874 The prophecy is about to come true _1

The difference in strength was obvious, but it was also the most troublesome. Strength could not be cultivated in a day, but this was the most common problem for the Army on the ark continent.

The ordinary soldiers on the ark continent were not very strong. Most of them were only around level five. Even the elite troops of the various countries were only around Level Seven or eight. The ordinary soldiers were around level five or six.

With this kind of power, it would not be a problem to fight against the other countries on the ark continent. Everyone had the same power.

However, it was not enough to fight against the Celestials and demons. The weakest among the Celestials was at level eight, while the weakest among the demons was at Level Seven. Coupled with the living environment of the magical beasts, their combat power was not any worse than the Celestials’. The difference in strength was obvious. It was like a huge gap between the ark continent and the Celestials.

Zhao Hai looked at them and smiled, ” &Quot; it’s easy to deal with the matter of strength. I’ll bring out a batch of potions in two days. Sir, your strength will be improved. At the very least, you’ll be raised to level eight or nine. Only then will we have the strength to fight against the God race. &Quot;

Beck and the others nodded with joy. This was definitely good news for them. If they didn’t come to shanru city, they didn’t know when they would be able to drink the level-up potion provided by Zhao Hai. After all, there were too many people on the continent. Even if they only improved their Warriors ‘strength, they didn’t know when it would be their turn.

Zhao Hai looked at them and said, ” other than leveling up, everyone should also think about the tactics to deal with the Protoss. In today’s battle, you all saw that the Protoss ‘combat power is extraordinary. Their battle formations are also very familiar. If you want to defeat them, you can’t rely on your own strength. &Quot;

Everyone nodded. Zhao Hai said in a deep voice, ” “In a while, I’ll make some arrangements to send the injured to the rear to recuperate. I’ve already had people treat the other injured. When we return, you need to take care of your own people. The God race won’t just let this matter rest. What I’m more worried about is that the demons might also make some movements. If that happens, our days will be even harder.”

Everyone’s heart sank when they heard Zhao Hai’s words. Before they fought the Protoss, they didn’t have such thoughts. However, after fighting the Protoss, they realized the huge gap between them and the Protoss. The Protoss was already so difficult to fight. If the Nephilim, which was almost as powerful as the Protoss, was added to the mix, their days would only be more difficult.

He looked at the crowd and said, ” alright, we’ve just fought a battle. Everyone is tired. Go back and have a good rest. You’re all dismissed. &Quot; Everyone stood up, bowed to Zhao Hai, and left.

As soon as everyone left, Zhao Hai immediately brought Lize and the others back to the origin space. Laura and the others were still busy in the origin space. They were in charge of the distribution of all kinds of materials. In fact, Laura and Ryan were the ones who had the most work to do.

Zhao Hai called them over. After they all sat down, Zhao Hai continued, ” “During the battle with the God clan today, the God clan summoned another person. This person is called a High God by the God clan. From this title, it can be heard that this person is an existence of a higher level than the God clan. This person is indeed powerful, and he was injured by a mere projection. If it wasn’t for Cai ‘er’s quick reaction, I would have been in danger today. If the God clan can summon such a person, they may summon a second one. If there are a few more of them, we’ll be in danger.”

Of course, Laura and the others also knew how dangerous it was today, so they all frowned.”What do you think, big brother hai?”

&Quot; we just need to be prepared, ” Zhao Hai said in a deep voice. &Quot; if the Protoss can really summon many of them, we have to be prepared to move the people on the continent into the dimension at any time. What do you think? ”

Lola nodded and said, ” it seems like that’s the only way. The God race and demon race are already enough for us to suffer. Now, there’s an existence that’s even higher than the God race. If that person really appears here, then we really have no choice but to move everyone on the continent into the space. &Quot;

“Brother hai, should we tell the patriarchs about this?” she asked. It’ll be good for them to prepare.”

Zhao Hai shook his head. &Quot; it’s better not to say it now to avoid causing Widespread Panic. That would be troublesome. Let’s wait first. I hope nothing else happens. &Quot;

At this moment, Zhao Hai’s expression suddenly changed. He turned his hand and took out a Messenger fish. This Messenger fish was the one that Zhao Hai used to communicate with the elven queen. What could the elven queen be looking for him for at this time? Could it be that something had happened to the elves?

“What’s the matter, Your Majesty?” Zhao Hai asked the messenger fish. He pointed at the screen as he spoke, and Cai ‘er immediately moved the screen to the fairy clan’s location. The Queen’s image appeared on the screen.

