Living In Another World With A Farm

Chapter 1079 - 1079 Underwater diving (1)

1079 Underwater diving (1)

When dealing with enemies, one must not show mercy. One must find their weak spot and give them a fatal blow. But where was the weak spot of the gods race? Where would the gods race save them?

There was only one answer-central mainland. This might not sound too believable, but it was the truth. Among the Protoss, central mainland had always been a very special existence because of their geographical location and their ultimate weapons.

The central mainland’s geographical location was at the center of the divine realm, and their ultimate weapons could be used together with the ultimate weapons of the other God races. Hence, the central mainland’s position among the God races was very special. The other God races would usually maintain a certain amount of respect for the people of the central mainland.

In fact, the central mainland had such a status because their ultimate weapon had a certain suppressive effect on the other Protoss ‘ultimate weapons. If the Golden Rush were to fight with Dingxing, Dingxing could use his ultimate weapon to suppress the Golden Rush’s ultimate weapon. The Golden Rush’s ultimate weapon would only be able to unleash about 80% of its power, while Dingxing could unleash 120% of its power. The outcome of the battle was obvious.

The reason why the God race had been unable to do anything to the three great esgod races all these years was because the three great esgod races did not fight the fixed star Race head-on. The great elders of the three great esgod races also knew that fixed star’s ultimate weapons could counter their ultimate weapons. Thus, every time they fought the God race, they did not come face to face with fixed star.

Furthermore, the great elders of the three great races usually acted together. They did not fight with the great elders of the gods race. Instead, they did what Zhao Hai had done. They attacked the territory of the three great races, and they attacked the territory of the gods race. In this way, the gods race had been unable to do anything to the three great races. Although the three great races had suffered quite a bit, they had still held on for so many years.

It was precisely because of this that the central continent had an extremely special status in the divine realm. The esgod race had attacked the other continents many times, but they had never attacked the central continent. Thus, the central continent had developed very well over the years. It had the largest population and the strongest combat strength, and it naturally became the center of the divine realm.

This time, Zhao Hai was going to make a move against the central continent. He suspected that the gods race might have set up a trap there, waiting for him. In that case, he had to think of a way to deal with the gods race. However, Zhao Hai had no intention of changing his plan.

Zhao Hai was afraid that if he went to deal with the God race Army that was attacking the esgod race, and the God race did not prepare a pocket for him as he had expected, but was instead waiting for him in the Army, wouldn’t he be running into them?

Besides, if he went up against the Protoss Army, the initiative would be in the hands of the Protoss. He would be led by the nose by the Protoss. He didn’t want to see the Protoss Army fight him head on.

Thus, Zhao Hai did not change his plan. If the gods race attacked the esgod race, he would attack the gods race. However, in the past, he only wanted to deal with the outer continents. Now, he changed his mind and wanted to deal with the gods race’s central continent.

Wasn’t the central continent the most powerful? ‘That’s great. I’ll fight the strongest. Once I fight the central continent, I’ll see if you save the gods race or not.’

After making up his mind, Zhao Hai told Fei ‘er and the others about the defense line, then left with Xiao bingya and the others.

With Hiko and the others at the defensive line, Zhao Hai wasn’t too worried. After all, the spatial Rift wasn’t that big, and the O ‘Neal family couldn’t possibly deploy too many troops to attack them at once. Zhao Hai had also left quite a number of magic cannons and undead creatures at the defensive line. He could still send reinforcements at any time, so the defensive line should be fine.

After explaining to Hiko, Zhao Hai and the others left the Golden Bull continent. However, this time, they did not fly in the sky, as that would be too ostentatious. Zhao Hai believed that no matter if the gods race was really going to attack the esgod race or if they were plotting against him, they would still be paying close attention to the Golden Bull continent. If the gods race discovered that he was going to the gods race, they would make preparations in advance. Zhao Hai did not want to fight a tough battle.

Hence, the moment Zhao Hai left the Golden Bull continent, he immediately let bubbles out. He then let bubbles wrap up the Hades and brought it to the bottom of the ocean, heading towards the central continent.

This was Zhao Hai’s idea. Bubbles was the mother of all water, and the ocean was his home. He was as ordinary as a drop of water in the ocean. No matter how powerful the Protoss were, they couldn’t tell the difference between two drops of water. So, if bubbles led them forward, nothing would happen. The speed of the bubbles in the water was really fast. Zhao Hai sat on the deck of the boat, looking at the sea view around him.

Zhao Hai had already seen the view of the ocean. Back on the ark continent, he had stayed with the seafolk for a long time. He was sick of the ocean.

Zhao Hai was currently studying a map on the table. This map was given to him by Xiao bingya and the others. It was a map of the locations of the various continents in the divine realm.

