Leng Xuan saw Ye Ye's attitude change, and the pain he had been suppressing in his heart for a long time finally released a lot, and said with a smile: "Longtou said that the enemy's offensive is very strong, I am worried that you may not be able to resist each other, so I asked me to rush over to help you."

A member of the Dark Sword came over, patted Leng Xuan on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, you came in time, if you come a few minutes later, we will be defeated. Those guys are really powerful, we will talk to them. We are almost exhausted after entanglement for so long, but they have nothing at all, as if they don't know they are tired."

Ye Zi added: "I also think those people in black are weird. I hit the opponent's body before, it felt very hard, like a stone, and I'm sure they didn't wear armor or something, I doubt them. Shouldn't be a normal human being."

  Leng Xuan nodded, walked to a man in black who was killed, leaned over and took off the veil from his face. Suddenly, his face changed. I saw that apart from a pair of eyes, the nose and mouth of the man in black did not exist at all on the face, it was completely a piece of skin, and there were faint traces of stitching on his face.

Afterwards, he touched the body of the man in black. As Ye Ye said, his skin was as hard as iron. I am afraid that ordinary swords and bullets could not hurt them at all. Fortunately, his strength was strong, and the opponent was like a shield. The skin couldn't resist his attack at all. However, from this point, he also knew that these men in black were all transformed people.

   It seems that in addition to the biochemical experiments to convert ****, the Qinglong Club has other transformation experiments. Leng Xuan couldn't help but wonder, what was Qinglong's plan for doing this? At this moment, a man in black from the opponent's camp said, "Are you Leng Xuan?"

  Leng Xuan was stunned when he heard the words, and raised his eyes to look at the person who was speaking. He didn't expect that there was another person who could speak out. He nodded and said, "Yes, I'm Leng Xuan, do you know me?"

"I don't know." The man in black shook his head and said, "But someone told me about your appearance and told me that if you appeared, let me inform him." After speaking, he took out a square shape from his body. The contactor, he pressed the button above, and suddenly saw a few flashes in the center of the contactor, and then a picture appeared. In that picture, a handsome young man appeared. After that, he aimed the screen at Leng Xuan.

  Leng Xuan's face sank as soon as he saw the person in the picture, and there was a kind of anger brewing in his eyes, as if he was ready to erupt at any time. After taking a breath, he gritted his teeth and said, "Chu Zhixuan, it's been a long time." The character in the picture was the Chu Zhixuan who he hated for a long time and caused him to be expelled from the army. After such a long time, he finally saw this man again.

Chu Zhixuan smiled, and the voice came out through the external voice of the contactor: "Good brother, we met again, I guess you must have been fond of me these days. To be honest, I actually miss us fighting side by side. It's a pity that you and I are not on the right path, and you are destined to become opponents. Otherwise, I really hope you will come and help me. I believe that with the cooperation of the two of us, we will definitely be able to break out into the world. "

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