Living peacefully at Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Hamneptra

You can search for "Search for Novels in Hogwarts Peaceful Life (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The jade is a black jade, with a warm texture and coldness at first.

It was engraved with some symbols that Evelyn couldn't understand, similar to the mysterious symbols she had seen in the British Library.

"That kid, what is it..."

A certain handsome face flashed in her mind, Evelyn sighed, and took good care of the amulet.

If you don't think about it, don't go into it for now.

Now, Hamneputra's business is the top priority.

That night.

A small boat approached quietly~

The mystics who covered their faces with black cloth quietly climbed onto the steam turbine with scimitars in their mouths.

"Chief, I have already inquired clearly, those Yankees and heretics are on this ship."

After boarding the ship, one of them whispered to the leader.

A dozen other esoterics were silent.

In the moonlight, these people are like cold-blooded killers in the dark night, quiet and terrifying.

"Brothers, find that map and destroy it.

The secret of Hamneputra must never be revealed.

The guys who stop us are all enemies of the sun god.

Praise the sun, brave warrior, follow me!"

The esoteric leader whispered the real name of the sun god "Pull", made a strange gesture, and then took the lead and rushed out.

But he just made a step, but his body stopped in place strangely-except for his eyes, he couldn't move anywhere on his body anymore, as if he was frozen!

"Don't sleep in the middle of the night, what do you want to do?"

Klein walked out of the dark, looked at the members of the mysteries who had seen a ghost, scratched his eyebrows speechlessly.

He snapped his fingers and fixed all the esoterics in place, and he yawned.

"Even if you don't want to sleep, you have to think about it for the children. You are responsible for your growth...

Just punish you to stand here overnight. Before dawn, the magic will be automatically released. If you are not honest anymore, don't blame me for being ruthless."


Evelyn is well rested.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect. After getting the mysterious amulet, she didn't even dream at night and fell asleep till dawn.


Stretching, the lady from England began to simply freshen up her dress.

If nothing else, they can disembark today and officially embark on the journey to find Hamneputra!

"Good morning, Jonathan."

Facing the morning sun, she walked out of the room and saw her brother chatting with strangers.

Seeing his sister getting up, Jonathan and the stranger wearing glasses nodded, ran to Evelyn and whispered.

"We are in trouble, and these Yankees are also here to see Hamneputra!"

A hint of panic flashed across Evelyn's face when she heard this.

"Then... they probably didn't know that we were also looking for Hamneputra."

In her thoughts, if they can successfully conceal the past, they may still be able to take the lead in this matter and gain some small advantages.

But after hearing this, Jonathan's face collapsed.

"Well, when I was playing cards yesterday, I accidentally..."


Brother, how useless you are!

Evelyn opened her mouth, thinking for a long time without knowing what to say.

"Next, we have to proceed with caution."

At this moment, the third voice suddenly sounded, startling Evelyn and Jonathan.

Turning to see, it turned out to be Richard.

He stared at the group of Yankees playfully, and touched the gun pouch under his arm unconsciously.Starting point Chinese

Near noon, the three reached their destination

When disembarking, Evelyn deliberately looked for the mysterious group of children, but found nothing.

The yellow sand is full, and the camel is the best means of transportation.

Jonathan, Evelyn, Richard, and the fat warden were four people riding the camels they bought through the vast desert.

No words all the way.

They walked day and night for four or five days.

Just when Evelyn felt that her underwear was full of sand, they finally reached the legendary Hamneputra.


A group of people arrived outside the remains of Hamneputra almost at the same time.

"Isn't this Richard, you really came."

The thin man with the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheek smiled maliciously. He was riding on a camel, feeling a little funny.


Richard curled his lips.

That thin man was the despicable villain who left him on the battlefield and ran away.

To be counted, the two people's hatred is quite deep.

"Richard, didn't you never believe in the existence of Hamneputra, why are you here now?

Go back, old friend, just betray my love."

Now Bangui is the leader of the American expedition.

He knows how good Richard is.

Although a bit whimsical, he still yelled from a long distance away with the idea of ​​trying it without spending money.


If possible, Richard only wanted to shoot the villain, but looking at the Yankee who was staring behind him, he gave up the idea rationally.

He winked with Jonathan and the others around him. He drove the camel without thinking about it, and led the team to the remains of Hamneputra on the horizon.

"Fuck, it was preempted."

Secretly cursing, Banji and those from the American expedition rushed towards the remains of Hamneputra.


"Boss, they..."

Somewhere above the sand dunes, a team of black clad escorts looked very ugly.

Although they have exhausted all means to stop them, they finally let the greedy outsiders step into the holy land they have guarded for generations.


The occult leader who was faceted with weird inscriptions sighed.

But in a blink of an eye, he recovered his usual serious expression and drew the scimitar from his waist.

"Brothers, foreigners have entered Hamneputra. This is our negligence. As the descendants of the Pharaoh's guard, we must fulfill our sacred mission."


The roar shook the sky, and the courage that was taken away by the foreign devil a few days ago seemed to have returned to the body at this moment.

They are warriors of the sun god, descendants of Pharaoh's guards, and guardians of demons.

This desert is guarded by their scimitar!


"Well, are you there yet?"

Klein, who was playing with Draco and others in an unknown pyramid, suddenly raised his head with feelings.

A gleam of light flashed in his blue eyes, and his eyes seemed to travel thousands of miles away and saw a mysterious ruin under the sunset.

As he thought, after experiencing such a "mysterious" incident, the woman Evelyn carried his beacon really well.

"Osiris' Black Book of Undead."

With his hands resting behind his head, Klein narrowed his eyes and smiled brilliantly.

I didn't expect to get this level of treasure just by going out.

Really made a lot of money~

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