"You underestimate the law of heaven and earth. There are countless aspects involved in the law of heaven and earth. Its disappearance will bring great changes to the three realms, one of which is the change of power. Between the three realms, there is true qi, the power of the source. , the power of the soul, and the power of life and death, these four powers have different properties and are separated by the laws of heaven and earth. If the laws of the earth disappear today, the restrictions between the forces will naturally disappear together, and all the forces of different natures will return to the original The state of the beginning. The changes you and I are feeling now are because the power in the body is returning to its original source."

   After listening to Zhong Ping's explanation, Leng Xuan frowned and said, "Will that affect our cultivation?"

   "It's hard for me to say, everything will be known only after the power returns to its original state."

   "How long will that take?"

   This is what Leng Xuan is most concerned about. They are now in this space, and there are dangers everywhere. With his current state, if the wicked people from Tang Tian come up, they will not be able to resist at all.

   "I can't tell, maybe days, maybe years."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help laughing bitterly, he didn't want to stay in this ghost place for a day, if he stayed for a few years, he would probably go crazy.

"I know what you're worried about, but for now, we don't have to worry too much. The evil thoughts in Tang Tian and the others are also a kind of power. Since we have been affected, they will not be an exception, so we should be very careful now. Safety."

"hope so."

  When everyone is waiting for their strength to recover, there is only one exception, that is Yan Yun.

  Since he got rid of Leng Xuan, he wandered in this space alone. In order to avoid being found by Leng Xuan, he deliberately found a secluded place to hide for two days, and then took a long detour. After a day of walking, he didn't know where he was now.

   Today, he is just an ordinary person. After a long journey, his body has long been exhausted. In this desolate space, he couldn't find anything to replenish his stamina. After walking for several hours again, he felt his body getting weaker and weaker, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, it was difficult to move, and every step was extremely difficult. He leaned against the stone with one hand, panting heavily, trying to regain his strength.

   Now that he has lost his way, he has no idea where to go. If he does not have enough physical strength to persevere, he will die of exhaustion in this ghost place sooner or later.

   Just as he was resting, a small voice suddenly came from not far away. He pricked up his ears, listened carefully, and then stepped forward with difficulty, walking towards the direction where the sound came from. In a short while, he saw two wicked people lying on the ground dozens of meters away, rolling over and over, as if suffering inexplicable pain, and wailing from time to time.

  Yan Yun didn't dare to show up, so he carefully hid behind a boulder and watched quietly. However, after a long time, the wicked people not only did not get better in those two days, but the situation got worse and worse. It seemed that they gradually lost consciousness, and the range of body movements became lower and lower, and they could only hear the groans in their mouths.

   Seeing this, Yan Yun gradually relaxed his vigilance and walked over carefully. When he got close, he leaned over to check the other party's situation, and saw that the two of them were pale, their pupils were dull, and they looked very weak.

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