The elven queen looked extremely nervous. Her face was pale, as if something terrible had happened.

When the Queen heard Zhao Hai’s voice, she immediately said, ” &Quot; Sir, something has happened. The divine item of our elven race, the Tree of Life, is withering. Please come and take a look. &Quot;

Zhao Hai was taken aback. He immediately thought of the dwarves “prophecy. The dwarves” prophecy said that the elven tree would wither, which meant that the elven race’s divine item, the Tree of Life, would be destroyed.

The elves had always treated the Tree of Life like their God. They believed that it was a gift from the goddess of life to the elves. The Tree of Life was indeed very useful to the elves. Not only could the Tree of Life help the elves comprehend life magic faster, but the life fluid it produced was also a top-notch medicine for healing and speeding up cultivation. The space water had been made of the life fluid from the very beginning.

The Tree of Life had been growing for countless years, but it had never withered. Even with Zhao Hai’s current status, the elves had not allowed him to visit the Tree of Life. It was clear how much importance the elves placed on the Tree of Life. However, they had never expected that the Tree of Life would start to wither. This was a matter of utmost importance to the elves.

Hearing the elven Queen’s words, Zhao Hai became nervous. He quickly said,”When did you find out? What’s going on?”

The Queen’s expression was still nervous as she said, ” “Today, when I went to the Tree of Life to pray as usual, I found that the Tree of Life suddenly withered. I know that the dwarves” prophecy mentioned this, so I wanted to ask if you have any solutions.”

&Quot; seal off this information first, ” Zhao Haima said. &Quot; don’t let anyone else know. I’ll be there soon. &Quot;

Zhao Hai knew very well that if the elves knew that the Tree of Life was withering, they would definitely go crazy. The consequences would be even more severe than if the elves knew that the God and demon races were invading.

The Queen replied. Zhao Hai immediately kept the messenger fish and appeared in the Tree of Life city of the elves. He then headed straight for the palace.

Zhao Hai was now an elder of the elven race, and this was a special time. When the elves saw Zhao Hai, they thought that something had happened at the front line. They didn’t pay much attention to him, and Zhao Hai entered the elven Palace without any trouble.

The Queen was walking restlessly in the palace’s main hall. When she heard that Zhao Hai had arrived, she immediately said, ” “Quickly invite him in.”

Once Zhao Hai entered the hall, the Queen immediately said to the guard at the door, ” “Get out and close the door. Don’t let anyone disturb us.” The two guards responded and turned to leave the hall.

After the guard left, Zhao Hai turned to the Queen and said, ” “Your Majesty, what is going on? Why did the Tree of Life wither?”

The Queen shook her head. &Quot; I don’t know either. I just realized today that one of the leaves on the Tree of Life had turned yellow. This has never happened before. Sir, please follow me. &Quot; Zhao Hai nodded, and the Queen led him to the back of the hall.

There was a small yard behind the hall, and there were two voiceless birds in the yard. The Queen sat on the back of one, and Zhao Hai sat on the back of the other. The voiceless bird flapped its wings and flew up to the sky, directly above the Tree of Life city.

Zhao Hai didn’t know how high the Tree of Life city was. He only knew that it was very high, but he had never been to places that were too high, so he didn’t know what was up there.

The voiceless bird flew almost straight up. After flying for nearly a hundred hours, it finally stopped on a branch. The branch was not very thick, and could only allow one person to walk on it at most. At the root of the branch, there was a hole. It was dark inside, and he could not see what was inside.

The Queen got down from the voiceless bird and walked into the tree hole. As she walked, she said, ” “After so many years, teacher is the first outsider to see the Tree of Life.”

Zhao Hai followed the Queen in a daze. In his mind, the Tree of Life must be extremely tall. After all, it had grown for so many years. Zhao Hai had always thought that the Tree of Life city was the Tree of Life, but now it seemed that wasn’t the case.

Very quickly, Zhao Hai followed the Queen into the tree hole. Not far from the tree hole, they had to make a turn, then another two. This made the tree hole seem a little dark. At that moment, Zhao Hai felt a green light coming from ahead. Then, Zhao Hai felt a very powerful force slowly spreading out.

The Queen did not say anything, but she subconsciously lightened her steps. Zhao Hai knew that they were reaching their destination, so he did the same. The two of them walked forward slowly, one in front and one behind.

The green light in front of him grew brighter and brighter, and Zhao Hai felt the power growing stronger and stronger. Although the power was very strong, it gave people a very gentle feeling. It was like the warm sunlight, like a mother’s hand, gently caressing you, making you feel warm and calm.

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