< Episode 134 >

All eyes were drawn to the two men dressed up in trench coats and cashmere coats.

Not only the National Guard, but even mutants thrown out of human wombs.

That’s how much John and Odin had a presence, and the size of the power they possessed suppressed the space for an instant.

momentary stillness.

And John is not one to miss that timing.


Like a lie, the magic wand in his hand blew off the warhead again, and the mutant, startled by the sound, threw himself again.

Kwak Kwa Kwak!


The flames once again ignited and burned one of the mutants, and the still battlefield began to move again as screams, flames, and the smell of burning flesh vibrated.



The National Guard and the mutants once again point their swords at each other, and the researchers’ clones tightly surround the parent body.

“The most needed soldier has arrived.”

A bright smile appeared on Strydom’s face, and a shadow fell on the head researcher’s face.

Aside from the fact that the body of a mutant that is not hit by normal weapons is burning, I was naturally nervous at John’s aggressiveness in trying to attack without hesitation without missing a moment of vigilance.

“Stop it!”

At the same time as the chief researcher shouted, some of the mutants who were dealing with the National Guard turned and flew towards John and Odin.

Giant beasts without intelligence, but armed with ferocity and intent to kill, charged at the two men at once as if they were going to slaughter them, and the moment the figures of the two men disappeared from sight, hidden by the huge monsters.

“Something like a beast.”

A halo rose up with a chilling voice, and a holy hymn resounded from afar.


The power of a god that connects even to the inside of the nest, which is no different from the other world.

A moderate shaman would be able to link with an entity that lends power, but Odin’s god is a high-ranking being who ignores such things lightly.


The light enveloped the monsters, and the flames that arose at the same time burned the monster’s body as if it would not tolerate anything wrong.


A lively scream filled the nest that made the heart shudder just by hearing it, and everyone’s eyes widened at the terrifying sight.

“… that’s great. Where did such a shaman come from?”

Power to the point where even the superhuman Strydom admired it.

Because it borrows the power of others, it is a shaman who walks a relatively easy path compared to other talented people, but it is difficult to reach a high level because of that.

There are many cases in which one has to adapt one’s actions to the subject who lends power, and even one’s thoughts are altered, ultimately becoming an incarnation while losing one’s ego.

In fact, the mental part is emphasized more than any other talented person, and even if you lose your center even a little bit, the shaman is reduced to a puppet.

So, rather than raising their level, shamans try to somehow control the power they can borrow, and they deal with amazing power, but their growth is slower than any other talented person.

However, it is not strange that Strydom is surprised when a shaman who is clearly close to superhuman has appeared.

“The worms…”

Strydom’s eyes narrowed as Odin walked through the flames with a cold face.

‘You’re a player.’

But for players, the story is different.

If you are a player shaman who can raise your abilities through points by receiving experience points, you can offset most of the risks of normal shaman.

The sight of Odin fixing his glasses while looking everywhere with an arrogant expression raised his guard, but he seemed to be an ally now.

‘······After this job is over, I’ll have to reconsider my relationship with the players.’

The player who only thought of Luna as a cancerous being, but if destruction overtakes Luna as they claim, their strength is needed.

To think of it as nonsense, the monsters he is dealing with now have enough power to discuss Luna’s destruction.

If it is true that these things keep popping up, I thought it was only natural that I should use any method.



The holy flame spreads its power, the temperature inside the nest rises, and Odin’s presence, staring at the mutants with a halo, is absolute.

That moment when everyone was focused and nervous.

“Where is the other guy?”

Everyone was startled and shook their shoulders at the words of the researcher who unknowingly muttered.


Along with the sound of something tough being torn, the sound of the powerfully beating mother body died down.


The clones of the researchers who were covering the mother body screamed in unison, and the eyes of several people, including the chief researcher, focused on one place.

It was inside a nest covered with flesh, but it was a facility that was left to secure the state and energy of the mother body.

grip support.

The graph that had been floating on the large monitor suddenly fell down, and intermittent sparks occurred in the machine, but soon smoke rose.

That moment when the researchers’ eyes widened and they were about to throw themselves at the machine.


Part of the machine was completely engulfed with a loud sound, and the damage was not something that could be done right away.


Despair flowed from the head researcher’s mouth, and John slowly walked out through the broken machine.



John lit a cigarette with a cigarette in his mouth and spewed out white smoke, and the chief researcher closed his eyes tightly at the scene behind John’s smoke.

A cable the size of a human torso.

The cables that had drawn all the power in the area and supplied energy to the mother body were completely severed and rolled around, which meant that the mother body could no longer produce explosively.

“Supply is what war is all about.”

