Living In One Piece

2 New life to old life

After falling unconscious I heard a kind voice full of pity"My Child I am sorry for giving you a life full of misery".Waking up I look at her an unworldly beauty crying her eyes out she looked at me in the eye and began fixing herself as nothing happened and said "hello child I am your God you have died I'm giving you 2 choices one is to live here in heaven and be happy forever second is to reincarnate in one-piece as garps grandchild with a system design for your needs now choose. After some time I choose number 2 thank you God and I'm sorry for refusing heaven I know I'm a fool. After saying that God hugs me for a long time while crying again then she said: " I know that from the start you fool. I know I can't change your decision child". I was wondering she keeps calling me child well whatever I said goodbye to her then finally puff vision started to blackout again.

(God P.OV.)

Stop asking me that son you'll regret it. Listen to me don't go down to the mortal's world you'll suffer stay here where it's safe we have everything. Listen to me these humans are full sins. In the end, he disobeyed me and go down there he was struck by the lightning tribulation and has been born as a human. All of his memories erased by the world's law and becomes a human"

(End of God's P.O.V.)

"Back to the story"

After waking I was struck by my memories and the 6 years living in this world my name is Sun D. Ainz I don't know my parent's grandpa said they died and he took me in. On the next day, we were nearing an island it is probably the Island we're Luffy and friends residing at It turns out to be a marine base I was so disappointed that day and moved on. The next

day grandpa asked me a very serious question he said: "do you want to be a marine or a pirate?".After sometime I decided since I have no choice " I want to become a marine but in one condition

I'll train at my own pace ". Watching grandpa's eyes burning with passion he suddenly screamed "Yeeeaaaaasssss!! I finally got a grandson who wants to be a fucking marine! I can now rest in peace". I guess that was a yes I think. The whole marine base celebrated a party because of my choice to become a marine. After months pass by grandpa requested to build me a house near the marine base I told grandpa that I'll start training when I turn 10. it is the required age for me to start my training. in these past 4 years, I was just reading books in the marine library from time to time learning about there justice other things going home its just a normal life I don't have to worry about my necessities cause gramps got it covered. The next morning hell breaks loose the system suddenly alerts me " start running like a mad man until a said stop penalty death". I get out of my bed started running outside as fast as I can the marines out jogging looks at me and started to follow. I didn't care about anything cause I was about to die. After thirty minutes of running I started to breathe heavily my legs went numb I stumbled and fainted on the sandy ground. I have awoken after passing out for 2hour. Seeing grandpa next to my bed he said: "don't go overboard Ainz I thought you have died sheesh". Next time limit yourself Ainz, I don't want you dying on me. You're my only successor. After finishing his sermon he returned to work and I was left alone. Got off the bed I ask the system" What happened system I thought you said I'll die if I stop running?".The system answer" you are correct but you kept running after I said to stop after 20 minutes but you kept running not hearing me till you pass out "Oh that's what happened. later I change the name of the system to coach. The next morning coach reminded me that training starts at 8 a.m. with a new combination After stretching I started running for a 1hr then I do five hundred straight punches with a proper stance as I get electrocuted every single time a make a mistake then after that every day keeps adding more and more techniques. 7 years passed After finishing my last training which is to punch a metal called chromium till it breaks. Covering my hands with haki I shouted colossal punch gear 4rth my body is glowing gold with a hint of blackness " Baang!!" every time I punch the chromium bag it causes a deafening sound. The trees rocks sand disintegrated blasting everything because of the shockwave except for the punching bag it didn't even move it was made by coach. I manage to break the chromium 3 months later. The marine base evacuated 3 years ago because I started to destroy this Island unconsciously I was so drowned in training I have forgotten about their existence. All, I do is train eat seakings, and sleep. I came to my senses after coach said my training has come to an end. Now, what oh I forgot I've got to apply for the admiral's position this month grandpa said he will come and get me with a special test. After waiting for hours I got sleepy and decided to sleep a bit. Disturbed by a loud yell I opened my eyes lazily walk to near the shore there I saw my grandpa waving at me he jumps out of the ship and landed near me and asked how your training I answered: "punch me in the gut use your full power".I shouted "4rth gear Gods shield ". Grandpa's fists turning crimson red he quickly punches me"Poof" I smiled then looked him in the eye "did I past the test?"Granpa answers" yes you have" After becoming an admiral for 2 years I been promoted to fleet admiral and kill all the emperors of the sea after I have overturned the world government.After years of ruling this your I suddenly got a notice from coach saying long lost memories accept or decline I accepted and..."Forbidden technique Purge".

After waking up I was in a familiar place there is saw someone I've been waiting to meet "Mom I'm sorry forgive me I'll be with you forever I was a fool"

(background music)

"With A Smile"

Lift your head, baby, don't be scared

Of the things that could go wrong along the way

You'll get by with a smile

You can't win at everything but you can try

Baby, you don't have to worry

'Coz there ain't no need to hurry

No one ever said that there's an easy way

When they're closing all their doors

And they don't want you anymore

This sounds funny but I'll say it anyway

Girl I'll stay through the bad times

Even if I have to fetch you everyday

We'll get by with a smile

You can never be too happy in this life

In a world where everybody

Hates a happy ending story

It's a wonder love can make the world go round

But don't let it bring you down

And turn your face into a frown

You'll get along with a little prayer and a song

(Too doo doo...)

Let me hear you sing it

(Too doo doo...)

In a world where everybody

Hates a happy ending story

It's a wonder love can make the world go round

But don't let it bring you down

And turn your face into a frown

You'll get along with a little prayer and a song

Lift your head, baby, don't be scared

Of the things that could go wrong along the way

You'll get by with a smile

Now it's time to kiss away those tears goodbye

(Too doo doo...)

Let me hear you sing it

(Too doo doo...)

..THE End..

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