Laura and the others were also standing there looking at the map. On the other hand, Xiao bingya and the others were looking around curiously, as if they were country bumpkins who had never seen the world.

Zhao Hai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he saw the map. The map was too simple. There was no scale, and some of the obvious signs were on the sea. It wasn’t very useful to Zhao Hai and the others.

After studying the map for a while, Zhao Hai gave up. He turned to look at Xiao bingya, who was still looking around, and said in a deep voice, ” “Bingya, are you sure we went in the right direction? We can reach the central continent by walking straight?”

Xiao bingya came back to his senses. He was even more impressed with Zhao Hai now. They were moving under the sea, and there were so many sea monsters, but they didn’t attack them at all. It was as if they didn’t exist. This method really shocked them.

Hearing Zhao Hai’s question, Xiao bingya understood what Zhao Hai meant. He immediately replied, ” &Quot; Yes, sir. There’s no mistake. As long as we haven’t deviated from the direction, we’ll definitely reach the central continent. &Quot;

Zhao Hai nodded. He was not worried about deviating from the ark. Others might deviate from their course in the sea but bubbles would definitely not.

Zhao Hai also looked up at the magic beasts in the sea. He understood why the magic beasts didn’t attack them. It was because of the bubbles. Bubbles were like seawater in the sea. Have you ever seen magic beasts in the sea attack seawater? Therefore, the magic beasts would not attack the bubbles.

Laura and the others studied the map for a long time, but they were defeated in the end. Lize rolled up the map and threw it to Xiao bingya. &Quot; I really wonder how you have been able to protect your territory all these years. How can you use such a map to fight a war? ”

Xiao bingya’s face turned red when he heard what she said. He didn’t dare to refute her and stepped aside. The reason why he was acting like this was because he had seen a map of the Golden Bull continent that Zhao Hai had given him. This map was printed out by Zhao Hai’s spatial map. It had a high clarity and a scale, so everything was clearly marked.

When Xiao bingya saw the map, he was stunned. He didn’t believe that there was such a clear map in the world, but when he saw the symbols of the cities on the map, he believed it. This made him admire Zhao Hai and the others even more.

That was why Xiao bingya didn’t say anything when she didn’t even care about the map in his hand. It was there, and he couldn’t say anything.

Sailing in the sea was actually quite interesting. You could see all kinds of plants and animals in the sea, and it was as if you had suddenly arrived in another world.

However, Zhao Hai wasn’t that idle. He was still paying attention to the O ‘Neal family’s situation that morning. The O’ Neal family had already received pennis’s letter. Pennis had also told them about his discovery in the devil World. This shocked the O ‘Neal family, but it was soon followed by a burst of ecstasy.

The O ‘Neal family had invaded the ark continent for only one purpose: minerals, all kinds of minerals. Dozens of minerals had already been discovered on the ark continent, which was already a pleasant surprise for the O’ Neal family. Now, they had discovered another space adjacent to the ark continent, which was no smaller than the ark continent. This was definitely great news for the O ‘Neal family.

But at the same time, penis also told his family about the discovery of undead creatures and magical beasts mining, but the O ‘Neal family didn’t have any intention of backing down. In his opinion, war was inevitable in order to get the minerals from the ark continent and the demon world. At worst, they would just go to war since the O’ Neal family was already prepared for this.

Their reactions were all seen by Zhao Hai. To be honest, their reactions were within Zhao Hai’s expectations. He already knew why the O ‘Neal family had come to the ark continent, and he had only just confirmed it.

Zhao Hai was ready to withdraw the demonic beasts and undead creatures from the demonic realm. Since his interspace was no longer lacking in iron and ores, there was no need for them to obtain those things.

Most importantly, Zhao Hai had thought of another way to obtain these ores, and that was to Rob. Didn’t the O ‘Neal family want to mine these ores? Let them mine it, and after you’re done, I’ll snatch it over. It’ll save time.

Zhao Hai had wanted to do this for a long time. He had never been polite to his enemies, and the O ‘Neal family was his enemy now. Of course, he wouldn’t be polite.

On the third day after Zhao Hai and the others entered the ocean, George returned a letter to the O ‘Neal family. The letter was placed on the table of the O’ Neal family’s patriarch. The O ‘Neal family patriarch couldn’t remain calm after reading the letter.

From the O ‘Neal family to the ark continent, things had been going smoothly for them. They hadn’t encountered any enemies, and they had discovered many mines and an unknown space. However, the patriarch still couldn’t let go of one thing, which was the people of the ark continent.

The disappearance of the people from the ark continent was a mystery. If they didn’t find out the truth, it would always be a threat to the O ‘Neal family. Now, they had finally met an enemy. The patriarch believed that the enemy George had met this time must have something to do with the missing people from the ark continent!

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