Hearing John muttering quietly, the corner of the chief researcher’s eyes soared, and a bright smile formed on Strydom’s face.


I don’t know how much intelligence he regained under the influence of Kaidel’s barrier, or whether John’s interrogation skills were excellent, but Dane answered John’s questions wholeheartedly, and in return, John let Dane go without pain.

And a simple operation established on the spot.

The content of the operation, which was literally so simple, was insignificant, and Odin nodded and cooperated with the usefulness.

The battles that Odin uses all his strength to perform magic are splendid.

Not only the hymns that resonated in the space, but also the divine flames had the magical power of attracting everyone’s attention.

While Odin was taking his eyes off, John, who hid himself in an optical body, cut off the energy supplied to the nest.

It was a simple operation, but for the mutants of today, this is a fatal blow.

The strength of the object is terrifying, but John judged that the truly terrifying thing about mutants is their quantity.

A strong individual can catch it somehow.

Isn’t that the case with Kaidel right now?

However, if you continue a war of attrition against an enemy who pushes you with endless amounts of money, the one who gets tired first loses, and I thought it would be difficult to beat a mother body that was already close to rare in such a battle.

So John took a standard approach.

Every battle ends the moment the enemy’s supply is cut off.

No matter how excellent and superior their fighting ability is, it is difficult for an army without supply to use its strength, and mutants are no different.

“this guy!”


The head researcher, who had greatly inflated his body, jumped out as if a bullet had been fired and attacked John.

There was no human form left, and blades the size of a human torso were gleaming from the two pairs of arms that rose from the back and waist, so it seemed that nothing could be unharmed in front of the blades.


Along with the bizarrely swollen arms, two pairs of blades tried to squeeze John’s body like a spider was shrinking, but John was able to get out of the attack zone with just a slight step.


The shock was so great that the floor covered with massif was shaken, and John, who had stepped back several tens of meters, glared at the chief researcher with a cold expression, but the chief researcher’s gaze, which seemed to tear John to pieces at any moment, was not directed at John.


The head researcher hurriedly ran towards the cut cable and hurriedly lifted it up, and when he was trying to reconnect it somehow, John’s calm voice penetrated his ears.

“no use.”

“dog sound! I can only reconnect… Ahhh!”

A desperate scream flowed from the mouth of the chief researcher who was shouting and refusing.

“I want people to believe me when I tell them.”

Strydom looked at John muttering with a shameless face, but the head researcher, who was devastated while holding on to the severed cable, did not hear such words.

A cable in which extremely strong wires must be gathered together to connect power.

All the wires that should have been filled inside the cable had turned into insulators.

A soft rubbery texture, not a cold metallic texture.

It was confirmed that not only the exposed part, but also the entire depth had turned into an insulator.


The energy that had lost its way was blocked by an insulator and wandered around, eventually starting to burn the cable itself, and the fire that started in that way spread to the remaining cables along with black smoke.

“… Ugh!”

The head researcher’s knees knelt on the floor involuntarily, and three pairs of arms drooped.

Although he mutated into a mutant, he was originally a person with a high level of intellect.

It was deduced at once that in such a fierce battle situation, energy is cut off and the mother’s production capacity decreases.

A terrible sense of despair lingered in the head of the head researcher, and the researchers who were linking their minds to the mother body were all shaken up.


John, who had rubbed the tobacco to dust, took a short breath.

Although it was a polluted space, oxygen purified by this ability was supplied to the body and helped the blood flow, and the overworked organs vigorously pulled out this ability again.

‘It wasn’t easy.’

As far as cutting the cable was concerned, turning the cable into an insulator was quite difficult.

It’s not the cable itself that’s the problem, it’s the huge electrical energy flowing through it.

It is the energy that is the source of the mother body’s ridiculous production capacity.

Blocking that energy even for a moment and changing the physical properties of the cable was not an easy task even for John, who had an output comparable to that of a superman.

However, somehow the results were produced, and the mood was reversed.


The revolver was aimed so naturally at the devastated head researcher, and he pulled the trigger as if he should.

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

The moment when the 50BMG bullet, whose cutting edge has changed to a single molecule, flew in to end the life of the chief researcher, and was about to pierce the body of the chief researcher without mercy, having missed the timing.


A huge force came down with a thunderclap, and John rolled his body in amazement.


The match that occupied the space blocked John’s bullet, and although it was a bullet with powerful kinetic energy, it could not resist the force beyond that and fell all at once to the floor.


Unlike the hand that reloaded the quickloader after the cartridge fell to the floor, John’s gaze turned to his head.

Bronze light giant.

Rupert Hindel was glaring at John.

< Episode 134 > End

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