Leaving the company, Leng Xuan checked the time, it was only after four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was too early for dinner, so he couldn't help but say, "Go to the hotel?"

   Liu Yuwei and Zhao Xiaoqing naturally have no opinion, they all follow his arrangement. However, just as the four of them were about to get into the car, they found a man standing across the road, looking directly at them.

  Leng Xuan looked up, his eyes suddenly frozen. The man on the opposite side looked as if he had seen it somewhere, not only that, but when his eyes touched the other side, a strong sense of crisis appeared in his heart.


   He suddenly remembered that when he was in Yanyun Palace, he had seen a puppet, and the appearance of that puppet was almost the same as the person in front of him. As for that strong sense of crisis... A person immediately appeared in his mind, Yan Yun.

  Under the world, in addition to the laws of heaven and earth, only Yanyun can bring him this feeling.

  In the past, every time Yanyun appeared, he was surrounded by golden light and could not see his true face clearly. Now it seems that the appearance of that puppet is Yan Yun's true face.

  Thinking of this, he said to Ling Ao in the car: "Dad, you go back to the hotel first, I have something to do."

   "Okay, call me then."

   Watching the car drive away, Leng Xuan walked straight to the opposite road, came to Yan Yun, and said, "I didn't expect you to come to me."

   "I didn't expect you to dare to come to the world."

   "This is my home, why don't I dare to come, do you dare to attack me here?"

  Yanyun said coldly: "You should know that the world is my territory. When you get here, your cultivation will be suppressed by half. I can kill you anytime I want."

Leng Xuan smiled and shook his head: "I know, but you don't dare to kill me here, unless you dare to ignore the laws of heaven and earth." With the strength of the two of them, if they make a move, I don't know how many innocent people will be killed, said Maybe even the entire world will be destroyed. Such consequences, even Yan Yun would not dare to take it lightly.

   "Tell me, what are you doing with me?"

   "I should ask you this question." Yan Yun said, "Didn't you come to the secular world just to find me?"

   "That's right." Leng Xuan said without hesitation, "You shielded yourself with spar and cut off all connections. I really want to know what you are doing in the mundane world."

  Although the world is Yanyun's territory, Leng Xuan is not afraid. The law of heaven and earth clearly stipulates that as a ruler, one cannot arbitrarily deprive others of their lives, otherwise they will face severe punishment. With the strength of the two of them, once they make a move, they are bound to cause countless casualties. At that time, the two of them must be responsible for these deaths and injuries.

   He couldn't bear such consequences, and Yan Yun couldn't bear it either. With Yan Yun's prudence, how could he do such a detrimental thing to himself. After listening to Leng Xuan's question, Yan Yun said calmly: "What I want to do is my business, and you don't need to worry about it."

   "Sorry, I'm too curious, if I don't figure it out, I won't be able to sleep." Leng Xuan refused to back down. Although he didn't get along with Yan Yun for a long time, based on his understanding of Yan Yun, the other party came to the mundane world and used spar to cover up his whereabouts. To say that he has no conspiracy, the ghost will believe it.

   "Don't follow me anymore." Yan Yun said indifferently, "Otherwise, even if there is the law of heaven and earth, I will not be merciful, you should know my means." After the words were finished, he walked away.

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