Once these aliens are discovered by the government, they will be immediately controlled and secretly cultivated, turning them into killing machines to serve the government. If it is true that the four people are aliens, as Long Tou said, then the three people who were sent out on the mission must be more fortunate. Thinking of this, Leng Xuan's heart was extremely anxious.

   At this time, we only heard the dragon head continue: "Leng Xuan, in addition to those countries, we also found that a hidden force also intervened in this matter, but we haven't checked it out yet."

  Leng Xuan said: "What are you going to do?"

"Their existence is a threat to us. In any case, the base will be destroyed. Moreover, whether those three people are alive or dead, we will also rescue them." Having said that, the dragon head paused and continued. Dao: "After our deliberation, we have unanimously decided to let you take charge of this operation. You used to be in the army, and your skills were unmatched, but now you have improved a lot. Apart from you, we really can't find anything else. to complete this task. Of course, I will not force you, after all, you are no longer a soldier, so you can completely refuse to accept our orders, this…”

Before Longtou had finished speaking, Leng Xuan said, "No need to say more, I accept it." He didn't care about maintaining national security, he cared about her life safety. He had promised to protect her brother's Safe, but he broke his promise. So, this time, no matter what the cost, he will save her.

"Okay, since you agreed, then move quickly. In three hours, I will arrange a plane to pick you up, you are ready." After finishing speaking, the dragon said: "In view of the difficulty of this operation, you can Bring a few helpers, because we still don’t know the strength of the other party, so it is better to bring more people to avoid unexpected situations. At present, there are still a few people in the dark sword who have not been assigned tasks, do you want me to send them to you?”

   "No need." Leng Xuan thought for a moment and said, "I will find someone myself." Although he knew all the members of the Dark Sword, he was not going to use them. Because they are soldiers, mainly to carry out orders. And through the conversation with Longtou just now, he knew that the main purpose of this operation was to destroy the base, and saving people was second. But in his heart, saving people is the main thing. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes or troubles at that time, he simply uses people who obey his orders.

   "That's right." At this moment, Leng Xuan suddenly thought of something and said, "I don't know how long this mission will take. If I leave, what if Luo Tianzheng comes to trouble the Ling family?"

The leader also knew about this matter, so he only heard him say: "Don't worry, after you leave, I will send the nearby army over there, under the pretext of conducting military exercises, to control the area of ​​Yujingyuan, strengthen the guard, and will not let Ling What happened to the girl. Isn't tomorrow and the next two days a weekend? You let her stay at home and don't go out. If there is no accident, I believe that two days are enough for you to complete the task. "

  Leng Xuan saw that the faucet had already arranged everything, so he stopped talking nonsense and said, "That's fine, no problem, I'll go to prepare immediately, you can send a plane on time at twelve o'clock at night."

After hanging up the phone, Leng Xuan immediately walked to the pavilion. Before Zhou Li could speak, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I'll take you home first, and we'll talk later when we have time." Great, no more words, nodded, and walked quickly towards the hotel with him.

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