still sitting there? Those who don't know think we have lost, so get up and celebrate!!" Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong pulled Li Feifan up with all their strength.

Backstage, Hongmi and others have also come to the stage to join the celebration queue.

Fortunately, Li Feifan is still calm enough. He has won more championships and his mentality has become more and more stable. "Let's go, brothers, let's go next door to give Yu Wenbo a face!"

As the winner, of course you have to chat with the loser to show off your status as a winner!

Li Feifan took the lead and walked at the forefront of the crowd.

Theshy smiled innocently when she saw him, "Pear, nice!"

Well, given his Chinese proficiency, it is indeed a bit embarrassing to expect him to say anything else.

When he came to King Ning, he could see that King Ning still had an unhappy expression on his face, "Damn, I didn't perform well today. You were waiting for me. Lao Li, let me make you happy first. You are happy at home." , it’s our turn to be happy in the World Championships.”

"Tsk, tsk." Li Feifan smacked his lips and curled his lips relentlessly, "You kid... want to beat me? In the next life!"

Maybe it was because he got what he wanted last year and won various championships. Song Yijin didn't cry when he lost this time, but he was still very unhappy. After all, with his pride, it was difficult to accept that he kept losing to the same person.

He did not forget to say something harsh to Li Feifan, "Just wait, I will definitely win the World Championship."

Naturally, Li Feifan was not to be outdone, "Hey, you better get your spot in the World Championships first and then come and yell at me. Don't be ridiculous if you don't get your spot then."

"Old Li! Who are you looking down on?" Yu Wenbo on the side heard this and complained dissatisfiedly, "You don't really think that buddy can't get a spot in the World Championship, do you? Or are you afraid? Are you afraid of the world? Sai can’t beat us?”

"Am I afraid?" Li Feifan raised his eyebrows and said unforgivingly, "Brothers, let's enjoy the joy of winning the championship for a while, then let's say it's okay and see you in the World Championships. I hope you can work harder then, don't forget me. How boring would it be for you to admit defeat before even exerting your strength?"

Seeing Li Feifan's arrogant appearance, Yu Wenbo and the other celebrities were itching their teeth, but they were helpless.

Who let people win?

The winner takes all, which means you can slap them at will!

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