Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 881: tana r.

【Live Wilderness Adventure】【】

Bi Fang led Harley along the river, trying to find a shoal or cross on land, but after walking for more than half an hour, he couldn't find a suitable place to cross the river.

Harley, who had been walking for a long time, felt a little tired, and lay down on the ground, refusing to take another step.

Seeing this, Bi Fang had nothing to do.

Facing the big river full of crocodiles in front of him, he had to find another way to cross it.


A trunk as thick as an arm was broken off. When the length was suitable, Bi Fang tied it with other trees in parallel with a rope to form a row.

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Judging from the shape of the wooden arrangement, it is obviously a simple raft.

"We couldn't find a suitable place to cross the river directly. If we wanted to continue going north, we had to build rafts to cross the river."

If it was another river, Bi Fang would choose to take Harley to swim there.

But this is Africa, and the rivers are full of ferocious Nile crocodiles.

"In many wildlife documentaries, we often see Nile crocodiles lurking in the river preying, but in fact, there are only a handful of opportunities for them to eat animals in a year."

"For the absolute majority of Nile crocodiles, there are only two large meals a year, both of which are associated with the Great East African Migration."

"The animals eat once when they go and once when they come back, so that's the only two meals most Nile crocodiles have."

[No way, just two meals? 】

[It's so outrageous, two meals a year, won't you starve to death? 】

[I was so scared that I quickly took two mouthfuls of rice]

"Will not die of starvation. Nile crocodiles are extremely resistant to starvation. They can prey on a zebra and have a full meal without eating for more than half a year."

"Africa's dry season has little rain. In order to avoid this unfavorable living condition, the Nile crocodile often digs caves on the river bank with its mouth and feet, and hides under the ground for a hibernation-like dormancy until the next rainy season comes. "

"Sometimes they can dig down to 12 meters underground, which is the deepest known animal can dig with bare hands."

"That's why I absolutely dare not swim in the river. Before the large-scale migration of animals arrives, everyone is hungry and will not let any large living creature go."

[Nile crocodile: Brothers, come to live]

[Plop, clatter, crocodile: What's happening? 】

"You should know that Nile crocodiles attack people 275 to 745 times a year, and more than 63% of them are fatal. The average size of Nile crocodiles that cause non-fatal attacks is about 3 meters, and the Nile crocodiles that cause fatal attacks With an average size of 3.5 meters, they are considered to be the most deadly large wild animal in Africa."

"By comparison, from 1990 to 2006, lions were estimated to have caused one-eighth as many fatal attacks on humans in Africa as Nile crocodiles."

[Death Spin! 】

[Being bitten by a crocodile, isn't that a direct dismemberment?]

【This is too scary】


Bi Fang bit the end of the rope, stretched the rope straight, inserted his fingers, and tied the wood tightly.

There are many dead trees on the grassland, which are good materials for building rafts.

"To make a raft, you can use bamboo or small trees uprooted. Such materials are strong and will not rot, or dead tree trunks can be used for the top technique. The buoyancy is high, and less materials are needed for the same buoyancy."

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【Live Wilderness Adventure】【】

"It would be even better if there is an oil barrel around, or something that can float, and they can be used to support the raft."

"If wood is not available, a piece of tarpaulin or other waterproof material can be used to make a light boat for carrying people."

The sun at noon was a bit strong, and after working non-stop, sweat began to appear on Bi Fang's forehead.

Beads of sweat slid down the temples and fell along the jawbone, some turbid sweat dripped on the whitened dead wood, leaching a small piece of dark color.

A large number of trees of uniform thickness are juxtaposed, and they are tightly bound round by round with bark ropes as thick as little fingers.

Now Bi Fang has become more and more proficient at making ropes from fibers. He can make bark ropes that are one meter long, thick as a little finger, and strong enough in one minute, which greatly speeds up the completion of the entire raft.

"The water system of the river in front of us is quite complicated. From the perspective of geography and orientation, I guess it should be the Tana River water system, or one of its branch rivers."

While making rafts, Bi Fang can also do two things at once, introducing information about the river in front of the audience to the audience.

The big river in front of me was more than fifty in width, and the current was not rushing. If you didn't pay attention, you might even think it had stopped flowing. In the middle of the river, there were a few scattered pieces of land, covered with reeds and grasses as tall as a person.

Overlooking from a high altitude with a drone, it is completely a swamp.

Such a width, plus an as yet unknown length.

A river of this size could never be some nameless "river".

As a professional survivalist, he should know all the famous rivers in the world. As the world's number one survival expert, Bi Fang is even more so.

"There are many big rivers in Africa, but in Kenya, there are eight rivers that can reach the size in front of us, but if we reduce them according to the current position, there are only two, namely the Tana River and the Garana River. river."

"The source of these two rivers is in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, and they rush all the way down, and finally flow into the Indian Ocean."

"The source is the same, and the destination is the same, so if you can't know your specific location, it is difficult to distinguish the two rivers."

"But we are now in the east of Kenya, south of the Nika Plateau. At this location, due to the height difference, the river speed is very fast. This is the case with the Galana River. The Tana River should be like this, but its volume is higher. The flow was greater, so Kenya built a dam on top of it to generate electricity."

"Although it is the rainy season, it is far from the time for the dam to release water. With the buffer of the dam, the water flow of the Tana River is much gentler and the water quality is relatively clear. Therefore, we can distinguish between these two points, UU Read the book to make sure that the Tana River is in front of you.”

The impact of the dam on the flow rate of the river is very complicated, and Bi Fang just put it in a simple way.

However, there is one truth that is understandable, that is, energy does not appear out of thin air. Hydropower stations use the potential energy of water flow to generate electricity, and the flow rate naturally slows down.

[I don't know what to say, it's outrageous, but since it's Fang Shen, let's play normally]

[Stable performance, continue to maintain]

【Call Fangshen】

[A wave of analysis is as fierce as a tiger, look at the audience of two hundred and five]

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【Live Wilderness Adventure】【】

[I understand, but I don't fully understand]

[Single walk a 6]

It took about two hours, and a raft about three meters long and two meters wide was built.

"When riding a raft, all equipment should be firmly tied to the raft, or tied to a safety rope."

"Make sure there's nothing dragging over the edge of the raft, or it might break the raft in the shallows."

"At the same time, we will attach some free ropes to the raft, and when we are in the river, we will tie the ropes around our bodies to fix ourselves and act as safety ropes."

"The safety line should be long enough to allow freedom of movement, but not so long that it drags in the water."

"When rushing through fast-moving waters with large drops, it is best to untie the safety rope. This way, if the raft loses control, everyone can swim to the river bank."

Binding the rope around his waist, Bi Fang found a safe spot and slowly pushed the raft into the river.

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