LoL: As long as the wages are in place, all champions will be crushed to pieces

Chapter 293 Do you understand the value of Akali, the strongest monster?

The main purpose of Karma's selection was to match up with the Sword Demon.

You count on heroes like Karma to give you an advantage, but then the carry team will be a bit embarrassed and unable to do so. This is determined by the hero mechanism.


Why are you so functional and so capable of carrying?

The real support of the CN team is Li Feifan’s Akali!

This is the only version of T0 that was obtained in exchange for releasing Sword Demon + Sword Girl. The winner of the game must be in the hands of Li Fan! !

In the first few minutes, the fight in the middle was not very fierce. Akali also needs to have a full set of small skills at level 3 before she can compete. If there is no W to restore energy for herself, losing two Qs in the early stage will empty the energy gauge. Too difficult to play...


The first two levels are the period when Sword Girl is strong. It would be foolish to compete with others when they are relatively strong.

The military line in the middle was under Li Feifan's deliberate defense. It was currently a pushback line belonging to Dao Mei, so he didn't have to worry about being caught.

Troll's hero's ability to catch people is still a bit weak, and Dao Mei's control is not very stable, so he doesn't need to worry about the threat from the jungle for the time being.

When Dao Mei uses Q [Blade Impact] to Q soldiers, Akali also predicts and hands Q [I flow mysteries! Hanying] threw an arc-shaped shuriken and hit the sword girl. At the same time as the skill hit, Akali's passive [My Ninja Technique] was triggered! Hidden Dragon Seal].

Passivity is the core of Akali's battle. When a skill hits an enemy, a circle will be generated with the hit enemy as the center. When passing through the circle, the distance of Akali's next basic attack will be doubled, and Deal high damage, and gain an acceleration effect when walking towards the inside of the ring!

Akali's battle is to think about how to better trigger her passive to cause more damage.

That kind of combo that REE can do instantly only exists in the late stage when the divine equipment is used to make the skin crisp instantly. It really doesn’t need that much...

But in the early stage, you have to find ways to better trigger the passive!

The moment the passive was triggered, Li Feifan took a step back and walked out of the circle. Suddenly... the passive effect was perfectly triggered, and his weapon changed from the shuriken in his hand to a constantly shaking sickle.

With the help of the acceleration effect, Akali quickly closed the distance and fired a flat A trigger to passively chop at the sword girl. The sword girl immediately Q soldiers again to superimpose the passive while closing the distance with Akali.

But at the same time, Akali also retreated, and once again used the Q skill, repeating the same action, taking a step back to cross the ring, and then caught up with the sword girl again and fired another flat A.

Then use E [I flow mysteries! [Falcon Dance] avoided Dao Mei's E [Biwing Double Blade], then flew the second E to Dao Mei's side, and once again hit a flat A! !

Sword Girl, who was still almost full of health, lost half of her health in an instant!

Because during this period of time, the sword girl suffered a total of two damage from Akali's two Q+E plus three flat A with passive extra damage! !

And the whole journey!

The sword girl only hit Akali with a flat backhand and touched off a trace of Akali's blood!

"Oh my God! Mortal's Akali's operation is really amazing, isn't it? This should be the silkiest Akali I've ever seen." Miller sighed in disbelief, "It's really silky smooth."

Lee Sang Hyuk on the court also felt the same way.

He has also played Akali in ranked, so he knows how smooth Li Feifan's set of operations is.

The key is to control the distance!

Akali's Q [I flow mysteries! Hanying] The distance is 550 yards, and the passive [My Flow Ninja Technique! The ring generated by Hidden Dragon Seal is just a little larger than 550 yards!


For Akali, Kali’s Q skill has a maximum casting range of 550 yards to hit the enemy. It only takes a small step back to perfectly trigger the passive and then use the acceleration effect to quickly catch up with the slowed enemy. In this case, unless the opponent hands over Displacement skills, otherwise Akali will definitely be able to catch up with the flat A consumption.

Many novice Akali likes to throw Q at close range or close to the face. This is actually not good, because your Q is easily empty when close to the face. Akali’s Q skill is judged to be an arc, wide on the outside and wide on the inside. Narrow, there is only a small judgment area when it is close to the face.

And even if your Q can hit the opponent, this will put you in a position relatively inside the ring. At this time, you cannot quickly cross the ring to trigger the passive.

This situation can easily happen. You take a few steps back to cross the circle to trigger the passive, but the opponent runs away directly. Even if you accelerate, you can't catch up.

Or the opponent has been chasing you at this time, and when you trigger the passive, the opponent will hit you three times with basic attacks. So what if you trigger the passive with A?

