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For some reason, Peter Perudi shuddered suddenly.

He shrank his neck in confusion, always feeling that something unfavorable to him was happening...

"Forget it."

Seeing no one on the left or right, the fat mouse suppressed the unprovoked thoughts in his heart, shook his head, and walked quickly into the broken house before him.Pushing open the door, there is no cave inside, all the way down, he soon came to a very spacious cave.

There, Voldemort, who was half-lengthed in black robe, was closing his eyes and resting.

"the host."

Seeing Voldemort, Peter Perudy's greasy fat face naturally piled up with a nauseating smirk.

Step by step came to Voldemort, he knelt down without hesitation, and whispered.

"What you asked me to do has already had results."


After hearing this, Voldemort opened his eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed through the snake-like pupils.

"So, how many old friends are willing to meet me?"

A few days ago, the riot in Azkaban Prison gave Voldemort a chance to rise again.

You know, the most people held in that prison are the "Death Eaters" who have followed him.

Now he is back, and his followers have escaped.

Such a golden opportunity, the great Dark Lord must not miss it!

"So far, there are only three: Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Mursiber. For the rest, I am still actively contacting... ."

The voice became lower and lower.

To be honest, Peter was afraid that Voldemort would be angry.

There used to be countless party members, but now there are only three people who are willing to return to the command of the Dark Lord. Whoever changes it will feel angry.

But Voldemort was very calm.

It was so calm that the expression on his face did not fluctuate at all.

Having experienced too many things, his mood has long since undergone a radical change.

Three followers.

Ha ha, aren't there three followers?

What's so angry?

"That's it."

Voldemort smiled and wrapped his robe.

"Then set a time for me and these old friends to meet again."



After listening to Sirius tell the truth about the matter, Lupin's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief.

The secret person back then turned out to be "Wormtail" Peter Perudi?

How can this be!

"Hehe, this is the result of my own cleverness."

Sirius smiled, his face full of bitterness.

Cleverness is mistaken by cleverness, and he is talking about people like him.

The consequences caused by the momentary "smartness" have harmed many people and made him regret it for so many years.


Lupin was speechless.

He thought that Sirius might have troubles, perhaps he was under the Imperius Curse to do such a thing.

But he never thought that the person who really betrayed the Potters was actually Peter Perudi-a man who had been dead for thirteen years!Search and read e-books

"Peter is about to plant it on you when he is dying. What did he do?"

He couldn't understand.

If Peter Perudi was approached by Voldemort, he chose to betray with Peter's timid temperament, although it is disgusting, but it is nothing new.

But why at the last moment, Peter has to throw this scapegoat out.

They are already dying...

What he meant was that Peter was not the kind of diehard, and under the threat of Sirius' wand, shouldn't he beg for mercy?

"I do not know either."

Sirius is also very strange.

Recalling that night thirteen years ago, he still had many puzzles unsolved.

Why did Peter fled to that Muggle community and didn’t run away anymore; why did Peter shout out such a passage like an act before he died; why his curse was so powerful that it caused a series of explosions, and finally Only a finger was left to blow up Peter...

"Huh~ Anyway...I believe you."

Lupin, like Dumbledore, after listening to Sirius' confession, what he regrets most is why he didn't have doubts back then.

Obviously Sirius is such a pure person.

"Wait, would you believe me?"

In fact, Sirius is ready to start with Lupin.

After all, the truth of the matter is not acceptable to everyone.

Even Dumbledore, who knew like the vast sea, chose to believe in Green Clay's magic after seeing him.

Unexpectedly, Remus Lupin, one of his best friends, gave him so much trust.This made his nose a little sore.

When Azkaban lived through the night, this was a scene that had never even appeared in a dream.


Sirius' eyes were red.

Over the past ten years, many things have changed, and they have changed from young and powerful people to middle-aged people.

The only constant may be this friendship that has been buried for a long time, but still remains the same.

Seeing the two people over there seemed to talk about their grievances, an old friend meeting, hugging and crying, Klein's heart did not fluctuate.

I don't know how many times he has acted as a tool man and he is very tired.

Fortunately, Immortal was quite worry-free, otherwise, he didn't know whether this Egyptian stronghold was prepared for himself or for Dumbledore and the others.

"Great priest, that person has not come out from below, is it okay?"

The old friend over there released his suspicion, with tears in his eyes. Immortal was not idle here either, and Klein reported the latest situation of the "City of Death".

He himself is an ancient evil creature, has gone beyond the scope of normal humans, and does not need to eat or sleep.

However, the Sirius and Christopher he was responsible for were normal humans. Although they possessed certain mana, they could not avoid eating and sleeping.

Sirius didn't say anything, and honestly didn't go out, relying on the "seal of the gods" to wander around in various tombs, playing with bugs or something.

And the other Christopher, who was trembling here, seemed to be devilish. In addition to eating and sleeping, he digs sand every day.

From the first day of digging to the present, Immortal was afraid that that guy would die here—he didn't care about a life, but he was worried about the anger of the great priest.

"Don't worry about him, just give him a little water and a little food every day. If you die, you will die. I won't blame you."

Klein waved his hand.

He remembered that it was for Christopher to dig the sand, but he did not expect that the former Azkaban prison chief would actually execute it.

Forget it, since it is executed, let's execute it to the end.

Having caused so much trouble, not taking his life was Klein's long-lost kindness.


With this sentence, Immortal was relieved.

He blinked, as if suddenly remembering something.

"Great priest, there is one more thing. Recently, there have been rumors outside that it was the bracelet of Emperor Demon Scorpion that was discovered."

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