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Harry Black.

It's done!

Klein touched his smooth jaw and gradually merged the images of Harry and Sirius.

"What do you think?"

Seeing Klein beside him in a trance, Dumbledore couldn't help raising his hand and shook it in front of him.

"Nothing, I'm just happy for Harry."

Sirius went to wash up after eating. There were no outsiders at this time, and Klein didn't continue to set up a man.

He raised the corners of his mouth and showed a sincere smile.

"This is a good thing."

"Well... it's a good thing."

Dumbledore nodded irresponsibly.

If the poor child knew that someone was always caring for him silently, he would be very happy.

It's just that now is not the best time...

Ministry of Magic, Barty Crouch.

The old man sighed in his heart and silently remembered a certain name in his heart.

The person who needs to tie the bell to untie the bell is not over yet!

"Huh~ Really comfortable."

The two of them were chatting with each other, and at this moment, Sirius, who had washed well, returned to the living room.

There was still moisture on his hair and beard, not as sloppy as before.

A standard middle-aged handsome guy.

It's just a bit thin, and the old clothes are all loose.

"Welcome back, Sirius."

Dumbledore got up from the sofa and gave Sirius a hug seriously.

In addition to being happy, he was also very guilty.

Before the accident, Sirius had always been a key member of the "Order of the Phoenix"-he was too rash, and he doubted Sirius' loyalty so easily.


The old principal could believe him, and Sirius was very happy.

However, he did not put his emotions on the surface.

More than ten years of prison life has made him completely reborn.

He stood there, gave Dumbledore a simple hug, and seemed quite calm.

"Then Mr. Black, let's go."

In a short time, Dumbledore and Sirius agreed that it was not a good time to meet Harry.

Therefore, Klein had to send the uncle dog who had been washed away to Egypt first.

In the corner of the living room, Kreacher, the house elf, called a happy heart.

It’s good to go anywhere, and it’s best to die outside.

If it wasn't for his excitement that he couldn't control his being discovered, Klein and the others would have almost forgotten that there was another thing.

Use a magic at hand to erase Kreacher's memory.

Klein smiled and opened the teleportation array with a special "door key".

"When time is ripe, I will be back."

Before stepping into the teleportation formation, Sirius spoke to Dumbledore.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to Barty Crouch's movements and try to clean you up."

Dumbledore nodded.

In addition to tracing Voldemort's Horcrux, he has a new job.


Waving goodbye to Dumbledore for the last time, Sirius walked into the teleportation formation and disappeared.

As for Klein, he and Dumbledore didn't have much to say, waved their hands directly and teleported along.

The sky is full of yellow sand.

Sirius stepped out of the teleportation formation, only feeling a wave of heat spreading across the surface.Mengsheng Novel

Accustomed to the cold and dampness of Britain, and then suddenly arrived in a big steamer like Egypt, he suddenly became uncomfortable, and subconsciously wanted to stick out his tongue.


Klein is the same, but as the "spokesperson of the underworld", he can be considered a famous carry handle in this place in Egypt, and most of those hot feelings have disappeared due to the relationship of the gods.

"Do you like it, your new "home"?"

The place where the two are located is outside the remains of the "City of Death", and the environment is really not that good.Klein smiled and asked, secretly observing the expression on Sirius's face."Compared with Azkaban, this is heaven."

Perhaps he noticed the look of "Green Klay", and Sirius smiled.


Feeling a little bored, Klein put away his joking mood and took Sirius to the ruins of the "City of Death".

Unexpectedly, as soon as they walked in, a group of scarabs resembling a tide surrounded the two!

"Wang Defa!"

Because it was too terrifying, Sirius didn't pay attention for a while, and made sounds similar to canine barking and British national curse.

Klein was taken aback, his expression gradually distorted...

He was holding back his smile.

"Well, you little cuties."

It seems that Immortal has not been lazy these days, and he has completed his order (feeding scarabs).

Kneeling down, Klein waved his magic wand and turned into a cow out of thin air.

The group of scarabs was happily like seeing the old father's child, directly ignoring Sirius, who was full of horror, but within three to five seconds they ate the cow, and there was no bone left.

Sirians are stupid.

This group of bugs is far more terrifying than an "unforgivable curse"!

"Don't worry, you are by my side, and my breath is on my body. These children will not embarrass you."

Standing up, Klein explained.

After a pause, he was afraid that Sirius would be uneasy, so he deliberately added a "blessing of the gods" to the opponent.


Dumbledore's friend was unfathomable.

Sirius has a new understanding of the baby-faced Green Clay.

"I will introduce you to someone."

Shennian scanned the entire tomb and found that Christopher was digging sand. Klein thought for a while and couldn't bear to disturb his loyal men.

Turning his head and talking to Sirius, he clapped his hands.

"Imorton, come here."


I thought Klein was using ancient Egyptian, and Sirius is unknown.

Unexpectedly, a gloomy wind blew, and a bald head wearing a black robe suddenly appeared at the entrance of the tomb where the two of them were.

"It's so bright."

This was the only thought in Sirius' heart.

Even if he shaved his beard and cut his hair, his hair volume still looked amazing in front of this mysterious bald head.

"Great priest."

Immortal met Klein and knelt down on one knee respectfully, not honestly like the high priest stealing the Pharaoh's woman.

As the "gatekeeper of the underworld", he must unconditionally obey "the messenger of the underworld."

"Immerton, this is my friend. He will stay here for some time. You are responsible for taking care of him."

Klein unceremoniously ordered Imerton.

The bald priest nodded and said yes.

"Great priest, not long ago, those mortals came to the city of death again and stole the "Sun Golden Sutra"."

Blinking his eyes, he didn't forget to report the recent events.

"It's okay."

Regarding the "Sun Golden Sutra", Klein originally revealed it to Richard. Without the hands of mortals, the curse power in the "Sun Golden Sutra" is a trouble.

Since the great priest said it was all right, Immortal didn't say anything.

He looked at the tall and thin man who had been silent over there...

Somehow, he suddenly felt a little unreasonable.

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