Blood transfusion is still a loss.

To see how well an Akali operates and how proficient it is, you only need to look at the use of the Q skill. If a player cannot use the extreme distance Q to operate, it cannot be said that he can play Akali.

But some things just belong. You know the reason, but you can’t do it.

Lee Sang Hyuk's status this year is average. Firstly, the changes in the version have made him a little uncomfortable. Secondly, his personal competitive status has also declined. This coupled with the decline in the overall strength of the barbecue stall has led to a vicious cycle.

When he was practicing Akali in rank, he couldn't say that he was 100% sure that he could perform such a perfect and smooth combo.

But what about Li Feifan?

"It's great to be young." Lee Sang Hyuk sighed once again, but his unwillingness to admit defeat will not let this be a reason for him to give up!

Li Feifan, who was born as an ADC, controls distance to the point of being abnormal!

After successfully reducing Dao Mei's HP, Li Feifan began to push the line because... he seemed to have sensed an opportunity for a solo kill!

"Brother Feifan is pushing the line!" Baby's voice was full of joy. "He has a health advantage in the middle, eh? He walked into the defense tower with the line of soldiers. Could it be that... he wants to jump over the tower? Akali has If you use the W Xia Formation, your ability to jump over the tower is extremely strong!”

The sword girl is under the tower. Logically speaking... Lee Sang Hyuk shouldn't be able to detect such an obvious intention to kill alone.

But he still doesn't run!

Want to show off? ?

The moment the troops entered the defense tower in the middle, Li Feifan took the initiative to move forward, hit the limit distance and threw a Q.

Almost at the same time, Dao Mei came up with an EQE. Lee Sang-hyeok's light E was very fast, and then Q came in front of the remaining health minion behind Akali. This wave was really blocked by him, but Dao Mei's E Skills are not instantaneous control, there is a chance to react.

Li Feifan still activated one of Akali's most perverted abilities in the current version!

【I flow the secrets! Xia Zhen].

With a bang, Akali threw a smoke bomb to form a circular cloud formation. The range of the cloud formation gradually expanded, and Akali's figure disappeared directly from the field, completely covered by the smoke!

Even the defense tower, which claims to be able to see through everything, is helpless!

This is why Akali is so perverted!

League of Legends designers pay special attention to countermeasures, that is, no matter how powerful a hero you are, others will have ways to counter you.

But today's Akali has seriously broken their original design intention. Forget about multiple displacements, it also comes with a Xia formation that cannot be seen through by any means!

The defense tower that originally locked Akali lost its target in an instant.

From a God's perspective, Akali was actually where she was. After she resumed her actions, she moved freely within the Xia Formation without revealing her whereabouts. She quickly caught up with the sword girl and fired a flat A, and immediately Take Q and pull back.

The defense tower immediately locked onto Akali, but as Akali's figure disappeared again, the defense tower once again lost its target!

The sword girl directly activates W [Dance of Breaking Distance] on the spot and uses the sword array to protect herself.


The next second Akali appeared again and played another AQ. Because after turning on the W Xia Formation, you will get a certain amount of energy supplement, so Akali has enough ability to play the third Q!

The sword girl also took advantage of Akali's restricted time and took the initiative to Q Q in Akali's face, with a flat A and then set it on fire!

Akali is also lit simultaneously!

However, Dao Mei's health was already in danger, and she immediately flashed towards her second tower to escape. Akali was exposed for too long due to her level A, and was finally attacked by the defense tower!

Seeing the knife girl pulling away!

I saw Akali switch E in the reverse direction to move, hit her third passive A, and then quickly chased forward. The sword girl's blood volume had already bottomed out, and Akali was patiently waiting for the last trace of energy. recover!

After having enough energy, he threw out a Q skill, and the shuriken hit the sword girl.

And at the same time...

The troll rushed out from the opponent's lower half of the jungle, turned on W to accelerate, and then used E to summon a stone pillar to get stuck on Akali's retreat path, flashed over with AQ to bite and slow down, and then picked up the mace in his hand and continued to Chase!

When Sword Girl saw that she was destined to die, she simply turned around to compensate for the damage. The second tower in the middle also fired a magical light wave and hit Akali's body, and Akali's health was also reduced a lot!

But the problem is that after Akali fired a flat A and landed on the sword girl, as if there was a magnet behind him, she started to fly towards the first tower uncontrollably! !

Instantly distance yourself.

Instead, the ignition on Dao Mei's body continued to burn, causing real damage, and finally cleared Dao Mei's health bar!

First Blood!

First blood obtained!

See Akali again?

We have returned to our original position under the first tower!

"Xi Ba...His shuriken marked the Kasumi Formation." Li Sang Hyuk reacted immediately.

