Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 894: giant spider

Chapter 898 Giant Spider

"Like a mine?"

In front of the dark hole, Bi Fang did not dare to approach it rashly.

Facing the unfamiliar cave, Harley was more cautious than Bi Fang, with his head lowered, the muscles in his shoulder blades raised high, his eyes staring straight ahead, silently observing.

This posture is like an ignited car. Although the accelerator has not been stepped on, it is already in a state of observing the road conditions, the engine is running, and it is ready to move at any time.

The audience also seemed very surprised.

[Really, is there a mine here?]

[Nonsense, you forgot what Fang Shen said before, Kenya is rich in minerals? 】

【Then what kind of mine is this? It can't be a gold mine, right? 】

[Gold mine, what the hell, isn't that going to make you rich? 】

[It's your turn to get rich, aren't you dreaming, if there is really gold in it, will it be abandoned here? 】

[It seems to be too]

"There are many corners and scratches on the edge of the cave, and there are many broken stones scattered around, which are obvious traces of artificial excavation."

"If it is a natural cave, its edge is quite smooth under the wind and sun. Of course, there may also be landslides or cracks, and the gaps formed by accident, but combined with the terrain here, it is obviously not a similar situation. .”

Whether the cave is man-made or natural is basically something that can be seen at a glance.

Since it was excavated manually, it would definitely not be done for no reason, and there must be enough interests hidden in it to drive people to carry out huge engineering actions.

Bi Fang explained a little, then dropped the backpack, lightened the load, and trotted back, the cheetah also hurriedly followed.

After running forty to fifty meters in succession, Bi Fang looked up and had a panoramic view of the surrounding environment.

A rocky slope.

No, it should be said that there are dozens of rocky slopes.

In the vicinity of more than ten kilometers, it is no longer a flat and wide prairie, but has turned into a "hill" made of chaotic rocks.

Under the sun's exposure, the stones show a bright yellow color with sharp edges and corners.

At a distance, it appears to be made of blocks of pixels.

On such a stretch of pixel soil slope, there are occasional patches of green grass, just like the few black and gray hairs left on the head of a bald man.

"Look at the surrounding rocks."

Bi Fang looked down, found a loose yellow stone, dug it out, and threw it down the slope.

The stone tumbled and fell, and hit other stones on the way, breaking into several pieces, which were not very hard.

Bi Fang patted the ashes on his hands: "It's kimberlite, it should be a kimberlite mine, and there may be diamonds dug in there."

[What is Kimberlite?]

[I guess it has something to do with diamonds]

【You are really smart】

[It's time to show off your skills again]

Bi Fang laughed: "There are two most typical primary diamond deposits, one is the lamprophyre type, and the other is the kimberlite type, which is also the most common type in Africa."

"This rock is very unstable, and when exposed to the air it disintegrates rapidly and becomes a yellow brittle substance called yellow ground, which, as we just saw, easily breaks into small pieces. "

"The blue land corresponds to the yellow land. Below the differentiation zone, the kimberlite is dark blue-gray rock, which is relatively hard. It is called the blue land, or fresh kimberlite."

After the audience listened to the analysis and confirmed that what was in front of Bi Fang was a mine, and it might be a diamond mine, everyone became excited.

The number of viewers who have declined in recent days has resumed its upward trend.

【I knew Lao Fang knew everything】

【Ask Fangshen in case of indecision】

【6666, don't go in here to have a look】

【A hole must be drilled, right】

[Quickly, quickly, go in and have a look, what if it can be simple? 】

"Don't worry, it's customary to make a torch first."

Bi Fang did not rush back to the mine, but found a wooden stick of suitable size and thickness nearby, as well as some twigs and wood fluff, and then returned to the place where he dropped his backpack, took out two pieces of flint from the bag, Then take out the tallow and rope.

The rope is soaked in animal fat, and after absorbing enough fat, it is wound around one end of the wood.

"Animal oil is not resistant to burning. We need to build a small bonfire first, and then use the flame to ignite it."

A few thin wooden sticks are built into a pyramid shape, and the top is covered with a layer of tinder made of wood fibers, and finally rubbed with flint.

The whole process is smooth and flowing.

For Bi Fang, making a fire in the wilderness is as simple a skill as eating and drinking.

Soon a blazing bonfire appeared in front of everyone.

Bi Fang put on his backpack again, held a torch, and cautiously entered the cave under the expectation of the audience.

Compared with the brightness outside at noon, the cave was dark, and the light almost completely dissipated at about four or five meters, and it was plunged into darkness. The only light source was the torch in Bi Fang's hand.

In the confined and narrow space, the sound is constantly reflected and repeated, overlapped together, magnified many times, and the emotion is also many times. The sound of footsteps and breathing becomes very conspicuous.

The orange firelight shone on the yellow rocks, making it a bit dazzling, making people slightly lose the sense of distance.

Not only that, Bi Fang, who was walking on the right side, switched the torch to his left hand. Just as he was about to check the condition of the rock wall on the left, he found a huge spider lying quietly on the rock wall on the left. .

What's even more astonishing is that this spider is not only huge, but can even weave a web. At a glance, the diameter of the web is almost half the height of a person!

And there was more than one spider, and several large webs covered Bi Fang, almost wanting to envelop Bi Fang's entire body. The one closest to the top of his head was less than an arm's length away.

This startled the audience.

Even Bi Fang himself was startled, and his back was slightly sweating.

With his strength and level, unless he encounters tigers and lions, he is not afraid of tough ones most of the time, but he is afraid of encountering venomous snakes and spiders, which will easily overturn the ship if he is not careful.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is such a big network.

So far, a large net of more than one meter is quite rare in nature.

There are also a lot of locusts sticking to it, and I don't know if it is the group I encountered a few days ago.

Bi Fang didn't approach it rashly. The spider web is very tough, but it is afraid of fire. If his own torch gets closer, these spiders may be wiped out.

Looking at the palm-sized spider not far away, Bi Fang pondered in his mind.

A palm-sized spider with a web one meter in diameter.

"It's a Comacchi spider. It's not dangerous."

Bi Fang recognized it.

"This kind of giant spider has a huge body, but it is not poisonous to humans, but it bites people fiercely."

"The nets they make are usually more than a meter in diameter and are strong enough to catch smaller birds, bats or lizards."

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