You can search for "Search for Novels in Hogwarts Peaceful Life (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Basilisk", a snake-like magical creature with emerald green body, is essentially different from a poisonous snake.

For a long time, people have only rare records about the Basilisk: Legend has it that it came from the magic egg laid by a seven-year-old rooster when Sirius was in the sky, and it was hatched by a toad.

Its sight is the most dangerous attack weapon. Any creature that directly crosses its gaze will be killed immediately, and creatures that intersect indirectly will be petrified.

As long as there is sufficient food, the basilisk can usually live a long time.

The last time a "bassilisk" clearly appeared was the "Ford County Incident" in 1983-the Ministry of Magic paid a full sixteen good hands to kill the big snake.

Father Newt stared at the little snake tremblingly, feeling that Sanguan was about to collapse.

It can't be wrong, he will never read it wrong.

This is the Basilisk, like a fake!

"Where did you get it..."

Whether it is a basilisk or a scarab, they are all dangerous creatures expressly stipulated by the Ministry of Magic's "Management and Control Department of Magical Creatures".

Ordinary people, let alone raising them, are life-threatening even at a glance.

But Klein's two "pets" were unreasonable.Not only docile, but also lost some dangerous characteristics.

Newt was surprised and felt that his previous research was done in vain.

"Mr. Newt, you graduated from Hogwarts."

When the little snake was wrapped around his finger, Klein smiled without directly answering.

"This... is it."

After hearing this, Old Man Newt was a little embarrassed and nodded vaguely.

"Then you must know that Hogwarts has a legendary "secret room".

I found this little guy in the secret room."

"Salazar Slytherin's Secret Chamber" is very famous, and Newt is certainly no stranger.

He looked at Klein in surprise, his eyes widening.

"Slytherin's secret room actually exists?"

"Of course, the secret room has now become a place for students' after-school activities.

As a member of Slytherin, I must sincerely thank Mr. Salazar Slytherin for his generosity~"

Touching the slippery head of the snake, Klein's tone was very sincere.

"Wait, this... this, this, this thing is..."

Hagrid had been listening to the conversation between the two for a long time before realizing the seriousness of the matter afterwards.

He yelled, and instantly attracted a lot of attention.

The little wizards looked at him puzzledly, he made a big flush, sat down angrily, and deliberately lowered his voice.

"What you said, shouldn't it be the "bassilisk"!"

"Using magic forbidden to seal the petrification ability, and then use the change spell to change the size, without talent and physical advantage, this little guy is just an ordinary snake, not dangerous at all."

Klein was not afraid to expose anything in front of Newt and Hagrid.

The two of them are extremely obsessed with magical animals. They know with their toes that they must have raised some amazing things in the breeding garden or the forbidden forest. They are all the same~

"It's not dangerous, you are dangerous."

Hagrid murmured, stupidly cute.


Newt laughed.

Indeed, the person who can carry the Basilisk on his body with Transfiguration is a danger in itself.

But if it's this kid...

The old man squinted his eyes.

Most wizards have weird tempers and some incredible little hobbies, which is not unacceptable.

What happened to the first-class Merlin Medal winner raising a basilisk?

He also secretly raised Thunderbirds and Curly Wings.

Just as Klein thought, Father Newt and Hagrid had no other idea about illegal possession of dangerous creatures.Tutufei Novel Network

They just looked straight at the basilisk and scarab with envy.

In a lifetime, how many opportunities do you have to raise something like this?

This kid is really lucky.

"Hehe, speaking of it, Gellert and I have had some ties to each other. I didn't expect that in a few decades, I would have such a rapport with the Grindelwald family."

After a long time, the old man Newt reluctantly retracted his gaze.

Staring at Klein, he showed emotion.

Fate is really elusive.

"This may be fate."

Klein didn't know much about the things of the previous generation.

But his unlucky uncle has nothing to do with him, the old man in front of him, he wants to make friends with all his heart.

"It's fate, it must be fate."

Father Newt smiled, showing a mouthful of well-maintained white teeth.

After laughing, he fell silent, as if thinking about something.

Klein and Hagrid were puzzled.

Suddenly, what happened?

"Klein, are you free this summer?"

Father Newt thought for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and asked.

"This summer, I will participate in the Quidditch World Cup."

Although he didn't know the other party's intentions, Klein honestly told the truth.

"Ah, that's it."

With a look of regret, Old Man Newt smiled bitterly.

"Originally, seeing that you have a unique view on magical creatures, I would like to invite you to participate in the compilation of my new book."


After the words fell, Klein hadn't spoken, but Hagrid got excited first.

If you ask him what book he likes best, it must be "Where are the Fantastic Beasts", there can be no other answer.

This book is like a bible for magical animal lovers!

Now I heard that he was fortunate enough to participate in the compilation of Master Scamander's new book.

"This... I'm really sorry."

To be honest, Klein was also moved.

Not for fame, his current fame is enough to gain a foothold in the magic world.

But this opportunity is really rare.

However, he must participate in the Quidditch World Cup. Although it is a pity, there is no way.

There are always unsatisfactory things in life.

He can only decline.

"Hey, don't say that, I'm just on a whim, and the new book is not necessarily true.

You have no time for summer vacation this year. There will always be next year. I'm not sure here."

Father Newt has no worries about life. The cost of the manuscript of "Where Are Fantastic Beasts" is enough for him and his wife to enjoy their old age. If they want to publish a new book, they are just seeing Klein's unique treatment of basilisks and scarabs. inspiration.

He thinks he can live another thirty-four years, and there will always be a suitable opportunity.

"If you are willing to invite me, Mr. Newt, I will do my best."

How can we miss the fun of expanding the Fantastic Animals Guidebook?

Klein smiled and held up the butter beer.

"Salute to those magical creatures that have been discovered, and all the researchers of magical creatures."

"Salute to the undiscovered magical creatures and all magical creature lovers."

Father Newt also picked up his own wine glass and met Klein's wooden glass.

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