Akali's E [I flow mysteries! [Falcon Dance] will mark the first enemy hit or the Xia Formation. As long as the mark is hung, Akali can use the second stage of E to return to the marked location even if she is in the spring.

The most typical one is the top laner. The opponent's top laner TPs the bottom lane in front of you. Akali only needs to hang E on the opponent's top laner, and she can use the second stage of E to cross the entire map and move to the teleportation position of the opponent's top laner. point.

"Oh my God! Solo kill! Brother Feifan single-handedly killed the big devil Feike!!" Baby's face flushed red, and he raised his arms and shouted excitedly, "He didn't even use flash, he just jumped the tower in the middle to complete the single kill!" And it was a 1V2 tower jump, killing the sword girl in front of the opposite jungler!"

"Brother Feifan's personal ability is so strong! It's true that Akali is a supermodel monster, but as a supermodel monster, others may not be as smooth as Brother Feifan. People are indeed different." Miller also exclaimed with excitement, "The opponent's midfielder used all two flashes, and even gave first blood. The CN team gained a huge advantage!!"

Kuma in the background couldn't help but close his eyes in despair when he saw this scene.

"The extraordinary personal ability is too strong." Mafa, who once coached him, kept shaking his head. "I would rather BP suffer a loss than give him such a supermodel hero again."

Dun Ma also nodded, "This is indeed our mistake."

But I have no regrets about taking the medicine.

Can you blame Lee Sang Hyuk?

He is also a normal seduce. The Korean team's midfielder actually wants to catch Akali's mentality of jumping over the tower to kill solo, and counter-crouching to counter-kill!

I never expected to be shown off like this by Li Fan!

For the Korean team...punishment comes again!

The troll showed up in the middle, which gave Mr. Guo the opportunity to take the initiative without worrying about being ganked!

The target of his attack is the bottom lane!

Xin Zhao, who had gone home for a round of supplies, came to the bottom lane and changed the trinket eye to a scan!

Because they had communicated in advance, the CN team's bottom lane had already started to release lanes in advance, which caused the Korean team's bottom lane position to be slightly forward.

Xin Zhao drove the scan all the way from the triangular grass in the bottom lane to the river grass. As expected, the opponent's field of vision was inside. Teacher Guo was very detailed and he activated Q [Triple Claw Strike] in advance.

Xin Zhao's third basic attack after firing Q can create a knock-up effect, but the enemy will not give you a chance to hit A three times. Therefore... the operation of jamming three guns is derived, which is to fire Q first and Q-eye or minion twice, then jam Use the third hit that can knock you back!

"The incense pot comes to the bottom lane, let's see what to do with it?"

Mr. Dai and Big Quail retreated together. Big Quail thought well. He used Q to force Shen to retreat. He had a black shield in his hand, which could resist Xin Zhao's control. Xin Zhao's role was actually to force Shen away. Bit, the person who really threatens them is the sarcastic Shen!


Kai'Sa, however, directly started healing at full health to accelerate herself and Shen. Shen avoided Morgana's Q with a deft move.

At this time, Xin Zhao directly handed E [Fearless Charge] to Morgana's face. Upon seeing this, Big Quail immediately backhanded an E to put a magic immunity black shield on himself.


He quickly realized that he had been deceived!

Xin Zhao did hit his face with an E, but he never thought about it.

Instead, he used him to move for a while and lowered Mr. Dai's vigilance. Because EZ has E and flash, under normal circumstances, it would be felt that the opponent's goal is to assist Morgana.

Teacher Guo came up with a wave of reverse thinking!

E Morgana then flashed into EZ's face and shot him into the air with the third shot!

Before EZ landed, Shen followed up with the E skill to taunt and regain control, and then pulled Q to draw A to ignite it. Kai'Sa also immediately opened E to accelerate and close the distance, and her teammates had already applied a layer of passive plasma in advance.

Kai'Sa started with AW, and then AQ quickly detonated plasma, and Uzi's positioning was very particular, not letting Morgana share the damage of her [Icathian Rainstorm].

It is equivalent to perfectly detonating 4 layers of plasma bursts, and then dealing a full Q of damage! !

Even if EZ is handed over for treatment, if it has been ignited by the hanger, the treatment effect will be halved, which is of no use at all.

I can only watch myself being killed! !

Kai'Sa gets the kill!

And Morgana wasn't much better. Although she didn't focus on him, he couldn't distance herself all of a sudden.

Finally, he was forced to flash before escaping.

PS: When I was writing a paragraph, I specifically watched a previous video. At the beginning, Akali was killed under a tower with full health. It was really outrageous.

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